

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 30 av 40

Att reglera individers beteende på Internet. En kvalitativ studie om personlig integritet som en viktig aspekt i diskussionen kring övervakning och Internetfiltrering

There has been a sharp increase in high-technology surveillance. Surveillance is almost alwaysproposed as a complete response on a wide variety of safety issues. At the same time, there has beenan increase in criminal activity online. There is therefore a considerable interest in using Internetfiltering to regulate the behavior of individuals on the Internet. In recent years, many countries havechosen to restrict content on the Internet, where child-abusive material is the content that moststates currently block access to.

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Skönhetsvård : -En tjänst som hamnar utanför konsumenttjänstlagen ?

AbstractThis essay is about what rights that a consumer has, after it?s been to a beauty-shop getting a treatment somewhere on her body. We were interested to see what kind of regulations that could be useful if a problem occurred after or during treatment. There are several risks with these treatments.The last decade these kinds of treatments have increased, due to people being vain and so aware about there looks. We started to investigate what type of rights the consumer generally has when it?s about a service.

Rätt till sjukersättning : en praxisstudie om orsaker till skillnader i bedömningar vid förvaltningsrätterna

Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.

Svenska myndigheters användning av sociala medier : Vilka mål har myndigheterna med sitt användande av sociala medier samt hur mäter myndigheterna effekten av sitt arbete?

Swedish authorities have been dealt a mission by the Swedish state, where each agency works on the basis of their assignment. Communication has become more and more important for authorities, there are several reasons for the use of communication and they may differ from authority to authority. Some authorities claim that the purpose of the communication work is to create awareness and recognition among citizens. A communication form that has become increasingly important for government agencies is social media, according to the government authorities should implement social media in their communication work because it is very important that the authorities are available where the citizens are. Previous research has focused on the risks and opportunities that the social media generates for the public sector.

Övervakning vid allmän anestesi och stående ingrepp på häst

The purpose of this literature study was to describe techniques for monitoring general anesthesia and standing chemical restraint in the horse. A number of various techniques and devices related to e.g. blood pressure measurement, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry are defined, and finally their clinical relevance and reliability are discussed. The equine patient is generally far more exposed to anesthesia-related risks than other smaller species. Complications such as hypotension and hypercapnia are commonly seen during general anesthesia. Thus, close monitoring is essentially performed by the veterinary nurse, whom is responsible for monitoring the anesthetized patient.

Ansvar och vinst ? en kritisk diskursanalys av Corporate Social Responsibility som fenomen

Large corporations have come to play a central role in today?s society. By analyzing how corporations describe their work with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, my aim is to review how they view and relate to this role. CSR means that a corporation voluntarily takes a civic responsibility beyond that which is required by law. This can be in order to promote human rights, basic workers rights and a better environment, as well as fighting corruption.In order to get at the role played by CSR, I have studied texts dealing with the subject, which have been published on the internet by the five largest Swedish corporations.

Vägvisning för säker logistik vid hästtävlingar : att vägleda nybörjare och erfarna inom ridsport

This report describes how I worked with a spatial information problem, where the focus was to produce clearer barriers between horses and spectators at equestrian competitions. My background as a competition rider, combined with my knowledge of the spatial design, has caused me to react to how the information on riding and racing facilities deficiencies. Experienced people in the riding know how they should act with the horse. But novices who are unfamiliar with the situation is not aware of the risks it may pose to move among horses. The study was conducted on the national facility Strömsholm which both experienced and novice equestrian visits.

Den gröna myten : En kommuns strategiska arbete mot hållbarhet, samarbetsanda och affärsmöjligheter

Our aim is to create a greater understanding for how Växjö Municipality is working with their vision, strategy and brand, and also how it is perceived by the business sector. This understanding will help us to highlight success factors and pitfalls that exist in the creation, implementation, and maintenance of a municipality?s identity, image and profile to convince the business sector to follow.Methodology: We have been using an abductive and qualitative research-method in which semi-structured interviews have been the basis of our empirical material. We had interviews with three employees, a communication manager and the mayor at Växjö Municipality as well as four organizations and two companies with sustainable focus. We did this to get different perspectives and thereby get a greater understanding.Analysis & conclusion: We have been able to identify both success factors and pitfalls in Växjö Municipality's strategic sustainability work.

Omkonservering av Vattendr?nkt L?der Analys och Metodutveckling f?r Vasaskeppets L?derartefakter

In the collections of the Vasa Museum, 100 leather objects have exhibited salt precipitations. The objects, that have previously been impregnated with PEG, have become deteriorated and fragmented due to the precipitations. During a previously conducted study it was established that the precipitations consisted of iron and sulphur. However, it was not established whether they occurred in the leather?s inner structure and no treatment plan was developed.


Resulting from anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, average surface seawater pH is estimated to decline from today's approximately 8.05 to between 7.78 and 8.03 towards 2100. For ionisable organic pollutants, changes in pH can lead to a change in the degree of ionisation, which could influence the ecotoxicity of a compound by altering its bioavailability. In this study, potential changes in ecotoxicity of ionisable organic compounds resulting from ocean acidification are examined. This is achieved partly by conducting a literature review, analysing existing literature that investigates this relationship. Potential changes are also evaluated by examining marine ecotoxicity data for ionisable organic compounds on the watch list pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as on the list of priority substances according to the 2022 proposal for amending the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).

UTFACKNINGSVÄGGAR : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradebyggmetoder

In conjunction with today?s increasing competition within the construction sector, more pressure is being placed on building contractors. Efficiency and improvements are necessary but without impairment to an ergonomic and safe construction site. This in is in order to reduce the construction costs and time but to retain the ability to deliver a high-quality contract.Various methods and prefabrication degrees are used, depending on the project's requirements and conditions. This analysis sets out to investigate and exhibit what qualifications are important when choosing a construction method for curtain walls.Advantages and disadvantages with each method have been analyzed and recommendations have been given to show when different methods are best suited.

Översvämningsrisker längs Funboån

Flooding events are no longer rare, floods occur all over the world. Accordingly, it is vital for the society and different authorities to work with flood mapping. To meet the goal of Uppsala kommun to map the risks of floods in Uppsala län, a map of the different areas around Funboån which are inside the area of risk for flooding have been developed.In the work, cross sections and the water flow have been measured. Moreover, an echo-sounding have been carried out in Funboån to map the bottom topography. From the bottom map and laser scanned data covering the study area, a terrain model was created.

När sitt bästa inte är bra nog : En essä om att stå mellan kollegor och chef på förskolan

Syftet med den här essän är att synliggöra svårigheter i förskolans värld. I förskolan är man omgiven av människor med olika bakgrunder, kunskaper och erfarenheter. Jag som pedagog, ska kunna förhålla mig professionellt till medarbetare, föräldrar och ledning. Men när man uppfattar brister i barnsäkerheten uppstår flera svårigheter. I essän undersöker jag en fråga utifrån två arbetsroller.

Likviditetspremiens vara eller icke vara - Om likviditetspremiens existens på Stockholmsbörsen

Background: Operating on the stock market is associated with Risks. If a particular asset is not traded with the same frequency as the average market asset, this particular asset is exposed to a liquidity risk. It means that the investor might not be able to sell the asset at a desired time without incurring expensive transaction costs. The query is whether or not the investor is compensated with a liquidity premium for bearing the extra risk. Earlier studies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange have failed to prove that there is a relation between stock return and liquidity.

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