

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 19 av 40

Vibrationsproblem i närliggande konstruktioner i samband med markarbete

Ground work like blasting, piling and excavation has always had a great influence during the planning phase of a construction project since it can cause damages on adjacent buildings and have severe economic consequences. This thesis deals with how vibrations caused by ground work influence near-by buildings and what methods geotechnicians and construction entrepreneurs use to handle these Risks.The purpose of this thesis is to explain risk management in relation to ground work. In order to achieve this I have used a qualitative method by interviewing a geotechnician and a ground work contractor who possess knowledge and experience useful to this thesis. The result shows that vibrations from ground work spread through the ground as seismic waves that cause displacements and packing in the ground visible in adjacent buildings as cracks and subsidence damages. Geotechnicians study ground work vibrations by means of ground investigations and experience from previous projects in order to produce a risk analysis that entrepreneurs can use to reduce damages.

Eskortverksamhet med fokus på försäljning av BDSM-tjänster

The purpose of this study is to examine escort-business with a focus on sales of BDSM-services (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism). The study is based on qualitative interviews with three informants providing BDSM-services, as well as a survey with 96 men who requested domination of escorts (the survey was carried out by an escort in the 1980s). The analysis of this material resulted in the identification of three themes on which the study centers: The personal experiences of the three escorts, the interaction between the escorts and the clients, and the changes over time when it comes to the performance of BDSM-services. The study has a gender perspective with a focus on feminism and queer-theory. The important conclusions are that there are several differences between prostitution having a focus on BDSM-services and other prostitution.

Improviserade ickevåldskonflikter : -Fallen Ukraina och Burma

The purpose of the essay is to investigate whether the principles formulated by Peter Ackerman and Christopher Kruegler, concerning strategic non-violent conflicts, can serve a purpose when analyzing improvised non-violent conflicts. The principles are derived from factors that have been prominent in earlier successful improvised non-violent conflicts.The essay is based on two research questions; if the factors included in the principles formulated by Ackerman and Kruegler, exist in the two cases that this study investigates, and if those principles offer a satisfactory explanation for the outcome of an improvised non-violent conflict.To answer the questions the study uses a comparative method, where the improvised non-violent conflict of 2004 in Ukraine is compared to the improvised non-violent conflict of 1988 in Burma.The answer to the first question shows that the factors contained in the principles previously mentioned, exists in both cases. The answer to the second question is more uncertain, as there seems to be doubts on whether the case of Ukraine really was completely improvised. Another reason for caution is that the factors contained in the principles, only consider actions made by non-violent actors, and not by opponents or third parties. Thus the risks of missing vital explanatory factors are substantial..

Eskortverksamhet med fokus på försäljning av BDSM-tjänster

The purpose of this study is to examine escort-business with a focus on sales of BDSM-services (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism). The study is based on qualitative interviews with three informants providing BDSM-services, as well as a survey with 96 men who requested domination of escorts (the survey was carried out by an escort in the 1980s). The analysis of this material resulted in the identification of three themes on which the study centers: The personal experiences of the three escorts, the interaction between the escorts and the clients, and the changes over time when it comes to the performance of BDSM-services. The study has a gender perspective. The important conclusions are that there are several differences between prostitution having a focus on BDSM-services and other prostitution.

Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.

This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.

"Men en sak är säker, tiggare berör" : Konstruktionen av tiggeri och tiggare i dagspress

The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.

Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation

This report addresses the management innovation and how shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.

Att komma ut när garderoben är låst : - HBT och heder

 Heterosexual individuals who live in a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression in today?s Swedish society is well known. However, it is not equally recognized that LGBT-people from a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression. The study aims to investigate how eight individuals belonging to the LGBT-group and the culture of honor feel about their ability to develop their true identity and live out their sexual orientation. The study is qualitative and the collected empirical material constitutes of chat interviews with young LGBT-people.

Svensk livsmedelsexport : hur upplever svenska livsmedelföretag exportmarknaden?

The food industry is an important part of the Swedish economy, It is the fourth largest industry in Sweden in terms of number of employees and production value. Due to the increasing globalization, the Swedish food industry faces new conditions and challenges. Through the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995 a whole new era of competition began for the Swedish agriculture and food industry. Markets that previously were closed now opened. In retrospect, it should be noted that the Swedish food industry managed well.

Produktionsuppföljning på WilloMaskin AB

The purpose with this bachelor thesis is to identify risks and insufficiencies concerning the production at WilloMaskin AB. The project is limited to only 4 machines, where theories as ?OEE? (overall equipment efficacy) should be illuminated and analyzed. The theory of ?Single Minute Exchange of Die? is also presented.The method used in this project is mostly based on qualitative studies but also quantitative studies are presented.

Beslutsfattande vid anbudsgivning hos svenska byggentreprenörer

This thesis examines the tendering process from the point of view of Swedish building contractors. The purpose with the study is to chart the decision process for the contractors during the tendering process. The study is designed as a survey study. This made it possible to reach a wide base of respondents, not letting such factors as geography being an issue. The survey itself was characterised by a very high response rate compared to other similar studies. The result from this study shows that former experience from similar projects, current workload and the clients economic condition are very important factors for both whether or not the contractor will bid for a project as well as the cost estimation and tendering price. Former experience from similar projects is also an important factor for the determination of the indirect costs.

Överlåtelser av aktiebolag : Spörsmål kring tillämlig lag, felansvar och Due Diligence

Transfers of joint stock companies can be executed in several ways - for example by transferring individual shares or by transferring all shares or by selling the company's assets and liabilities. It is not fully clear which rules should apply to transfers of joint stock companies. Some legal experts claim that the Sales Act (Köplagen) is applicable, while others claim that the rules for promissory notes (Skuldebrevslagen) should apply. This distinction is of great significance regarding the extent of the vendor's liability. According to Skuldebrevslagen the vendor's liability is rather limited, while Köplagen enjoins the vendor a more extensive liability.A transfer of a joint stock company brings about great economical risks, both for the vendor and for the purchaser.

En gång missbrukare, alltid missbrukare? : En studie om före detta drogmissbrukares upplevelser av stigma

The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.

Regelverket Basel : Övergången från Basel II till Basel III utifrån bankernas perspektiv

Research issue: The transition from Basel II to Basel III becomes consuming for banks, financially. But Basel III should be profitably for financial market economy. Risks in the financial world is very complex. Is Basel III is sufficient to manage risk and future crisesPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the application of Basel II and the transition to Basel III in Sweden with the banking system in focus.Method: The study has a qualitative research methodology for the collection of empirical data. The study is based on interviews with four large banks of Sweden (Swedbank, SEB, Nordea, Handelsbanken) and with Finansinspektionen.

Studie av skyddsavstånd mellan bergvärmeanläggning och skyddsobjekt i ett vattenskyddsområde

During installation and operation of a geothermal heat pump system leakage of an antifreezing agent can appear in a borehole and leak out in surrounding groundwater. To guarantee high quality drinking water for generations to come Sweden has dedicated some areas as water protection areas. The local authority gives permits for the installation of heat pump systems within water protection areas. Before giving a permit the local authority makes an evaluation of the risks involved in installation and operation of the system within the area. By keeping a certain distance between the protected object in the area and the heat pump system the risk of polluting the protected object with an anti-freezing agent can be reduced.This thesis makes a comparison between three different methods of calculating an appropriate distance between the protected object and the heat pump system.

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