

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 11 av 40

Det stora cancerlarmet : En studie om riskrapportering i media

This essay is about the risks of reporting science through media. We have exemplified the problems with the alarm about acryl amide that came in 2002 through the diffusionist model. From the beginning it was a debate about how dangerous acryl amide is to us humans, but later on it developed to be a debate about whoever did wrong in the intermediation, because later on it came out that acryl amide maybe didn?t cause cancer at all and the scientists didn?t know how to prove if it did or didn?t. In our essay we have based our theories about how the diffiusionist model often is inadequate, with theorists as Stuart Allan, Anders Ekström and Dorothy Nelkin..

Basel II - Det nya kapitaltäckningsregelverkets påverkan på de svenska nischbankernas kredit- och riskhantering

ABSTRACTTitle: Basel II ? The New Basel Capital Accord and its influence on small Swedish banks and their retail banking and risk management.Seminar: May 24th, 2007Course: FEK318 Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish creditsAuthors: Mattias Kjellberg, David Uhlmann & Ivana ZubacAdvisor: Joakim WinborgKeywords: Capital cover, capital requirements, Basel II, credit giving, credit risk, risk management, retail banking, small banks, pillar 2Problem: What influence does Basel II and the new updated management of credit risks in pillar 1 and the active risk control in pillar 2 have on small Swedish banks retail banking?Purpose: Our essay seeks to explore what influence pillar 1 and the new updated management of credit risks in the new capital accord Basel II have on small Swedish banks and what influence pillar 2 have. We also want to explain if Basel II has influences on small Swedish banks credit analysis and possible effects in their risk management and pricing.Methodology: In our essay we use an inductive approach and our chosen research method is the qualitative one. We have chosen to look into four small Swedish banks, and the empirical data is obtained from telephone interviews with selected respondents from Länsförsäkringar Bank, SkandiaBanken, GE Money Bank and ICA Banken.Conclusions:? The work with credit scoring does not get influenced by Basel II if the Standardised Approach is chosen.? Banks that?ve early implemented high technological systems in the organization, that small banks normally do, have gotten an easier transition to Basel II.? Basel II will result in a risk adjusted pricing and a more fair credit market.? Internal Ratings-based Approaches is very demanding to develop, but at the same time it?s a more risk sensitive approach.? Pillar 2 results in a more sophisticated work for the small banks.? Basel II results in a further price press on residential loans in Sweden..

Utvärdering av Falköpings kommuns Informations säkerhet

A student at the Technical University in Jönköping was given an assignment from Falköping municipality. The assignment was to evaluate their IT systems 'users' awareness of information security and even present suggestions for IT-Users to improve their information security within Falköping municipality.Falköping municipality consists today of seven administrations. The target groups for the study of the information security are a pilot group consisting of 30 IT Users and four different managers from various administrations within Falköping Municipality.The purpose of this work is mainly to indicate an understanding of the importance of the information security knowledge among IT Users in Falkopings municipality, mainly those who use their smartphones and tablets for work-related activities.This work aims to answer the following questions:? How wide is the awareness of information security among municipality's IT users?? How can information security improve among the municipality's IT users?Theories that work consists of are mainly what information security is, how it is handled and the threats and risks that may create problems for the municipality, basically when IT Users use their smart phones and tablets.The Work Implementation started with sending surveys to a pilot group of IT- system users and the student even interviewed four general managers working in Falköpings municipality. Both the questionnaires results and interviews results are presented in diagram and text.The result from both surveys and interviews was very positive and it shows that the municipality investigated IT-Users are very aware and have knowledge about information security, when they use their smart phones and tablets.

Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun

Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality.

Dagvattenhantering i den täta staden

This thesis adresses the subject of stormwater management and the problematic with stormwatermanagment and landuse in the compact city. The thesis research different solutions in stormwater managment and how to implement them in the context of the compact city. And at the same time preserve and make good recreaational places and keep quality green land per capita. The thesis also analyses risks and problems that could effect the environment with focus on stormwater managment and hov to minimize these problematic factors an create a good environment. In an urban context where the water has a natrual place, and is used as a asset.

Herrelösa katter i Skåne : problem och hantering

The large number of surrendered and feral cats is a big animal welfare problem all over the world. Populations of feral cats arise through a large number of unwanted cats which can lead to surrender of these, through cats allowed to roam free outside which can lead to the owner losing these and through the reproduction that occurs amongst these surrendered or lost cats. One aim of this study is to give an account of this problem. It is however difficult to draw general conclusions about these populations of cats since studies all over the world has been carried out on different types of populations, during different conditions and different periods of time. The welfare of many of these cats is presumably low because they are exposed to risks as disease, starvation, climate, traffic, other animals and humans.

Personsäkerhet vid väderskyddsbyggande : En kartläggning över dagsläget och problematiken med frånvaron av föreskrifter i branschen

This paper, Personal safety when working with weather encapsulation constructions, is focused on weather encapsulation constructions and how the absence of Swedish standards and regulations is affecting the safety for the workers. The usage of weather encapsulation construction is increasing in Sweden therefore the needs for standards and regulations are becoming more and more urgent. The risks involving the rising and the demolition of the weather encapsulation construction and when the construction is transported along its rails are treated in the paper. Since there are no regulations companies have had to solve the safety issues without instructions, the paper regards how the companies have solved this problem without the support of formal institutions..

Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study

Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market. Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.

Evaluation of creditability and risk minimisation : The effect of accounting for intangibles

The recent history knows numerous examples of creditor?s inability to evaluate financial solvency of the client correctly. Creditors? risks do not only concern individual relations between the two parties but the economy in general. The standard loan-giving procedure considers evaluation based on a number of financial ratios.

Internationalisering av tjänsteföretag : En undersökning av svenska träningskedjors internationalisering

The study aims to investigate Swedish fitness companies positioning and strategic choices when internationalising in the Scandinavian countries and what has influenced this choice. Furthermore, the corporate risk and what obstacles they encountered will be examined.The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach. The results are based mainly on primary data from interviews, as well as secondary data.The fitness companies? choice of strategy in internationalisation depends largely on its concept and positioning. The main obstacles in the internationalisation process are lack of communication, language difficulties and regulations.

En framgångsrik linjeutvidgning

The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the work with line extensions by companies in the media industry. To obtain this purpose a case study was performed to learn about Norrbottens Media?s actions regarding their new launch of the magazine Extra. Information was gathered through an interview and media observations and was analyzed and compared to previous studies on the subject. Results of this case study show that the main reasons for the company?s line extension were new trends on the market and that the company had unexploited recourses to make use of.

Axellagring till Klasserare

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

CSR i sociala medier - Möjligheter och risker med att kommunicera CSR i sociala medier

This B.Sc. Thesis examines how Swedish Large Cap companies communicate CSR in social media. We describe the current state of CSR communication in four different social media channels, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and blogs. This research, supported by interviews with stakeholders and a quantitative survey, analyses the potential risks and benefits from communicating CSR via social media and provides concrete advice on the development of a CSR communication strategy for social media. Although some benefits have been realized, many companies have failed to truly reap the potential benefits from an effective social media strategy for CSR.

Fastighetsanalys för Södra Cell Tofte

This paper aims to derive the Black-Scholes equation for readers without advanced knowledge in finance and mathematics. To succeed, this paper contains a theoretical chapter in which concepts such as options, interest rate, differential equations and stochastic variable are explained. This paper also presents the theory of stochastic processes such as the Wiener process and Ito process. In the chapter on the Black-Scholes model the Ito process is used to describe price of shares and with the help of Ito's lemma Black-Scholes equation can be derived. In the paper, assumptions are listed that apply to the Black-Scholes model and then uses the Black-Scholes equation to calculate the price of a European call option.

Additiv tillverkning : Ett nytt alternativ inom tillverkningsteknik

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

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