

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 63 av 1459

Kommunikationens utformning i prospekt

Previous research analyzing information and communication effects regarding high-involvement purchases has so far concerned communication length and the use of salient attributes. Studies investigating the effects of communication on a word-level is however limited. For a high-involvement purchase like an apartment the need for information is vital in the customers purchase decision. The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether the communication in the prospectus varies based on sales success. The study connects research in information search, high-involvement purchases, communication length and information vividness.

Privatpersoners sparbeteende i Tillväxtmarknadsfonder Ryssland, Kina & Afrika

This paper includes astudy of the mutual fund market investors during a selected timeperiod. The reader is given a descriptive picture of how people in different age groups have  acted  in  conjunction  with  the  last  major  financial  crisis.  It  has  been  studied whether people in the different age categories have saved,purchased or sold during this time  period  based  on  theories  and  analytic  material  from  one  of  the  largest  fund operators in Sweden. The result enlightens people?s activity and risk appetite in relation to the fund market. The essay results in an explanation of the underlying cause of the behavior        of         the         people         in         the         different         age         categories.The paper assumes that the market is cyclical and that more crises will occur in the future.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

Generationsfonder : En jämförelse mellan generationsfonderna i Sverige

In the future the Swedish pension system will face major problems. With an increasing aging population combined with a decreasing share of working population the financing of the pension system is becoming a bigger problem than previously predicted. This means the individual himself will have a bigger responsibility to invest money for their future retirement. It has been shown that a large proportion of the people who invests for their future pension have neither the interest nor the time to actively invest their pension capital. To make it easier for those who invest for their retirement, some Swedish banks have created so-called generation funds.

Kommunal revision - vilka faktorer avgör?

Municipalities are steered organizations with a democratic decision-making. They are responsible for an extensive activity. The local municipal audit is the municipal council?s tool to control that the activity operates. The local municipal audit will in the beginning of every audit period plan for what they will review.

Kan rekryterare undvika att påverkas av arbetssökandes utseende?: En experimentell studie

The first information recruiters have access to, when recruiting a new co-worker is the applicant´s CV. It may even happen that the applicants are sending a photo with the CV, which can lead to the possibility that the appearance of the applicant will affect the assessment. Previous research shows that individuals who are regarded as beautiful get a better assessment than those who are considered to be ugly or mediocre looking, but if this can be prevented through awareness, the problem can easily be counteracted. The purpose of this thesis is to, through an experimental study, investigate whether recruiters can avoid being affected by the applicant?s appearance in the assessment of their CV if they receive information about the stereotypical thinking that is tied to a person's appearance.

Metoder för att stävja otillåtna direktupphandlingar

Försäkringsmarknaden i Sverige har stor samhällsekonomisk betydelse. Tillgångarna inom försäkringsbranschen är betydande och år 2004 omsatte denna sektor över 2000 miljarder kronor. Utbudet av försäkringar är stort och området är komplext. Det är därför svårt för en utomstående, en försäkringstagare, att bedöma och värdera olika försäkringslösningar och det är även svårt att avgöra vilket bolag som på bästa sätt skyddar den individuelles behov. Av denna anledning har det upprättats ett flertal regelverk som reglerar försäkringsverksamheten.Uppsatsen handlar om den informationsplikt som föreligger då en försäkringstagare eller en försäkringsförmedlare säljer en försäkring till en försäkringstagare.

Kvinnliga bröstcancerpatienters behov av stöd och information

Bröstcancer drabbar 10 till 15 kvinnor dagligen och utgör därmed den vanligaste formen av cancer hos kvinnor. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka behovet av information och stöd hos kvinnor med bröstcancer. Genom att göra en litteraturstudie kan vetenskaplig kunskap från ett flertal artiklar sammanställas och komma till nytta i det kliniska arbetet. Resultatet visade att bröstcancerpatienters hade ett stort behov av information och stöd, detta behov måste dock identifieras individuellt för varje patient. Dessa patienter ansåg att information om möjligheten att bli botad, behandlingsalternativ samt recidiv var viktig.

Anhöriga till strokedrabbade : deras behov av information och stöd: en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Då en person drabbas av stroke blir han/hon beroende av hjälp och då känner anhöriga att de ofrivilligt får ansvaret att vårda sin familjemedlem. För de anhöriga är det oftast en ny okänd värld som öppnar sig och deras informationsbehov är stort. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva det behov av information och stöd som anhöriga till de som drabbats av stroke har. Metod: En litteraturstudie där 17 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och en innehållsanalys gjordes enl. Forsberg och Wengström.

Informationssökning en del i vuxenutbildningen. En studie av vuxenstuderandes informationssökning i olika studieformer

The purpose of this essay is to investigate adult students information seeking. We draw a distinction between traditional timetabled studies, flexitime studies and external studies. For many adult students flexitime studies and external studies involve a new kind of studying. The new types of studies entail that adult students must apply themselves to more information seeking. In our study we investigate how the students proceed when seeking information.

Riskfaktorer för depression och självmordsbeteende - En kvantitativ studie om människor med missbruksproblem baserad på ASI-intervjuer

The aim of the study was to examine how background factors, such as abuse earlier in life, affect depression and suicidal behavior, amongst persons who abuse alcohol or illicit drugs. The study was performed at the Social Service Center, Södermalm, department for adults. The data used in the study is based on Addiction Severity Index interviews (ASI) and includes 560 observations. The statistic methods used to analyse the data is chi² test and the result is presented in cross tables and charts. The main findings were that experiences of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse, earlier in life increase the risk for major depression and suicidal behavior later in life.

Gymnasieelevers informationskompetens : En studie i sju klasser i gymnasiets år 3

This master's thesis examines information literacy and students in secondary education. The study is framed within a sociocultural perspective of learning and the method used is questionnaires. The major question posed is how and where students seek information. Other questions are if the students critically evaluate and analyse in­formation sources and if teachers and school librarians cooperate with each other in order to help the students with their assignments.The findings indicate that most students regard information seeking as fact-finding or finding the right an­swers to the question. Only one third of students experienced information seeking as seeking and using informa­tion for understanding a topic.

Informationslogistisk modell : Hur ska tillverkande företag tillgodose informationsbehoven?

This essay answers the question: How can a manufacturing business fulfill the information demand in the processes; purchasing, production, warehousing, order and delivery?The question has been answered through different kind of studies, such as literature, documents, Internet search, interviews and observations. The essay is written from a hermeneutic point of view and by using qualitative research. The result has been validated by two different manufacturing businesses.A simple information logistic model is the result of a comparison made between theory and empery. The aim of the model is to describe how a manufacturing business can fulfill the information demand by using different methods.

Användarprofiler : kan de bidra till kvalitet i beslutsfattande?

Antalet intranät växer ständigt, samtidigt som allt fler människor känner att de inte kan ta till sig all den information som de erhåller. Intranäten innehåller en mängd användbar information som alla anställda kan ta del av. För att kunna använda intranätet effektivt krävs det att användarna sorterar bland all den information som finns på intranätet. Med hjälp av användarprofiler kan detta ske på ett enkelt sätt. Syftet med detta arbete var att behandla frågan om användarprofiler kan bidra till att bättre beslut tas genom att information overload reduceras.

Solvenskrav och riskhantering enligt Solvens II : Implementering av de nya riskbaserade solvensreglerna på ett skadeförsäkringsbolag

The insurance industryis challengedby major changesthrough internationalizationand thusgrowingcompetitionwithmore optionsand greater availabilityfor customers.Solvency II, a new regulatoryframework and anew standard forinsurance companies,is therefore implemented in a steptowardsa more competitive Europeaninsurancemarket. Solvency II will result in extensive structural changes for many insurance companies. Newstandards andinternal models must also be implemented by the companies. Solvency IIhasa tightening effect on thesolvency capital requirements forinsurance companies. At the same time it also leads tomajor changesandincreased demandon risk management andinternal control, alongside with demands fordisclosure of informationto the market.

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