

5352 Uppsatser om Risk and resilience - Sida 5 av 357

Risk eller möjlighet? : Riskanalys av Folkhem Produktion AB

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att belysa vad som menas med risk och risk management samt att presentera metoder och modeller inom detta ämne. Vi har använt dessa metoder och modeller samt den redan existerande arbetsordningen hos byggföretaget Folkhem Produktion AB för att genomföra en riskanalys av företaget..

Pensionsfonder : Högre risk ger högre avkastning, eller?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om en högre risk ger en fondsparare i PPM högre avkastning vid ett långsiktigt fondsparande och om den avkastningen speglar den risk spararen tar.Metod: En kvantitativ studie som är baserad på sekundärdata, som är inhämtad från Morningstar. 60 pensionsfonder analyseras från tre olika riskkategorier, med en mätperiod på 10 år. Frågeställningarna har besvarats med hjälp av relevanta teorier, hypotesprövning och korrelationsanalys.Slutsats: Efter att ha undersökt dessa PPM-fonder så kan man väl konstatera att en högre risk ger en högre avkastning. Däremot speglar inte avkastningen ökningen i risk, förvisso har högriskfonderna bäst sharpkvot men lågrisk fonderna har bättre än medelriskfonderna, vilket betyder att vi inte kan säga att avkastningen i förhållande till risken blir lika bra eller bättre för att du ökar ditt risktagande..

Riskhantering : Hur applicerar svenska fondbolag teoretiska riskhanteringsmodeller i praktiken?

There are different types of risk, examples include credit risk, liquidity risk and financial risk. In DeMarzo & Berk (2011, s. 293) is a study presented which is based on the yield of different types of financial assets between 1925 and 2009, the study show that a high risk gave substantially higher reward. With the study as a background, it is interesting to study practical risk management within participants of the financial markets of Sweden. In risk management there are several theories about whether risk can be calculated and analyzed with scientific methods in practice.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys för den kommersiella sjöfarten i Kattegatt

This report is a risk- and vulnerability analysis of how the commercial ship and its goods can be a threat to the environement and to human health in case of a discharge. It present the most common dangerous goods that are transported with ship through Kattegat in the Baltic Sea..

Rationell riskanalys inom VA-verksamhet med avseende på säkerhet, hälsa, miljö och kvalitet

This master thesis is developed based on the desire of the water and sewage department in the municipality of Karlskrona. The department, which vouches for the quality of produced drinking water and sewage cleaning, was in need of help dealing with risk analysis.The water and sewage department is obliged to identify and assess risks according to Swedish legislation. However, no guides for this purpose regarding safety, health, environment and quality were available. The aim of this report was to accomplish a guideline for the performance of risk analysis within water and sewage plants. If the guideline is used, the requirements in the legislation will be obtained.

Ett riskfyllt liv : en kvantitativ studie om kriminella ungdomars riskfaktorer

The purpose of this study was to review a group of youths in a municipality which all had committed criminal acts. The study is based on 66 youths between the ages of 13 and 20 that were all matters for the social services. The social inquiries of the youths where reviewed using a quantitative method. Their backgrounds where examined to identify what type of risk factors they had and what type of crimes they had committed with an aim to detect if there were a relationship between the risk factors and the art of the crime. The result of the study showed that the majority had committed crimes against another person and the risk factors included family related factors and school problems.

Betyg och identitet : En undersökning av elevers föreställningar om betyg

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk

During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.

Riskanalys av farligtgodsled i Kalmar - Rekommendationer med avseende på detaljplan Södra vägen

This report contains a risk analysis of transportation of dangerous goods in Kalmar. The analysis is based on quantitative data and an evaluation of the risks based on both the probability of occurring accidents as well as the consequences of those. The risks are presented as both individual and societal risks..


Fastighetsbranschen är en kapitalintensiv bransch baserad på fastighetsinvesteringar med varierande karaktärer. Vid fastighetsinvesteringar är det viktigt för fastighetsbolagen att veta vilken operationell risk som föreligger för att, utifrån ett finansiellt perspektiv, skapa sunda fastighetsinnehav. Denna studie har därför som syfte att kartlägga de 15 börsnoterade svenska fastighetsbolagens operationella risker, baserat på fastighetsbestånd, i förhållande till bolagens kapitalstruktur och finansiella risk. Studiens slutsats blev att det inte finns något tydligt samband mellan fastighetsbolagens operationella risk och såväl deras kapitalstruktur som deras finansiella risk. Till sist konstaterades att de svenska fastighetsbolagens operationella risk har närmat sig varandra delvis beroende på att fastighetsklassernas totalavkastning är starkt korrelerade..

Risk för våld : Förändring i bedömd risk för framtida våld för rättspsykiatriska patienter dömda för dödligt våld eller misshandel

Abstract. Risk assessment for future violence is an important part of today's forensic psychiatry, and including dynamic risk factors in risk assessment is important because it has been shown that risk can change over time. However, previous research has suggested that perpetrators of homicide are different than perpetrators of other violent crimes. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze risk assessments of future violence for forensic psychiatric patients convicted for homicide (n = 45) and forensic psychiatric patients convicted for assault (n = 91). To do this, differences within the groups and between the groups were analyzed.

Gärningsmannaprofilering : Ett fungerande verktyg eller påhittad filmglamour?

Some children develop externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at an early age. Previous research has often treated these children as a homogeneous group, the purpose of this study is to show that this group of children is in fact heterogeneous. Data from theSOFIAstudy was used and preschool pedagogues were informants. The sample contained 2121 boys and girls between 3-5 years. Groups of children with the behavior problems and the risk factors AD/HD symptoms, fearlessness and callous-unemotional traits were created.

Hur ska du investera dina PPM-pengar? : En studie om PPM-fondernas historiska avkastning

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to study the 45 funds, divided into three differentdivisions, then the result will provide a greater understanding of how returns change with ahigher risk.Methodology: The study is based on a quantitative approach. The survey was conducted bygathering raw data from databases and secondary data from literature, printed and electronicsources.Theoretical perspectives: The study is based on the theory: the efficient markethypothesis, which argues that future returns can not be calculated as the market is fullyinformed. The study is therefore studying historical yields.Empirical foundation: Empirical data are acquired from www.morningstar.se, andtherefore also treated on this page. The material is then divided into documents and time axes.Conclusions: The study has shown that high-risk funds give a higher percentage returns thanmedium-and low-risk funds. However, does not imply a higher risk automatically earn ahigher return when the low-risk funds have shown a higher yield than medium-risk funds.

Design av Riskdatabas : En studie för effektivare hantering av risker

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Människor förändras - En kvalitativ studie om vad som får människor att ändra inriktning i sina liv.

Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera förändringsprocesser, som sker när personer lämnar ett liv där brottslighet spelat en viktig roll, utifrån deras eget perspektiv. Studiens frågeställningar är:? Vad är det som får personer, som tidigare begått brott av en sådan omfattning, att det blivit en del av livsföringen, att välja en ny väg? ? Hur växte förändringen fram? ? Kan brytpunkter identifieras och vad karakteriserar dem?Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats där insamlingen av empirin sker igenom fem intervjuer av öppen karaktär. Kontakt med respondenter söktes genom att det skickades ut brev till olika organisationer i västra Sverige: socialtjänst, KRIS och ungdomshem. På detta sätt uppstod det kontakt med fyra respondenter, den femte respondenten uppkom genom snöbollseffekt.

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