

5350 Uppsatser om Risk Premium - Sida 58 av 357

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis

Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.

En framtida placering i Kinafond eller USA-fond? : Ett säkrare val för investeraren

To invest money in funds is increasing rapidly in popularity and one of the biggest reasons is that banks are offering a greater range of funds. Information about funds is always easy to find and it is easy to invest money in a fund because the bank takes care of all the management of the fund.The essay examines two funds from two different countries with an aim to choose the one with best potential yield. The first fund is entirely invested in North America and the second fund invests in Asia, with most of its possessions in companies from China. Both these funds invest in wellknown companies in respective region. The essay is limited to compare these funds with data from 2005 to 2009.Information was collected from Morningstar and Avanza Bank for the quantitative examination.

"Avslagsbeslut" : En enkätundersökning om hot och våld bland anställda vid Migrationsverkets förvarsenhet

Threats and violence, or the risk of being subjected to threats and violence in the workplace, is a major health and safety problems that exists in many professions. To be exposed to threats and violence can have serious consequences for the employee's health but also for the organization in question. The aims of this study was to investigate the prevalence of threats and violence at the Swedish Migration Board detention, and to examine whether there were health problems among employees who may be exposed to threats and violence. A web-based questionnaire was answered by 29 employees (response rate = 51 percent). The results showed that more employees had been exposed to verbal threats (66 percent), compared to physical violence (10 percent), and they showed a greater tendency to report physical violence, as opposed to verbal threats.

Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete för att förebygga osteoporos hos kvinnor.

Bakgrund: Osteoporos är en sjukdom som cirka varannan kvinna riskerar att drabbas av under sin livstid, störst risk inträder efter klimakteriet. Oftast upptäcks inte sjukdomen förrän fraktur uppstått eftersom det kan gå flera år utan att symtom uppstår. Det finns flera sätt att preventivt kunna förebygga osteoporos men något utarbetat verktyg för att upptäcka sjukdomen finns idag inte. Utredningen påbörjas först när patienten upplever smärttillstånd som inte är relaterat till olyckor.Syfte: Syftet är att belysa sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete för att förebygga osteoporos hos kvinnor.Metod:En allmän litteraturstudie som grundar sig på nio stycken kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar. Efter gängse urvalsförfarande har artiklarna analyserats och sammanställts.Resultat: Tre kategorier uppdagades: synsätt och kunskapssyn, identifiering och stödjande samtal, rådgivning och information.

TrycksårspreventionEvidensbaserade omvårdnadsåtgärder samtsjuksköterskans tillämpning av dessa

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka evidensbaserade omvårdnadsåtgärder det finns för att förebygga trycksår. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilka preventiva åtgärder som sjuksköterskan tillämpar samt i vilken utsträckning detta sker. Studien utfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratur söktes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline samt via sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Artiklarna skulle vara publicerade år 2003 eller senare, skrivna på svenska eller engelska samt tillgängliga i fulltext.

Vilka personliga egenskaper är utmärkande för spelberoende indivder samt vilka konsekvenser medför ett spelberoende för individen

For many individuals gambling gives an opportunity for relaxation and social relations. The positive effects of gambling are for most individual?s considerable more than the negative effects. Even if gambling gives positive effects there is individuals that cannot control there gambling and therefore develop an addiction which disturb there life situation and health. The aim of this study was to describe which personal characteristics distinguish people with a pathological gambling and which psychological, physical and social consequences this pathological gambling causes for the individual.

Vårdnadshavares attityd, beteende och upplevda kunskap om ljudexponering och dess risker

Background: From a public health perspective it is of great interest to prevent the risk of noise induced hearing loss, because in addition to hearing loss, tinnitus and sound sensitivity also may lead to other health problems. About 1,4 million people in Sweden live with some form of hearing loss and 25000 of them are children under the age of 16. Studies have shown that hearing loss among adolescents is increasing and it is often associated with sound environments in their leisure time. Lectures in hearing prevention has been conducted in schools for adolescents but have not reached the desired results. Objective: To enquire caregivers? attitude, behaviour and perceived knowledge about sound exposure and its risks.

Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa 

Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today?s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students? views of bullying in physical education and health.The main questions in this study are:·         Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects?·         In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying?·         Are there any differences concerning the students? views of physical education in relation to what age they are. To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented.

Foreign direct investments under political uncertainty : a case study of crop production in Ukraine

Intense competition among companies and luck or unavailability of certain resources in country of company?s origin force last to cross the borders, and start to hunt for new markets and cheaper inputs. However, by investing abroad the company is not only facing and dealing with cultural differences and new regulatory framework, but also becomes dependent on decisions and actions of different and to large extend unknown government. Moreover, the majority of the investments? flows are directed to developing countries, where power and capabilities of state authorities are considered to be more extensive than in countries of developed economies.

Fysisk aktivitet som fallprevention i särskilt boende - en litteraturstudie

Our population are ageing. As this happens more people will be in need of long term care facilities. We now know that some elderly people with certain background factors are more likely to be injured or sick. One of the four biggest background factors is fall propensity. Most of the reported falls come from long term care facilities, approximately 60 % of the care takers in long term care facilities fall one time or more each year.

Spirulinas effekt p? blodlipidniv?er ? En systematisk ?versiktsartikel

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska ?versiktsartikel ?r att unders?ka om spirulinaintag har en effekt p? blodlipidniv?er hos vuxna m?nniskor, oavsett h?lsostatus. Metod: En systematisk litteraturs?kning utf?rdes i databaserna Scopus och PubMed. S?kningen organiserades enligt tre block: ett spirulinablock, ett lipidblock och ett RCT-block. Inklusionskriterierna var: studier p? vuxna m?nniskor, med spirulina som interventionsbehandling och placebo som kontrollbehandling; studier publicerade 2018 eller senare, p? svenska eller engelska, som unders?ker effektm?tten HDL-, LDL-, totalkolesterol och triglycerider; samt interventionsduration om minst ?tta veckor.

Att leva med Polycystiskt ovariesyndrom : en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur det är att leva med Polycystiskt ovariesyndrom (PCOS). Metod: Deskriptiv litteraturstudie. Data inhämtades från databaserna Pubmed och Cinahl. Resultatet baserades på 14 evidensbaserade artiklar. Resultat: Kvinnor med Polycystiskt ovariesyndrom hade större risk att utveckla ångest och depression jämfört med normalpopulationen, orsaken till detta är inte klarlagd forskarnas åsikter går isär.

Transformatordiagnostik genom dissolverad gasanalys

The transformer is one of the most common and most important electric machines for power companies. Cost of investment and the economic worth of a transformer are counted in millions of SEK. Because of that, proper maintenance actions that may lead to longer technical life time should be the aim in all situations.The aim with the report was to perform transformer diagnosis by dissolved gas analysis on Umeå Energi AB´s power transformers and a risk assessment. The report should also contribute to longer life time for the transformers.Oil samples were taken from each transformer two times. The first sample in summer 2013 and the second in April 2014.

Nutritionsstatus och boendesituation hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En empirisk studie

Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) leder till ökat energibehov, relaterat till ökat andningsarbete och brister i näringsintag är vanligt hos patienter med KOL. Näringsmässigt stöd för patienter med KOL, som lider av nutritionsproblem, är en viktig del av omvårdnaden vid KOL.Syftet var att beskriva och jämföra nutritionsstatus, lungfunktion och boendesituation hos patienter med KOL inom primärvård.Studien har en beskrivande och komparativ design och genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie. Urval och datainsamling baserades på en tidigare studie och studiegruppen innehöll 81 deltagare. För att bedöma nutritionsstatus användes bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA).Resultatet visade att de inkluderade patienterna med KOL, som var ensamboende, bedömdes ha sämre nutritionsstatus än de icke ensamboende. Jämförelsen mellan lungfunktion och nutritionsstatus visade inget signifikant samband.

Det växer inget träd i öknen! : En kvalitativ studie om de preventiva insatserna mot ungdomskriminalitet inom stadsdelsområdet Angered i Göteborg.

Juvenile criminality has been widely discussed in the public debate. But what is there to do about a phenomenon like juvenile criminality in Sweden. Many studies have shown the potential of lowering juvenile criminality if different actors would collaborate. This research aims to explore preventive work and cooperation between different actors working with youth in risk of crime in Angered, with a focus on Hjällbo and Hammarkullen. The study is based on social and situational theory.

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