

17937 Uppsatser om Riktad information - Sida 31 av 1196

Att ge information till patienter med bristande språkkunskaper : En litteraturstudie

The main aim of this study is to illuminate problems related to communication with immigrant patients with insufficient or no knowledge of the dominant language.

Frivillig information i årsredovisningen - en kvalitativ studie av tre noterade företag

Årsredovisningen är den viktigaste ekonomiska rapporten ett företag producerar. Den innehåller förutom den lagstadgade delen även i många fall frivillig information. Vår uppsats behandlar den frivilliga informationen i årsredovisningen. Syftet med vår uppsats är att förklara varför företag väljer att ta med viss information. I den teoretiska referensramen hittar vi teorier som styrker varför företag väljer att ta med frivillig information.

Samling på Parketten : En studie om Laholms FK:s damlag 1971-1980

Uppsatsen behandlar genombrottet av damfotbollen i Sverige på 1970-talet. Många hade då en pessimistisk syn riktad mot damfotbollen. Laholms FK är en mindre klubb i södra Halland, som 1971 startade ett damfotbollslag. I uppsatsen har jag undersökt Laholms FKs damlag, från det att damlaget startar sin verksamhet, fram till år 1980. 1980 hade damlagen i Sverige rotat sig i idrottens värld.

Smålands museums bibliotek : underlag för en handlingsplan för biblioteksverksamheten grundad på de anställdas informationsbehov

Smålands museum, the museum of Småland, is a museum for the county of Kronoberg, a mission given to the museum by the state and county council. The main fields of the museum are the cultural heritage and the history of culture of the region. The museum of Småland is also the Swedish museum of glass. This Master s thesis focuses on the information requirements of the employees at the museum of Småland. Because of the financial status of the museum, the librarian that worked at the museum had to quit about four years ago.

Sexualitet efter en hjärtinfarkt- Behovet av information

Sexuality contains more than just reproduction and is an important part of quality of life. Chronic disease can lead to sexual dysfunction for both males and females. The nurse plays an important role in informing and teaching. Throughout dialogue and observations the nurse can detect possible problems, document and then take measures. The study was performed as information retrieval of literature where the cause was to highlight sexuality for patients that have experienced a myocardial infarction.

Hjälpfröknar och pojkpanik ? en kvalitativ studie om pedagogers bemötande av barn i förskolan ur ett genusperspektiv

Syftet med den här studien var att utifrån ett genusperspektiv studera hur pedagogerna bemöter flickor och pojkar vid måltider och i tamburen i förskolan. De frågeställningar vi hade var ? Finns det skillnader i uppmärksamheten riktad mot flickor och pojkar i måltidssituationen respektive i tamburen, med avseende på de observerade situationerna? ? Finns det skillnader i intentioner och handlingar hos pedagogerna?Utifrån en kvalitativ metod intervjuades pedagoger och observationer videofilmades på två olika förskolor i Västra Götaland. Intervjuerna och videoobservationerna bearbetades sedan via en teoritriangulering bestående av genusteori, Skinners inlärningsteori och familjesociologiska begrepp. Resultatet av studien blev att det finns skillnader i bemötandet av flickor och pojkar.

Andra i ljuset av sig själv : Relationen mellan sinnesstämning och empati

Empati är en grundförutsättning för människors interaktion, kommunikation och förståelse för varandra. Forskning har visat att individer med depression och olika personlighetsstörningar har en tendens till nedsatt empati. I en enkätstudie med 205 deltagare, varav 162 kvinnor, undersöktes om sinnesstämning har ett samband med empati. Deltagarna försattes i en sinnesstämning, de fick tänka på positiva eller negativa händelse. Sedan läsa en negativt riktad vinjett om en gripande händelse.

Informationsasymmetri och redovisning till verkligt värde - en studie av nordiska fastighetsföretag

This thesis aims to investigate the information effects of fair value accounting in Nordic real estate companies. As a consequence of the mandatory IFRS adoption in the European Union in 2005, listed Nordic companies are allowed to recognize investment property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. Theory suggests that fair value accounting should lower information asymmetry. Therefore, this study aims to examine correlation between fair value accounting of investment property and information asymmetry on the stock market. To investigate this, we use bid-ask spread as a proxy for information asymmetry and examine Nordic real estate companies before and after the implementation of IFRS.

Geografisk information på mobila webben

Web pages are visited through a variety of different devices with varying screensizes. One method for adapting web pages to this variety is called responsive design. Geographical information, often in the form of embedded maps, is common on the web. The combination of responsive design and geographical information has been shown to lead to interaction problems and is therefore assumed to need special considerations. This thesis examines this combination and investegates how presentation of geographical information can be adapted to responsive web design.

Framtagning av en informationssäkerhetspolicy

This report was made for the company HordaGruppen AB to investigate how information security was handled. This report fits in the Master program of Internet Technology at School of Engineering in Jönköping University in Sweden.The question at issue was how you protect your information against different threats. One question was how to make an information security policy and which guidelines you can follow in the Swedish Standard, SS-ISO/IEC 17799:2000.Another question was to investigate the information sources at the company and which threats there are against it.The work begins with a presentation about information security for the chief of information and the chief of quality in the company. The next thing was to do a survey of as thing are at present with a tool from Länsteknikcentrum called ?Infosäkpulsen?.

?Det är svårt att konkurrera med internet.? En kvalitativ studie av musikintresserades informationsvanor.

This thesis aims to investigate the information habits of peoplewith a serious interest in music. What information needs do theyexperience, what information sources do they seek out to fulfillthese needs and what part does the public libraries play in theirinformation habits?To answer these questions a qualitative approach was used. Fourrespondents with a serious interest in music were interviewed.The theoretic framework was based on Robert A. Stebbins theoryon serious leisure and Karen E.

Trafikinformation som når ut : En studie om nya kanaler för störningsinformation i trafiken

The Swedish traffic system is congested, especially in the urban areas; travellers face daily growing traffic jams and delays in public transport. In a congested traffic system, travellers need support to make smart and sustainable decisions and one such tool is traffic information.One issue today is that too few travellers use traffic information in support of their travel. Research shows that travellers would see great value in receiving the information; however current systems do not meet their requirements. This is a problem since the society would benefit greatly from a well functioning traffic information system.In this report, a number of channels that can be applicable for providing traffic information will be explored, with particular emphasis on interference information.The information channels are analyzed based upon the needs and requirements of the society and the traveller. The thesis of the report is: the more of these needs and requirements are met in a channel; the better is the channel to use for traffic information.

Användargränssnittets positiva effekter på minnet

Studies in the field of interaction design and the human memory claim there can be positive effects on the memory when information is presented for the user as a graphical pattern rather than a series of numbers. This thesis aims to influence designers to choose graphical patterns as an interface for information display. Low-fi and hi-fi prototypes of graphical patterns were constructed and tested in a variety of configurations by two users. The users showed differences in the ability to memorize a sequence of digits depending on how this sequence was presented. This study suggests that users are more easily able to recall information presented via a graphical user interface than when the same information is only presented digitally..

Mer än Katitzi och klezmer? : en kvalitativ undersökning av biblioteksverksamhet riktad mot romer och judar

This bachelor's purpose is to examine different types of library work directed at theSwedish national Jewish and Romani minorities. The thesis will begin with accounting for thepolitics of Swedish national minorities and of today?s situation for Jews and Romanis in Sweden.We will, to accomplish this purpose, use a three-piece question formulation regarding therespective works of the libraries, as well as the possible benefits that cooperation betweendifferent libraries could bring. The questions are answered in the analysis of four qualitativeinterviews through a model based on Dorte Skot-Hansen's thoughts on the library's different rolesin different understandings of society. The analysis will lead us to a final discussion, in which wewill present our results: that distinct guidelines regarding the national minorities for the publiclibraries are a necessity for Sweden?s fulfilling of the responsibility towards these groups; thatthere is a need for a coordination of the propositions and conventions regarding the nationalminorities in the shape of a substantial legislation; and that this field in the future needs to bethoroughly observed and examined in order to evaluate how the Swedish public libraries meet the needs of the national minorities..

Gemensamma mentala modeller kring teknik : - en fallstudie av tekniksyn på ett IT-tjänstföretag

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

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