

944 Uppsatser om Rights to be heard - Sida 57 av 63

Begärets erotiska identitet : Queera tendenser i språk och bild hos Marguerite Duras

The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered:?                                        Are there any reasons, if so ? which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And;?                                        To what extent is the term ?inhumane? limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective?One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term ?inhumane? evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise ?violence? and ?cruelty? towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general.

Rättssäkerhet i barnavårdsutredningar : BBIC - ett nytt sätt att arbeta i socialtjänsten

AbstractThe Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has since a year or so started to introduce a new way to work with childcare investigations within the social services. This new concept, BBIC, is meant to put the child?s needs in the first room rather than the grownup?s as it used to be before. This study is about to examine how BBIC affects the legal security of the children within these childcare investigations.BBIC was first developed in England after a massive criticism against the way that the foster home- and institutional care was handled. In Sweden, BBIC was first tested and developed into Swedish conditions in a few project municipalities for about five years but is now being introduced all over the country.

Kvalitet och ekonomi i utförandet av förstagallring baserat på olika gallrings- och underväxtröjningsprogram :

Stora Enso Skog has a long term contract regarding felling rights and silvicultural activities on forest owned by Bergvik Skog. In the autumn 2006, Bergvik Skog proposed a new thinning program, ?Bergvikgallring?. The new program implied an increased focus on extraction of smaller trees compared to the present thinning program, Stora Enso Skog?s ?Kvalitetsgallring?.

Skolkvalitetens lokala bakgrunder : -En explorativ fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner för att kartlägga anledningar till deras olika placering i lärarförbundets undersökning ?Bästa skolkommun 2011?

Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.

Trettio år av jämställdhetspolitik : Från kvinnor i arbete till jämställdhetsintegrering

Thirty years of gender equality politicsFrom women?s work to gender mainstreamingThis Bachelor thesis examines how the Swedish state has practiced gender equality as a political project during 1972 until 1999 through the budget bills, using a ?What?s the problem represented to be?? approach aiming to uncover which discourses policies are based on. The method also studies what assumptions underlie policy problems, what is left as unproblematic within the policies and what effects are produced by specific problem representations. A central question for the thesis is what has remained and changed within Swedish gender equality politics. The history of the Swedish welfare state is presented as a background on how gender equality policy has affected the everyday life of women and men.

BEPS Action 8 : Finns förutsättningar för att de angivna målen uppfylls?

BEPS är ett projekt påkallat av G20 som bedrivs i OECD:s regi. Projektet syftar till att förhindra erosion av nationers skattebaser, på grund av upplägg där vinster genom koncerninterna transaktioner flyttas till länder med låg beskattning. Denna uppsats behandlar specifikt BEPS action 8, vilken rör interprissättning av immateriella tillgångar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om OECD:s rapport angående BEPS action 8 ger förutsättningarna för att uppfylla, de i rapporten angivna målen, samt vilka problem som kan påverka måluppfyllelsen. Målet med BEPS action 8 är att se till att internprissättning av immateriella tillgångar, inte används för att separera beskattningsbara inkomster från värdeskapande aktiviteter.Därmed fokuserar BEPS action 8 på att se till att utförande av funktioner, användande av tillgångar och risktagande kompenseras på ett korrekt sätt, då detta anses bidra till värdeskapande.

Kina och TRIPS - Implementering och Effekter

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida Kina har lyckats implementera den lagstiftning IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) som togs i bruk 2001. Vidare undersöks de effekter som lagen har haft på viljan att satsa resurser och medel på FoU. I uppsatsen redogörs det för de för- och nackdelar som en stärkt IPRs lagstiftning medför. Bland de fördelar som nämns läggs tonvikten på teknologiöverföring, teknologi som överförs från utvecklade länder till utvecklingsländer genom bland annat import av varor. Bland de nackdelar som nämns finns de stora kostnader som implementeringen av lagstiftningen medför.

Afghanistan - En undersökning om Afghanistan och modernisering

Afghanistan är ett land där motsättningen mellan tradition och modernitet har kännetecknat hela 1900-talet. Skillnaderna mellan utvecklingen i städerna och i landsbygden är stora vilket är en av orsakerna till att landet har splittrats. Olika moderniseringsförsök har utgjorts av olika utomstående aktörer under de senaste 100 åren. Denna undersökning fokuserar på en jämförelse mellan två olika perioder där man har försökt att modernisera Afghanistan. Det första exemplet är Sovjetunionen, från år 1973 fram till år 1991.

Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv

The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.

Lagval för upphovsrättsliga förpliktelser : Om artikel 8 i Rom II-förordningen

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att utreda vilket lands lag som blir tillämplig vid en internationell tvist gällande utomobligatoriska förpliktelser vid immaterialrättsintrång, särskilt vid upphovsrättsintrång. Tyngdpunkten ligger i de problem som uppstår då någon gör sig skyldig till ett upphovsrättsintrång med relation till flera länder.Utgångspunkten är Rom II-förordningen och dess åttonde artikel. I artikeln stadgas det att tillämplig lag för en utomobligatorisk förpliktelse som har sin grund i ett immaterialrättsintrång skall vara lagen i det land där skydd görs gällande.Vad innebär då uttrycket ?där skydd görs gällande?? När det gäller registrerade rättigheter, såsom patent och varumärken, innebär artikeln att tillämplig lag ska var lagen i det land där rättigheten är registrerad. Det går dock inte att tillämpa samma princip på oregistrerade rättigheter.

Dåliga mäklare, eller bristande kunskap hos konsumenten?

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to through a survey, gain information about the tenant owners knowledge concerning their own and the real estate agents rights and obligations, this to elucidate one of the factors we think play a big part in the general publics dissatisfaction about the real estate agents and the negative picture painted of them in media today. By throwing light on the assumed lack of knowledge in this area we hope to contribute to improve the information communicated to the customers so that they can feel safer when consulting a real estate agent in this matter.Our main question in this thesis is: How much knowledge does tenant owners and tenant owners to be have concerning the division of responsibilities when it comes to selling and buying a tenant owned flat and what problems can the presumed lack of knowledge in this area lead to?Method: We have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data has been collected through a survey which we have put together and analyzed both based on the results we got from the survey but also based on the reactions we received from the participants. The results are presented both in text and in diagrams.Result & Conclusions: The results we got from the survey indicate that the knowledge among our participants is much worse than what would be desired.

Gruva eller renar? : En deliberativ analys av deltagande i beslutsprocessen vid en gruvetablering i Storumans kommun

This thesis examines the conditions for participation in the decision making process of a possible mine establishment in Storuman municipality in the north of Sweden. This is done through a case study where the main actors are the mining company Nickel Mountain AB, the municipality Storuman and the Sami village Vapsten. As a theoretical framework Cecilia Eriksson?s division of democratic theories is used as a starting point. Methods as described in deliberative democratic theory, such as discussion by effected community members, are seen as a method within the participatory democratic tradition, not a theory of its own.

Empowerment och paternalism på jobbet : En studie kring självbestämmande och delaktighet för brukare i daglig verksamhet enligt LSS

During the latter part of the 20th century the situation for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden changed and developed. Clients have the right to participation and self-determination in society and in applied measures under the law of individual rights legislation; LSS. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how team-leaders and managers in day-centres in a municipality works with participation and self-determination for clients, and what the professionals consider affects the client's possibility to self-determination and participation. The research questions intended to be answered are:? How does the team-leaders and managers work to enable self-determination and participation of the users in the public day-centres?? What does the team-leaders and managers describe and understand as enabling and limiting factors for the client?s possibility to self-determination and participation?The study is qualitative and interviews have been held with eight interviewees, which I contacted through snowball sampling.

Samband mellan virulensgener och VTEC-infektioner : Riskklassificeringssystem för VTEC

To curb greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change is one of the biggest challenges human society face today. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has accumulated rapidly in the atmosphere as a consequence of burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The aim of this study is to explore two methods to store carbon dioxide in geological formations and biological sinks. The aim is also to discuss the two mitigation options from a sustainable perspective and whether it can lead to a better environment and benefits for local and global societies. The research questions are: Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, is the most effective? Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, has the greatest potential to promote sustainable development for local communities?The method used is a comparative case study and presents four case studies that explore the potential for CO2 storage offshore in Norway and Brazil; and in tropical forests in Mexico and Brazil.

Evidensbaserad praktik och underhållsbehandling - begränsningar och möjligheter

It appears from today's debate about the quality of social work and addiction treatment that largely focuses on the impact of recent various interventions in the hope of being able to alter social work's role in society and also the organizational structure. The debate points to a part of the 1970s social welfare debate. Today's aspirations to establish an evidence-based practice can hardly be expected to solve the social services basic dilemmas is that it always have to do something, despite the many times you cannot get clear instructions on which funds should be used by law or science. Even if you follow the rules and practices based on scientific studies should the importance of various key initiatives to remedy deficiencies in social service work with addicts in large part depend on how, in these initiatives define the term "evidence-based practice" and what steps will be indicated for to develop practice. My starting point was to explore how evidence-based social work in connection with medication-assisted treatment for opiate addiction look, which evidence-based interventions Social Services currently uses in connection with medication-assisted treatment for opiate addiction, as well as how to work with it in the ordinary course of business. The study showed that social services have become better at using these methods in recent years and that today there are more tools available than before.

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