

507 Uppsatser om Right wing feminism - Sida 8 av 34

Pluralism eller propaganda? En ideologianalys av franska Front nationals folkbibliotekspolitik och debatten kring denna

The focus of this master thesis is the library politics of the French Right wing party the National Front and the debate that followed the application of this politics. This qualitative study is divided into two parts where the critics to this politics represents one side and the adherents the other. The critics are composed by representatives from the French, Swedish and ? to some extent ? international library sector, while the adherent side is made up of politicians from the National Front and their adherents. The empiric material mostly consists of articles published in library, Right wing and daily press.


This study in Public Administration uses feminism and historical institutionalism toanalyze a highly debated contemporary policy problem that concerns genderequality in the policy of parental leave. The parental insurance was introduced in1974 with the governmental goal of gender equality. In 1974 only 0,5 percent of thenumber of days of parental benefit was paid to men. Today, 40 years later, the goalremains the same and the numbers of days of parental benefit paid to men are 24,8percent.The debate that has characterized the Swedish policy of parental insurance andspecifically the design of the parental benefit is the debate of freedom of choiceversus quota.Our study focuses on ideas and arguments that influence the policy of parentalbenefit. The study assumes, with basis in the theories of feminism and historicalinstitutionalism, that a policy like parental benefit is slow-moving and that pathdependency has lead to a slow development of gender equality..

1968 som klyscha

This thesis aims to explore and investigate the use of the cliché ?68 in a contemporary Swedish debate. The sixties and especially 1968 is a historically significant year,and it is marked by political murders, protesting students and political energy. InSweden one of the most notable happenings was the occupation of the student union?s headquarters in Stockholm.

Han var ett jävla svin som hatade kvinnor : En komparativ analys av kvinnosynen i Män som hatar kvinnor och The girl with the Dragon tattoo

In this essay I?ve chosen to do a comparative analysis of the two films Män som hatar kvinnor (Niels Arden Oplev, 2009) and The girl with a Dragon tattoo (David Fincher, 2011) based on feministic theories. I have done this with the intent of comparing the two versions way of viewing the woman. The analysis is based on my own questions, observations and interpretations, and has a hermeneutic approach.My conclusion is that ?The girl with at Dragon tattoo? is closer to Stieg Larsson?s original story that both films are based upon, though the Swedish film Män som hatar kvinnor has got more of a feministic purpose.

(Av)slöjad : En argumentationsanalys av debatten kring ett eventuellt svenskt lagförbud mot heltäckande slöja

The purpose of this paper is to examine and to analyze the arguments about a possible Swedish law against the veil. I have therefore highlighted how notions about the veil creates and reproduces power-structures and meaning-systems. I structured the arguments in a pro et contra schedule and then analyzed them by using a theoretical framework consisting post-colonial feminism, orientalism, multi-culture and intersectionality together with research produced by Joan Wallach Scott (2010), Pia Karlsson Minganti (2007) and Anne Sofie Roald (2003). The results of the study shows that the people who either argue for or against a veil-law agree that the veil is an oppression of women and that it must be resisted. To be objective in the discussion of the veil seems to be impossible and the women it affects deprived voice.

Tjejgrupp - stärkande eller problematiskt kollektiv? : En analys av erfarenheter och minnen från feministiska tjejgrupper

This essay investigates the results of participation by teenage girls in feminist groups, the so called girl groups. These groups are descendants of the awareness-raising groups of the 1970?s feminist movement. The essay assumes the relevance of theories of heteronormativity and performativity, as well as theories surrounding two different ways to organize girl groups. It is done either through the Pippi-feminism, named after strong independent book character Pippi Longstocking, or through the collective empowerment feminism.

En feministisk världsordning

AbstractAt a time when the discussion of feminism is hot in the media, in the schools and in the cottages so I have been interested in how feminist worlds order might look like and what are the roads there. There are plenty of barriers in the community, some of them you easily could influence.This essay problematize and define the problems behind the difficulties of reaching a feminist world order, but also the factors that are important to achieve this world order. How colonization that began several hundred years ago spread and secured the patriarchal society and its influence all the way to the society of today. But even more immediate factors, on how we ourselves are involved in shaping our society in terms of where we live, how we educate ourselves, and what jobs we choose. Status symbols in society as economics, profession and political influence are all to be reckoned with when it comes to influencing society.

Studentföreningen Spartakus i Linköping 1969-71 : en kvalitativ studie av dess politiska verksamhet och relationer

The aim of this thesis is to examine the politics and activities of the Social Democratic students´ association Spartakus. Their relationships and political and ideological differences towards the Swedish Social Democratic Party (SAP) and the remaining parts of the Social Democratic youth organisation (SSU) in Linköping during 1969-1971 are examined. To fulfil this aim I have studied relevant literature and interviewed people who were active in Spartakus, as well as people from SSU and SAP in the municipal during the period. I have also studied written material produced by the students´ association itself during the period. The theoretical frame of reference consists of Dahl´s theory on a democratic political order, and party theories like the mass party theory of Duverger, theories from Sjöblom, Panebianco, Lipset and Tingsten and also Gidlund&Möller´s theory about different kinds of party members.

Makt och kön i kristendomen och islam

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att belysa att mäns maktmissbruk över kvinnor inte beror på religion eller nationalitet, utan är ett mer personligt och psykologiskt betingat beteende. Men i vissa fall kan vissa religiösa påbud och vissa kulturella heteronoma värderingar bidra till att underbygga ett sådant maktmissbruk, för den som väljer att se på saken och tolka påbud och värderingar på ett sätt som gynnar dem i dessa avseenden. I vissa fall är männen kanske även mer eller mindre psykiskt sjuka och i behov av professionell hjälp.Jag har kommit i kontakt med en del obehaglig information när jag letade information till den här uppsatsen. En del av den informationen har jag valt att sålla bort och en del har jag valt att behålla. Eftersom mitt val av ämne är både känsligt och obehagligt har det gjort att jag övervägt att byta ämne ett flertal gånger.

Kroppen i det offentliga rummet En studie av performanceverken Twilight Walk och Göteborg Crawl

This essay aims to analyse the social and physical interaction through the body inpublic space, based on the performances Twilight Walk by The New Beauty Council,and Crawl, by William Pope.L. As part of the performance-programme CityExcavations from Gothenburg International Biennial of Contemporary Art 2011,artists occupied the streets of Gothenburg for a few days in June 2011. Through aninterpretation on performativity and feminism architecture-theory this essay looks intohow bodies integrate with public space; on how space potentially includes or excludesrepresentations of different bodies and the construction of (gender) identities. I wantto discuss how bodily performances such as movements, gestures, visual andemotional expressions interact with architecture and social contexts..

Ett tvehövdad monster : Två kvinnoporträtt ur Grand final i skojarbranschen

I en hermeneutisk metod analyseras Kerstin Ekmans Grand final i skojarbranschen (2011) med syftet att porträttera och analysera protagonisterna, Lillemor och Babba, i förhållande till identitet som kvinna och författare. I diskussionen urtolkas en möjlig medveten intention med verket, som rör såväl genus och feminism som identitetsskapande. De båda protagonisterna utgör ett gemensamt författarskap, där deras personligheter smälter samman. Det är uppenbart att Lillemor, i flera anseenden, agerar Babbas ansikte utåt och att Babba fungerar som Lillemors kreativa begåvning. Ur ett feministiskt perspektiv påverkas deras förhållande av ett misogynt tillstånd, som samtidigt är oundvikligt för att nå framgång.

I am an invisible woman -A study about prostitution in Iran

The purpose of this study was to explore the state of female prostitution in the city of Tehran, and besides, analyze the elements that can lead women to harlotry in Iran. This research is based on three sources of information: firstly, interviews with three harlots in Tehran and I got help of a semi-structured interview guide. Secondly, I discussed prostitution with conscious resources that worked within the public services in Tehran and had experienced of working with female prostitutes. Thirdly I analyzed texts and reports about prostitution in Iran. The data from interviews are tied to two theories: symbolic interactionism and feminism.

Uppslagsverkens diskursordning. En diskursanalytisk studie av Nationalencyklopedin och Wikipedia

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Den nationalistiska jämställdheten. En analys av Sverigedemokraternas familjeretorik

The right wing party the Sweden Democrats is through their conservative and nationalist approach and socio-political heritage, connected to various extreme-right populist movements, which have all been in conflict with different branches of feminism. This connection is argued for in relation to the research survey. The party has likewise been accused of pursuing misogynistic, homophobic and racist politics, but differ from its ideological peers due to their outspoken equality policy. The party shows strong rejection of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation or geographical, religious or ethnical background. In the analysis chapter of this study, texts produced by members of the party are analyzed by means of parts of Karlberg and Mral?s rhetoric analysis method, aiming to clarify what ideals of family and the roles within it are being constructed.

Onlinereferenssamtal ur ett kunskapsperspektiv. En diskursanalytisk studie av Jourhavande bibliotekaries chattreferenstjänst

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

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