

507 Uppsatser om Right wing feminism - Sida 22 av 34

Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet

In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.

?Man får inte vara som man vill? : En studie om hur ett antal barn i årskurs 3 diskuterar normer och normbrott

The aim of this study is to investigate how 20 children discusses norm breaking based on a children?s book with a focus on following questions:How do the children discuss norms based on the children?s book?Are there differences in opinions and comments between children with Swedish as their first language and children with Swedish as a second language, and if so, which ones?The investigation is based on four discussions of children?s literature, which are a method Chambers (2004) means enable the children to put their thoughts and feelings about the book into words.The theoretical frame of the study is founded on post-structuralism feminism and particularly Butler (Ambjörnsson, 2010) and Davies (2003) theories about gender and gender roles.The investigation shows, among other things, that the children are basing their discussions on the norms accepted by the society. But it also shows that there are differences in the way that the children with Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language discusses norm breaking. .

V?rt st?rre f?dernesland ? Paneuropa i Tidevarvet och svensk debatt 1924?1936

This is a reception study on how the idea of Paneuropa, as launched by the austrian count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1923, was received by the political weekly magazine Tidevarvet, a product of ? and an opinion forming organ for ? the social liberal wing of the Swedish suffrage- and peace movements. The main purpose is to examine to what extent there was an existent Europeanism in the public debate in Sweden during the interwar period, and how that discourse was constructed through the conceptual pairings disruption/unity and parts/whole. The study is conducted mainly through discourse analysis, combined with partly new research into sources such as the parliament, the newspapers and civil society to try to initiate a mapping over the wider reception of the Paneuropa project in a Swedish context. The study finds that the subject of Paneuropa is present throughout the almost entire period of the publication, namely 1924?1936, and that the question of a federal Europe is closely connected to the pacifist attitude of the editorial staff in general and writer/editor Elin W?gner in particular.

Typografins gränsland : Om genusnormer i förändring

The earlier studies of how gender is visually constructed in lifestyle magazines have mainly been done on photographs. But, photographs are only one part of the entire magazine Therefor3, we saw the importance in examining one of the other big parts, typography.We have been studying if gender can be constructed in lifestyle magazines through the shape and color of typography and the color context. It is important to point out that we have not been studying the written word but only the shape and color of the typography.The study has been conducted through a qualitative content analysis with a comparative process of the selected magazines. The analysis began with a semiotic analysis of selected parts of the magazines. The result was then analyzed with a feminist theoretical approach.The result of the study shows that gender can be constructed through typography in a number of different ways.

Mediets "omedvetna" : Eduardo Kacs Genesis som minnesmaskin

Denna uppsats handlar om hur artisterna Håkan Hellström och Ken Ring konstruerar diskurser kring maskuliniteten i sina musiktexter. Utifrån poststrukturalistiskt influerad teori kring feminism och maskulinitet görs en komparativ närläsning som bildar en tematiskt uppbyggd studie. Utifrån det för artisterna gemensamma temat utanförskap visar studien att utanförskapet hos Ken Ring är relaterat till en känsla av maktlöshet. Denna kompenserar Ken genom att konstruera maskulina diskurser med ett överdrivet anspråk på det som den europeiska kulturen förknippar med maskulinitet och genus. Detta kan kontrasteras mot Håkan Hellström som i sitt utanförskap konstruerar maskulina diskurser där ?omanlighet? och ett kärleks- och sexualitetsbegrepp där ?jaget? blir könsmässigt tvetydligt, står i fokus.

Maran ? en feministisk seriepornografisk novell

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida feministisk porr i serieformat yttrar sig i den seriepornografiska novellen Maran tecknad och skriven av Lina Neidestam, samt vad som händer när det pornografiska är i form av tecknad bild. Uppsatsen undersöker alltså vilka kroppar som (o)synliggörs i Maran, hur subjekt/objekt görs samt hur Maran är feministisk. Med teoretisk utgångspunkt i Butlers heterosexualla matris, intersektionalitetsbegrepp, makt, åskådarskap samt performativitet görs en bildanalys av utvalda uppslag i Maran. Detta görs genom att undersöka hur Neidestam berättar fram det som sker i Maran, hur detta tolkas och vad det har för betydelse för den tänkta mottagaren. Resultatet visar att utifrån min positionerg anser jag Maran vara feministisk och bidrar till ett nytt sätt att se och tänka kring pornografi.

This is Amman's world : En kvalitativ studie av jordanska kvinnors vardag i staden

Our thesis focus on how retirees perceive Tv4s news casts of economy news where we focused on five different aspects: What is the relationship between the news cast and the viewer and how does the viewer express their understanding of the news cast and the way it is constructed? What are the viewers attitude towards the news content and how do they find the news cast useful for them personally?We choosed retirees as our target group due to their vulnerable economic position in today?s society and TV as an important medium for them due to the digital divide. The study was performed with twelve qualitative interviews and one group interview where six retirees took part.We discovered a big interest for economic news in the target group. The majority had a sympathetic view of the news cast they saw but they also expressed skepticism toward the economy segment and/or news castings. The majority expressed a lack of trust for the journalists and the experts brought in to share observations and make announcements, and the financial business overall.

"I skolan var det svårare, speciellt på gymnasiet" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en skolas syn på lesbiska och en lesbisks erfarenheter av skolan

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

Koncept - detalj - byggnad

Concept - detail - buildingStockholm International Fairs, new main entrance I studied at the KTH School of Architecture from 1995 to 2000. After completing my studies I wanted to work in an office that had a structural way of thinking and that knew the building process; I therefore chose to work for Rosenberg Architects. I have worked on a number of projects, among them several for the Stockholm International Fairs, from the Rica Talk Hotel and Hall AE, to the new main entrance.In the projects we undertook at the School of Architecture we had to identify and draw details that were central to our concepts. I have here identified some key details that we considered to be essential for the concept in a built project; the new main entrance of the Stockholm International Fairs completed in 2013. The entrance has complex logistics with multiple intersecting flows: exhibitors, employees, journalists, VIPs and others.

Abort ? mänsklig rättighet? Nej, mord! - En diskursanalys av abortmotståndet i EU

Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka de konservativa krafter som verkar i Europeiska Unionen. För att göra det har jag valt att studera hur de argumenterar mot abort. Mina frågeställningar berör de teman jag funnit vara utmärkande i argumentationen: synen på kön, framförallt kvinnan; synen på sexualitet; vad man egentligen menar med rätten till liv, vems rätt man menar; maktförhållandet mellan individ och samhälle samt den mellan religion och vetenskap, vad vår lagstiftning ska grundas på enligt dessa. Materialet består av citat från beslutsfattare och andra som kretsar runt dessa i EU-parlamentet. Jag har använt mig av diskursanalys, en socialkonstruktionistisk metod där fokus ligger på hur vi konstruerar vår verklighet genom hur vi kategoriserar och pratar om den.

Varannan Damernas : En jämförande analys av Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas jämställdhetspolitik

Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka och analysera det jämställdhetspolitiska fält som Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna presenterar på deras respektive hemsidor. Genom att ta hjälp av metoden idé och ideologianalys samt partiernas ideologi ämnar arbetet generera en klargörande bild av partiernas jämställdhetspolitik samt klargöra möjliga intentioner bakom deras politiska ställningstaganden i frågan. Varför jag valt att analysera informationen som finns på respektive partis hemsidor är eftersom just den informationskällan när ut och används av många osäkra väljare. Jag har sett det intressant att se hur partierna visar upp sin bild av vad jämställdhet är och hur man ska jobba för den.Genom min analys har jag delat in och skapat följande rubriker: Individen i centrum, Samhället i centrum, Feminism, Jämställdhet ? start och mål, Vi är bäst i världen, Hemmet och privatlivet, Arbete och Näringslivet, Politiken, Samstämmighet och skiljelinjer bland partierna och till sist Kritik mot varandra..

Kulturproduktion och makt : En intersektionell analys av candombespelande kvinnor i Uruguay

This is a study of the way power relationships change when women start to play candombe in Montevideo, Uruguay. Candombe is a type of music, which is traditionally played by men within the black minority in the country. This study has been done with an intersectional point of view, taking the social categories gender, class and ethnicity in account. The method used was participatory observation in a field study made in Montevideo between November 2008 and February 2009.This study?s main conclusions are that the power relationships change with the participation of women in candombe in several important ways: The women legitimize an alternative way to be a woman when they take the men?s role as a drum player.

I domen rekonstrueras verkligheten : en dokumentanalys om hur genus reproduceras och upprätthålls i LVU-mål

Title: "In the verdict, reality is reconstructed" - a documentary study of how sex is reproduced in verdicts of LVU-cases.The aim in our study is to see how existing circumstances revolving power between the gender, are contained in court, through language and differences in the sentences and expressions that are used in the verdicts. In this study we have reviewed verdicts about young people who are taken in to custody care by Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga.We have reviewed verdicts from the county administrative court in Kalmar, from January in 2007 to October in 2008. Through the analysis we have taken into considerations and worked with earlier research and litterateur containing different theoretical approaches to feminism.The result of the study shows, that despite of a neutral law, girls and boys, women and men are judged and treated different, because of their sex. Depending on your sex, you are expected to behave according to norms and values. These norms and values are not the same for girls and boys.

Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet

Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and more unconventional discussions may flourish unlike how the traditional media convey information. Internet is therefore an interesting platform for investigating how information about religion is spread by researching religious behavior and expression. The focus of this essay is to examine visible, which includes text as a social practice, forms of religious expression shown by the discursive struggle between the Facebook-group Christian Women Against Femen and its counterpart feminist movement Femen. The essay seeks to answer how notions of femininity on the Internet are formulated and reproduced based on the discourse between these two women's movements.The essay highlights how the women?s movements, with their bodily manifestation and by their usage of words, construct and reproduce different images of gender and womanhood.

Sökväg för systrars befrielse. Informationsbehov och informationsanvändning på kvinnojouren Terrafem.

This thesis focuses on information seeking and use by volunteers and employees in women?s organisations helping women who have been subject to violence. These organisations for example provide help and support, legal assistance and temporary shelter. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with five women working in Terrafem, which is a women?s organisation directed towards women with a non-Swedish background.

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