

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 60 av 98

The Powerpuff Girls vs. Sailor Moon : En jämförelse av två animerade barnprograms underliggande diskurser

This study is about underlying discourses of two tv-series for children from opposite parts of the globe. Focus lays on which morals and values adults choose to teach children through popular culture, even on an unaware basis and how does differ, or not, between different societies.The theoretical framework chosen for this study are semiotics in combination with the concept of the gaze by Laura Mulvey. Semiotics is the study of signs and their underlying meanings constructed by society. By studying popular culture with the tools provided by semiotic analysis it is possible to discouver underlying myths, social constructions of society, that are reproduced over and over again to remain alive. Mulveys theory of the gaze is helpfull in the process of decoding those constructions to discover the dominant partys and norms represented.In this particular study underlying structures such as patriarcal power relations, unequality between the representation of different ethnicities and the consistent presents of the male gaze where discovered.

Sociala Intranät : Dess användning, möjligheter och risker

Organizations over the world increasingly start to realize the possibilities of the use of a social intranet, also known as Enterprise 2.0. The social intranets can be used to collaborate and communicate with colleagues in the workplace. Both Cook (2008) and Coope (Barnett, 2011) say that Enterprise 2.0 is about to fundamentally change the way organizations communicate. But do companies know how these tools can be used?The study emanates from three questions:How can social intranets be used in business?How can internal communication and collaboration get easier through the use of a social intranet?What are the possible risks with the use of social intranets?In this study we have in a qualitative manner been interviewing two companies that currently use social intranets in their daily activities ? Securitas and Skåneme-jerier.

Conan fascisten? En idéanalytisk studie kring sword and sorcery och Robert E. Howards fiktive barbar

This thesis falls within the realm of social studies, specifically social studies in literature, and attempts to establish whether the sub-genre of fantasy literature known as sword and sorcery contains elements which resemble the tenets of fascism. Robert E. Howard is considered the progenitor of the sub-genre and his stories have an influence on the nature of sword and sorcery literature today, 70 years after his death. Howards creation of the sub-genre coincides with the spread of fascist ideologies around the world in the 1930s and the study attempts a societal mirroring analysis of Howards texts. With the help of an analytical model based on fascism expert Robert O.

Att undervisa elever med en religiös tro : En intervjustudie med gymnasielärare i den sekulära och mångkulturella skolan

The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.

SARA B-SAFER som riskbedömningsinstrument

Studien är en källstudie vars syfte är att undersöka huruvida SARA B-SAFER fungerar som riskbedömningsinstrument och om brottsutvecklingen för våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer har ökat eller minskat under tidsperioden, åren 2000-2012. Urvalet för studien är Kalmar polismyndighet och Södertörn polismästardistrikt. Underlaget för studien är tidigare forskning från hur Polisen har arbetat med SARA B-SAFER och offentlig statistik på antalet anmälda brott från Brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ). Resultaten i studien visar på en ökning av antalet anmälda brott för våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer, samtidigt som anmälningarna ligger på en förhållandevis jämn nivå. Vidare indikerar studien på att det finns en komplexitet kring SARA B-SAFER som riskbedömnings-instrument, då det finns indikationer på att instrumentet har en prediktiv validitet.

Den personliga kreativiteten: Kreativitet är vad du uppfattar och beror på dina egna erfarenheter

Previous research within the field of advertising creativity has been based on the point of view of professional advertisers, deciding the norms of creativity without wondering how consumers define creativity. Thus, the main purpose of our thesis has been to investigate which dimensions advertising creativity consists of and the driving forces behind them. All based on a consumers? point of view. The secondary purpose has been to show how creativity affects efficiency through purchase intentions and Word- of-Mouth.

Digital delaktighet i Sverige : Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhälle

Almost all Swedes today have access to the Internet, if not through the home then via the library or work. Despite this, around 20% of the population stand outside the information society in that they lack in knowledge, assistive usability tools or positive attitude towards technology and its influence on society. The main factors influencing the digital divide in today's society are age, disability and education, while the main reason for staying outside seems to be disinterest.The question about digital inclusion is important as we now stand on the breaking-point between a society where the industry has had a prominent position for private as well as national economy and a digital society where access to the Internet is no longer about prestige, but where significant differences between users' knowledge levels can create a power gap. Gaps in access and use not only reflects already existing socio-economic conditions, but can also maintain and enhance these.It is crucial for the future expansion of Internet usage how today's non-users feel about becoming users. To understand what underlies the motivations not to use computers is one of the keys to get non-users to embrace becoming users.

Undervisning i en mångkulturell skola En kvalitativ studie om lärares förhållningssätt till flerspråkiga elever

Abstract We are two teacher students with an ethnic background and we thought that it could be, exciting to work with subjects, like a multicultural environment in schools and the challenges within this environment for students, but also teachers. In this study, we focus on how the teachers work with bilingual students in a multicultural school. We wanted to get an understanding of the subject and to be able do so, we conducted some qualitative interviews. These interviews went through with teachers currently working at the same public school, teaching in classes from 1-5. Through this qualitative research, we were able to analyse, what the teachers attitude towards multilingualism is and what kind of methods they use organizing their teaching.

Kvinnokroppen som diskursivt slagfält: avvikande visuella representationer av genus i Pussy Riots musikvideor.

In this paper I will examine the five Pussy Riot music videos that the group has published online on their official You Tube website. I will examine them through a ?gender lens? looking at their visual representations of gender vis-à-vis the hegemonic gender discourse in Russia. In addition I will examine their potential effects and if/how these visual representations can be understood as resistance.In my study I will take on a constructionist approach and the main theories being used to understand and analyze the Pussy Riot music videos are discourse- and representational theory including deconstruction, performativity and the social construction of gender as well as ?in-between? and deviant representations.

Raä 977 - En lokal och tre aktivitetsytor. : En tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av Raä 977 vid Vojmsjön i Vilhelmina socken

This candidate thesis concerns the ?all but forgotten? material from the bronze age site named ?Raä 977, Hansbo 1:3, Vojmsjön, Vilhelmina?. During 1975-76, an archaeological dig was carried out by Västerbottens museum led by Ulla Walukiewich in an attempt to preserve the information the site held, before it was destroyed by the erosion brought on by the recently regulated sea ?Vojm? (Vojmsjön). The archaeological dig yielded a stunning amount of finds, samples and information previously unknown.

En tävlingsorienterad organisationskultur ? vad har det för betydelse för motivationen? : En studie om försäljare inom en specifik butikskedja

The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of organizational culture among salespeople at a specific workplace. The purpose was also to investigate what motivates these salespeople in their work and the impact culture has on their motivation. We have used a qualitative research method to collect the empirical material. With the help of seven interviews, including six salespeople from one of Sweden?s biggest electronic retailer and also one information interview with a sales consultant, we attempted to find the answer to how they perceive the organizational culture and how it affects their work motivation. The following questions are used to fulfill this purpose: ? How do the salespeople experience the organizational culture? ? What motivates the salespeople in their daily work? ? What effects does the organizational culture have on the salespersons motivation? As analytical tools we have used are the concept of organizational culture, Schein's description of the three components of culture and Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory. The results of the study indicate that the salespeople experience a positive organizational culture and that this culture promotes fellowship and unity between colleagues, which in turn contributes to an enhanced motivation.

?Pappa äter medicin mot högt blodtryck, pratar bra svenska.? : en diskursanalytisk studie av läkarutlåtanden beträffande vårdbidrag för barn till utlandsfödda respektive svenskfödda föräldrar

Cultural bias in health assessment has been asserted in various scientific reports. The aim of this study was to determine whether ethnicity effects how patients are represented in such medical certificates that are needed to obtain a certain Swedish social insurance. The setting was an analysis of 18 medical certificates for patients whose parents were born in Sweden, respectively of 18 medical certificates of patients whose parents immigrated to Sweden from non European countries. The main objective was comparison of the two groups to test for ethnical heteronormative representations of the patients and their parents. The method used is mainly based on critical discourse analysis in combination with Fowlers (1996) semantic tools used to decipher disparity in the discourse.

Passivhuset i det långa loppet : - hur påverkar brukarens kunskap energiförbrukningen?

The scope of this investigation is to decide how and to what extent the energy consumption of apassive house is affected by the users? knowledge and habits. To achieve this a literary study hasbeen made and as a complement the planning of a passive house was completed.The result of a primary study of the rules and regulations that effect passive houses in Swedenshows that the user?s influence on passive houses is a completely unregulated area. Even thoughthere is no regulation, a need for some general knowledge of the passive house concept has beenexpressed.To further investigate how the users? knowledge and habits affect the energy consumption and ifthere is a difference between different households? energy consumption , three main factors havebeen identified.

Öva fri improvisation ? går det? : En kvalitativ studie av professionella musikers övning i fri improvisation

Studien syftar till att få djupare insikt i hur professionella musikers övning i fri improvisation kan se ut. I bakgrundsavsnittet ges en överblick av begreppen ?improvisation? och ?fri improvisation? och därefter följer en presentation av tidigare litteratur och forskning inom ämnesområdet. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt utgörs av det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande och kommunikation.Studiens datamaterial består av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra professionella musiker inom fri improvisation. I resultatavsnittet beskrivs informanternas syn på improvisation, fri improvisation och frihet, deras redskap för övning samt deras användande av tillägnade färdigheter.

Gränsöverskridande handel ur importörens perspektiv

Research in international trade situations has mainly focused on understanding the exporter?s actions and has showed ways on how these can be optimized. Although the importer in most cases, until this day, has been left outside this focus, it has been showed that the importer often is the active participant in an international dyad. It is the importer who is actively seeking suppliers for its production or distribution. Based on previous research in the area, the following study identifies the factors that are vital to the importer for satisfactory relations.

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