

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 38 av 98


Rooted in Industrial Ecology (IE) theory, this report evaluates how urban agricultural concepts and techniques, can contribute to improved ecological sustainability within the inner city boundaries of Stockholm. An overarching literary study as well as an interview was carried out, resulting in a qualitative analysis followed by suggestions for practical implementations. A substantial convergence was found between the eco-restructuring objectives of IE and the principal motives for urban agriculture. Consequently, eco-restructuring objectives are found in varying degrees in the presented urban agricultural techniques. Industrial symbioses, permaculture and combinations of urban agricultural techniques are tools which are capable of corresponding adequately to the diversity of urban settings.

Barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter i möten med små underviktiga barn och deras föräldrar

The aim of child health care is to promote health and development for all children, to early identify problems that concern children´s growth and development and to prevent ill-health among children. Today in our society the proportion of children who are underweight are few.The aim with this study was to describe paediatric nurses experience in meeting with underweight children and their parents. Interviews were implemented and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Focus was placed on looking at differences and interpretations in the text content. The analyse resulted in six main categories, such as a need of sensitivity and a holistic view from the nurse, difficulties in handling the meeting because lack of tools.

Dags för IT-boom i hotellbranschen?: Om hur svenska förstaklasshotell med hjälp av IT kan förbättra service för sina gäster

This thesis seeks to investigate how Swedish first class hotels by use of IT can improve customer service and thereby increase the share of loyal guests. The authors have conducted a qualitative study predominantly consisting of an interview-based case study at one of Stockholm?s largest independent hotels. To get a broader and more generalized picture of the hotel industry four smaller studies at other hotels in Stockholm were also conducted. The findings suggest that the use of IT can improve the communication between the hotel and its guests and make possible a continuing relationship between visits that strengthens guest commitment.

Registrering av konstbilder: En översikt av forskning och praktik i en domänspecifik form av kunskapsorganisation

The purpose of this thesis is to present a review of research themes and practice in the field of art image registration. The objectives of the review are twofold. The primary task is to distinguish which problems, in regard to theory and practice, that have been dealt with in the field of art image registration and the secondary task is to investigate which discursive, institutional and tool-related factors have had an impact on theoretical discussions and practice in the art image domain. The empirical content in the review is structured according to four epistemological viewpoints and is analyzed with a domain analytical approach. The result of the study is that two major problems are frequently discussed in the art image domain, namely lack of standardization and which discourse is the best suited for registration of art images.

Reglering av användningen av webbrobotar : En kvalitativ studie om synen på webbrobotar

Regulation of web bots is an analysis of the interest and a collection of discussions about the phenomena web bots. The section that contains the result from the interviews brings up the question about ethical and legal actions and the opposite to those. How the regulation could work is also discussed in the section with the results from the interviews. The discussions were produced by people whose background in one case or another can relate to the phenomena web bots. In that way this study was limited to few, but more profound interviews which would enable analyses of web bots existence.

Med fokus på möjligheterna istället för sjukdomen : en kvalitativ undersökning om validations- och reminiscensmetoden utifrån ett personalperspektiv

The purpose of our study has been to examine the methods of validation and reminiscences from an employee point of view. To answer our aim a qualitative disquisition with four assistant nurses and one pedagogue in craft was conducted. The result was divided into three different themes: the view on people with dementia, merits and demerits with the methods and to work with people with dementia. The analysis of the result was made from selected parts of the system theory and symbolic interaction theory.The result of our disquisition can be summarized in that all our interviewed persons above all only can see advantages with the methods and several express that they are good tools to use in their work with people with dementia. The majority of our interviewed persons make use of the methods in everyday, spontaneous, meetings with the elderly.

Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken

Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge.The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to student, and in which form the knowledge about the method of eurhythmics is existing. The tools for analysis are the theories on tacit knowledge. Interviews and written surveys are used as qualitative research methods. The content of these interviews and surveys are presented in the results chapter.

Förskollärares skyldighet att anmäla oro till socialnämnden

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Informationskällor under internationalisering : Svenska små företags tillvägagångssätt för att tillägna sig kunskap och information

There is an ongoing process where the free market within the European Union is expanding, partly through the incorporation of new member states, partly through the signing of association agreements with nearby countries and regions. When trade barriers are removed in different ways more companies consider an internationalization of the company. However, the procedure of the internationalization of companies is a rather new and unexplored area in the context of research. The focus of this study is therefore to examine how a few companies situated in Sweden, has proceeded while searching for knowledge during the internationalization process. Data has been collected through interviews that have been balanced with information from Internet and other sources.

Reglering av en flödeskalibreringsrigg

Demag Delaval Industrial Turbomachinery (DDIT AB) i Finspång tillverkar gasturbiner.I dessa finns det ledskenor/skovlar som arbetar i så varma områden att de måste kylas för att få rätt livslängd. Vid nytillverkning och reparation mäts kylflödet genom respektive skovel/ledskena för att säkerställa att flödet och därmed kylningen ligger inom tillåtna gränser. Mätningen görs med hjälp av en flödesrigg.Denna rigg består av en ventil för inställning av luftflöde, utrustning för mätning och reglering av flödet och anslutning för den aktuella komponenten.Vid DDIT har en datorreglerad flödesrigg tagits fram för att användas vid kontroll av ledskenor/skovlar. Riggen fungerar, men tryckregleringen behövde förbättras.I detta arbete har reglerventilen och flödesriggen studerats för att kunna automatisera mätningarna. Olika reglermetoder har utvärderats.För regleringen används PID Control Tools från National Instrument?s LabVIEW®.

Pedagogisk dokumentation i ett förändringsarbete

The main objective of this study was to find out what pedagogical documentation does and to get knowledge of what you may need to consider in order starting a process of change with a focus on pedagogical documentation. To get answers to my questions, the study is based on pedagogical theories from scientists and interviews with three preschool teachers who have different experience on documentation. My main questions were: What characterizes a pedagogical documentation? What tools / materials do I need to do a pedagogical documentation? What is important to consider when starting the process of change with pedagogical documentation? The result shows that pedagogical documentation is an approach that is based on that one is curious, interested, observant, listens, talking and researching with children and colleagues. You give the kids great participation which you can then pick up the children's learning processes and reveals that the business and the children develop according to curriculum objectives.

Memes och kulturella artefakter

We chose to base our literature study on the meme phenomena. The meme is a portion of culture that is spread among us from mind to mind. Every time we learn something by copying others we use information that has been passed on from a previous person, that information can be seen as a meme. The theoretical frame for our methodology in our exam paper is founded on Forsberg och Wengström research on literature studies. Our aim is to describe to the reader in depth what a meme is and how they could be helpful in an academic and pedagogical setting. Our study will show how memes are seen predominantly as graphic designs and as artifacts for cultural representation parallel to their imagery.

Datorn som komplement i undervisningen : En studie om datorer som ett led i läs- och skrivinlärningen

The school is a place of work where teachers, with different tools, are supposed to teach their students for the future. In the study the teachers? opinions will be lifted when it comes to use of computers as a tool to teach the students how to read and write. The interpretation is that the use of computers is reflecting the development of society and the intention is to find out if computers will be used in a didactic purpose in teaching. We focused on getting knowledge about which different opinions there are among teachers in grade 1-3 when it comes to the use of computers as a tool in teaching how to read and write.

Abstrakt lagprövning : är det förbjudet enligt svensk rätt?

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Riskens förändring för svenska aktier och obligationer: 1919-2003

Purpose The purpose of our study was to investigate the changing nature of volatility during the last 80 years. Like in an American study, we tried to find some trends in the risk of stocks and bonds that would have an impact on the balance of a portfolio of stocks and bonds. At the same time we investigated the influence of inflation on the choice of portfolio. Methods We have used standard statistic tools and formulas to obtain our results. In most cases it was a matter of calculating average and standard deviation.

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