

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 33 av 98

Fankultur på folkbibliotek ? ett redskap för delaktighet

The aim of this essay is to examine fan culture?s role in Swedish public libraries. I have interviewed, via email, six librarians who encounter and use fan culture in their daily work. The theoretical elements of my essay are based on a modified set of theories by Dorte Skot-Hansen that identifies six ideal types of cultural political rationalities. My study reveals that fan culture is used in Swedish libraries as a tool in increasing user participation in library activities.

Beslutsstöd för marknadscontrollers : En fallstudie av informationsbehov hos kundföretag

In this report you can read about a service company that wants to introduce a new decision tool for their customers. The first question that will be answered in this report is, what information is needed for market controllers. The second question investigates how a decision tool that gives the answers to the first question would work. Theories in business and economics written by Jan Lindvall (2001) and sociotechnical work analysis written by Kim Vicente (1999) are used in this report. To find the answers to question number one, interviews with two market controllers were done.

Professionella samtal i specialpedagogens yrkesroll

AbstractIn this text the attitudes towards and using of blogs in teaching Swedish toteenagers will be explored. The results are based on a survey made amongst 17teachers and 58 students from all over Sweden. The end results show that theusage of blog still hasn?t found a permanent way into the classrooms, but has anappeal to and is being used by predominantly younger teachers both, male andfemale, with a positive response from students regardless of gender. Theconclusion is that using web tools like the blog is an easy first step for schools toconnect to the digital society of the 21stcentury and take advantage of the perksavailable in the digital classroom.Svensk titel:Blogg + Svenska =Sant? ? Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska.Engelsk titel:Blog + Swedish =True? ? Blogging in teaching Swedish.Ämnesord: Blog, Web 2.0, digitalt klassrum, svenska, undervisning,kompetensutveckling.

Specialiserad eller allmänkunskap? : en experimentell studie av benhantverk under Mesolitikum

The aim of this thesis is to study the possibility of the existence of a specialist in bone tools manufacturing during the Mesolithic. The thesis describes the climate during the Mesolithic, argues for an experimental approach, and describes social organization in hunter-gatherer-groups and the processes behind cultural transmission. It also gives some examples of excavation sites in Scandinavia. An experiment simulating a teaching situation is made, in addition to the theoretical information, with the intent to explore how advanced the crafting of bone really is. The physical result is then studied and documented.

Biggi förvaring : förvaringsskåp för utomhusbruk

Manne Bouveng, CEO of Optimel AB had an idea for a new kind of storage cabinet that could be adapted especially for townhouse owners. I came in contact with Manne by a familiar friend for us; we met and decided that it would suit as my thesis.What was needed to be done was a market research that would possibly show that there was a need for a new kind of storage cabinet on the market. Because of this we continued to work on the basic idea. We came up with a solution where we developed a box that resembles Optimels known mailbox Biggi Rondo, the storage cabinet is a new solution of a storage cabinet, adapted after a market that need of a lot of new space. The solution is based on a simple construction which sits an inside hang-off device which can attach tool hooks, tool holders and shelves and so on.The purpose of the assignment was to develop a new type of storage cabinet with some kind of solution to attach tools and other garden related stuff. With this we have succeeded and the concept meets the requirements we set ourselves at the beginning of the project..

IKT som pedagogiskt verktyg : - en studie om lärares användning av IKT i undervisningen

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude to and experience of information and communication technology (ICT) in teachers teaching and what motivates them. The study is qualitative and its research material is based on interviews. There are eight interviews and they where carried out at one school with a stated IT profile and at another school without a stated IT profile. The two schools are located in different municipalities, but both are secondary schools. The result shows that there are differences in attitude between the two schools. The school with a stated IT profile seems to have a more open mind of using ICT when teaching, but both schools sees the lack of availability as one of the main hindrance for using it. None of the participating teachers saw themselves as controlled to use ICT in their teaching.

Den goda webbplatsen : ? en undersökning om användbarhet med fokus på liseberg.se

Usability is a way to study how good a website is which is what our research builds upon. On a mission from Liseberg our purpose is to find out if their website liseberg.se is good from a user?s perspective. Our way of carrying this out where grounded upon a qualitative study through observations and following interviews with a number of participants. By compositing tools of method we have started with the theories descriptions of usability tests and we have also used the theories to be able to reflect around and to understand the results from the tests.

Berättelser från gatan : En studie av berättelser I Situation Sthlm och deras retoriska potential att skapa identifikation, debatt och opinion

I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks berättelsers retoriska funktion i tidningen Situation Sthlm. Huvudsyftet är att undersöka om och i sådana fall hur berättelserna i tidningen bidrar till att uppnå tidningens publicistiska målsättning. I det ingår det underordnade syftet att undersöka om och i sådana fall hur berättelserna bidrar till att skapa identifikation hos läsarna. Materialet består av sex stycken berättelser som är tagna ur olika nummer av tidningen och samtliga berättelser handlar om hemlösa människor som själva är försäljare av tidningen. Uppsatsen bygger på teorier om vad en berättelse är, berättelsers retoriska funktion samt teorier om identifikation.

Säkerhet i smarttelefoner : En jämförelsestudie mellan bärbara datorer och smarttelefoner i verksamheter

Smartphones have become more common as business tools within the workplace. With its many features and great flexibility, the smartphone has stormed the business world and become an alternative or complement to the laptop. As these mobile units' popularity has increased, the interest of businesses to invest in this new technology has increased, but has security kept up with the technology developments?This study aims to conduct a study to see if the companies in the IT industry have the same safety awareness for smart phones to laptops.The study shows that companies have greater safety awareness and higher safety requirements for laptops than smartphones. Meanwhile, both end-users and management are well aware of the risks and threats that the smartphone is facing..

Från frihet till fängelse: En studie av klientflödet på Häktet Kronoberg

In the last decades, lean production has proven to be one of the most important organizational paradigms in manufacturing. The lean concept has also spread into the service industry where it is applied within a range of different areas. The wide applicability of lean principles has spurred the authors of this study to apply the principles in the context of the operations of a Swedish remand prison. The thesis examines the process a client of the remand prison Häktet Kronoberg goes through from the time of arrest until he/she is released or convicted and transferred to jail. Based on lean tools and principles, the thesis maps and analyses this process.

Empowerment en vision eller ett faktum? : Personliga ombuds resonemang kring empowerment som arbetsmetod.

The purpose of our study is to examine the case managers reasoning and descriptions of empowerment as a method in their social work from a comprehensively perspective including family members. To manage with this purpose we interviewed two case managers, two clients with mental disabilities and five family members. We have come to the conclusion that the case managers works more consist of advocacy than empowerment. Despite that we have found that the long term goal for the case mangers work is to give the clients tools for empowerment. Our results also show that the clients feel that they have gained and increased their ability to do things by themselves and to be a part of the community.

Säkerhet i det trådlösa hemnätverket ? En analys av de vanligaste säkerhetslösningarna

The security solutions used in wireless home networks are examined in this report. Thegrowing number of wireless units have increased the need for reliable security solutions.This report aims to enlighten the reader about the fundamental technology used inwireless security solutions and inform about the existing flaws. A recommendationabout how to achieve a high level of security in the home network is also given to thereader.Several flaws in the security solutions in use have been reported. Of these the mostsevere has been examined in a test network using highly accessible tools to get aperception of how vulnerable the user is.The tests showed that several attacks were efficient and easily carried out. We have alsoseen that several of the home networks in our sample are susceptible to these attacks.Our survey revealed that the Internet service provider's technical support in many caseslacked the knowledge necessary to inform the user about reliable security solutions..

En studie om användning av lärplattor i den första läs- och skrivinlärningen inom IT-satsningen ?en-till-en?

This study was aimed to examine what happened when a municipality in Sweden invested in ICT. The purpose of this study was also to find out how the change of process with ICT investment was expressed the need for more knowledge. This was called ?one-to-one? with the goal that all students would have their own computer during their years in school.Teachers have been interviewed and observed about how they work with ipads during reading and writing lessons. The teachers in this study said that they need more knowledge to improve their everyday work with ipads.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

Metadata i publikationsdatabaser Hur används DSpace?

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how libraries handle metadata in institutional repositories. The methodology of the study is semi-structured interviews with librarians from all Swedish libraries that currently use the institutional repository system DSpace. Metadata schemes from the different libraries have also been studied. As analytical tools the study uses the user tasks presented in Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records, as well as a study of metadata quality made by Jung-Ran Park. The study shows a rather big difference between the ways the libraries use institutional repositories.

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