

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 29 av 98

"Women's best beautiful" will never be good enough : En retorisk och semiotisk analys av fyra reklamfilmer för skönhetsprodukter.

Title: Women's best beautiful will never be good enough: a rethoric and semiotic analysis of four advertisements for beauty products.Because of the medias central role in peoples lives in the modern society we today live in, they have become a reference in peoples processes of making sence of their subsistences and environments. Commercial companies also want to present an as good image as possible of them towards the recipients through their marketing. Both parts can lead to a distorted picture of the real och everyday and norms and ideals easily form, for example about the correct way a woman should act and be, as the media affect which references should be made available for society.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how four advertisements for beauty products produce ideals and norms of beauty as well as construct and reconstruct femininity through the ways women are represented. The study will also contain the question about how rethoric and semiotic tools are used to strengthen the messages and sell the products. The following questions will be answered within this study:How is femininity being represented in the advertisements?How can the advertisements contribute to the creation of ideals and norms of beauty? How do the companies use rethoric and semiotic tools in the four advertisements to sell their products and/or strengthen their brands?The study will be executed with a qualitative rethoric and semiotic analysis and the theories applied to it are Mediatization theory, Envisionment theory as well as a theory about gender and femininity.   The foremost results of this study has been that women are represented as constantly striving towards a better beauty to be able to also feel better about themselves, gain better self-esteem and to have more fulfilled and successful lives.

Avgränsning av tillrinningsområden till grundvattenmagasin : vilken information ger berggrundens överyta?

Delineation of recharge areas for aquifers is performed in the groundwater mapping process at the Swedish geological survey, SGU. This work is time consuming and performed manually. It is therefore desirable to develop a more general and repeatable method for defining recharge areas for aquifers.The purpose of this study was to investigate two other possible methods to delineate recharge areas for aquifers. The first method was to examine the possibility of using the topography of the bedrock to define the recharge areas for aquifers. To enable this, a method for generating the topography of the bedrock was developed.

Analys och modifiering av digital filteralgoritm för gassensor

AbstractThis work was assigned by a technological company that manufactures gas detectors in which the sensor signal is processed using digital filters. These filters have been developed by a consultancy firm which converted previously used analog filters to digital filters. The purpose of this work has been to analyse inadequate, and sometimes erroneous, documentation from the project in order to provide the company with know-how and tools for further improvement of their products. The work has been done using the simulation software COMSOL which was bought solely for the project. Analysis showed serious flaws as well as pure errors in the consultant?s documentation.

Transparens inom PR-verksamhet : En studie om PR-företagens förhållanden till öppenhet

AbstractTitle: Transparency within Public Relations ? A study about PR-companies understanding of opennessPages: 71Authors: Olof EhrsTutor: Virginia MeliánCourse: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor Degree.Period: Autumn 2011.University: The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, JMK,at Stockholm University.Background and aim: The PR-industry is continuing to grow in Sweden. The increase of working consultancies has made it more difficult to define what PR-activities really are in Sweden today. This exam reviews the presence and lack of transparency within the PR labour. The aim of the essay is to inspect the PR-companies relation to transparency and non-transparency.


AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges that exist within thematerial handling process, to and from a department for service and maintenance at a hospital, and how the challenges can be managed to achieve a more efficient material handling process. In order to fulfill the purpose the following two questions where formulated:1. What challenges exist within the material handling process, to and from adepartment for service and maintenance at a hospital?2.

CalControl : Kalorikalender för översyn av energiintag

The main reason for doing this kind ofproject was to find out if it was possible to make a relatively advanced application with user friendly tools. We tested the software MIT App Inventor, and the ability to create a useful application for people who wants to get an overview of their energy intake.During the process we found out that it was possible, but minor setbacks occurred. The main idea of our vision; to make a calculator and a registry with different kinds of food and their amount of calories, was completed quite easily. Later on, design alternatives and more advanced functions were not possible for us to make.This might have been because of the short amount of time the project was given, but also, and more likely, because the software did not contain that kind of advanced functions. Even if there were factors that held creativity back, the basic idea was possible to form..

Miljöbron - Går det att göra ett databassystem med begränsade resurser?

Miljöbron is a non-profit organization; their main purpose is to merge companies and students into different environmental projects. The projects can be an assignment, practical vocational training or degree thesis. Miljöbron is expanding and the demand from students and companies is rapidly growing. Because of the expansion, a large amount of information needs to be stored and managed in a structured database. Also the need of a interface that is structured and easy to use when managing information and Miljöbron?s statistics, for Miljöbron?s staff.

Asylboende: Dilemma och paradoxer : En undersökning om asylsökandes boende

IT exist and are needed in larger organisations today, this creates possibilities for new applications. It has become more frequent with IT within HRM which has developed new concepts like e-HRM and HRIS which links IT and HRM together. We have through qualitative content analysis of interviews investigated how IT-tools affect HR-workmanship. The purpose is to create a basis for describing how employees experience their work with HR within a PA-system. The basis of the PA-system will then answer if it contributes or limits the employees and their activities.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

The Value of Digital Information DIV-index, A Corporate Asset

Companies have in the past decades changed fromtraditional manufacturing organizations into serviceorganizations. For these service organizationsinformation and competence have become animportant resource. The traditional view oninformation is that an employee use and search forinformation to reduce uncertainty for their decisionmaking. Even though information is strategicallyimportant for organizations, information is not valuedin any way. Hence, this thesis aims to valueinformation in terms of the utility it brings to theorganization.The conclusion is that four factors are important whenvaluing information in terms of utility.

Verktyg för utveckling av terrängparker inom skidanläggningar. : Shaper

Today we can create digital 3D models which can be realised almost instantly through production methods such as 3D printing and computer controlled milling.What if this same technology could be applied to the development and construction of terrain parks?With snow as the material tools could be developed using similar principles to design and sculpt the surface, only on a larger scale.How would terrain park designers adapt their process to use this new technology? In this Industrial design thesis I explore how the ideas of the terrain park designer can be expressed through such a system with focus on the designers knowledge and skill without the need to learn complicated 3D programs.Sketch, create, ride. .

Mätning av inköpsmognadsgrad: - en första ansats

This paper explores a model for self-assessment of purchasing maturity in large companies. The author adapts contemporary purchasing theory and further enhances existing tools and procedures to create a survey based instrument for maturity measurementThe paper also explores potential methodological challenges associated with conducting a more extensive study of purchasing maturity via the proposed model. A preliminary study is made and the learnings discussed.The preliminary findings of the survey indicate that the purchasing maturity varies with industry. The purchasing function average score was found to be 3,4 out of 6 with samples spread across the whole spectra ? agreeing with previous theories stating that the purchasing maturity is highly varied between different industries..

Utveckling av en diameterklassmodell för grandominerade bestånd i Sverige :

Growth models are very useful tools for forestry to predict growth and yield. With growth models and optimising tools you can manage forest stands in a way that maximize benefit and income. There are three major types of growth models. Stand models; stage structured models and single-tree models. The most advanced models give the most accurate forecasts.

Förskoleklassen - den lustfyllda skolstarten? : En studie om pedagogers arbete med språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling i förskoleklass och årskurs 1

The aim of this study was to explore and describe how four teachers work with literacy in preschool and grade one, ages 6 and 7. The aim was also to explore the progression of reading and writing as well as the collaboration between teachers in preschool and grade one. The study has a qualitative approach and data was collected through observations and interviews. The findings indicate that teachers in preschool have similar activities and approach to what guides the work. Regarding teachers in grade one it shows that they both are working with reading and writing in a varied way.

Internetanvändning på Ronneby stadsbibliotek och Läsesalongen/Café Access, Stockholm

The paper aims to find out how staff and users at two public libraries and one Internetcafeuse Internet. The purpose has been to find out what they find and how they use the informa­tion they retrieve. The studies are based on eight longer interviews with the staff and 33 shorter with the users, who also were observed for a week. The paper includes a background chap­ter about Internet, search tools and the studied places. The following chapters are about pre­vious research, our survey and a discussion with the results, literature and our opinion.We have found out that Internet is usually used for information retrieval.

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