

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 15 av 98

Gårdssmedjor i södra Gästrikland En studie av Hedesunda och Österfärnebo socknar

Poorly maintained forges are a common sight in the province of Gästrikland. Because of their changed appearance, possible move from the origin location and poor items related knowledge they will rarely qualify for the range of funds available through Länsstyrelsen. Therefore this study deals with the problems associated with the forges in southern Gästrikland, i.e. Hedesunda and Österfärnebo parishes.The aim of the study is to increase the items related knowledge of forges and perhaps form the basis for restoration projects in the area. Eleven forges have been examined and the changes they have undergone have been highlighted.A forge was erected on the farm and was used for the households needs such as producing and repairing tools.

Sverigedemokraterna - En retorisk studie

The Sweden democrats are a political party that has had a time of success duringthe last year. However many people believe them to be a racist party, in contrastto how they view themselves and their political message. How is it possible thatthe views of the same party differ to this extent, it seems to be a large ambiguityin their message. Rhetoric is a tool that everybody uses in some way or anotherand can be crucial to how a political party is perceived by people. Can thereforethe use of rhetoric be a factor that has contributed to the different perception of theparty and if so, in which way?With the help of theories such as semiotics, classical rhetoric and antiestablishmentstrategy, different texts, such as motions, and pictures published bythe Sweden democrats can be analyzed to find ways they use rhetoric.In the analysis it was obvious that they used rhetoric, even though therhetorical quality differed between the leading persons in the party and the peoplewho represented the Sweden democrats in the local government.

Undervisning av dyslektiker : En kvalitativ studie av två svensklärares arbetssätt med elever som har diagnosen dyslexi

The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers? efforts to teach students with dyslexia in Swedish. The intention with this study is to get the right tools to work with these kinds of students in a more improved and giving way in the future. My questions of issue are:- How can teachers facilitate the learning process for students with dyslexia?- Are pupils with dyslexia included in the teachers? education in the classroom?- How do the other pupils integrate with the dyslexia pupils in the classroom?- How does the teacher manage the situation to teach the whole class at the same time as he/she helps the pupils with dyslexia?- How do you practice when to assess and rate the students with dyslexia?The method used in this paper is a combination of participant observation and interviews with two teachers and their classes.

Modern kontra traditionell styrning : - en studie av traditionellt tillverkande företag

Bakgrund: Traditionell styrning har kritiserats av en rad olika författare och en modern verksamhetsstyrning har utvecklats. Vi menar att traditionella tillverkande företag är intressanta ur den aspekten att traditionella ekonomistyrningsmodeller är uppbyggda kring dessa typer av företag. Frågan vi ställer oss är alltså huruvida modern verksamhetsstyrning är ändamålsenlig i traditionella tillverkande företag.Syfte och metod: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är, att beskriva och analysera tillämpningen av traditionella och modernare verksamhetsstyrningsmetoder i traditionella, tillverkande företag. Vår empiri är baserad på sex olika kvalitativa intervjuer på företagen Cloetta Fazer, Milko och Skånemejerier.Resultat: Traditionellt tillverkande företag möter inte samma förutsättningar som tidigare och behöver därför på många plan anpassa sin styrning..

?Båtnitar? : Analys och konservering av järnnitar från Birkas garnison

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss clinch-nails found at an excavation at terrace II in the Garrison of Birka, on the island of Björkö in Sweden. This type of clinch-nails is common in Viking age Sweden and is usually interpreted as coming from boats. The study will try to show that these types of nails could have been used in several kinds of wooden constructions. It will also show how the nails were made and what kinds of tools were used by the Viking smiths. The study has shown that this type of nails were used in several different types of wooden constructions such as boats, sleds, cart bodies, coffins, Birka's ramparts and buildings.

Image repair-theory vid livsmedelskris : Textanalys av Findus kriskommunikation kring hästköttsskandalen

This study intends to use a text analysis and analyze Findus crisis communication, on their website, about the horse meat scandal in February and March 2013. The main focus is to examine if Findus crisis communication can be connected to Beniot?s image repair strategies and the rhetorical appeal forms, in five press releases and four blog posts, and also if they are different depending on the media format. The results show that Findus usually used three of the five image repair strategies and the three appeal forms (ethos, pathos and logos) interacted and therefore became Findus crisis communication consistent in all material. The results also show that Findus had a clear position because they conveyed a consistent message..

Landsbygdsprogrammet och översiktlig planering i några västsvenska kommuner. : En diskursanalys

The rural development programme is a tool for promoting sustainable development in the Swedish countryside. The master plan should, for example, give directions for the national interest and describe how it will follow up national and regional targets such as the EU's environmental quality standards. Because the municipality has considerable freedom to formulate the plan in its sole discretion, and that it contains the municipality's political vision, it is also feasible to make a discourse analysis of the plan text.In discourse analysis, including articles and documents written by Rural Network Working Group on land use planning to be included. The purpose of discourse analysis is to see if there are differences in the way rural areas are described and if there are any flaws in how the designer interprets the rural development programme. Furthermore, the analysis result in tools that are adapted to the standards we create and choose.The standards we have are being designed based on our values, which differ.

Korsplattformskommunikation med Bluetooth Low Energy

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Tillgänglighetsstrategi för kommunala planerare : Ett arbetssätt för att identifiera och planera åtgärder av enkelt avhjälpta hinder

There are many barriers and obstacles that need to be removed to make the urban environment more accessible for people with disabilities. There are currently no adequate tools for urban planners to assess and address these obstacles. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide powerful methods for the visualization and analysis of spatial data, including the kind of data important in studies of accessibility. This study suggests a method urban planners can use to identify accessibility obstacles and to propose future actions to fix them.A literature review was conducted to find out what has been done and what is new regarding the accessibility issues. Different methods were evaluated which in turn led to the construction of a multi-step analytical strategy.

Musiken i Bolibompa. : Utveckling, utrymme och pedagogiska funktioner.

With inspiration from Bitzers situational analysis a phenomenografic method has been used, influenced by Brown & Levinsons´s theory of politeness, to find perceptions concerning constraints (in Bitzer´s sense in his model of the rhetorical situation) in Internet-based communication. Based on three qualitative interviews, this essay has found that the perceptions are closely linked to views of what constitutes formal and informal contexts, varying due to the gender or age of the informant. Netspeak is not considered appropriate, with some exceptions, in any formal situation. However, the perceptions regarding decorum in informal situations differ in nature, based mainly on what kinds of associations and connotations are produced by elements found in netspeak. Since perceptions regarding informal situations vary, there is a large risk of misunderstanding, which this essay aims to survey..

AVELUTION - När framtidsutveckling blir affärsutveckling. Affärsutveckling baserat på de nyttor ett varumärke genererar

Business development is to bring forth the entirecompany and through effective, market renewalprocesses to create sustainable profitability.1 This mightbe difficult, especially for smaller companies who lackthe experience and also tools to make correct forecast.2The purpose of my thesis is to investigate andexplain how a small business can remain flexible andcreate products in new markets by making the brandappealing and credible.In my thesis I have investigated how a company canextract benefit from its brand and identify the benefitswhich are the most unattended in a new market. Bydoing so, the company can systematically developconcepts for new business opportunities. I hopethat my thesis may provide tools and ease businessdevelopment process for smaller businesses.The purpous of my thesis I have studied theories ofbusiness development, brand and brand extension. Inthese theories I have used existing methods and I havecreated my own methods of business development.Through this thesis I have worked with AvelutionAB (a small that produce products for recoveryand comfort). I tested the theory and methods withAvelution which has resulted in a business developmentstrategy as well as two concepts that show howAvelution in the future might develop its business basedon the benefits Avelution and its products create..

Labba i teori : Kan praktiska laborationer öka förståelsen av teoretisk datalogi?

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.

Dom kallar det Lean? En studie om Lean i sjukvården och dess påverkan på den professionelle läkarens medicinska beslutsfattande

The purpose of this media scientific study is to contribute to a better understanding about how blind people?s empowerment and participation may affect their role in the digital society.Earlier international studies in this area have shown that blind people not only need more knowledge then the seeing population about the computer, but also about the technology behind their tools for using Internet. The results from these studies have also shown that Internet increases the blind people?s independents and that those who use Internet feel more involved in the society.A qualitative method was chosen to study the three most common categories from the earlier studies: knowledge of technology, empowerment and participation. Are there differences in the results compared to our study in Sweden 2014?Interviews with eight blind, experienced computer users have shown that knowledge of technology is essential for their use of Internet and that the Internet increases their empowerment and their participation.

Faveo Project Management Tool : Framtagning av verktyg för projektstyrning

There are several Project Management Softwares onthe market today. These tools are powerful andextensive to the degree they become too timeconsumingand complex and therefore often defeatits original purpose. This is the case especiallywhen the project manager is inexperienced and/orthe scope of the project is moderate.The purpose of this thesis arose from this context,there seems to be a gap between a home-made MSExcel spread sheet and the advanced softwaresavailable. The thesis and the product has beendeveloped in alliance with Faveo ProjectManagement with the shared goal to create a toolwhich is easy to use but still covers the essentialareas of project management theory. The tool willbe used internally by Faveo-employees as well asexternally together with Faveo?s clients in aneducational purpose.

Det sitter i väggarna! ? organisationskultur på två folkbibliotek med annorlunda driftsform

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study the organisational culture of two public libraries managed differently. One of the libraries in my study is run by the local bookstore and the other is run by a staff co-operative. My aim is to elucidate characteristic features in the culture of these two public library organisations. The questions I posed are which types of organisation culture can be identified in the two given examples and what the factors are that may be of importance for these cultures.

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