520 Uppsatser om Rhetorical criticism - Sida 13 av 35
"Tredje världen" genom kameralinsen : En semiotisk bildanalys av fotografen Brent Stirtons bilder ifrån "Tredje världen"
This paper is a semiotic analysis of nine images that are photographed in the "third world" by documentary photographer Brent Stirton. These images are analyzed on the basis of the three theoretical perspectives postcolonialism, intersectionality and postcolonial feminist criticism. The Analysis examine how men and women are represented in these pictures from the ?Third World?. As well as an attempt to understand what story these pictures tells the spectator and what kind of picture the spectator gets of the ?Third World? thorough these photographs in return..
Lärares initiativ till kommunikation med elever i klassrummet- Genusperspektiv på gymnasiet- Vem frågar vem?
This report presents the initaitvies made by teachers in form of questions during four lessons in a highschool class. A class in senior highschool was filmed during six hours with four different teachers. The number of questions and other initiatives were counted. The dialogue was transcribed with CA regarding examples from questioning and dialogue. The study examined how many closed(open and rhetorical questions the teacher initiate.
Konkurrerande "frames": Förhandlingarna om EU:s tjänstedirektiv
This paper concerns the question of how one can frame a political message. I investigate how a political frame is bound both to the line of argumentation connected with a certain discourse and to the audience closely related to that discourse.I have chosen to study a single case where the policy process was characterized by a framing contest. The case shows how negotiating the new Services Directive is affected by framing efforts made by the parties negotiating.My conclusions are that the question of a Services Directive lent itself to a definition in terms of "either/or"-arguments. Thus the Directive could be considered either a threat or a possibility. It was the very nature of the matter - the development of the internal market on services - that made possible a debate along the lines of a "left/right"-struggle and where a frame that drew from the European Social Model offered the better explanation thereby succeding in defining the new Directive as a threat.
Den ensamma flatan och glitterbögen : En kvalitativ studie av hbtq-personers porträttering i tre olika kvinnomagasin
The aim of this studie centers on how lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) are portrayed in women?s magazines. The magazines we have chosen to analyze are FRIDA, VeckoRevyn and amelia, which all three have different target groups. We have, with the assistance of the rhetorical and semiotic analysis methods, assessed 18 articles with their associated photographs. These methods are part of the qualitative analysis model and are used in order to study less empirical data with more depth.
Sverige och smygrasismen : En retorisk analys av ämnena integration och invandring i svensk press
The purpose of this study was to investigate how three Swedish news publications writes about integration and immigrants. The news articles were analyzed with a rhetorical analysis. The method was supplemented with theories of media and ethnicity, agenda setting theory and gatekeeping theory. This study resulted in the conclusion that racist discourses are found in the three news publications, regardless of political color, writer or article genre. Many of the articles makes a clear division of "us and them", where "them" is defined by the text's "us", who are often Swedes.
Netspeak som retoriskt verktyg : Skapar elementen inom netspeak mer påträngande problem än vad de löser?
With inspiration from Bitzers situational analysis a phenomenografic method has been used, influenced by Brown & Levinsons´s theory of politeness, to find perceptions concerning constraints (in Bitzer´s sense in his model of the rhetorical situation) in Internet-based communication. Based on three qualitative interviews, this essay has found that the perceptions are closely linked to views of what constitutes formal and informal contexts, varying due to the gender or age of the informant. Netspeak is not considered appropriate, with some exceptions, in any formal situation. However, the perceptions regarding decorum in informal situations differ in nature, based mainly on what kinds of associations and connotations are produced by elements found in netspeak. Since perceptions regarding informal situations vary, there is a large risk of misunderstanding, which this essay aims to survey..
When I grow up : En retorisk och semiotisk studie om ansvarsretorik hos Svenska Spel, angående minderåriga.
This essay is a qualitative study of the Swedish joint-stock company Svenska Spel AB?s television commercial from 2008. The commercial is called ?Spela lagom - When I grow up?, and is meant to serve as an informational commercial about being underaged in situations regarding gambling. Using semiotics and rhetoric?s, we are analyzing how elements seen in the commerical affects the rhetorical situation the clip is bound to; how the marketing is done to enhance Svenska Spel?s brand; and what strategies are used to make sure the public service announcements regarding persons involved with underage gambling gets acceptance.
Metafor - Tao : En komparativ studie i metaforik mellan prekonfuciansk tanketradition och svensk nutid
Metaphors and their use as a rethorical vehicle are examined. Two texts, one in Chinese and one in Swedish, are compared and analyzed to determine the extent to which the associations they create successfully capture the author's intent. Seecondarily, a shift from the assumptions that rhetorical analyses often assume (read: antiquity and Aristotles) to a more abstract internal human platform is suggested. Neurological and cognitive research is cited in support of this shift.The essay examines the question: How can metaphoric contribute to conveying the communicator's intention? By comparing metaphorics used by an historical Chinese rhetor with those used by a contemporary Swedish rhetor.
Att leva grönt är skönt ? men tänker vi likadant? : En retorisk analys av Coop som grönt företag
The purpose of this study is to examine a brand?s green marketing and its consumers? perception of it in order to compare these views. The idea is to find a potential gap and what effect it may have on the brand. A case study has therefore been made with the grocery market brand Coop with focus on organic food. The material used consists of texts from Coop?s website to represent their brand.
Med siktet inställt på bragd, hinder och hopp : En granskning av handikappidrottens plats i det mediala rummet
Purpose/Aim: The aim of this study is to (1) analyze the amount of exposure disability sports get in Swedens biggest newspaper (Aftonbladet), (2) look at how Aftonbladet portraits disability sports and it?s athletes, and finally (3) to see if there has occurred any change over time (during the last eight years). Material/Method: The first method used is a quantitative analysis to measure exposure.The second method is a quantitative content analysis which is used to analyze how disability sports are portrait.The third method is rhetorical and is also used to analyze how disability sports are portrayed. Main results: The study has shown that disability sports get very little exposure in Aftonbladet. The articles in the newspaper that cover disability sports are portrayed from a personal point of view without much focus on the athletes achievements regarding his or her sport.
"Det öppnas en hel värld och man lär sig så himla mycket" : En fenomenografisk studie av föräldrars uppfattningar av barns läspraktik i hemmet
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.
Transparens i svensk valkampanjfinansiering
Despite the fact that the issue has been discussed for several decades, there are still no rules in Sweden mandating political parties and candidates to disclose received donations. Because of this lack of transparency, Sweden is not fulfilling some of its international obligations and has fallen behind in the international trend to increase the transparency of election campaign finance. The lack of disclosure rules in Sweden has led to extensive criticism, most notably from the Council of Europe´s group of states against corruption, Greco, who criticized Sweden in light of the guidelines on the subject from the Council of Europe. At this writing, a new proposal for disclosure rules is being prepared at the Department of Justice, DoJ. The proposal is to be presented in spring 2013.
Det förlovade folkhemmet? : en studie av svensk civilreligion speglat i socialdemokraternas retorik 1928 - 2008
The aim of this paper is to apply Robert N. Bellahs theory of civil religion, within a Swedish societal context. Bellahs theory was designed in, and influenced by American culture. Therefore, the ?translation? of Bellahs theory does not come without problems.
?Det bärbara biblioteket : En kvalitativ studie i hur man inom folkbibliotek resonerar kring läsplattan
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.
Barns inflytande och delaktighet : En undersökning om hur barn och pedagoger ser på inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan
Uppsatsen syftar till att genom en analys av tre tal undersöka på vilket sätt USA:s president Barack Obama använder sig av berättelser om sin familj och sin bakgrund i sina tal för att försöka stärka sitt ethos. Uppsatsen har tre huvudsakliga frågeställningar: När i talen pratar Obama om sin familj och bakgrund? Vad i dessa berättelser kan höja Obamas ethos och skapa förtroende för honom? Vilka retoriska grepp använder Obama för att försöka få så många som möjligt att känna att de har något gemensamt med honom? Det material som analyseras i uppsatsen är tre tal framförda av Barack Obama. Det är det presentationstal (The Keynote Speech) som han höll på Demokraternas konvent 2004 när John Kerry skulle nomineras till presidentkandidat, det tal Obama höll om sin pastor när denne uttalat sig rasistiskt om vita (A More Perfect Union) samt det segertal han höll i Grant Park i Chicago 2008 då det stod klart att han blivit vald till USA:s 44:e president. Dessa tre tal har valts ut som analysmaterial då de dels rent kronologiskt speglar olika tidpunkter och avsatser i hans karriär och dels visar på tre olika sammanhang, ett då han egentligen presenterar en annan person (Keynote Speech) men ändå lyckas göra det även till ett presentationstal av sig själv, ett där han snarare ger ett slags försvarstal (A More Perfect Union) och ett som är mer präglat av glädje och förhoppning (The Victory Speech). Den teori som presenteras i uppsatsen rör framför allt ethos, den retoriska situationen och topikläran, men en kortare genomgång av den klassiska retorikens tre talgenrer, partesläran, publikbegreppet och presidenttal genomförs även.