

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 22 av 35

Krav som hjälper eller stjälper?: En studie om hur varumärkens samexponering med ekomärkningen KRAV påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende i butik

The behaviour of consumers has changed rapidly during the last decade, and a healthy lifestyle and an environmental mindset has become part of everyday life. This is also something that has become prominent in the supermarkets, where the organic products are increasingly winning shelf space. Several consumer behaviour studies have shown that the attitudes towards organic products and labels are predominantly positive. According to traditional marketing theory, these kind of attitudes should affect consumers? purchase intentions in a positive manner, as well as the actual purchase behavior.

För kunskap och kultur : En studie om folkbibliotekariers inköpsstrategier av utländsk litteratur

This bachelor thesis? purpose is to investigate how purchase librarians work with foreign language collection management. Since about 15% of the citizens of Sweden are born abroad or have a foreign background, the subject of investigation becomes relevant because it touches a wide user group of the public library.Interviews were conducted with four librarians responsible for purchasing of foreign literature. The purpose of these interviews was to investigate which underlying strategies and thoughts are used as a basis for purchasing.Since the library act does not include guidelines regarding the content of the foreign literature collection, how is the literature chosen and to what purpose?As a theoretical framework a self-developed model was used to categorize the foreign literature into its different functions.

Ett varumärke kan inte välja sina föräldrar

Within the interconnected global markets of today; people, products, and information travel at a pace never met before. In light of the global retail markets recent integration, consumers are opened up to new products and are beginning to develop a vetted interest in the heritage of those products. Within literature this process has been coined "Country of Origin" COO, and its impacts on consumer attitudes, product value- assessment, and overall behaviors has been one of the most emphasized areas of "international business" studies, during the last three decades. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between positive or advantageous associations to a country of origin, and the actual products representing and coming out of that country. It is by this synergetic process that so-called positive COO-effects are brought forth.The goal of this thesis stems directly from the still unexplored potential for Swedish firms to differentiate their products and brands on new international markets, through a strategic and coherent communication of relevant Swedish COO-effects.

Användarvänlig design av bibliotekskataloger på webben.

The aim of this thesis is to study a number of standards and theories, from the two research areas human-computer interaction and psychology, about how a graphical user interface (GUI) should be composed in order to facilitate interaction between humans and computers. Special emphasis is put on how the GUI should take into consideration the strengths and limitations of human cognition and perception. A study of three web catalogues shows how these theories appear when concretised. The following questions are answered in this thesis:What guidelines and styleguides can be found that specify the design of a user-friendly GUI?How do a few library catalogues on the web match a selection of these design principles?The guidelines are extracted from literature concerning human-computer interaction, psychology, automated library systems and web design.

Det attraktiva folkbiblioteket? En undersökning av användarna på fyra bibliotek i Malmö

In the last few years there has been an ongoing debate concerning the methods of assessing the quality of public libraries and their services. This study investigates the opinions and needs of the users at four different public libraries in Malm : the local libraries in Bellevueg rden, Limhamn, and Kirseberg, and the main library in central Malm . The purpose was to find out whether different user groups display different patterns in their library use and, in addition, to identify what library services they prefer. The data were collected through interviews with users and librarians, and by means of a user survey ccarried out at the four libraries. The results indicate that certain differences in the usage patterns do exist between the main library and the local libraries.

Att leta bänkbok: bänkbokspraktiker i skolbiblioteket.

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to contribute to a betterunderstanding of children's free time reading book practices by studyingpupils in the school library and their processes of finding and borrowingbooks for themselves to read silently in the classroom, so called free timereading books. The study also includes observations of the staff's role,particularly the school librarian's in supporting pupil's book selection.The empirical material consists of field notes from an etnographic studywhere pupils in 4th grade (aged 10-11) and staff were observed duringthree school library visits. The theoretical framework is inspired byLennart Björneborn's concepts of information practices in libraries:serendipity, integrative library interface, mediation flow and affordancespaces.The study shows that pupils' search for free time reading books in theschool library is relatively routine-based at the same time as it isspontaneous. The process is an interplay with factors such as time,display and interaction in the integrative library interface. In the presenceof adults, finding books becomes an imposed task for the pupils.

Herakleitos logos : Om några tolkningar av filosofins grundbegrepp

The philosopher Heraclitus has been renowned for a great amount of time. Despite that fact the remaining fragments of his work have just recently been assembled to the composed form they have today. Among these fragments there are a couple of terms that stands out amongst others; one of them is the term logos. The main focus of this thesis is devoted to the mystery and usage of the term logos, which comes into a great display in fragment number 50.The ambition of the thesis is to evaluate and compare three interpreters? readings of Heraclitus while having a close focus on his usage of the word logos in fragment 50.

Småföretagssamverkan, en utopi eller ett nödvändigt ont? : En studie av småföretagens motiv till samverkan

Bakgrund: Detaljhandeln har under de senare decennierna genomgått en förändring där större kedjor tar allt mer plats. Den levande debatten om vikten av småföretagandet i Sverige gör att frågan väcks om vad som händer med småföretagen i detaljhandelns utveckling. Samverkan kan vara ett sätt för småföretagen att konkurrera mot de större aktörerna. Småföretagaren beskrivs inte sällan ha en önskan om att arbeta självständigt och en stark vilja om hur det egna företaget ska drivas. Då två av tre småföretag ändå väljer att regelbundet samarbeta med andra företag är det av intresse att undersöka vad småföretagen har för motiv till samverkan.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka varför småföretag väljer att ingå organiserad samverkan.

Massdigitalisering och kvalitativ digitalisering: En jämförelse av digitaliseringen på nationalbiblioteken i Norge och Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to compare mass digitization and qualitative digitization, to see how the digitization process and the digitalized material differ. The study emanates from the mass digitization as it is performed at the National Library in Norway, and the qualitative digitization at the Royal Library in Sweden. The method used is document studies combined with mail interviews. The focus is upon the practical operation, to which counts: ?purpose & selection?, ?preparation, image capturing and processing?, ?metadata & text encoding?, ?quality assessment?, ?storage of digital originals and copies? and ?display?.

Privatpersoners sparbeteende i Tillväxtmarknadsfonder Ryssland, Kina & Afrika

This paper includes astudy of the mutual fund market investors during a selected timeperiod. The reader is given a descriptive picture of how people in different age groups have  acted  in  conjunction  with  the  last  major  financial  crisis.  It  has  been  studied whether people in the different age categories have saved,purchased or sold during this time  period  based  on  theories  and  analytic  material  from  one  of  the  largest  fund operators in Sweden. The result enlightens people?s activity and risk appetite in relation to the fund market. The essay results in an explanation of the underlying cause of the behavior        of         the         people         in         the         different         age         categories.The paper assumes that the market is cyclical and that more crises will occur in the future.

Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner

This paper describes the evolutionary development of an information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.

Vem bestämmer egentligen? : Om handelsetableringar och kommunal samhällsplanering

Denna uppsats behandlar kommunal samhällsplanering, med fokus på handelsetableringar. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i den utveckling med externalisering och koncentration av detaljhandeln som pågått under de senaste decennierna. Denna utveckling är såväl lokal som regional och har inneburit att detaljhandeln koncentrerats till centralorternas stadskärnor och externa stormarknader. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken aktör som bestämmer över denna utveckling. De aktörer som undersöks är dagligvaruhandeln och samt kommuner.

VEM V?LJER VINSTEN? P?verkar den politiska f?rgen p? det kommunala styret hur mycket vinst som f?rs ?ver fr?n de kommunala bostadsbolagen?

Every year, Swedish municipalities transfer considerable amounts of profit from public housing companies to the owner municipality. Municipalities are allowed to do this, provided that the money is used to pay for certain purposes. But there are no legal repercussions if they do not comply. Not all municipalities choose to transfer profits. Based on partisan theory, this difference could be explained by the political governance of the municipality.

The impact of store atmospherics and consumer attitudes on in-store behavior ? What determines the buying decision of functional food?

Thesis purpose: The aim of this paper is to extend the knowledge of what influences the purchase decision of functional food in the store. By applying the M-R model in a new setting - the dairy department in grocery retailing in Sweden - and adding variables related to health attitudes, the aim is to contribute to existing research concerning in-store purchase decision making and store environment as well as consumer attitudes. Methodology: This thesis employs a quantitative strategy with a deductive approach and data has been collected with questionnaires. Theoretical perspective: Environmental psychology serves as an overarching framework where, more specifically, certain aspects of store atmospherics and some variables concomitant to health attitudes provide the theoretical base. Empirical data: The empirical data consists of customer purchasing a functional food product, Proviva, and this is contrasted with a test group, Bravo.

Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

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