

10773 Uppsatser om Result control - Sida 56 av 719

?Hemtjänst är inte bara att vara ute och städa, tvätta och diska? : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av otillräcklighet samt strategier de använder sig av för att hantera dessa upplevelser

The purpose of this study is to, based on qualitative interviews, understand the home care staff's experiences of insufficiency and also which strategies they are using to deal with these experiences.The questions of this study are:In which situations are home care staff experiencing insufficiency?What copingstrategies do home care staff set out to deal with these experiences? Method: Interviews has been used as a method to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of coping-strategies has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that experiences of insufficiency mainly promotes in situations of lack of time for various reasons. The main strategies home care staff is using are planning, adapting, accepting, compensation, get themselves together, control and manage their emotions and understanding. Other situations that promote feelings of insufficiency are lack of competence and when the eldery person doesn't want to receive a planned effort. Other strategies they use are social support and changing the circumstances..

Informationssäkerhet inom grafiska företag

The study shows the current need for security solutions concerning work with information in different areas.Investigations will show important solutions for printers? needs to meet the increasingly harder demands forfast and safe digital communications. Important factors to be analyzed in the investigations are: access todifferent types of information, workers authority of information, access to the data base register internallyand externally, production solutions for an effective fault detection and data base solutions fororders and distribution.Planned and unplanned stops result in a standard of value in interruptions. Internal data bases areprotected by so-called ?Fire Walls?, ?Watch Dogs? and Virtual Private Networks.

Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem

Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.

Produktkalkylering i ett mindre tjänsteföretag : en fallstudie av ett företag i el- branschen

Den allt hårdare konkurrensen på marknaden gör att det blir alltviktigare för mindre tjänsteföretag att utvärdera sitt val avproduktkalkyl.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka El- Företaget AB:sproduktkalkylering samt ge förslag till eventuella förbättringar genomatt jämföra med befintliga och lämpliga produktkalkyler.Resultatet i denna undersökning visar att påläggskalkylen är den mestlämpade kalkylmetoden för El- Företaget AB. Företaget använder sig avdenna modell idag men i slutsatsen har vi konstaterat att det krävsförbättringar. Dessa förändringar bör genomföras för att företaget iframtiden ska kunna jämföra och kontrollera sina kostnader på ettbättre sätt.Because of the competition on the current service market it is moreimportant to minor service companies to evaluate there choice ofproduct calculation.The purpose is to examine El- Företaget Ab:s product calculation andsuggest possible improvements by comparing with existing andappropriate product calculating- methods.The result in this survey shows that absorption costing method is themost suitable one to use by El- Företaget AB. The company uses thismodel today but through the conclusion we have worked outimprovements. These changes will be made to compare and controltheir cost in a better way in the future..

Företagsstudie om värmeöverföring : Beskrivning av värmeflöden hos en lagerbyggnad

The study took place at a food corporation in Växjö, Sweden. It describes a building that contains four tanks in which glucose syrup is stored. The purpose of the study was to calculate the amount of heat that leaves the building and the amount of heat that is supplied by the installed heating equipment. Before the calculations could be implemented, all the systems that supply the building with heat had to be examined. With a small amount of information from earlier studies, the work to gather all the data necessary for the calculations began.

?Något fel är det med honom, han kommer säkerligen aldrig att bliva en god medborgare? : En studie om barnavårdsnämnden, skolan och de avvikande barnen i 1930-talets Malmö stad

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping

För att svenska företag ska kunna konkurrera med företag som har produktion i lågkostnadsländer måste företagen bedriva en effektivare produktion.Syftet med totalt produktivt underhåll (TPU) är att öka företagets lönsamhet genom att höja produktiviteten. TPU är ett arbetssätt där alla medarbetare ska engageras för att minimera störningar och haverier så att utrustningseffektiviteten kan höjas.Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping och ge rekommendationer för den fortsatta implementeringen. Som grund för analys och slutsats har en fallstudie på ett pilotavsnitt genomförts. Fallstudien byggs upp till största delen av kvalitativ data i form av deltagande observationer, enkäter och intervjuer.Ledningens engagemang är den mest centrala faktorn i implementeringen av TPU. Produktionsledningen på ABB Cewe-Control måste tydligare visa engagemanget i aktiva handlingar för att en förändring ska kunna ske.

Småföretagares uppfattningar om och behov av revisorn som rådgivare - sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv

The purpose of this dissertation is to describe small businesses? opinions about the auditor as a business adviser as well as their need for advice, dependent on which stage of the lifecycle model they belong to. This dissertation has a qualitative approach as the authors wanted to gain a deeper understanding about the problem area. As the lifecycle model in this dissertation consist of three stages, the authors have interviewed six small businesses, two in each stage. The interviews were conducted with the owner and took place at the location of the business.

Ledningsstrukturer inom terroristorganisationer - En fallstudie om ISIS

Since events of September 11 and the subsequent conflicts surrounding the event, the war against terrorism has been constantly present. It has been used several methods and strategies to address these threats, including a method current in use, the targeting method. The method refers to use few but precise attacks to knock out key functions within these organizations, mostly individuals in the higher command and control structures within these organizations. The effectiveness of the method has been put in question when the majority of the terrorist organizations continue their strife, in some cases even increasing its intensity. The purpose of this study is to investigate which role the higher command plays in these organizations ability to wage war.

Pedagogers sätt att bemöta barnens initiativ i förskolan

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

Tillämpning av Unified Process och Design Patterns vid integrering av system

The computer consultant company Create in Lund AB wishes to facilitate their invoice routines, as it at present is required that the administration finds and compares information from two different systems.The purpose of this thesis is to develop an invoice management system that simplifies the invoice management process for the administration at Create. During the development of the system, I have chosen to follow the software development process Unified Process and also tried to find design patterns that can be applied to the integration.The result of my project is a self-contained application developed using the Java programming language that communicates with the databases of the other two systems and presents relevant information to the user as a set of invoices. Of the 23 design patterns I studied, I used four of them in the invoice management system. However I couldn?t find any connection between any design pattern and the integration of systems.

Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med barn som har autismspektrumtillstånd.

Background: As a part of a national health control program, Statens VeterinärmedicinskaAnstalt performs diagnostics to screen flocks for certain pathogens causing high mortality,morbidity and/or serious economical losses. There are several viruses in the programincluding IBDV (infectious bursal disease virus), IBV (infectious bronchitis virus) and NDV(Newcastle disease virus). Method: 96 serum samples were collected from different poultryflocks in Sweden and analyzed by ELISA, which are currently used in the health controlprogram as well as by a commercial prototype of a multiplex immunoassay manufactured byLuminex Corp., which is currently under evaluation at the United States Department ofAgriculture USDA. This 4-plex assay detects antibodies for the three above-mentionedviruses as well as antibodies of avian reovirus. In the context of this study the ELISAs run inroutine diagnostics as well as a REO ELISA were used as the standard for comparison.Result: The antibody concentration in serum from vaccinated chickens was high while theantibody concentration level in serum from not vaccinated chickens was low.

Att förlora en person till följd av suicid : En litteraturöversikt ur de närståendes perspektiv

Background: Each year, over one million people around the world die as a result of suicide. About 1500 of those are in Sweden. In each case an estimated six kindred?s are to be affected. These people are in great need of support.

Vem är motiverad? : Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare om motivationsbeteende i religionskunskapsundervisningen

The purpose of my study is to explore teachers reasoning regarding the motivation of students in religious education. I investigate the teachers' expectations of the students' behaviors which are being judged by the teachers, in order to assess whether the students their classes are motivated or not.                      In order to present views of the teachers? reasoning, the study uses qualitative method and is based on interviews, conducted with eight different high school teachers.The results show that teachers tend to expect the motivation of the students to contradict their own expectations before starting a course or they presume that the expectations are going to be confirmed in class. Furthermore teachers seem to have preconceived ideas regarding how motivated or un-motivated students behave in class.

Ideella idrottsföreningars ekonomistyrning : En flerfallsstudie om styrverktyg

Bachelor thesis in Business administration, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Controller, 2FE05E, spring semester 2013 Title: Non-profit sport associations management control- A multi case study of management tools Authors: Christoffer Ahlgren, Emelie Andersson and Emelie Nilsson Tutor: Anders Jerreling Examiner: Elin Funck Background: Non-profit sport associations activate a large number of people in Sweden and have a great impact on the social community. Because of the increasing complexity to operate sport associations some are experiencing serious financial problems. The daily financial work has a major impact on how the future unfolds for the sport associations. An adverse economy not only creates complications in the economic field, it also affects the sport itself. Purpose: Our purpose with this paper is to describe and explain how the economy is controlled in non-profit sport associations and the tool that is used to support this process.

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