382 Uppsatser om Respiratory failure - Sida 26 av 26
Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU
Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between ? generally speaking ? Northern and Southern Europe.
Fallstudie av 10 skånska gårdar för en lönsam stutproduktion :
During the summer of 2005 a number of steer producers in Skåne, Sweden, found that their animals graded less favourable according to the EUROP carcass grading system when slaughtered, than ordinary. The aim with this project was to determine factors that affects the production result in steer production and to find the reason to the lower classification. The project was initiated by Anita Persson, LRF, Skåne and was preformed with supervision from Ingemar Olsson, SLU, and Jens Fjelkner, Skånesemin. Ten producers of dairy steers located in Skåne was chosen for this study. The producers were interviewed to collect information about their steer production with respect to their planning and results.
Renal dysplasi hos hund
Renal dysplasia in dogs is a severe kidney disease that causes great suffering for the affected individual. The disease disturbs the development of the kidneys which leads to an immature microscopic structure of the kidney and smaller kidneys than normal. A dog with renal dysplasia only lives between 4 and 24 months, because of kidney failure. There are different ways to establish a diagnosis, but the most common way today is to take a renal biopsy. In a scientific study, ultrasound based diagnosis was shown to match the histopathological picture of the disease.
Commitment to Innovation
?The management of innovation is inherently difficult and risky, most new technologies fail to be translated into products and services, and most new products and services are not commercial successes. In short, innovation can enhance competitiveness, but it requires a different set of management knowledge and skills from those of everyday business administration? (Bessant et al. 2005 p.
Inverkan av utfodringsnivå och miljö på reproduktion och hållbarhet hos rekryteringskvigor :
This study is based on an earlier interdisciplinary study made by Redbo et al., (2000), Extensive cattle production systems ? out wintering, which lasted over two winters, 97/98 and 98/99, with two groups of heifers indoors and two groups of heifers outdoors raised in different environments, indoors or outdoors during their second winter. Both indoor and outdoor heifer groups were fed grass silage ad libitum throughout the experimental period that lasted from October until May. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long term effects of being raised in these two environments. This study includes data collected during the period lasting from the start of the experiment of Redbo et al., (2000) until the heifers had calved a second time and the results mainly deal with the performance of the animals after the experiment during their first two calvings and their first lactation.
Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :
The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96.
In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive.
The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.
Kvinnors upplevelser av misslyckad infertilitetsbehandling- en metasyntes
Infertilitet är ett globalt hälsoproblem och 15 % av par i fertil ålder lider av ofrivillig barnlöshet.En del av infertila par genomgår infertilitetsbehandling men behandlingen leder inte alltid tillbarnafödande. Syftet med den här studien var att öka kunskaper om kvinnors upplevelser avmisslyckad infertilitetsbehandling genom att syntetisera resultaten av tidigare kvalitativa studierinom området. Metoden metasyntes användes i studien. För att hitta relevanta artiklar användesdatabaserna ``Pub Med`` och ``Scopus``. Åtta artiklar som svarade mot syftet valdes ut.