382 Uppsatser om Respiratory failure - Sida 22 av 26
SPICA - ARISTO JÄMFÖRELSE studie av analysprogram med avseende på spånningskollaps i elektriska kraftsystem
Safe operation of a large synchronous power system as Nordel is not an easy task.There are several aspects to take into consideration. This thesis focuses on the problems due to voltage collapses in a transmission system.The ability to foresee an upcoming collapse is vital to maintain stable operation of the grid. The grid operator at Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) uses the computer program SPICA to predict the maximum transfer limit at specified transfer sections. SPICA uses actual states from the grid to predict the transfer limitation, and a quarter later a renewed estimate is produced and so on. This means that the operator can se his transfer limits vary every fifteen minutes.Our task in this project is to validate the accuracy of the limitations obtained by SPICA.
Hur påverkar johannesört farmakokinetiken utav warfarin, ciklosporin, digoxin, preventivmedel och teofyllin? Vad har detta för klinisk betydelse?
St. John?s wort extract is composed of a large number of components, about 150, but the most studied and interesting substance are hyperforin and hypericin. The herb is very popular and it is known for its pharmacological efficacy in numerous disorders. It is used for treatment of mild to moderated depression as an alternative to synthetic antidepressants.
Ungdomsprojekt i medvind : hur folkbibliotek framgångsrikt kan arbeta i projekt för ungdomar
The aim of this Master´s thesis is to explore how public libraries in a successful way can work in projects with young people. It intends to point out different factors that in a legible way affect the accomplishment and outcome of the project. Another purpose of the study is to uncover the various approaches existing within the projects towards young people and to find out why it is seen as important to work with youngsters, considering the hard work that it requires and the reluctance of the young to visit the library. The examination is based upon eight different and fulfilled projects. Information about these has been received through project descriptions, project reports and documents describing applications for economical benefits.
Intuberingsmetoder och alternativa metoder att tillföra inhalationsanestetika för allmän anestesi på kanin
Handling of animals during anaesthesia is an important field in the profession as a veterinary nurse and in which intubation is an essential part. Hence, adequate knowledge is necessary for the welfare of the animal.
The objective of this literature study was to make it useful and trustworthy for veterinary nurses. It is intended to describe and summarize existing scientificity with its benefits and disadvantages within the different areas of intubation techniques and alternative methods of inhalation anaesthetic supplementation for general anaesthesia in rabbits.
Endotracheal intubation in rabbits can be complicated and technically demanding due to the anatomy of the oropharynx including the narrowness of this structure, a relatively large tongue, large incisors and a limited mobility of the temperomandibular joint. The obstructed visualization of larynx and the rabbit?s tendency to develop laryngospasm contributes to the difficulty of intubation.
Rabbits are susceptible to tracheal injury and multiple intubation attempts can cause tracheal lesions due to repeated damage to the tracheal mucous membrane, although damage can occur after a single intubation attempt as well.
An ETT (endotracheal tube) with or without a cuff can be used during orotracheal intubation in rabbits.
Kundrelationer - mellan Setragroup AB och bygghandeln :
This study is made in cooperation with Setragroup AB. Setra is Sweden?s biggest sawmilling company with a turnover of almost 6 billion SEK. 45% of the produced volume goes to the Swedish market where the customers are the DIY-sector and industrial customers. Setra as well as the other Swedish sawmilling companies operate in a very competitive environment.
Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen : En fallstudie på VIDA AB
Bachelor thesis, Controller, Program of Master of Science in Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus University in Växjö, Sweden, Course Code: 2FE13E:3, Spring 2012 Authors: Jacob Cedergren, Adam Pettersson, Hampus SkelterwijkSupervisor: Anders JerrelingTitle: The ERP-systems impact of the management control - a case study of VIDA AB Original Title: Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen - en fallstudie på VIDA ABBackground: New technology has given businesses new opportunities to use and store information and the current information systems has changed the way of working in more or less all sectors and operations. ERP-systems have been one of the most important IT innovations in the past decade. The potential of a properly implemented ERP-system is great because it has got the ability to link the company?s different areas together. Despite its many advantages, there are several examples of cases where the acquisition and implementation has been a total failure.
Designstudie av beställningsautomat : anpassad för drive through
Rapporten Designstudie av beställningsautomat -anpassad för drive through- behandlararbetet från produktutveckling till modellframställning. Den uppgift som gruppen tagit sig angäller utveckling och design av en automat anpassad för användning i en drive through. Helaarbetet är ett examensarbete inom Produkt och Processutveckling (kurskod: KN1060) vidInstitutionen för Design och Produktutveckling på Mälardalens högskola.Produktutvecklingen gäller en automat anpassad för användning i en drive through, iproduktutvecklingen ingår val av material, produktionsmetod, utformning samtkonceptmodeller. Arbetet har utförts med en funktionsanalys och intervjuer som grund.Utifrån dessa dokument har sedan flertalet koncept kunnat utvecklas. Med stöd av ett antalutvecklingsverktyg har ett urval kunnat göras för att slutligen mynna ut i ett enda slutgiltigtkoncept.Jämförelser och urval av koncept har genomförts med hjälp av ett antal utvecklingsverktyg;QFD-analys (Quality Function Deployment), FMEA-analys (Failure Mode Effect Analysis)och Pugh-matris.
Samspelet mellan ekologi, produktionsförhållande, politik och sociokulturella faktorer gällande Östersjöns torskbestånd från 1970-talet till 2003
The study begins with a historical background over the fisheries development in North America and in the Baltic Sea area in Finland and Sweden. As we can see the fisheries development depends on the interaction between ecology, state of production, politic and also social factors. In Sweden the fishery politic has changed over the period of the study. In the 1970: s the main politic focus was on the fisheries progress, expansion and rationalization. The State in Sweden took a vast part in this development and gave economic support.
Påkörningsskydd i bearbetningsfabriker : Utveckling av påkörningsskydd för industrifordon
I en stor del av arbetsolyckor som anmäls är en truck inblandad. För att undvika att fotgängare blir påkörda av industrifordon används ofta påkörningsskydd. På Volvo Group Truck Operations i Skövde används idag påkörningsskydd i fabrikerna för att avgränsa fotgängare från fordonstrafiken. Volvos påkörningsskydd är en helsvetsad stålkonstruktion som är fäst i betonggolvet med expanderbultar. Dessa påkörningsskydd är byggda efter platsen de monteras på och är därför svåra att återanvända och reparera.
Äggstockscysta hos mjölkkor
The presence of cystic ovarian follicles represents an important ovarian dysfunction and is a major cause of reproductive failure in dairy cattle. A cystic ovarian follicle is a persistent follicular-like structure on one or both of the ovaries. It is at least 2,5cm in diameter and it has to persist for at least ten days while a corpus luteum is missing. There are two kinds of cystic ovarian follicles, those who have a progesterone production and those who have not. A clear definition for this condition is lacking, probably because the heterogeneity of the clinical signs and the complexity of the disorder.
På spaning efter den kropp som flyr : mellan kön och text i Nina Bouraouis Mina onda tankar
This is a study of the novel Mes mauvaises pensées (2005) by the French writer Nina Bouraoui. I use an intertextual comparative method, where I read the novel against three intertexts: Marie Cardinal Les mots pour le dire (1975), the David Lynch movie Mulholland Drive (2001) and novels and photographies by Hervé Guibert. Main focus is on the relation between body and language. Using the psychoanalytic theories by Julia Kristeva I examine the melancholy of the narrator in Mes mauvaises pensées. The melancholic subject mourns a Thing which is the unrepresentable archaic mother.
Fetmaparadoxen, myt eller sanning hos vuxna med kardiovaskulär sjukdom
Sahlgrenska AcademyAt University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The obesity paradox, myth or truth in adults with cardiovascular disease.Author: Louise Svensson och Amanda NilssonSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 30, 2013Background: It has long been generally accepted that obesity is a risk factor for many diseases. Despite this, new research indicates that a higher BMI could be a protective factor for those with a chronic cardiovascular disease. This discovery is called the obesity paradox and could change the perception of patients' BMI in both public health and clinical work.Objective: The objective of this systematic review article is to examine the scientific evidence for the existence of the obesity paradox in chronic cardiovascular disease, i.e. if a BMI >25 kg/m2 is associated with lower mortality among adults with chronic cardiovascular disease.Search strategy: The databases used in the literature study were PubMed, Summon, Scopus and Cochrane. The keywords were: obesity paradox, cardiovascular, heart, male, BMI, intentional weight loss, cardiovascular mortality and mortality heart failure.Selection criteria: Studies, which had an adult population classified after BMI that suffered from chronic cardiovascular disease and had all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality as endpoints, were included.Data collection and analysis: Ten studies were included.
Metodik för bestämning av åkerdikens status : fallstudie av ett dike i Munktorps socken
Agricultural drainage ditches are links between fields, lakes and oceans, having the potential to transport e.g. sediment and nutrients. When in a good condition, drainage ditches can act as sinks for e.g. phosphorus and sediments and prevent eutrophication downstream.
The aim of this study was to determine the condition of one agricultural drainage ditch and to come up with suggestions for appropriate measures. The aim was also to determine
which of the ditch?s properties that were possible to evaluate visually, which processes they represented as well as which properties required complementary physical analysis.
This in order to contribute to the work of developing a method for determining the status/condition of agricultural drainage ditches.
Mervärdesskattedirektivets implementering : Nationellt handlingsutrymme gällande bestämmelserna om mervärdesskattegrupper och reducerade mervärdesskattesatser?
En medlemsstat inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) ska anpassa de nationella bestämmelserna för att möta de EU-rättsliga bestämmelserna. Ett exempel på en sådan reglering är mervärdesskatten. Syftet med regleringen av mervärdesskatten har varit att skapa och stimulera en inre marknad inom EU, utan skillnader mellan medlemsländerna. Mervärdesskatten har harmoniserats genom mervärdesskattedirektivet som medlemsstaternas är förpliktigade att implementera. Implementering av ett direktiv ger medlemsstaterna möjligheten att själva tolka och avgöra tillvägagångssättet, så länge direktivets syfte uppnås.
Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun
Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality.