

1515 Uppsatser om Resources - Sida 14 av 101

Framtagning av ritplattestyrd penselsimulation för GIMP

The project was intended to produce a brush simulation plugin to the image processing program GIMP which would use a 6DOF drawing tablet for user input.Too ambitious goals coupled with compability issues between the Resources used resulted in that no meaningful software was produced. Experience was however obtained, and this paper is intended to give an overview of relevant concepts for- and the process ofcreating a brush simulation..

Riskbilder och kontroll av ungas IKT-användning: En fallstudie

The use of Internet by children and teenagers has become a special field of interest. Certain risks are associated with young peoples use of this media and national and international measures have been taken to assess and counter these risks.Library and informationscience have approached the subject of risks by looking at different software´s, so called Internet filters, that is used to control and censor the access to Internet based Resources. In the USA, where public services and institutions that provide Internet Resources to children and youth have started to require censorship of the Internet, a debate has arisen concerning the use of so called Internet filters.The theoretical basis of this master´s thesis is related to the conception of risk, gender and childhood. The focus of the paper lies on young peoples use of information and communication technology (ICT) and how risks associated with young peoples use of the Internet is constructed by different parties involved in supplying Internet Resources. By means of a case study at a primary school in Skåne and at the company Netscan in Malmö.

Att mäta HR - Ett oviktigt behov? : En studie om att mäta Talent Managements ekonomiska effekter.

SammanfattningExamensarbete, Human Resource Management, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet.Organisation, VT2012. Bakgrund: Intresset för Talent Management har växt allt starkare bland svenska företag men det finns lite forskning som stödjer dess lönsamhet. HR och personalavdelningar har länge försökt att mäta ekonomiska effekter av de aktiviteter som är kopplade till företagens mänskliga resurser. Dessa mätningar förväntas ge HR-avdelningar ett större inflytande i företagen och skulle kunna ge Talent Management teoretisk legitimitet.Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga i vilken utsträckning svenska företag följer upp de ekonomiska effekterna av Talent Management, hur och varför det görs eller inte görs. Syftet är även att, om de ekonomiska effekterna följs upp, undersöka om företagen kopplar dessa effekter till lönsamhet.Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har ett abduktivt angreppssätt med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning valts som grund för uppsatsen. Enkäten skickades ut till Sveriges hundra största företag och har följts upp av kvalitativa intervjuer för att skapa en djupare förståelse för enkätresultaten.Resultat och slutsatser: Majoriteten av Sveriges hundra största företag mäter inte effekterna av Talent Management, vilket överensstämmer med tidigare studier inom området.

Diagnosens betydelse : En kvalitativ undersökning om gränsdragning, kategorisering och fördelning av resurser i det sociala arbetets praktik ? exemplet ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine if and how the diagnosis of ADHD is important for the social practice delimitation to obtain an understanding of how the sorting and categorization of clients affects the distribution of Resources. In a qualitative approach, the study is based on eight semi-structured interviews in five different social practices. Young adults diagnosed with ADHD who need society's help and support, constituted our focus in the study. The selection is based on gaining an understanding of how the client process proceeds. The interviews were supplemented with documents, such as legal and internal methodological support.

Relationen mellan utformningen av digitala bibliotek och användarnas behov. En intervjustudie vid Göteborgs universitets digitala bibliotek.

The aim of this thesis is to define digital library, and to investigate a relation between the construction of a digital library and user needs. The main questions to be answered are: 1 What criteria was used when constructing a digital library, particularly concerning issues like purpose, function, design, supply, services, Resources and future development of the digital library? 2 How do the digital library system designers and system builders criteria correspond with those of postgraduate researchers? And what factors affect the use? A digital library is an enterprise that gives access to information stored digitally and directly available on the net. The crucial is that the enterprise has a control over collection of information and responsibility to make it available to a defined group of users. In order to investigate the relation between the construction of the digital library and user needs, I have interviewed five key people involved with the work with the digital library and twenty postgraduate researchers from the Gothenburg University.

Att vara en kreativ trollkarl

The study aims to describe how art teachers conduct their teaching towards the new curriculum requirements, hence, to the must-haves of society towards the art education. As a future art teacher, I have an interest in finding out how the art teachers tackles the new requirements despite substance plight. The study has revealed that Resources for the art education, both financial and time varies from school to school. Which says something about a very unfair situation for the teachers..

Vi tar tempen på ert CO2-utsläpp! : en studie av hållbarhetsredovisningars användbarhet

The environment has become an important part in people´s lives, and in today´s society stakeholders demands have increased upon companies when it comes to sustainability reports. How these sustainability reports are designed depends on whom it?s for, laws and regulations, and the companies own norms and values. The purpose of sustainability reports is to measure, monitor and compare a company´s enviromental impact. It?s not only about integrating economics, but also enviromental and social standards together to get both financial and competitive advantages.Sustainable Value method is a new model and is the first real method that can be used to evaluate a company´s Resources, both financial, social and enviromental to a sustainable value.This model is used to compare the resource efficiency between companies.In this thesis, a documentary study with an experimental approach has been made.Sustainability reports from six selected companies (in the engineering and forestry sector) have been investigated with respect to their accounting for carbon dioxide, and an experiment using the method ?Sustainable Value Approach? was subsequently performed.

Dolda resurser : Att synliggöra icke materiella tillgångar

Background: Once upon a time the most important Resources in an economy were tangible goods. Historically, Swedish company culture has been dominated by engineering and techni-cal innovation has been the focal point. Today, Intangible values drive product development and form a company?s differentiation. Intangibles have therefore become the most prominent Resources in a company.

Mellanchefers ledarskap ur ett förändringsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers arbete med patientsäkerhet under besparingstider

No accidents or injuries should occur because of our public health care. It should be a place with high security and good quality in order to avoid this type of accidents. This is a tough situation when the public health care organization should have as good quality as possible despite savings. It is difficult for middle managers to improve patient safety in the absence of money.The purpose of this study is to explain the work with patient safety that middle manager perform during saving times. The perspective we will look into is how they work with patient safety as an ongoing change.

Marknadsföring av gymnasieskolan : En studie av kommunägda och privatägda gymnasieskolor

The authors of this paper intended to study and compare local secondary schools(municipally owned schools) and independent secondary schools(privately owned schools) in Stockholm County. The purpose oft his paper is to explore how secondary schools market themselves and whether the view and use of marketing is different between municipal and independent secondary schools. The essay is by nature multi-case study and interviews were conducted with representatives from four high schools, two municipal and two independent, one representative from Education Committee and one from Privet Schools? Association.The introduction of School reform in 1992 enabled opening of privately owned schools and empirical datas hows that before 1992 secondary schools did not have the same extent of competition and the need of marketing was not widespread, but today there is fierce competition among secondary schools. The introduction of School reform changed the conditions for the Swedish school market, greater freedom of choice led to atougherfight for the students, which in turn increases the competition between secondary schools.

Om Lettlands utveckling som destination : en jämförelse av turismindustrin under landets självständighetsperioder

Latvia has been an independent state twice, the first time during the years 1918-1940 and the second time from the year 1991 and ahead. During these two periods Latvia has been a destination for tourists. The aim of this study is to describe how Latvia as a destination has developed during the years of independence. One further aim is to compare what Latvia?s tourism industry looked like during the same periods to descry similarities and differences.

Lärares syn på hur den fysiska klassrumsmiljön påverkar elevernas lärande

My main purpose for this paper was to find out what the four teachers I interviewed thought about the design of their classroom and how they linked that to pedagogy, pupils learning and policy documents. I also wanted to find out if classroom design were something they discuss and reflects on in the college.My questions for this study were: What do some teachers who work in the early ages in the school think about the classroom design? Do these teachers link the classroom design to policy documents or pedagogy? Do these teachers consider classroom design to be something that should be discussed in the same way as other factors (for example teaching aids, Resources etc.) within the college?My method was to make qualitative interviews with four teachers, analyze their answers and link them to my main theories and research in the area of the study. My main theories were multimodal communication, which means that there are several systems of signs in communication, which all have an essential function for the meaning of the communicated. It also means that learning happens both individually and socially and that school is a social construction, and that the system of opportunities and boundaries in which it takes form is mediated within our multimodal systems.

Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivet

Pets like dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of Resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy.

Tillgång till Open Access: En studie av hur svenska högskole- och universitetsbibliotek tillgängliggör Open Access-tidskrifter i ämnet fysik

The aim of this Master thesis was to examine how libraries at Swedish colleges and universities make Open Access journals in physics available to users. We examined if, where, and how the 50 Open Access journals that are listed in the Directory of Open Access (DOAJ) under the heading Physics (General) were made available to the public at 19 Swedish colleges and universities. We also examined possible patterns regarding qualities in the Open Access journals and to what extent the libraries made them available. For this descriptive statistic was used. The selection of library portals that were included in the study were those Swedish colleges and universities that teach physics.

Den Segrörliga Utbildningen : Lärarutbildningens kvalitet vid Växjö Universitet

This work is a quick look at the overall quality of the teaching program at Växjö University and how the program is viewed by the students, future teachers, who attend it. This work aims to deduce how Växjö University uses it's Resources to improve the overall quality of the teaching program..

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