

1515 Uppsatser om Resources - Sida 10 av 101

Hedersrelaterade problem i en mindre kommun

Our purpose was to investigate which readiness, different sectors in a minor city has to meet honour-related problems. We wanted to investigate how they manage honour-related problems and how the co-operation in these cases is between different authorities. Our questions at issue were: Which knowledge's, experiences there are about the culture of honour, which Resources has the authorities and how is the co-operation between different organisations work?We have collected present documentation and research about the subject. We made eight quality interviews with different persons within professions, as we understood, came in contact with cultures of honour.

Bevarande av de svenska lantraserna, populationsgenetiska och molekylärgenetiska metoder

Today?s community requires an increase in food production. Animals are today bred so that they produce more than their ancestors did. Production has been the most important and breeds with the highest production levels have therefore become popular. Many of the old local breeds have become extinct or are about to become extinct because of this trend.

St. Barthélemy : Skrivningen om den forna svenska kolonin

The aim of this essay is to see how various texts, both Swedish and foreign, have described the former Swedish colony of St. Bartholomew. The focus has been on the slaves on the colony, and here how they were treated and how the analyzed authors portray the slaves lives.The literature has been divided up into two different categories, based on when they were published. The distinction has been made by dividing them up into a contemporary cluster, that were published before the 1900?s, as opposed to the more recent literature, from after the 1900?s.

Odling av färgväxter. En kulturhistorisk undersökning ur ett hortikulturellt perspektiv

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design22,5 hp, 2014.

Social rekrytering : en kvalitativ studie som behandlar fyra organisationers och fyra professionella aktörers tankar om rekrytering oc sociala medier.

Detta är en kvalitativ studie som behandlar relationen mellan sociala medier och rekrytering, så kallad social rekrytering. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med personer från företag och offentliga organisationer kring deras användande av social rekrytering. Vi har även intervjuat fyra professionella aktörer som arbetar med sociala medier, kommunikation och human Resources, med avsikten att få en djupare inblick i hur sociala medier bör och kan användas i rekryteringssammanhang. Vi kopplade våra intervjuresultat till teorier kring bland annat rekrytering, sociala medier och employer branding.Studiens frågeställningar berörde hur företagen och de offentliga organisationerna möter social rekrytering samt hur de använder social rekrytering idag. De professionella aktörerna besvarade frågor kring hur de ser på samspelet mellan rekrytering och sociala medier.

Den påbörjade interaktiviteten : En fallstudie av Socialdemokraternas användande av och strategiska arbete med Facebook

Human Resources (en benämning för personalarbetet) är ett yrke som idag blir allt populärare. Trots detta visar statistik att en majoritet av kvinnor både studerar och arbetar med personalfrågor. Studien har därför som syfte att undersöka varför Human Resources branschen har en ojämn könsfördelning. Detta görs genom en historisk inblick i branschens utveckling i relation till samhällets förändringar, där en analys av texter ger en bild av dagens personalarbete. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna består dels av socialkonstruktivism och dels av begreppen mjuk och hård Human Resources Management.

Mångfald - Från ord till handling : En kvalitativ studie om HRs strategiska arbete med mångfald

Denna studie grundar sig i ett uppdrag från Trafikverket med avsikten att undersöka hur enmångfaldsstrategi kan få ökad effekt i organisationen. Utgångspunkten för denna studie är attdet tycks krävas mer forskning kring hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor ochintegrera dem i organisationens alla delar. Syftet med denna studie är således att identifiera hurHR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor. Vidare är syftet att visa hur ett strategiskamångfaldsarbete kan bli mer effektivt.Teorier som belyser begreppet mångfald, effekterna av mångfald, strategi, Human ResourceManagement och Strategic Human Resource management kan ses ligga till grund för ettframgångsrikt HRM-arbete med mångfald. Ledarskap, kommunikation, kunskap och att se tillorganisationskulturen belyser teorin som viktiga komponenter för att ett strategiskt arbete skabli mer effektivt och ge effekt i organisationen.Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ metod har genomförts utifrån treindividuella intervjuer och två fokusgrupper.

"Fördomar? Då skulle du träffa min pappa!" : En undersökning av hur intolerans och fostrande undervisning beskrivs av gymnasieelever på ett yrkesförberedande program

The purpose of this study is to describe how the employee appraisal is perceived by managers, employees and representatives from human Resources departments. The empirical material con-sists of 15 interviews: respondents were two representatives of the human Resources departments, four unit managers and nine employees who work at a state institution or municipal management. In the study, I adopt a sociocultural perspective, with the communicative relational perspective. The latter is a special education perspective in which the interpenetration of participation, com-munication and learning emphasized.The result shows that the majority of employees would like to see that the talks will be held more frequently than once a year. One of the managers has in cooperation with his co-workers devel-oped a model based on that each year, in addition to salary talks, have an individual conversation, a conversation with each group and individual follow-up talks.

Målstyrning inom den offentliga sektorn : en studie inom två sydskånska kommuner

The purpose of this investigation is to show how politicians state primary goals and how they break them down into secondary objectives within the sector of Child-and education area. This is supposed to create a general image on how the targeting process is handled within the public activity. Finally, this will lead us to what is necessary for the targeting process to work successfully within the public activity.  We have implemented a qualitative study within the two chosen municipalities. This case study is based on personal interviews that are conducted through semi structured questions.

Att utföra användarcentrerat arbete med små medel

Usability is a field within systems development which doesn?t get the attention it might deserve. Above all, it?s considered time consuming and expensive by many people in the industry. The current information regarding low-cost alternatives to achieve a more usable system seems to be almost non-existent.

Betydelsen av personalens engagemang fo?r att arbeta med arbetsmiljo?arbete : -med utga?ngspunkt ifra?n fyra engagemangskapande faktorer

The purpose is to increase awareness of the importance of staff engagement in the work environment and how the organization works to engage employees to want to participate actively in the work environment.The questions we seek answers to in this study is the following:What affects the staff to engage in the work environment from a managementperspectiveAre there external factors that affect the organization and the individual's engagementto work with the working environment?We have create a model that is based on recent research to define our definition of engagement. The model contains four factors : Clarity, Advocacy opportunities, Resources and feedback. The method we have used to answer the purpose in this study is ten qualitative interviews with persons with work environment responsibilities.The result shows that the engagement regarding work environment is important to get the employees to actively participate. To get the engagement from the employees the organizations need to provide, clarrity, advocacy opportunities, Resources and give mutual feedback.

Kostnadsallokering genom ABC-kalkylering – en empirisk studie av OMX

As IT service departments in organisations are becoming more complex and customised, the indirect costs are increasing in relation to the total costs. The difficulty of fully estimating and identifying the spread of the cost in the IT service department is increasing. As a result, firms tend to budget the business unit as a total cost rather than as a spread of defined costs. In order to deal with this challenge an ABC calculation will be applied. The Time Driven ABC model will be conducted in OMX´s Servicedesk unit within the IT services.

Icke förnyelsebara risker : Svenska gruvbolags riskhantering av en eventuell framtida metallbrist

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Det är ett givande och tagande : Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och skola

The title of this essay is ?Collaboration between social services and schools?. Research shows that many children and youth who are badly treated are not noticed and do not receive the help that they need. This could be due to the lack of collaboration between different authorities and professionals. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how the social services and schools are collaborating in terms of children and youth who are badly treated or is at risk of being badly treated and to identify what factors make collaboration possible and hinder it.

"Som politiker ska man vara noga med att inte lägga sig i"- Om politisk påverkan i socialt arbete

This study is about the perception of politics in social work. The aim of the study was to seehow people working with social work in municipalities describe their perception of how politicsaffect their work. The study was conducted in two municipalities in middle Sweden,which had a transfer of power in the 2006 election. Six people; two social workers, two executivedirectors and two politicians was interviewed about their perceptions about politics, ifthe ideological direction of the municipal matters, and how politics effect social work and theorganization. As analyze method organizational theory with focus on change and power wereused.

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