

12771 Uppsatser om Resource Based View - Sida 3 av 852

Den dolda kompetensen : en longitudinell undersökning mellan åren 2007 - 2009  av fem gotländska småföretag

In this thesis we will discuss the importance of human resource development in smaller companies and if it will change from when the Swedish economy was in an economic boom and later on came to be in a recession. We choose to use a more qualitative approach for this research in order to conduct a more in-depth study of five smaller sized companies located on Gotland, Sweden. In order to limit our research we had as an ambition to answer these following questions:? What obstacles are there when it comes to human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? What can simplify or enable human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? Does the teaching process change to a more tacit human resource development between co-workers when there is less room for conventional human resource development?The result of the research came to show that the biggest barrier, when it comes to competence development within smaller companies, is time. However, our research also showed that a majority of the companies has changed from a more external educational plan to a more internal educational plan which focuses on keeping the human resource development within the company.

En laptop till varje elev : en studie om gymnasieskolans satsning på datorer i undervisningen

The aim of this study is to highlight the computer as a learning resource in the education and give us knowledge about how the students uses the computer in year one in a selected High School where one computer per student were introduced in autumn 2011. The aim is also to contribute to the discussion about how the computer can become a natural learning resource for all students in all subjects, including the students in need of special support.How are the High School students using the computer?Are there differences in computer use, whether the student is in academic or vocational program?Are there differences in computer use between boys and girls?Do the student experience that the digital competence is increasing together with if they experience the computer as aid?In what degree do the teachers encourage the students to use the computer?How much do the students use the computer to learn mathematic?The study is based on a survey of all students in year one in a municipal High School.The result of the study is showing that the students first of all use the computer to play music, surf the Internet and to be logged in on social media (eg. Facebook). The students have learned to use the computer for the tasks they need, although the teachers don?t encourage the students to use the computer in any higher means, not in mathematics and not in other subjects.

Association between animal-based measures and register-based welfare indicators in dairy cows : a study of the advisory service "Ask the Cow" and the web report "Animal Welfare Signals"

Animal welfare can be measured in several different ways; for example by using animal-based measurements. It has been shown that register data from the Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme can be helpful when identifying herds at risk of having poor animal welfare, which led to a development of the advisory service of ?Ask the Cow? and the web report ?Animal Welfare Signals?. The aim of this project was to find out if register data from ?Animal Welfare Signals? can be used as a screening tool for detecting herds at risk of having poor animal welfare and in need of an ?Ask the Cow?.

En komparativ studie av vinstdelningssystem bland advokatbyråer

Law firms are defined as knowledge-intensive companies. Due to the dependency regarding the resource of knowledge among the firms employees and to the fact that they often are categorised as a type of professional service firm. The purpose of this study is to investigate the different types of profitsharingsystems as a form of reward with focus on the theoretical differences and effects of the True Partnershipmodel and the Stockholmmodel. In addition to these models we will look into the Human Resource processes of; recruiting, integration, retaining and development of employees. The main purpose of the study is to examine the theoretical level on how the profitsharingsystems effect different Human Resource processes and through the knowledge of these connections using this as an analogy when to analyse other law-firms and knowledge?intensive company?s.

Outsourcing av marknadsföringsfunktionen ? en fallstudie om varför tjänsteföretag outsourcar och hur det påverkar verksamheten

En ökad tillväxt inom tjänstesektorn och företagens strävan efter att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga har bidragit till högre användning av ett betydelsefullt verktyg i affärsvärlden: outsourcing. Outsourcing gör det möjligt för företag att köpa in tjänster som saknas internt. Genom att ingå i ett samarbete tillsammans med externa leverantörer kan företaget, genom att köpa externa aktiviteter, stärka delar av sin verksamhet som tidigare varit bristfälliga. Dagens samhälle präglas av företag som ständigt strävar efter att höja sin effektivisering och minska sina kostnader. Det har i sin tur medfört att outsourcingen fått en stor inverkan på tjänster, till exempel marknadsföring.

A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures

Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.

Service-Profit Chain : En Human Resource-modell för tre hotell i Örebro

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

Jag var hopplös innan, men sen jag började här känner jag att jag förstår varför jag ska lära mig saker : En studie om ungdomars upplevelser om pågående vistelse på resursskola

 In this essay our starting point was the question:? How youth experience their ongoing sojourn in the resource school?? We did a qualitative study with interviews. We interviewed totally eight youth with different backgrounds. The head question was youth´s positive and negative experiences about ongoing sojourn in the resource school compared with their home school. In the result, we came until that most of the youth were pleased with their sojourn in the resource school.

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

Effektiv och användarvänligresursplanering i reklambyrå

It has become more common for organization to operate a lot of projects at the same time. These projects affect each other, either in way of resources or technical. Projects in a multi-project environment depend and affect each other, and in most cases they rival about resources, decision-makings and priority. To lead a project portfolio with several projects is a major challenge. The most common problems that occur are vague objective, unclear working conditions, resource shortage and problems of priority.

Kompetens som resurs : En fallstudieanalys över den affärsmässiga kompetensen hos akademiska spinoff-företag i Umeå

Det är viktigt med en ständig tillförsel av mindre företag i ett land för att kunna erhålla en långsiktig ekonomisk tillväxt i landet. Många tekniska framsteg och nya uppfinningar kommer ifrån akademin, och för att detta ska nå allmänheten behöver forskarna hitta ett sätt att få ut sina idéer på marknaden. Idag är det svårt för företag skapade av forskare direkt från akademien att överleva, mycket för att de saknar den affärsmässiga kompetensen som krävs för att starta och driva ett framgångsrikt företag. Detta gjorde det intressant att undersöka vad denna typ av företag besitter för affärsmässig kompetens och hur de gör för att införskaffa sig denna. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ fallstudie på tre högteknologiska spinoff-företag i Umeå som har tagit hjälp av företagsinkubatorn Uminova. Vi har genom intervjuer med grundare och företagsledare försökt bilda oss en uppfattning om vad för typ av affärsmässig kompetens som finns och har funnits i de tre företagen.

Hur söker användare kinesiskt material i LIBRIS: ?????

The purpose with this thesis is to research what function the National Library Catalogue of Sweden (LIBRIS) has as an information resource for Chinese language material. How is LIBRIS used as an information resource seen from the point of view of a users specific language need. This will be exemplified through an empirical survey of three user groups with different prerequisites concerning their knowledge in Chinese. Group A were beginners and had studied Chinese for one year. Group B were advanced students who were studying their third year of Chinese.

Gränsöverskridande handel ur importörens perspektiv

Research in international trade situations has mainly focused on understanding the exporter?s actions and has showed ways on how these can be optimized. Although the importer in most cases, until this day, has been left outside this focus, it has been showed that the importer often is the active participant in an international dyad. It is the importer who is actively seeking suppliers for its production or distribution. Based on previous research in the area, the following study identifies the factors that are vital to the importer for satisfactory relations.

Human Resource Management : En korrelationsstudie om upplevt organisationsstöd och psykologiska kontrakt.

The relationship between employer and employee is, from a judicial point of view, governed primarily by economic and employment contracts. However, a significant part of the dynamic is also dictated by tacit expectations and promises (so called psychological contracts). The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and psychological contract violation. Primary hypothesis assumed that there was a correlation between higher perceived organizational support and a reduction of feelings of violation from psychological contract breach. It was also assumed that employment time, sex and past breach experiences correlated with feelings of violation.

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation

This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University..

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