

1472 Uppsatser om Resistance training - Sida 39 av 99

Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie

The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are:1: What is the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology?2. What are the main feature the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church?3: Which are the similarities between the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology and the main feature of Swedish church belief, confession and faith?The research method that has been used is comparative where the Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology is compared whit the Swedish church belief, confession and faith.

"En riktig våldtäkt" : - en kunskapsöversikt om föreställningar om våldtäkt

This essay is a selective review of Nordic literature with the aim to explore contemporary conceptions of male-on-female rape, to increase the understanding of how these can construct ?a real rape?. To achieve this two questions were formulated: What circumstances can cause an incident not to be defined as rape? What circumstances can cause an incident to be defined as rape? Searches in international and Swedish databases led to initial selection of peer-review journal articles and dissertations that were reviewed against set criteria. These criteria were met by 8 studies, that were assigned codes, from which comprehensive categories were developed.

Diskursen kring asylsökande : En diskursanalys av Helsingborgs Dagblads och Dagens Nyheters konstruktion av asylsökande

The aim of this study was to examine the discourse of asylum seekers in Sweden from January 2009 to December 2013 in the newspapers Helsingborgs Dagblad and Dagens Nyheter. By using discourse analysis as a theory and method, combined with the theory of orientalism, I have analysed and compared news articles from these two newspapers. The findings of the study shows that asylum seekers are often portrayed as a group rather than individuals. Included in the group identity are several subgroups, for example asylum seekers are portrayed as victims, as a cost to society and as a highly suspect group that cannot be controlled. Furthermore, asylum seekers are depicted as ?the other? in contrast to the Swedish ?we?, where differences in culture and tradition are frequently mentioned.

"Vi är hiphop!" : En kvalitativ undersökning om Femtastic

Female musicians and actors are being disadvanteged in the music industry, because of standards that prevents women from participating on equal terms. Unequal distribution of resources and status depends on power structures which creates an hierarchy. This study is about how an organization, Femtastic, works for equality and diversity in the field of music, how they experience their positions and their possibilities. Also how they relate to the cultural policy objectives. Femtastic is trying to create a structural change in the male-dominated music industry.

En trojansk My Little Pony : En genusvetenskaplig kulturanalys av Sara Granérs seriebok All I Want for Christmas is planekonomi ur ett gurleskt och skevt perspektiv

Sweden has an active and growing culture of feminist comic book artists that use comedy as a mean of disseminating political ideas and critic. In this essay I do a reparative reading of Sara Granér?s comic book All I Want for Christmas is planekonomi in order to find out if it advocates alternative orders and/or ways of expression. By exploring what the comic book does to me as a reader and how, using the term ?skev? ? a hybrid of queer that examines normativity not strictly tied to sexuality ? and gulesque theory ? a mix of feminism, cuteness, the grotesque and riot grrrl ?, I show that the comic book, through the use of comedy, works as a trojan My Little Pony, reclaiming the girly franchise, while challenging several so-called dichotomies, such as: femininity/masculinity; youth/adult; high art/kitsch.

Prolog, Klimax och Katastrof : en återfallsförbrytares upplevelser och tankar om kriminalitet ur ett tidsperspektiv

The goal of this qualitative essay is to approach the knowledge of people who commit crimes. From a development psychology point of view, questions relating to childhood ang growth are some of the important subjects we choose to discuss. Our purpose is also to reveal the linkage between criminal behavior and different theories of the above mentioned perspective. To bridge the gap between the general and the individual, our survey was based on profound interviews with four inmates in prison. This offer an opportunity to capture the individual´s inner thoughts, feelings and experience about the criminal action.

Belastningar i bettet och dess korrelation till hästens rörelsemönster vid körning på rakt spår :

The use of a bit in the mouth of a horse is being increasingly questioned with respect to its actual function, and is sometimes judged an obsolete instrument of control with potential to injure the horse. The objective of the research presented herein was twofold; firstly, to investigate the actual pressure load in the mouth of the horse with regard to oral health issues, and, secondly, to investigate whether this could be a viable method to objectively measure strength exerted by a rider/driver to the mouth of the horse especially with regard to training regimes. From the results, it is evident that these newly developed sensors have a future in equine research, although they are still under development. They can be useful both as a pedagogic teaching instrument, providing instructor and pupil with instantaneous, objective feedback on the contact between hand and mouth, as well as an aid in measuring pressure loads from our common bits. .

Lersten i skånsk byggnadstradition

The use of earth bricks in Scanian building traditionThe present work is concerned with the manufacturing and use of earth bricks inbuilt heritage in the south Swedish province of Scania. The first part of the studyprovides a thorough description of the traditional use and manufacturing of earthbricks based on relevant literature, archive material as well as interviews withinformants. This forms a basis for the second part of the study in which practicalexperiments on and tests with earth bricks where carried out. This involved themaking of traditional earth bricks of different composition. The new handmadebricks were compared with industrially produced bricks (extrusion bricks) and oldhandmade bricks.

Från trafiklärare till transportlärare

Abstract (in English)The purpose of this work is to find out what the driving instructor who currently works as a transport teachers feel about today´s driving education to transport high school to how it works at driving school. I describe in the study on how to become a transport teachers and on their everyday work. Even what others have written on this topic on driver training. I also interviewed four driving instructor who currently works as a transport teacher, about what they had for opinions on this issue. The method I have used myself of where unstructured questions to get so descriptive answers to questions as possible.

Förberedelser inför den väpnade striden : Två verktyg; Idrottspsykologi och samtal om döden

The combat mission is an extreme situation with high demands of the soldier. Killing might very well be necessary. Before a mission a soldier can experience stress due to these factors. The purpose of this paper is to find methods to handle stress due to an upcoming combat mission and to the prospect of having to kill. The main questions of this essay: -How can certain parts of the physiological psychology improve a soldiers ability to perform a mission? ? Is the Swedish soldier mentally prepared to kill? The theory for this essay has been described using litteratur by experts within the field, and the results thereafter discussed.

Dyslexi : Några lärares upplevelser av att undervisa elever med dyslexi

AbstractThe ability to read and write is a very important skill in today?s information based society. Most of us learn how to read and write, but not everyone is blessed to do this without struggle. Dyslexia is a very common learning disability and therefore I found it interesting to study how teachers teach students with dyslexia.By studying the literature and by interviewing teachers, I found that dyslexia is a very complex disability. The teachers have to adapt their way of teaching in a way that a student with dyslexia can participate.

Utveckling och tillämpning av det muskelstyrda datorspelet EMG Track Game.

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique that measures muscle activity, whichmeans detecting the electrical signals that travel through the muscle in connectionwith muscle contraction. This project deals with how EMG can be used tocontrol a computer game.The project is centered around the game 'EMG Track Game' which has beenconstructed as part of this work. 'EMG Track Game' is controlled by twoelectrodes fastened on the player. These are attached to two selected musclesand control the motion in one direction each, one up and the other one down.The game is constructed in the purpose of being used in several elds of application.Among these are as entertainment, training equipment and a tool inresearch related to EMG and muscles.To highlight a possible application a study concerning muscle control has beenconducted. It answers the question of whether players score better with theirdominant arm in comparison with their non-dominant one.

"Ingenting svårt, ingenting nytt"

I vår utbildning till lärare inom vård, hälsa och omsorg mötte vi i vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning många elever med muslimsk bakgrund. En troende muslim bör fasta en månad varje år vilket innebar att dessa elever inte kunde äta eller dricka när de gick i skolan. Vi undrade hur de upplevde det. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva några muslimska kvinnors upplevelser av att studera på omvårdnadsprogrammet under fastemånaden ramadan. Som undersökningsmetod användes en allmän kvalitativ ansats och vi valde att göra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnor för att samla in vårt material.

Kunskap om och attityder till dopning bland styrketränande unga vuxna : En kvantitativ undersökning i Mellansverige

The main purpose of this study was to determine the self-estimated levels of knowledge about doping for a group of strength training young adults, and also to get an idea of their attitudes regarding the subject. A part of the purpose was also to investigate the potential associations between knowledge and attitude. Method: To collect information a questionnaire was constructed that was inspired by a similar study and in consultation with the tutor. Questions regarding background, doping and training experiences together with self-esteemed attitudes and knowledge about doping were included. Questionnaires were handed out at gym facilities in central Sweden, and were answered by men and women ages 18 to 35 years.

Hur tränas hundar inom svenska brukshundklubbar? :

This is a descriptive paper based on a questionnaire- and literature study regarding how dogs are trained, what type and frequency of injuries that occur as well as how the dogs are best prepared for work. Using the results from the questionnaire, an overview is given on how members of Working dog clubs train their dogs and what kind of injuries that occur most frequently. The average age among the dogs included in the study was only about three years. This could indicate that older dogs are not trained in the same extent as young dogs. The results show that only a third of the dog owners warmed up their dogs before training.

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