

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 26 av 575

Invandrarnas integrationsprocess : - En kvantitativ studie om invandrarnas attityder till sin egen integrationsprocess i det svenska samhället.Immigrants`process of integration.-A quantitative study of immigrants`attitudes to their own process of integrat

The goal of our research is to give the general picture of the attitudes of immigrants to their own integration process into the Swedish society, focusing on the feeling of belonging, satisfaction with the social network, as well as confidence in the future. Moreover, in our study, we investigate a possible relation between the attitudes of the immigrants to the above-mentioned variables and their age and education. The research is based on a quantitative questionnaire investigation, which comprises all Sfi students at level D in the northeastern part of Skåne county. The research shows that the majority are open to the Swedish culture and traditions, keeping, at the same time, their own native traditions. Four out of five think that the Swedish language is important for integration.

Zoonotic Pathogens at the Interface between Humans and Animals in Cambodia, a Rural Approach

A zoonosis is a disease or infection that is naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and humans. The majority of infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonoses. Environments where wild animals, domestic animals and humans live in close proximity with no or small boundaries in the ecological system favor the transmission of diseases between animals and humans. The above described situation is more common in low income countries, where humans and animals live in high density and zoonoses are generally more common. The study was conducted in Cambodia.

Collaborative Product Development - - Case Study within the Swedish Automotive Industry

Problem: The relations between first and second tier suppliers within the automotive industry have changed drastically during recent years. Previously involving the supply of simple components, today the relation involves collaborative product development of complex subsystems. The situation is rather new for the actors, hence there are a number of problems that act as restraints for the collaboration. In order to come to terms with these problems, it is important to determine the underlying causes. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a survey of the main problems in the collaborative product development between first and second tier suppliers within the Swedish automotive industry.

Modell för idéutveckling

The purpose of this report is to create and develop a model that streamlines and helps the innovationprocess of an idea owner and also in the development of ideas.This model should be able to apply for workshops and in innovation advice or business devlopment. I used the qualitative method in my essay just to get a maximum clear data collection, where the seven respondents were included in the interviews. However, much of the information retrieved from the theory books and research/science articles, in order to answer the research/Sceince question in the best possible way.

Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås ? En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001?2006

The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations.

Genuskonstruktionen inom tillfälliga kriscentra : Förstås med hjälp av Bacchis; What?s the problem represented to be?

This essays main focus will be on emergency shelters in disasters, and their understanding in gender awareness, by focusing on the way gender is constructed and seen. This dissertation will examine documents from Australian Red Cross and IASC (Inter Agency Standing Committee) in order to explore how they work with gender and shelter related issues. The objective is to examine and with help from these documents see how gender is constructed. The method and theory is based on Carol Bacchis; What?s the problem represented to be approach? (WPR-approach).

Pedagogiskt drama i undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om vad pedagogiskt drama innebär för fyra utvalda lärare och hur de använder sig av pedagogiskt drama i undervisningen

According to the curriculum for primary schools, pre-school and after-school Lgr11 says that students should experience different feelings and moods using different forms of expression including drama (Lgr11 2011:10). The purpose of this study was to examine how educational drama is used in three elementary schools and for what purpose in teaching. The aim was also to examine the four teachers' perceptions of what educational drama means to them.I have used a qualitative approach with interviews and contacted four teachers from three different schools to get different information for my study. Three of them were educated teachers and one of them was an actor. The information provided in the interviews was analyzed using educational drama theory and previous research. The interviews with the teachers and the actor showed the use of different methods of educational drama in education.

Flow i fokus : processen att göra ett spel genom research through design

Starting out as a minor form of amusement, the game industry has become one of the most lucrative andsuccessful in the entertainment business competing against giants such as television, movies and music.As the internal competition within the developer community grows companies work hard at discoveringnew ways to attract and keep customers. By having a playcentric approach focusing on user experiencethey hope to achieve that goal. This thesis describes the process of designing a game with focus on theplayer. We apply the concept of flow on game development and investigate through research throughdesign if we are able to create a game that keeps the player in flow.Play tests showed several elements such as control issues and too difficult challenges early in the game,affecting the possibility for players to experience flow while playing. These negative factors came to becalled flowleakers.

Tro, Hopp och Tveksamhet : En studie om profil, image och kommunikation för Svenska kyrkan Västerås

What does the Swedish church Västerås stand for today according to the employees and how do they want to profile themselves to the target group? What image and what expectations does the target group have of the Swedish church Västerås? How can the Swedish church Västerås communicate uniform, with the intent to create mutual value with the target group?The purpose of the study is to make recommendations to the Swedish church Västerås for their prospective communication plan by examining their profile and target group's image and expectations of the organization. The study also aims to examine how the Swedish church Västerås can communicate their brand uniform.The study applies a qualitative research with deductive approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of the employees and focus groups with a sample of the target group.Better match between profile and image means that SkVs employees better understand the organization and can communicate more uniform which leads to a stronger brand identity. If SkV understands what is relevant for their target group, they can reduce the total cost of customer delivered value and thus increase the total value.

Krav på demokrati för att få gå med i klubben ?samma nu som då? : En jämförande fallstudie av demokratikrav som ställs av Europeiska Union i samband med ansökning och anslutning.

The purpose of this essay was to research the level of condition and requirements of democracy which faces states applying for a membership in the European Union. The focal point was to research the levels of democracy requirements on two set enlargements which are the cases of the 1981 and 1986 enlargements together with the 2004 and 2007. The states that did reach the goal of becoming member states had similar political backgrounds that made them suitable for a most- similar system study. By using my theoretical framework which consists of democracy theories, together with the chosen method was I able to find answers to my research questions when examining the material. The result of the study is that even though the condition might have been quite similar but the reality of them was different.

Comparative analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings produced using Suspension and Solution Precursor Feedstock

The research work performed in this thesis has been carried out at the Production Tech-nology Centre where the Thermal Spray research group of University West has its work-shop and labs.This research work has been performed in collaboration with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, India.First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Nicolaie Markocsan and Dr. Nicholas Curry for their guidance, great support and valuable suggestions without which this work could not have been possible. I would also like to thanks Prof. Per Nylén for keeping faith in me and providing me an opportunity to work at PTC, which is a great place to perform research.


Through extensive research it has shown that today?s sail boat owners are very frustrated concerning the limited choice of engine alternatives offered by today?s market. Besides rising fuel-costs, environmental awareness is very important in today?s society. Hence it is vital to find alternative environmental-friendly motors and replace combustion-engines. Zilent Ocean is an extensive project within Development engineering program at Halmstad University.

Ljudskapande ur ett begränsat perspektiv

The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

Traumaomhändertagande på akutmottagningen : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv

Background:A trauma is a potential life threatening state which demands special resources and optimal care. Trauma doesn't just mean physical violence against the body, it can also put the patient in a psychological crisis. The trauma care in the emergency department is a short and intensive assessment between the patient and the emergency staff, where there is a risk that the patient may feel exposed and uncomfortable. For the nurse to be able to provide security and meet the patients' needs of well-being during the trauma care, the nurse has to try to understand the patients' needs and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's experiences during trauma care in the emergency department.

Produktionskalkyler för biobränslen :

This study is one of five that has been done based on Lunds Energi?s planned investment in bioenergy. The plan is to build two large burners, at Örtofta, that?s going to be supplied with biofuels. In this study I take a closer look on the profitability when you choose to sell your cereal as bioenergy. I?ve been calculating with selling the straw from the grain crops and winter rape, selling the rye weat as whole crop and fertilize the hemp with sewage sludge.

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