

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 23 av 575

Kvinnan:mannen::alternativet:normen ett feministiskt perspektiv på klassifikation

Using a feministic perspective and a critical approach, my purpose is to discuss bibliographic classification, a central aspect of Library and Information Science. More specifically, my aim is to demonstrate the norms and the dominating thoughts regarding the organization and representation of knowledge, subjects, and social categories in classification systems. I review previous research involving critical approaches to classification. These show that classification systems are a reflection of the context in which they are created, with the result that universal assumptions can be questioned. Some studies also present problems inherent in hierarchical structures.

Vilken påverkan har fysisk aktivitet på lärande

ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to examine, from the point of view of former research findings, what impact physical activity had on learning. I chose to make an explorative/inductive research, to get as much knowledge as possible from the studied presentation of problem, not to limit myself to a specific research theory. The result proved, that school personal and student experienced many positive effects from daily physical activities. The pupils were more pleased. There was more piece and quiet in the classroom.

Grön marknadsföring i detaljhandeln

The purpose with this research is to examine how the green marketing in retail trade can be developed in order to promote the eco-labeled products closer to the consumer.The method for the survey includes interviews with managers of a few retailers and their customers in the industrial sector. The purpose with the interviews was to produce the retailer and the customer?s perspective of products with eco-label on.The research is limited to the region of Västra Götaland.The results from this research indicate that there is a lack of communication between the retailer and the consumer. The consumers don?t think that the product is available.

Skolbibliotek och jämställdhet. En intervjustudie på ett mindre antal skolbibliotek

This thesis investigates gender equality at a few Swedish elementary school libraries, and how school librarians at these libraries work with gender equality issues. It is a semi-structured interview study conducted with staff at seven elementary school libraries. Several policy documents state that the school should be a gender-equal environment, but previous research shows that there is still a lack of gender equality, and that staff often treat boys and girls differently. It also shows that boys and girls are often portrayed in a gender-stereotypical way in children?s literature.

Företagens aktuariella antaganden - vilka faktorer påverkar dem?

The purpose of our essay is to study the institutional-, demographic and accounting theoretical factors that influence an organisations actuarial commitment.The research was performed through a web based survey, with complimentary telephone interviews, directed to companies listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange A- and O-list on the 30 of November, 2003.Our data was analysed with a Median test, Kolomogorov-Smirnov test, T-test and a Mann-Whitney test. The purpose of the Mann-Whitney test was the low number of respondents that took part in the research. The Kolomogorov-Smirnov test was done to determine whether the population variances was equal or not. The data showed that organisations with a majority of female employees assume a lower salary increase, and a higher average age than other companies with a male majority. Only 2 of 11 hypothesis can be accepted as temporary truths but several other visible relations are indicated in our research, but can not be statistically proved.We think that the major problem with our is the time it was performed.

Maskulinitet i läromedel. En kritisk diskursanalys av en lärobok i religionsämnet

This study indicates that research about men and masculinity does not appear to have advanced as far as research about women and femininity. Similarly to attitudes concerning women and femininity, clear norms and attitudes regarding men and masculinity pervade society. Hence, there is a clear need for further research within this field to be carried out. This study, with the support of previous research, looks at gender norms which exist in educational material and the impact it might have on students. Against this backdrop, the author has focused the analysis on one textbook as educational material at upper secondary level with particular emphasis on masculinity and its associated norms.

Offentlig skyddad anställning: vad händer?

The Forthcoming Essay concerns the publicly protected employment (Offentligt skyddad anställning), it's content and what actually happens to its participants after they have retrieved it. We have also, during our research, discovered a great lack of background research concerning this subject. Beside statistics and publicly protected employment rulework there only exist a small amount of research. This is mainly focused on people with physical function disorders and socialmedicial function.Of that we believe there is an urgent need to undertake more research in this unexplored sector of the labour market. Our purpose with this essay was to examine what happened to publicly protected employment -participants after they had undergone the process.- In what ways has the participation in publicly protected employment altered their possibilities on the labour market?- What happens to the participants when they after the participation in publicly protected employment as judged qualified not for the labour market?In this essay we have chosen a qualitative method as an approach, mainly because we consider our material as being qualitative in its character.

Anst?lldas attityder till chefers ledarskapsstilar inom fackliga organisationer - En kvantitativ studie om genusrelaterade attityder till ledarskap

This study was based on a quantitative method to examine gender-related attitudes towards leadership styles among employees in trade union organizations in Sweden. The aim of the research was to investigate and understand how gender relates to attitudes regarding leadership within these organizations. The study was based on research questions related to preferences for different leadership styles and the impact of gender on these attitudes. The study incorporated previous research and relevant theoretical frameworks such as leadership theories, gender theories, and theories on prejudice against female leaders to contextualize our findings. Data were collected through a survey using a convenience sampling method, targeting employees of trade union organizations in Sweden.

Beslutsprocesser i fastighetsbolag vid energiinvesteringar

Municipal Real Estate Companies runs by a political boarder who makes decisions in large investments. In some cases the municipal counter have to take the decisions about big and expensive investments. A successful investment needs to be built on solid ground.Media has lately focused on energy topics as a part of the environmental discussion and the real estate companies tries to use the new technology that the market has provided. Energy investments in new buildings are not longer a small part of the energy saving program. Long-term investment demands needs large knowledge and awareness about the energy topics that have recently grown in the municipal real estate companies.

Den svenska glasburken. En diskursanalys av Statens Offentliga Utredningar/ The Swedish glass jar. A discourse analysis of official government reports

Henriksson, I & Jönsson, M. Den svenska glasburken. En diskursanalys av Statens Offentliga Utredningar/ The Swedish glass jar. A discourse analysis of official government reports. Examensarbete i Socialt arbete 30 poäng.

Muddring i Ireån : indirekta effekter på bottenfaunan nedströms

This research aims to investigate the effects that dredging may have on benthic fauna. The dredging took place in the stream Ireån on northern Gotland during the early summer 2010. My area of research was taking place in a scenic area downstream in Ireån close to the Baltic Sea. I chose this area due to the dredging that started just upstream of this area and continued further upstream. Thus it is not the direct impact of the dredging that is the focus for this paper but the side-effect the dredging may have on the area downstream.

Arbete över företagets gränser : En studie av organisationstillhörighet för konsulter i bemanningsföretag

Since the late 1900s, the consultancy has taken a firm grip on the labor market. The consultants' work profile has been secured through agreements such as guaranteed wages. The collective has been shattered as well as higher demands are required of the employee. This results in higher work demands, workload, a reduced staffing resource and hopeless wages which can lead to health problems and depressions. Previous research shows that consultants find it stressful to be associated with two companies and some clients can also point out consultant through different attributes.

Det är inte endast mobbaren som mobbar : En studie om det sociala fenomenet mobbning och dess roller

The purpose of this study is to do a research about some pedagogues? perceptions of the social phenomenon of bullying, about the roles that can occur and how these pedagogues consider themselves to work accordingly. Our research questions are therefore:What beliefs about the social phenomenon of bullying has the pedagogues?What roles emerge in different bullying situations according to the pedagogues?How do the pedagogues work with bullying and the roles that emerge?The study provides insight into how different approaches to bullying can contribute to various pedagogical implications in anti-bullying work. In our theoretical part we present general issues and the roles that different writers describe.

"Min dialekt är så yeee yeee wow" : En undersökning av gymnasieungdomars attityd till dialekter

The essay is about the concept of text in a wider perspective, what can be included in that, how it can be used and above all, why one might want to use it. The essay will also include what the term popular culture implies, and school?s attitude towards it, since some of the medias that are a part of the text in a wider perspective, many times fits the description ?popular culture?. Most of the earlier research show that the positive aspects of the use of text in a wider perspective as the same time as it attacks school because school is opposing the popular culture.       The essay consists of two parts and it begins with a theoretical part where I present existing research about the concept of text in a wider perspective and the research about popular culture.

Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolan

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

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