

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 19 av 575

Patienters upplevelse av Basal Kroppskännedom efter avslutad behandling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie speglad ur socialkognitiv teori

Introduction: Basic Body Awereness Therapy (BBAT) is a treatment developed to treat different kinds of psychiatric diagnoses, but also to prevent the emergence of any other unhealthy conditions. The treatment is aimed to increase the body control and conscious breathing but also requires mental awareness.Aim: The aim of this study is to, based on social cognitive theory, describe patients' experiences of BBAT performed as group therapy.Method: The study design was qualitative with an inductive approach. Five people were interviewed after a BBAT group treatment in primary care. The data was collected by individual interviews with semi-structured questions and the interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis.Result/Conclusion: The participants experienced increased body awareness and implemented BBAT strategies even though the treatment frequency was insufficient. BBAT was described as helpful used to regulate intensity level, stress management and facilitate breathing.

Genusmedvetenhet i förskolan : Pedagogers genusmedvetenhet i dagliga arbetsituationer inom förskolan

My purpose with this study is to examine whether or how teachers are gender-conscious in preschool everyday situations. That is, if they are aware of their attitude and treatment of work on gender and what gender concept has relevance for educators. In much of the practical literature that I read, it appears that many teachers are not aware of their responses and attitudes to children based on gender aspect. I have examined how the gender work differs in the two preschools that I chosen to study.The questions that this study is based on isDoes the educators at the preschools work gender conscious in everyday situations?-Is it boys or girls who get the most attention from educators in everyday situations?What do the teachers at the preschool concept of gender?What approach have been the teachers of preschool to counteract traditional gender patterns in everyday situations?I have made ??a qualitative study where I interviewed five educators and made ??observations on the two preschools.

Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?

In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.

Vad har ni använt för texter? : Upplevd textanvändning i fyra olika undervisningskontexter

The goal with this thesis was to look at various aspects of how teachers and students perceived the use of various texts in the collective teaching context in which they are participants. The purpose with that was to provide insight into aspects of the didactic processes that the texts and the usage of them are part of and demonstrate aspects of both the conditions and the opportunities for teaching conducted within the surveyed education. The essay analysis is based on interviews with four teachers and twelve students in a total of four teaching contexts (within subjects: Swedish and SO/Religion) about texts they worked with during a selected period of work.The essay is based on a theory of Kathleen MacCormick and Torlaug Hoel Lökkengaard where reading and writing are described as both an individual cognitive process and a common cultural process, impossible to completely separate from each other. The students description of their use of the texts show how they are influenced by teachers culture of teaching, in turn, influenced by the curriculum. In relation to Wiksten Folkeryd, af Geijerstam and Edling research on students movability in texts in the Swedish school, the survey shows some of the aspects that enable students to develop a higher level of movability in texts within the subject Swedish.

Kan en lockande och informativ webbplats marknadsföra ett bibliotek? Tankar om webbplatsens roll i stadsbiblioteks marknadsföring

The web sites of libraries are to a large extent their public face and to help market their services, the web sites must have interesting and regularly renewed content. They must also be visually attractive and easily used, and thus be well structured and have a well functioning navigational system. The web masters' awareness of the ability of web sites to attract users to the site and also to the library, as well as their knowledge of suitable content and site construction, is crucial for how successful the web site actually is at marketing the library. The research question is: How do the studied web sites function as marketing sources and service providers for the libraries, and are the web masters aware of the importance of the web site? The purpose is to investigate how the library personnel looks upon the web site as a possible way to increase the popularity of the library among the public, and to study the construction and content of the library web sites to find out how well these serve their purpose.

Strategiskt samarbete For the Win : En studie om interaktioner i World of Warcraft

Multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) spel har blivit mycket populära. Trots detta finns det begränsad forskning kring spelares interaktion och kommunikation gällande samarbete. Det här arbetet har därför riktat in sig på hur interaktion och kommunikation gällande hur samarbetet fungerar inom MMORPG spelet World of Warcraft.Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka möjligheter till förbättringar gällande interaktion och kommunikation för samarbete inom MMORPG spel, och inriktar sig i det här fallet speciellt på World of Warcraft.Genom att använda tre vanligt förekommande metoder undersöktes nuvarande interaktionsmöjligheter inom World of Warcraft. Dessa metoder var deltagarobservationer som genomförs i testmiljön World of Warcraft. Enkätundersökning som var av typen webbenkät med både öppna och stängda frågor.

Pedagogers uppfattningar om barns inflytande ur ett genusperspektiv : Flickors respektive pojkars inflytande i förskolans vardag ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this examination was to make a qualitative study focusing on children's influence from a gender perspective. The study is based on interviews. We wanted to investigate teachers' perception of children's influence in the preschool.Earlier research on children´s influence and gender has also helped us in the conclusion of this examination.The survey consists of ten interviews with teachers of varied work experience in the preschool. We also chose to interview teachers in other positions, since this is often the case in preschools today. From the result we can see that there are different levels of skill and awareness regarding the topic of children's influence from a gender perspective.

Vad är viktig kunskap i Samhällskunskap? : En analys av läraruppfattningar

Title: What is important knowledge in social studies- An analyse of opinions among teachers in social studiesThe aim of this paper is to increase the awareness about how teachers in Social studies think about goals and substance in the subject. I also want to get a picture about what kinds of problems teacher?s experiences when teaching Social studies. My expectations told me that Social studies are complex to teach, because it derives from several university disciplines such as Political science, Economics, Sociology, Law and Geography, which I believe makes the subject harder to define and what to give priority to. Finally, I want to increase the awareness, if it seems to be any fundamental essence in Social studies as a subject.To achieve my goals with this paper I have studied relevant literature about Social studies.

Hur kan mikroföretag bygga upp varumärken? : En studie av vilka faktorer ett mikroföretag kan använda vid uppbyggandet av sitt varumärke.

The purpose with this essay is to study how a micro enterprise builds a brand. This because the current situation makes it difficult to stand out from the vast amount of marketing messages available in the market without having an extensive marketing campaign. Small companies do not have the opportunity to put a lot of recourses as money into marketing as the large companies do. Neither do they afford to repair a brand failure.Brand building is a process that constantly is in progress in a company, large or small. To make this process concrete we have chosen to study the four factors; brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty.

Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills: validering av den svenska översättningen och en studie av anhöriga till borderlinepatienter.

This paper has two parts. In the first part we analyse the Swedish translation of KIMS and we compare it with the American version that Baer and colleagues developed(Baer et al, 2004). Our focus is the factor structure, internal consistency, scale correlations and validity in relation to the already validated translation of the MAAS. The second part has three issues: Does a group of relatives to persons with borderline personality disorder differ from a group of university employees with respect to different aspects of mindfulness? What are the correlations between KIMS and the symptom measure BSI-GSI for the group of relatives? Has the Family Connections program had any effect on the degree of mindfulness for the group of relatives? 123 university employees answered the KIMS questionnaire.

[Men det är ju så det borde vara...] : en kvalitativ studie om sex unga kvinnors förhållande till kvinnlighet

The aim of this study was to try to identify what young women see as typically female and how this affects them as individuals, focusing on the female body. How free or limited do they consider themselves to respond to prevailing ideals of beauty, to men and other women. Our questions are how young women construct femininity through the body and why? We do this by using a holistic gender perspective and with the help of key theoretical concepts; gender, normative femininity, heteronormativity, performance, freedom/power and the female body,. We have had a qualitative approach and we have done interviews with six girls in secondary school age.

Risklinjen : - Empowerment, men med olika perspektiv

Injuries caused by accidents are one of the major health problems in Sweden. Risklinjen is a model to increase people?s awareness and possibilities to report risk for injuries. In spite of this several municipalities choose to leave Risklinjen. This thesis tries to find out how municipalities argue about Risklinjen and membership in this function..

Betydelsen av personalens engagemang fo?r att arbeta med arbetsmiljo?arbete : -med utga?ngspunkt ifra?n fyra engagemangskapande faktorer

The purpose is to increase awareness of the importance of staff engagement in the work environment and how the organization works to engage employees to want to participate actively in the work environment.The questions we seek answers to in this study is the following:What affects the staff to engage in the work environment from a managementperspectiveAre there external factors that affect the organization and the individual's engagementto work with the working environment?We have create a model that is based on recent research to define our definition of engagement. The model contains four factors : Clarity, Advocacy opportunities, resources and feedback. The method we have used to answer the purpose in this study is ten qualitative interviews with persons with work environment responsibilities.The result shows that the engagement regarding work environment is important to get the employees to actively participate. To get the engagement from the employees the organizations need to provide, clarrity, advocacy opportunities, resources and give mutual feedback.

"Organisationsförändringen blev räddningen" : En kvalitativ studie om en organisationsförändrings inverkan på personalen

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional consequences, system implications and consequences regarding re source consumption.

De har ingen koll på dem : Ett undervisningsexperiment om de och dem

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

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