

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 10 av 575

Miljö eller avkastning? : en investeringsjämförelse mellan gammal och ny energi

The purpose with this study is to investigate funds that are environmentally friendly. Environment issues has become a large subject that affects all aspects in today?s society.  It is a global issue which has affected the awareness of environmentally friendly products and its benefits for the environment.How has this awareness affected the financial market?  In this study the authors have looked at six environmentally sound funds and six energy funds to answer the question if it´s better to have your money in traditional energy or in renewable energy.This study is made in an quantitative way, the data has been gathered from the internet database Morningstar. The energy funds have had its biggest assets in companies dealing with oil, and the environmentally sound funds have had its biggest assets in renewable energy. Bye looking at the different funds rate of return and relating that to risk managing theories of Sharpe and Treynor, the authors compared the two types of funds.During the period that was looked at during this study ( third quarter of 2007 until third quarter 2010) the energy funds outperformed the environmentally sound funds in every aspect. .

Bildernas byggstenar : En studie om pixlar och vektorers egenskaper i form av digitala material

With a new digital world that runs parallel with our physical one, we are also facing a new type of architecture and new materials that this new architecture is built on. In this thesis I examine pixels and vectors, two of the digital materials used to create pictures. By approaching them as digital materials, I have mapped their different qualities, when and where one or the other is more or less applicable and the reason behind it. My main research question asked was the following: Are the (digital) materials challenged outside their primary fields of application, and in that case, in which way? With this question in mind, I carried out a semiotic picture analysis on four pictures, later on dividing them into four different categories, based on their different qualities and their ability to deliver information.

Nationalidentitet : Om skapandet av nationell känsla i resor till broderländer

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Pedagogers agerande i kritiska situationer i vardagen med toddlare på förskolan

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

En studie om användning av lärplattor i den första läs- och skrivinlärningen inom IT-satsningen ?en-till-en?

This study was aimed to examine what happened when a municipality in Sweden invested in ICT. The purpose of this study was also to find out how the change of process with ICT investment was expressed the need for more knowledge. This was called ?one-to-one? with the goal that all students would have their own computer during their years in school.Teachers have been interviewed and observed about how they work with ipads during reading and writing lessons. The teachers in this study said that they need more knowledge to improve their everyday work with ipads.

Aktiemarknaden ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv utifrån finansanalytikers synvinkel

The Swedish population has the world?s largest percentage of shareholders either by direct or indirect owning. Due to the increasing interest of equity capital markets, private as well as institutional investors rely on forecasts from financial analysts. The reason for this is due to the lack of expertise among investors in this area. Due to the fact that analysts influence the Swedish stock market immensely, it?s of great interest to explore whether an analyst can be seen as a rational participant.

Behandlingsmetoder för att öka kroppsmedvetenhet inom strokerehabilitering och dess effekter: en litteraturöversikt och kvalitativ studie

Bakgrund: Stroke är den tredje största dödsorsaken i Sverige och den vanligaste anledningen till funktionsnedsättning. Intresset för kroppsmedvetna behandlingsmetoder inom strokerehabilitering har ökat. Basal Kroppskännedom (BK) är en behandlingsmetod där fokus ligger på kroppsmedvetenhet, rörelsebeteende och grundläggande rörelseförmåga för att därigenom återställa kroppslig och själslig balans. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att studera beskrivna behandlingsmetoder med inriktning på kroppsmedvetenhet inom strokerehabilitering. Ett annat syfte var att i en kvalitativ studie undersöka om gruppbehandling i BK ger effekter som är möjliga att se ur ett anhörigperspektiv.Metod: För litteraturstudien gjordes sökningar i PubMed, AMED och CINAHL med sökorden stroke, physiotherapy, intervention, body awareness, tai chi, yoga, gigong, alexanderteknik, feldenkrais.

En analys av forskningsfronten inom medicinsk etik

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to analyze the research front within medical ethics. We wish to identify which research themes that are included in the subject field of medical ethics. The research themes can be identified by a couple of bibliometrical methods and techniques. In our case, it is bibliographic coupling combined with a cluster analysis. The analysis is accomplished by the extracted references from articles in the two journals Bioethics and Journal of medical ethics.

Situation awareness, kognitiva system och försöksdesign- Att kombinera kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsmetodik

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka, utifrån en etnografisk och kvalitativ ståndpunkt, möjligheten till att utöka kunskapen om Situation Awareness (SA). Forskning inom området har länge präglats av ett kvantitativt förhållningssätt vilket anses ha missgynnat och till en viss del hindrat alternativa kvalitativa forsningsansatser för att studera detta intressanta fenomen. Detta arbete försöker, i form av två studier (en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie), bryta trenden av kvalitativ forskning och presentera en annan infallsvinkel för hur SA kan vara organiserat och ett annat förhållningssätt för hur forskning kring SA kan bedrivas. Utgångspunkten för detta försök är teorierna bakom Distributed Cognition (DC), vilka föreslår studien av mänsklig kognition i ett större sammanhang där hjärna, kropp och omgivning bildar ett kognitivt system. Resultatet från litteraturstudien visar på att det finns stöd för användningen av DC då utifrån dessa teorier uppstår möjligheten till att studera andra aspekter och förhållanden kring SA.

Så(s) mycket bättre! : - En studie av varumärkeslojalitet för Lohmanders

Abstract -                     Much better sauce! - A study of brand loyalty for Lohmanders Date:                             5th June 2013Level:                           Bachelor thesis in marketing, 15 ECTSInstitution:                   School of Economy, Society and Technology, EST                                      Mälardalen University Authors:                       Sara Meijer                               Julia Åberg                                      20th February 1990                   26th April 1990Title:                             Much better sauce! ? A study of brand loyalty for LohmandersTutor:                           Finn Wiedersheim-PaulKeywords:                   Brand, loyalty, consumer behaviorResearch questions:    Which significance has the brand for the consumer when buying fresh sauce?                                       How loyal are the consumers to the brand Lohmanders?                                      How does brand loyalty arise among Lohmanders customers?Purpose:                            The purpose with this thesis is to research consumer?s brand loyalty to fresh sauce and to analyze how brand loyalty arises regarding the brand Lohmanders.Method:                       The theoretical framework used in the study is based on theories of consumer behavior, brands and loyalty. The quantitative study consists of a poll. To complement the study a focus group interview and a company interview have been held.  Conclusion:                        The study showed that the brand has significance for the consumer to a certain extent. The brand can though have an unconscious effect on the consumers since most of the purchases are made by habit.

IT-outsourcing ? dolda kostnader

Many corporations turn to IT-outsourcing to focus more on their core competence or to cut the IT-budget. There is one caveat, the costs presented at a first glance does not always present the entire truth. Instead the costs run deeper and so-called hidden costs exist beyond the contractual cost. Reducing these hidden costs may very well be crucial to the entire IT-outsourcing endeavor. However many firms are not aware of these costs and as such they have a reduced chance of success.

En studie om studenters användning av vänlistor på Facebook

Friend lists allow Facebook users to group their friends and may be used to share certain information only with those in a specific list. This function has been around for several years, but has never gained any particular popularity among users, most of whom probably did not know it even existed a couple of years ago. In the fall of 2011, however, the function was updated and made more visible on the site.There are several possible uses of friend lists, such as privacy control, filtering of the news feed, self-presentation and targeted information sharing. This paper aims to investigate the extent to which friend lists are used by students today, as well as why students actually use their lists, i.e. for what purposes.Judging from the results of this study in comparison with earlier research, there seems to have been a somewhat recent increase in the awareness of the fact that friend lists actually do exist, but still most users tend not to utilize them.

Finns kvinnor i säkerhetspolitik? : En undersökning av den svenska säkerhetiseringsprocessen avseende svenskt deltagande i den militära insatsen Minusma i Mali utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv

Scientists argue that gender affects foreign policy and security policy, that ideas of gender are inconstant and that there is a lack of feminist perspectives in International Relations. The changes seen in the global security context may have challenged the way politicians and scientists understand war and its impacts, and led to increased gender awareness.Using securitization theory and feminist international relations theory, the aim is to examine how women and men are being spoken of in the Swedish foreign policy discourse regarding participation in the UN-led stabilization mission Minusma in Mali. By applying a feminist perspective on the securitization process, the intention is to increase the knowledge of whether there is gender awareness in this context.The result shows that there is limited gender awareness. There is minor consideration for the conflict?s different implications on the situation for women and men.

Designing the Militarization 2.0 research tool

Research is a time-consuming endeavor which requires appropriate tools to manage often vast amounts of information. Militarization 2.0 is a research project aiming to explore Militarization in social media. The aim of this project is to design a user interface for supporting researchers in projects involving large amounts of data in qualitative studies. The project will follow the design process of the first version of the Militarization 2.0 research database interface. The design process involves user studies, interviews and design and testing of paper and digital prototypes.

Identified opportunities and challenges inCSR certification : the case of CSC9000T in China?s textile industry

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues have been received much attention in businessand management practises globally. Jensen & Yeh (2009, 3) state that ?The agenda ofCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a factor in the process of globalization,and Chinese companies may sometimes feel pushed into this agenda without a clearunderstanding of the rationale behind it?. China?s textile and apparel industry, amanufacturing-based economy with its products bounding up with the consumers worldwide,has been facing enormous pressure to take CSR initiatives, particularly in relation toenvironmental issues and labor standards.

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