

523 Uppsatser om Reporting - Sida 4 av 35

Praxis inom hållbarhetsredovisning 2010 : Undersökning av svenska företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen

Problem formulation: The awareness and importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing within both corporations and society at large. The corporate progress in sustainable development can be both profitable and essential for the potential to compete globally. The value of sustainability Reporting may differ between industries and companies of different sizes. The demands for sustainability reports are expected to increase. By 2010, no previous survey on sustainability Reporting practices had been conducted within Swedish corporations. Purpose: The aim of the current study was to examine sustainability reports within Swedish corporations during 2010 and to compare the findings with preceding surveys to determine differences over time and between corporations.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Positiv miljöpåverkan eller onödig pappersexercis?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka behovet av extern revidering, bankernas förväntan och revisionsfirmornas förutsättningar att revidera hållbarhetsinformation. Författarna berör även huruvida nationella och internationella påtryckningar har påverkat hållbarhetsredovisningen.Metod som använts är fallstudier med semistrukturerade intervjuer.Fallföretag: Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank, Deloitte, KPMG och Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopersVår studie visade att hållbarhetsredovisningen idag är försumbar ur ett låneperspektiv. Idag klassas redovisningen som ett komplement till den traditionella årsredovisningen, en viktig förutsättning för att höja dess acceptans är extern revidering. Revisionen skulle underlättas av en harmonisering av redovisningsreglerna, då ett problem idag är att det är stora variationer i företags kriterier och riktlinjer, en harmonisering skulle även leda till ökad jämförbarhet företag emellan. Det första steget mot internationell harmonisering har kommit från EU genom moderniseringsdirektivet.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En historisk utveckling

Background: The latest development within the business world has been characterized by deregulation and globalization which has made the company bigger and even more influential. The increased power has resulted in a shift of responsibility for the community from the public to the private sector. (Steinholtz och Löhman, 2003) There have been many trends regarding what accountability includes and how financial accounting can be complimented in a useful and reliable way. Some trends have come to stay whilst others have shown to be less successful or the world has not been ready for them. (Larsson, a, 2002) Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to look at the historical development towards accounting for sustainability and to investigate what factors that might have hade an impact on this development.

Identifiering och redovisning av immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv ?En kvantitativ studie om redovisningstransparens och kapitalmarknadens informationsasymmetri

The association between disclosure level and asymmetric information is a matter of importance andconsiderable interest to the financial Reporting community. The theory in this area suggests that acommitment by a firm to increased levels of disclosure should lower the information asymmetry thuslowering the cost of equity. This theory may be compelling, but so far the empirical results have beenambiguous. Due to increased globalization the demand for high quality accounting standards has risen. In2005 The International Accounting Standard Board launched the standard named IFRS 3.

Att misstänka är tillräckligt : En intervjustudie om hur grundskollärare upptäcker och går till väga från misstanke till anmälan av barnmisshandel.

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish elementary school teachers proceed in cases of suspected child abuse, what knowledge teachers have in order to identify signs of child abuse and to make a report to social services, and also the obstacles teachers face during a report to social services. We used qualitative interviews with five practicing teachers; three was conducted at the teachers´ workplaces and the other two with the help of telephones. We used the role theory to analyze our results. We have concluded that teachers request more knowledge of signs of maltreatment and that they find their skills in discovering child abuse lacking. As obstacles to Reporting, teachers identify their doubts and worries together with the difficulties that the often concealed child abuse brings.

Oro för barn som far illa : förskolechefers tillämpning av anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this study was to investigate how directors of preschool apply the mandatory Reporting and what information they say is important in the decision to report child maltreat-ment. The study was built on five semi-structure interviews with five directors of preschool working in Greater Stockholm. The perspective of this paper is sociology of law theory. This means to study how out of law information makes sense when director of preschool applies the mandatory Reporting. The result was analysed with three different analytic tools: action plan, consulting social services and the considerations of the directors of preschool them-selves.

De olympiska vinterspelen i spalterna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets bevakning av OS i Sotji 2014.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Sportbladet watches over the Olympic games in Sotji, 2014. This study aims to find out why certain topics is more popular writing about and why others are not. The study also analyses the news distribution in terms of gender and nationalism.To find answers to this questions, a quantitative content analyses was used.  The results is based on 220 texts collected from eleven days news Reporting in Sportbladet. Ice hockey and cross-country skiing was, without a doubt, the most popular sports according to news, interest and Reporting. These two sports occupied a great deal of space in the newspaper and also had most articles.Furthermore, this study shows the domination of men amongst news pages according to both space and frequency in Sportbladet during the Olympic games in Sotji. In spite of that fact, women was assigned more space in the news paper throughout the Olympic games compared to the daily Reporting.

IAS 40 : A study of the consequences on annual reports due application of IAS40

Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the consequences of applying IAS40 on the Swedish real estate companies? annual reports. How does its application affect the companies? stockholders? capital and how do the companies solve the problems that occur due to the application of this standard.Method: The authors use both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to process the thesis. The primary data comprises of hard data in form of annual reports and the secondary data consists of the soft data as direct interviews and email interviews.Theory: There aren?t any theories on the subject.

??Finns det ett samband mellan graden av periodiseringar och inflationsjusterade skattade framtida rörelseresultat? : - Empirisk studie av den europeiska aktiemarknaden.

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms Reporting relatively low levels of accruals and a short position in the stock of firms Reporting relatively high levels of accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

Vendor due diligence : Advokatbyråns skadeståndsansvar gentemot köparen enligt tillitsprincipen

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms Reporting relatively low levels of accruals and a short position in the stock of firms Reporting relatively high levels of accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

"Jo, läspade Violet." : Översättningsanalys av anföringsverb i svensk och polsk skönlitterär prosa. En fallstudie.

In this study I compare the use of Reporting verbs in direct speech in Swedish and Polish literary prose. The aim is to examine how differences in usage are reflected in translations to and from Swedish and to what extent the translator adapts the text to the target language and its literary conventions.I have compared the material on two levels: source text versus source text in Polish and Swedish respectively, to see what kind of speech verbs are most commonly used, and source text versus target text, to study the strategies the translators have used and to what extent Reporting verbs are altered or not.I have also studied quotation verb + adverbial phrase or prepositional phrase, to investigate if they are more frequent in the two target texts or adapted to the literary concentions of the target language. .

Bristfällig tillbudsrapportering : En sammanställning av attityder och kunskap kring tillbud inom Peab

The construction industry stands as one of the industries in Sweden where most employees tend to encounter accidents. At the same time, the Swedish authority of work environment estimates that there are large numbers of hidden statistics with accidents and incidents that never gets reported. To prevent accidents, the Swedish authority of work environment has decided that every company have to, beside report every accident and major incident to the authority of work environment, keep statistics and evaluate every incident that happens at their places of work.The people responsible for work environment at the Swedish building contractor Peab, believe that it is only a fraction of all incidents happening at their construction sites that actually gets reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reason why employees of Peab do not report incidents. By an inquiry and interviews with both craftsmen and office holders at Peab Bygg Öst 1, the employees? attitudes and knowledge have been studied and evaluated.The study shows that the craftsmen´s knowledge of incidents is relatively low.

?Icke-finansiell redovisning kontra finansiell redovisning, det är ändå redovisning det handlar om.?: En fallstudie om revisionsbranschens etablering som granskare av hållbarhetsredovisningar.

This thesis examines the establishment of auditors as third party assurers of sustainability reports in Sweden. This is done through a qualitative case study that examines the subject from both a preparer?s and an assurer?s perspective. Empirical data was analyzed using a combination of agency- and legitimacy theory. The study reaches the conclusion that sustainability Reporting companies in the study demand a verification service for reported sustainability data in order to increase creditability, meet increased stakeholder demand and increased accounting complexity.

Att utforma den perfekta skandalen : En studie av hur Expressen rapporterade  om SD-skandalen i november 2012

Title: How to Construct the Perfect Scandal ? a study of the news reported by Expressen concerning the SD-scandalAuthor: Linnea IvarssonThis C-paper presents the incident concerning the political party Sverigedemokraterna in Expressen in November 2012. The newspaper was the main source of the news Reporting with the mobile phone camera film from the occurance and led the way of the news Reporting in Sweden about three party members.The paper investigates how the story telling of the so called SD-scandal was constructed, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the analysis method combined with selected parts from the analysis method of critical linguistics. The theories that have been used to establish the results of the analysis are Critical Discourse as a theory based on Norman Fairclough and Teun A. van Dijks theoretical keystones combined with Sigurd Allerns and Ester Pollacks theories and schematic point of view on the constructions of political scandals in media.With the theories and analysis methods above mentioned the results turned out to confirm the theory about how political scandals in media are constructed and designed with certain strategies and agenda.

Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor

What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, Reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.

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