513 Uppsatser om Remote Weapon Station - Sida 13 av 35
Timing Grey: En självbalanserande robot med ultraljud och egenutvecklad hastighetsmätare
This bachelor thesis describes the process of developing a two wheeled robot with activebalancing. The robot is designed to go straight ahead until it reaches a finish line. Then it shallstop to stand still balancing. The workload in the group has been divided according to theprevious individual projects, which are attached. The design of the robot is inspired by theconcept of the Segway.
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Chinese Remainder Theorem is used to solving problems in computing, coding and cryptography. In computing we can compute with shorter numbers instead of large numbers and this will make the computing-process faster and easier. In coding it can be used for error-searching and error-regulating.Cryptography means that we can send a coded message and that no one will be able to read it without the decode-key which is based on prim-numbers. I am writing about the history of mathematics and how the number- and decimal number-system is used in Babylon, Egypt, Greece and in China. Abacus was a very important aid to calculate advanced mathematical problems.
Avfallshantering på HFABs studentområden
?Halmstads Fastighets AB? is a local real estate company investing in sustainable development. One problem though is that the domestic waste, particularly the source separation, at the three resident blocks for students? isn´t working very well. This creates inconveniences for people and environment as well as decreasing the impression on the estates.This project has had the ambition to improve the domestic waste and increase the amount of source separation at HFAB´s student hostels.
Älvkarleby, landskapskaraktär och gestaltningsförslag : landskapskaraktärsbeskrivning med inspiration av metoden Landscape Character Assessment, med riktlinjer och gestaltningsförslag
Älvkarleby, landscape character and design proposal is a Graduated Thesis (30
ECCcredtis), in the subject of landscape planning at the Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Rural and Urban Development. This
thesis is a study and implement of the method "Landscape Character Assessment"
(LCA), developed in England and Scotland as tool to analyse and highlight the
landscape in different planning processes. The purpose of LCA is to increase the
understanding and strengthen the role of the landscape.
The thesis consists of three main parts: landscape characterization, guidelines
and a design proposal. The landscape characterization emphasizes the values
of the landscape in different types of planning processes, a documentation to
base estimations on in any kind of change in the area. Theese estimations have
resulted in guidelines that give proposals to the development of the landcape,
focusing at the desingproposal.
Introduktion i regleroptimering
Allt större och större andel företag väljer att presentera och förmedla varor och tjänster via e-handel. En viktig aspekt vid e-handel är att kunden känner förtroende för e-handelsapplikationen och företaget. Denna rapport redogör för vilken inverkan multimediala inslag har för förtroendet av en e-handelsapplikation, vid initialt användande. En undersökning har genomförts med hjälp av en kooperativ utvärdering av fyra e-handelsapplikationer vilka innehåller olika typer av multimediala inslag har.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att multimediala inslag inverkar positivt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer. Däremot finns indikationer på att för hög grad av multimedialt inslag inverkar negativt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer..
En förunderlig fara - statens syn på zigenare i det svenska samhället under 1930-40-talen
The purpose of my essay is to analyse the antiziganism imparted by the Swedish Governement during the 1930´s and 1940´s. The starting points are the text in the first published chapter of the Governement´s White Paper and other political texts refered to concerning surveys of the gypsies. My sources will be these texts important for the time period of my essay. The White Paper recites in chronological order for the repeatedly made surveys and registrations of the gypsies made by the authorities during the 1900´s. My analysis will apply the theories of Michel Foucault being about biopower/biopolitics and the method for ideological analysis by Sven-Eric Liedman.
Utformning av ändstationer för automatbana mellan Luleå Centrum och bostadsområdet Kronan
Detta examensarbete behandlar konceptframtagning av ändstationer till en föreslagen automatbana mellan Luleå Centrum och bostadsområdet Kronan. Kollektivtrafik tillhör framtiden och fungerande system är ett krav när nya städer byggs. Dagens kollektivtrafik kräver mycket stora subventioner från skattebetalarna och många system bär bara bråkdelar av sina kostnader. NoWait Transit AB har tillsammans med företaget ReRail AB ett nytt tågkoncept som anses vara billigare, miljövänligare och kräva minimalt med underhåll.Arbetet inleddes med en nulägesanalys av berörda företag och Luleå kommun vilket gav nödvändig förståelse för NoWaits tågkoncept. Deras koncept går ut på att man skapar en tågbana med kontinuerlig drift, liknande en rulltrappa.
Kvalitetssäkring av produktionsprocess : Skumming i industritvätt
This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer.
Torvströ till svenska mjölkkor :
Peat litter is a soft material with high absorbency. About hundred years ago many farmers in Sweden used peat litter to their dairy cows. After the World War II the use of peat litter decreased and the farmers used more straw. Nowadays (year 2007), when it is harder to find straw and sawdust to buy, peat litter is advancing again. The purpose with this study is to investigate peat as a litter to dairy cows.
AESA-teknik för framtida artillerilokaliseringsradar, en nödvändighet eller lyx?
Vi lever i en värld där teknikutvecklingen går allt snabbare och till synes exponentiellt och oförtröttligt kommer att fortsätta öka. Hur detta påverkar Försvarsmaktens val av tekniknivå för framtida sensorförmåga för artillerilokalisering kopplat mot operativa krav, interoperabilitet och ekonomi blir extra intressant när radartekniken befinner sig i ett generationsskifte. Beprövad teknik, internationella och militära krav på en artillerilokaliseringsradar ställs mot ny radarantennteknik, svensk forskning och utveckling av Aktiva Elektroniskt Styrda Antenner (AESA).Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida ny teknik är ett nödvändigt tekniksteg för artillerilokalisering eller är "gårdagens" teknik lika bra eller kanske till och med bättre i vissa användningsområden och situationer? Är AESA ett nödvändigt tekniksteg för artillerilokalisering?Metoden för uppsatsen är en jämförande litteraturstudie d.v.s. en kvalitativ textanalys utifrån en given teoriram.
Avgång Raus : en ny station i södra Helsingborg
Helsingborgs stad är en stationstät kommun. Utmed tre järnvägslinjer finns inte mindre än tio lokaltågstationer. Intentionerna i kommunens översiktsplan är att lokalisera bebyggelse i stationsnära lägen för att skapa en flerkärnig stadsstruktur och att leda in landsbygdens grönstruktur in i de centrala delarna av tätorten. Behov och önskemål om ytterliggare tre stationer finns och Raus, i södra Helsingborg, är ett av de önskade stationslägena. Fram till 1966 hade Raus en station och i samband med anläggandet av Västkustbanan skapades återigen förutsättningar för en station.
Att tala om det otalbara : En kvalitativ studie av yrkesverksammas syn på mötet med kvinnor som blivit våldtagna i krigssituationer
All around the world there are several armed conflicts, where rape is used as a weapon of war against the civilian population. Many take refuge from their countries of origin and may end up in Sweden, where they build a new life for themselves. What preparation is there to welcome these women and help them obtain a deeper sense of psychological well-being? The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how professionals view the meeting between themselves and women who have been subjected to rape in times of armed conflict, as well as how the work with this group could be improved. The study had a qualitative approach and has been carried out with semi-structured interviews.
A comparison of group housing and individual housing for dairy bulls kept for breeding
This study was conducted at VikingGenetics' bull breeding station in Falkenberg, Sweden. The bulls waiting for the results of their progeny testing at this station are either kept in group housing or individual housing. Since both of these housing systems have advantages and disadvantages, it was in the interest of VikingGenetics to know which of these housing systems is the best. The aim of this study was to investigate the welfare of the bulls in these two housing systems through behavioural observations and the use of activity monitors. In the preparations for the study 16 bulls, 8 in each housing system, were chosen.
Anbudskalkyl mer användbar i byggprocessen
This report is written for a consultant networking company with the purpose to review the development ofthe company's remote connections from a user friendly and security perspective.This includes an investigation of the possibilities to consolidate existing authentication methods foraccessing customers. The problem lies in the amount of methods being used. Through case study wefound that smart cards, SMS-service, software and hardware tokens exist.The only method feasible from a security perspective is smart cards. Since the method is not commonlyused by the company's customers a standardization of it would be counterproductive.Also, the purpose of this report is to investigate how the ongoing internal development of the remoteconnection will affect the company's clients. Within this framework we have also verified a designsuggestion.We interpret, after the completion of the case study, that the internal development of the remoteconnection is marginally affected by legal perspectives.
Aspects on cow traffic and management on farms with automatic milking
This thesis consists of four case studies. The objective is to find out how to get a well functioning cow traffic in an automatic milking system. Different technical and building solutions are analysed and some adjustments are proposed for the DeLaval herd management software.
Case study 1: Lactation chart comparison from traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic
Case study 2: Farm A - a study of the precedence passage and the cow traffic
Case study 3: Farm B ? an overview of the farm and their way of working
Case study 4: Key factors ? how can we judge how well a VMS farm is working?
Case study 1: Lactation chart comparison from traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic
In this survey data is analysed from before and after rebuilding to Feed First? cow traffic. Lactation
graphs are compared between traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic.