

696 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 7 av 47

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : Undersökning av lönsamheten med energieffektivare ventilation

This thesis is based on a case study for the real estate manager Mimer in Västerås. Mimer provides a great deal of this city?s rental apartments. Many of their buildings have ventilation systems with a type of heat-recovery called ?heatpipe?.

Energi- och kostnadseffektiva klimatskal : För lager-, industri- och kontorsbyggnader

A study to optimize insulation thickness for stock-, industrial- and office-buildings for external walls and roof in an economical perspective has been conducted on behalf of DynaMate. DynaMate?s role is to maintain all Scania?s buildings. Analysis has also included other parts of the building envelope, such as windows, exterior doors and industrial doors. In this thesis, three different types of exterior wall constructions has been investigated, these are a sandwich design consisting of sheet metal and a another one consisting of concrete, as well as a wall of concrete with a coating of plasters.

Närvärme med bioenergi i Västra Ämtervik :

I want to look at the possibilities to start selling hot water from a small district heating plant with bioenergy. My reason for doing this project is to look at a new business opportunity for our farm. Our company have less work during the winter time compared to the spring and this project will give us more work during the winter. I also want to take as much material as possible for heating from our farm in order to increase the value of the products from the farm. The project is in a village near us, where we should support a school, a churh, a home for the aged, a kindergarten and a parish hall with heat. In my work I have compared two different alternatives with each other. The first alternative is to put a central heater in one of the buildings, the home for the aged, in which we will burn oat.

Fuktrisker i kallvindsutrymmen - problem och förbättringsmetoder

This report has a dual focus. The first goal was to increase the knowledge of how the use of electricity in a residential building is distributed. Electricity in residential buildings is used for lighting in common areas, elevators, pumps and many other appliances. The electricity used for these different parts is to a great extent unknown. A few studies have been carried out and the result of these is referred to in this report.By means of measurements and approximations the use of electricity for various appliances became known.

Fastighetsel och belysning i flerbostadshus : inventering, mätning och effektivisering

This report has a dual focus. The first goal was to increase the knowledge of how the use of electricity in a residential building is distributed. Electricity in residential buildings is used for lighting in common areas, elevators, pumps and many other appliances. The electricity used for these different parts is to a great extent unknown. A few studies have been carried out and the result of these is referred to in this report.By means of measurements and approximations the use of electricity for various appliances became known.

En Curmansk saga Bevarandeproblematik hos takhängda tapetvåder i nygöticistisk interiör

The main purpose of this thesis has been to address the problem connected with conservation ofspecific objects in historic buildings that have a protected building status. The immaterial demandsand environmental concerns of a place of cultural significance are discussed as opposed to the welladaptedsetting of a museum, with regard to long-term preservation. In an authentic interior of acertain era, large-scale individual treatments of the objects that define it and regulations forconservation-related reasons, may not be considered a worth-while effort, as it is often the integrityof the environment as a whole that has been declared as significant. To investigate the relationshipbetween object and its context, a case study has been conducted by examination of the propertycalled ?Curmans villor?, located in the seaside community called Lysekil.

Renovering av miljonprogrammet till Umeå kommuns nybyggnadskrav för energianvändning

A lot of houses built during the Million Homes Programme are in need of major renovation. Today?s technology and materials are better than in the 60?s and 70?s. Both Swedish government and the European Union have set climate goals regarding energy consumption by 2020 and 2050. Achieving these goals would require better standards in buildings than the Building regulations demands, such as Umeå municipality?s construction requirements for new buildings.The report aims to investigate if a renovation of apartment buildings from the Million Homes Programme can reach Umeå municipality?s construction requirements.

Värmeledningsförmåga hos betong

This report has a dual focus. The first goal was to increase the knowledge of how the use of electricity in a residential building is distributed. Electricity in residential buildings is used for lighting in common areas, elevators, pumps and many other appliances. The electricity used for these different parts is to a great extent unknown. A few studies have been carried out and the result of these is referred to in this report.By means of measurements and approximations the use of electricity for various appliances became known.


Abstrakt -  As energy prices rise, energy-saving in buildings is becoming increasingly important. By applying different construction and installation technologies, to new buildings the energy consumption can be reduced effectively, compared to similar existing buildings. These technical measures are often an investment in the long term and will reduce energy costs significantly. The purpose of this report is to show how to reduce energy consumption in a small house. It is presented in this report that both building's technical saving arrangements (the sealing of a building) and an installation technical arrangement (changing from the F-system to the FTX-system) would reduce energy consumption in newly built detached houses, if compared with a similar existing house but without these technical measures. The report presents also detailed calculations showing how much energy an existing 2-storey house, built in the year 2007 in Eskilstuna, consumes and how much energy would be saved if these corrective measures were applied to a new building. It is also reported how much money would be saved each year over a 10 year period if the measures were applied. The results show that both solutions are a good investment in the reduction of energy consumption and hence the cost involved. Keywords: energy, heat energy, infiltration, FTX-system, free temperature effectively. .

Termisk värmelagring i kontorsbyggnader

This report has a dual focus. The first goal was to increase the knowledge of how the use of electricity in a residential building is distributed. Electricity in residential buildings is used for lighting in common areas, elevators, pumps and many other appliances. The electricity used for these different parts is to a great extent unknown. A few studies have been carried out and the result of these is referred to in this report.By means of measurements and approximations the use of electricity for various appliances became known.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus

In Sweden, a big part of the energy use is used in the housing sector. Political goals and targets are set up which the housing sector needs to work towards. Apartment buildings are a major part of the housing sector in Sweden and therefore reduction of energy use in these kinds of buildings are key to lower the energy use in Sweden. But there are not only political incentives to reduce the energy use. Some energy?saving measures are directly profitable and should thus be performed.

Lantbruksföretagets utveckling av ny verksamhet : en studie av fem lantbruksföretag

The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.

Redovisning av dörrar och dörrpartier i offentliga lokaler : Problem och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

Today, the requirements on doors and door sections in buildings are often many andtightly restricted. Especially in public buildings, the requirements for safety andfunctionality must cover the needs of larger groups of people. These strictrequirements have often led to doors and door sections in public buildings being verycomplex and difficult to correctly install without any complications.This diploma work has been carried out in cooperation with Werket Architects,which estimates a high percentage of flaws regarding aforementioned components, inprojects of the type described. The company therefore wanted to investigate howthey could develop their remit in door production, which is the projection and designof blueprints. By taking part of installers opinions on how they want the blueprints ofdoors and door - sections to be designed for the best installation possibilities,develop¬ment areas, and to some extent improvements regarding the company's useof accounting techniques, could be provided to the company.The study shows, among other things, that there is a possibility of development in thefunctional descriptions that entail the doors' fitting components.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Uppgradering av automatisk teststation

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. Västfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the Västra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage Västfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for Västfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

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