

696 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 34 av 47

Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling

Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965 the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only the area surrounding the old buildings remained, turned to a park.

Framtidens kongresshus : Stadsbyggnadsvisionen i Jönköping

Since a couple of decades the community of Jönköping has worked out an urban vision of how the city should be appropriated expanded. The prospect extends to around year 2040 and deals with the area south of lake Munksjön in Jönköping, Sweden. Today there is a proposal of how this would look like and what main public functions that should be located there. One issue in the so-called urban vision 2.0 indicates a congressional building. This report describes how such an object can be designed according to the urban vision conditions.The work is focused on three main themes;* Architectural concept and a modern form of expression.* A functional attractive congress building in a new planned town centre.* General concept of a realistic structure system that meet the spatial and architectural possibilities.Various concepts in the meeting industry and in the architecture field are identified in order to understand the concepts and ideas with today´s congress buildings.

Visbys färger : exteriör färgsättning av bostadshus i Visby innerstad 1860?1930

The main aim of this research is to survey the general colour scheme for private dwellings inVisby, built 1860?1930. During this period the visual appearance of the town of Visby changedsubstantially, since the increased local production of lime led to the plastering of many woodenbuildings. Which colour schemes were chosen for the different building types of the historic centreof Visby, and which colours came to dominate the time period? The methods used for answeringthese questions have partly been field studies on site and sampling of selected buildings, andpartly critical reading and observation of iconographic material (paintings, drawings, aquarelles,postcards and photographs).

Landsbyggdens egnahem i Malmöhus Län 1905-1040. En studie av markförsäljningen till fastigheter som beviljades egnahemslån

During the period 1905 to 1940 it was possible to get a loan from the state to buy land and build a small farm or a house in rural areas. This loan act and its effects have been studied earlier in different ways, but never as a total study for a geographic region. The region Malmöhus Län has been chosen. The purpose of this paper is to study in which parts of the area loans were taken and who sold the land that was used for these purposes. Earlier studies have looked at a larger geographical area for some specific years.

Värdet av tystnad : en värderingsstudie över Upplands Väsbybornas betalningsvilja för reducerat flygbuller

Since the spring 2003 the tenant-owner home association the Terrace in Upplands Väsby municipality lies straight under the approach route to Arlanda Airport?s new third landing chute. Noise levels of over 70 dB have been measured in the area, which exceeds National Board of Housing?s, values for traffic noise at a terrace in connection to housing. By using the method of hedonisk pricing the essay tries to find out if there exists a willingness to pay to reduce the noise in the area.

Beslutsprocesser i fastighetsbolag vid energiinvesteringar

Municipal Real Estate Companies runs by a political boarder who makes decisions in large investments. In some cases the municipal counter have to take the decisions about big and expensive investments. A successful investment needs to be built on solid ground.Media has lately focused on energy topics as a part of the environmental discussion and the real estate companies tries to use the new technology that the market has provided. Energy investments in new buildings are not longer a small part of the energy saving program. Long-term investment demands needs large knowledge and awareness about the energy topics that have recently grown in the municipal real estate companies.

Stadsdelsförnyelse i Norra Björksätra, Sandviken

The housing estates in the outskirts of Sandviken, consist of relatively large scale apartment buildings. This report, that is a B.A. thesis at 10 Swedish university points, aims to investigate and describe the opportunities to improve safety and security for inhabitants in Norra Björksätra. The purpose with this report is to make Norra Björksätra to a more attractive place to live in, by changing the negative trends in the area. Since demolition of at least some of the houses could be of current interest in some years; the purpose is also to investigate whether demolition or renewal of the area is the best solution.

Ombyggnation av operation gentemot alternativa byggmetoder : En konsekvensutredning för ombyggnad vid Löwenströmska sjukhuset

Over the next few years, major investments in healthcare buildings is to be performed. Most surgical theaters are in need of technological upgrades as the technology is outdated. In most cases not only a refurbishment is performed but also an expansion. The basis for expansion, is due to a large increased number of patients, but also to the complexity of the refitment. Partly it's because evacuations are difficult to implement and the disturbance that occurs in conjunction with the refitment.Löwenströmska hospital undergoing a technical upgrad.

Köldbryggor och energiförluster. En studie om energiförluster genom balkonginfästningar och deras betydelse för byggnadens totala energibehov

In this report the balconies? abutments for a property in Bo01-area in Malmö has been studied. The property which is called Vitruvius contains four build-ings where two of them have corbelling balconies with intermittent abutments. With intermittent abutment means that the 50 mm thermal bridge insulation that the balconies is equipped with, is broken regularly by a 300 mm concrete heel. The reinforcement bar that holds the balcony runs through this heel.

Lämpliga områden för vindkraftsetablering på land i Norrbottens län

Wind power is becoming an increasingly important source of energy. There are several national and international goals set to increase to amount of renewable energy, and in order to meet these goals, the wind power production plays an important part and the establishment of new wind power farms are required. The Swedish national project Riksintresse Vindbruk has appointed areas in Sweden suitable for wind power, mainly when looking at the physical wind conditions of the area. In this study, I aim to define suitable areas for wind power establishment in Norrbottens län. In order to reach this goal, a critical regional method was developed and completed using GIS.

Efter krig kommer fred : att planera för återuppbyggnad i en krigsdrabbad stad

This paper intends to provide a better understanding of how to rebuild a crisis affected area and how to plan for the inhabitants of a wounded city. It will also examine the landscape architect's tasks in this work to provide a planning perspective. The discussion of reconstruction is significant because the insight and knowledge in the subject is needed in order to help nations after a disaster. Bosnia-Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo is a city recovering from a civil war where the city's situation was complicated by an ethnic conflict that has been segregating it. The restoration of the city's structure can free people from their tragedy and make them live again.

Skolskogen som ekosystemtjänst : En fallstudie om det sociala värdet hos skolskogen

The concept of school forest was drafted in 1970 by the Forest in School organization and is defined as an area occupied by a school for outdoor educational activity. The main purpose of this study was to examine how schools use the school forest in practice, how it can be linked to the forest as an ecosystem service and find out how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning. The study is mainly qualitative in nature and has been based on interviews conducted with educators engaged in outdoor education at four selected schools in a municipality in Sweden. Focus has been on the cultural ecosystem services for school forest, for example the physical characteristics that are considered as positive, forest influence on students' physical / mental health and the educational benefits available to be in the woods. Search has also been made to see how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning and also what a contract agreements involves.

Kunddriven fastighetsförvaltning- Effekter på fastighetsvärdet av hög kundnöjdhet

Rådande marknadssituation för lokaluthyrning är tuff. I konkurrensutsatta branscher är nöjda kunder en klar målsättning och ett måste för att överleva. Fastighetsbranschen har tidigare haft andra mål med sin verksamhet än kundnöjdhet, byggandet har varit i fokus och förvaltningsfrågorna har varit lågprioriterade.Idag är många fastighetsföretag på vägen mot att bli mer kundorienterade, det vill säga sätta kunden i fokus istället för fastigheten. Den kunddrivna fastighetsförvaltningen innebär att maximera värdet för sina hyresgäster. Genom ökade resurser på förvaltningen kan man skapa bättre relation med sina hyresgäster vilket medför många fördelar och på sikt kanske även en högre värderad fastighetsportfölj.

Hamburgare eller bajs? : en fallstudie om en funktionshindrad elevs undervisning i idrott och hälsa på en särskola

A child with functional disorder getting close to starting school has different types of schooling to choose between. Parents and the school of the matter have to agree in consultation. I use the conceptions included and segregated schooling to show different ways attend school. By included education I mean that all students with as well as without functional disorder in a group shall be completely comprised in the situation and not be separated from the group by individual exercises (Fors 2004). A segregated schooling is often pursued in special school where all the students have functional disorder and the education usually takes place in separate buildings (Emanuelsson 2001).I have completed a qualitative case study of a boy who is 14 years old and has the functional disorder Down?s syndrome and has been placed at a special school his entire schooling.

Fuktens påverkan på utegipsskivor under byggtiden

This thesis is a study of humidity at Knauf Danogips external plasterboard. The study is performed at the building project Kv. Maskinen in Jönköping in cooperation with NCC Construction AB and Knauf Danogips. The measuring was performed during five winter/spring months to see how the weather influenced the plasterboard.The measuring was performed at a small two-storied building and a larger fourstoried building. From the buildings` placement were a couple of measuring dots selected and to get a good result was the dots located in the four cardinal points.

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