

2322 Uppsatser om Religion och politik - Sida 3 av 155

"Religion" i public service. Hur är det tänkt?

The essay explores how the category ?religion? occurs and functions in the regulatory documents governing the Swedish public service companies. The study also highlights Swedens changed religious demographics and the changing media landscape. The material that is under investigation is the external and internal policy documents for Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Television and Utbildningsradion. The study is done by a qualitative content analysis which results are carved out by search units in relation to the category religion and then discussed and analyzed.

Religion i skolan : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om ämnet religionskunskap A

This essay aims to investigate how students in upper secondary school perceive the subject religion A. The study is both qualitative and quantitative and I will use a survey to investigate the perception of religion among students both vocationally oriented and theory oriented. I will use questions concerning religious background and perception on the subject in relation to the curriculum but also try to investigate whether there are differences on perception between the vocational and theory orientation. The theoretical approach is mainly based on the curriculum concerning religion A but former research is also used such as books written by Sven G Hartman (2000), Ulf Sjödin (1995), Ove Larsson (1991), Elsie Davidsson (1989) and Anders Törnwall (1988). The result in the study is that students for the most part perceive the subject religion A as something positive and the background has a connection to their present perception.

Religion in the making; or, The Modern Prometheus : Om Syntheiströrelsen och samtida religion och religiositet

Syntheiströrelsen (The Syntheist Movement) kan förstås som en konsekvens av individualismens framfart, kommersialism, globalisering och framväxten av IT-samhället. Syntheiströrelsen strävar efter att återupprätta en kollektiv gemenskap de upplever gått förlorad genom att själva skapa ny religion relevant för samtiden och framtiden. Benämningen deriveras från grekiska ? syntheos, den skapade guden.Med avstamp i Den mediterande dalahästen: Religion på nya arenor i samtidens Sverige (Frisk & Åkerbäck 2013) för uppsatsen ett resonemang kring hur Syntheiströrelsen kan förstås utifrån teorier om samtida religion och religiositet. Syntheiströrelsen förklaras mot bakgrund av en mindre intervjustudie med tongivande medlemmar i stockholmsförsamlingen samt undersökning av näraliggande material..

En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor

The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes andhow do they shape the students? encounter with religion and religious people and in what way could religious education help the students problematize these attitudes?The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire, with a Likert scale, posing different questions about religion as such, world religion and religious people. The theoretical basis, in order to discuss the result of the questionnaire, is a gender theory and the theory of social psychology.The result of the study confirms earlier studies of youths both in Sweden and Western Europe. The result shows that there is a certain degree of negative attitudes towards religion, most of all againstIslam.

"Min tro är min" : om religion på Internet och i det privata

Private religion is a faith that isn?t practiced in an organised religious community. Many people do not want to accept a religious concept that is already defined. To choose a conception of faith based upon personal preferences fits some modern man better. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if it?s possible to create a personal religion and how such a process looks.

Mångkulturella och homogena skolor : En kvalitativ studie om lärares syn på undervisning om religioner vid fyra sydsvenska skolor

The purpose of this paper is to examine if there are any differences or similarities when it comes to teaching religion in a multicultural school versus teaching religion in a homogeneous school in Sweden. How do teachers describe religious education in schools and how do they justify their teaching strategies? What similarities or differences are there between teachers' approaches when teaching religion in homogeneous versus multicultural schools?The study is based on qualitative interviews which includes a total of four schools; two homogeneous and two multicultural. These schools have been selected with the help of the Migration Board's annual report from 2014 as well as from my own personal knowledge. One religious teacher from each of the schools was interviewed.The conclusion, among others, is that ethnic Swedish pupils do not have the same understanding of religion as students of different ethnicity.

Vem där? En studie i vilka individer som får stå som representanter i läroböcker i religion/Who?s there? A study of which individuals stand as representatives in Religion textbooks?

Syftet med detta arbete är att se hur det multikulturella samhället speglas i de läromedel som används på skolorna idag. Undersökningen tittar på vilka individer som väljs ut som representanter för en hel religion och tar avstamp i ett genus och etnicitetsperspektiv. Läromedlen är alla utgivna under Lpo 94. Resultaten har kommit fram via en innehållsanalytisk och komparativ studie där individerna i läromedlen undersökts; saker som kön, etnicitet och innehåll i utsagorna har lyfts fram. De har därutöver komparerats mot varandra för att ge ett övergripande resultat och sammanställning.

Iglesia Maradoniana : en studie om fotboll, religion och identitet i Argentina

Denna studie är genomförd i Argentina, ?fotbollens land?. Den handlar om en grupp människor som möts en till två gånger per år i vad man kallar Maradonakyrkan för att helga Diego Armando Maradona. Studien genomfördes i form av fältstudier på plats i Argentina med metoder som intervjuer och deltagande observationer. Maradonakyrkan är ett så pass nytt fenomen att inga akademiska texter funnits att tillgå.

Religion i utvecklingssamarbete : En kvalitativ studie om hur anställda på Sida upplever religionsfrågor som komponent i arbetet

This study's main aim is to contribute with an insight regarding how employees of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) experience religion as a component of development work in religious contexts. The study focuses on whether or not religion is given enough space within Sida's development work and if the policies of Sida are enough to cover the needs in religious contexts. To answer these questions we have interviewed six employees of Sida which holds experiences of development work in religious contexts. The results show a lack of knowledge and encouragement of these questions within Sida and that the interviewees experience religion as a complex concept. The study also shows that the interviewees find policies, methods and tools within Sida as inadequate to cover the needs of religion in development work.

Det viktiga är inte vad man tror på, utan vad man har i hjärtat. : En studie om religionens roll i den sekulära förskolan.

This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.

Religion och politik - Hur den konservativa högern påverkar undervisningen inom amerikansk skolundervisning

Syftet för uppsatsen var att undersöka förhållandet mellan Religion och politik i det amerikanska samhället med fokus på hur kristendomen påverkar skolundervisningen. Fokus har lagts på områdena: sexualundervisning, homosexualitet, abort och skapelselära kontra utvecklingsteori. Metodologiskt har studien genomförts med analys av aktuell och relevant litteratur och av två religionssociologiska surveyer. I mitt resultat har jag hittat betydande skillnader i hur sexualundervisningen genomförs, de största skillnaderna var mellan sydstaterna i bibelbältet och de nordöstra delstaterna. Betoningen låg på sexuell avhållsamhet före äktenskapet.

Projekt: Slöjan : en undersökning av trender i den svenska sjaldebatten speglad mot sjaldebatten i Frankrike och Storbritannien

The title of this essay is Project: The Veil ? an investigation of the trends in the Swedish veil debate compared with the veil debate in France and Great Britain written by Cecilia Lindvall. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the argument has been conducted by the Swedish politicians from the time when the veil was first recognized in Swedish media up until today. The questions I wanted to answer was each countries definition of the three concepts secularization, freedom of religion and multiculturalism, how Islam as a faith with Muslims has developed in Sweden, France and Great Britain and each countries integration politics with the politicians attitude towards the veil. The method being used is a qualitative study with three kind of theories for analysis; two who derives from a feminist point of view where the first one advocates for the rights of each women, the second for the rights of religious groups and a third theory which discusses different models of integration logics.

En ny ateism eller ateism i en ny tid? : En idéanalys av de nya ateisterna och deras kritiker

This essay intends to examine the atheists Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Michel Onfray's arguments against religion, based on the themes of religion, atheism and the perception.of their present worldview. In addition, the research aims to find out whether it is suitable to talk about a new atheism. And, if so, whether such newatheism correspond with the definition represented by the Christian critics. The essay intends to contribute to a very limited research on the so-called new atheism without applying pro-religious arguments.Previous research and theory highlight the problem of defining the terms atheism, religion and secularism a concern that is reflected by the five critics troughout their arguments. What really united the critics were the idea about religion taking too much place in society, and the opinion that atheistic morality is at least as good as religious morality.

?En röd trämoské med vita knutar, en svensk moské?. En analys av svenska religionsläroböckers framställning av islam och kristendom.

Titeln på detta arbete är uppfångat från en lärobok i ämnet religion, Religion för grundskolan senare del, PULS skriven av Lennart Göth och Katarina Lycken. Titeln avslöjar till stor del problematiken om vad vi har för avsikt att diskutera och undersöka i denna uppsats. Vår ansats är att se hur ämnet religion skildras i religionsläroböcker på högstadiet. För att få svar på frågan kommer vi använda oss ett flertal underfrågor, bland annat så vill vi veta om religionerna likställda i den svenska skollitteraturen och om olika religioner ges lika utrymme..

Religionskunskapsämnet i förändring : en historisk exposé samt nutida jämförelser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to present a picture of the changes in religious education in Sweden, and to make comparisons between Denmark?s and the USA?s model about teaching in religion. I have consequently described the historical development, with the beginning of the establishement of the public school, inte the year of 1842. 1919, a new document about the religious education was released, wich result in some major changes. This was in a time were the debate about religion and the Lutheran State Church of Sweden authority was an issue.

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