

311 Uppsatser om Relatives needs - Sida 8 av 21

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer : En litteraturbaserad studie

Background: Sweden is one of many countries which have a long history of immigration during the past decades. Each yearSweden receives numerous immigrants from different parts of the world, which has madeSweden to a multi-culture country.Aim: The aim was to describe nurses? experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures.Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research, nine scientific articles were performed.Result: The analysis of the data resulted in four themes such as; insufficient communication, family members as a link to the patient, unfamiliar situation, and attentive to the patients? vulnerability with seven subthemes.Conclusion: For a well functioning encounter between nurse and patient from different cultures, a prerequisite is that the nurses establish a relationship based on good communication with the patient and relatives. This can prevent inequality, suffering based on lack of nursing, violation and misunderstandings..

Vuxna barn till missbrukare : tankar och upplevelser kring begreppet livskvalitet

Addiction has been a problem for centuries. However, it wasn`t until the 1930s that research in this field was conducted systematically. At that time, the main focus was the wife of the alcoholic. Thirty years later the first stress-theories evolved. The theories showed that the husband´s drinking triggered the wife´s stress.

Främjande faktorer för anknytning mellan mor och barn under det första levnadsåret

Background: The early relations are the most important relationship. The child is totally dependent of caring. A child being neglected during the early years suffers consequences for the rest of their life. Aim: The aim of this study was to find out about the promoting factors for mother and child attachment during the first year. Methods: A literature review was chosen for this study.

Kontinuitet eller nyskapande? : en historisk studie av Svenska kyrkans handboksarbete, åren 1997-2012

The main purpose of this paper is to examine how students in school year nine in the Swedish school come in contact with history outside of the school context. The paper also focuses on, if and how the students consider the contact with history as something different than, or similar to the history education that takes place during school hours, the student´s interest in history will also be examined. To gather the student?s opinions on these subjects, I have done interviews with eight students divided into two groups, with one group consisting of four girls and one group with two boys and two girls. The interviews took place at the students school located in a smaller city in Värmlands län, Sweden.

Livskvalitet hos patienter med Diabetes typ 2 : en litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this review was to describe how quality of life is experienced among patients with diabetes type 2. Literature search was made in Medline and the keywords used were ?diabetes mellitus type 2? and ?quality of life?. Twenty studies were examined and categorized into four sections: Quality of life during complications due to diabetes type 2, quality of life during various treatments, quality of life during depression and quality of life and aspects in relation to the individual as well as social aspects. The designs of the studies were of a varying kind: randomized controlled studies, comparative studies, correlative studies and descriptive studies.

Familjehemsplacering hos "annan närstående" : en undersökning, med utgångspunkt i SoL 6:5, om socialsekreterares uppfattning och övervägande av närståendeplacering

Our study has its starting point in the Swedish social legislation (Socialtjänstlagen) and more specifically in the 6th chapter's 5th paragraph. That paragraph regulates that social workers should try to find a kinship care placement when they are about to do a placement of a child. Our purpose is to examine how social workers, before they do a placement of a child, understand the informal kinship that is not relatives, if they consider the informal kinship and if certain circumstances have an impact on the consideration. To get this information we have done five interviews with social workers. Recent studies show that social workers in past years have begun to think more positively of people's kinships and that they more often use the resources of the kinship.

Normkritisk kunskap inom socialtjänsten? : En studie om transsexualism och socialtjänsten

In light of health scandals and intense debate in the media about the elderly, the authors investigates two Swedish newspaper and their depiction of elder care in Sweden. Using Faircloughs three-dimensional model and critical discourse analysis, it is investigated if there is a more prominent discourse and if so the impact of globalization on this discourse concerning swedish elderly care. A sample of a total of ten articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is analyzed. The authors found that older people who are granted home help or place of accommodation rarely make their voices heard. Rarely were also relatives of residents given the opportunity to speak.

Svensk Hembygd eller Hemsk Svenskbygd : En studie av stereotyper bland svenskar som emigrerade till Amerika

The survey aims to investigate and analyze how the image of Sweden and "Swedish character? is produced in the correspondence between Swedish immigrants and family at home, compared to how the image of America and the U.S. is produced. The starting point is the concept of identity, which is shaped by the social group a person belongs, which can lead to stereotypes are formed. How does the Emigrant describe his new life in letters home to Sweden? What comparisons are made? What memories are passed from the time at home? How does the picture changes over time? How does the stereotypes change over time? The material used are remnants and secondary sources in the form of correspondence between emigrants and their relatives back home.

Dyslexibyrån : -En studie om att utforma ett interaktivt verktyg för dyslektiker

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe through a quantitative study the extent of support received by foster families, their opinion of the support and any areas that might need improvement. The foster families receive foster care support through a private agency. We concentrated on the following areas of support; education, health, contact with the children?s biological relatives and behavioral difficulties. These four areas have, in previous research, shown to be problematic for foster children.

Det växer ju inte i magen men det växer i hjärtat : En kvalitativ studie om adoptivföräldrars erfarenheter av adoption

To investigate adoptions are part of the social worker's duties. The aim of our study was to examine some adoptive parents, to internationally adopted children, experience of adopting, the time before the adoption, the adoption process, and the time after the adoption. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven adoptive parents. Theoretical frameworks that have been used are a phenomenological perspective, the dramaturgical perspective of Goffman and the theory of rites of passage.The result of our study shows that the adoptive parents have tried ?everything? to be-come parents in a biological way before they came to the decision to adopt.

Kvinnors upplevelse av planerad hemförlossning i Skandinavien : Women´s experience of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries

Background: In Sweden and Norway planned home birth is not included in the health care system. In Denmark women with expected low risk birth have the right to choose home birth. Registrations of home births in the Nordic countries are not completed and women?s experiences of planned home birth in Scandinavian context are not earlier described.Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s experiences of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries.Design: Inductive content analysis. Fifty-three Scandinavian women who have experienced planned home birth have replied an open question in a questionnaire.


Intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas arbete innefattar många situationer med svåra etiska dilemman, relaterade till patienters dödsfall och närståendes sorg i samband meddetta. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har av att stödja närstående under tiden förorgandonationsingreppet, samt vid avskedet av den avlidne. En pilotstudie är gjordmed enkäter och öppna svarsalternativ. Enkätsvaren har analyserats genom kvalitativinnehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Resultatet visar att de närståendebehöver stöd genom att sjuksköterskorna visar empati och förståelse samt skapar tidoch rum.

Behov av stöd när döden är oväntad och plötslig : - en litteraturöversikt

Att drabbas av en plötslig och oväntad död som familj innebär en komplex situation där omvårdnaden fokuserar på den avlidne. Den överlevande familjen och de behov som uppstår för dem efter dödsfallet ignoreras för att istället centreras kring praktiskt omvårdnadsarbete kring den avlidne. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva anhörigas behov av stöd vid plötslig och oväntad död av en närstående. Metod för studien var en litteraturöversikt av kvalitativ forskning med en induktiv ansats. I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier som beskriver anhörigas behov av stöd vid plötslig och oväntad död.

Vem får ansöka? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om biståndshandläggares benägenhet att ta emot ansökan från anhöriga.

This essay is about needs assessors within public elder care. The method is a quantitative vignette study. The aim of the study is to find out whether there is an existing consensus among the needs assessors when a relative to a client with reduced cognitive functions wants to make an application even though the client does not want to. We also wanted to find out whether there are any underlying circumstances which have influence on the needs assessors? reactions to this specific situation.

Läsarens väg till skönlitteraturen: en användarundersökning

For young people today the ability to read and interpret text seems to be of decreasing standard. This bachelor thesis is trying to find patterns among five different library patrons, all adults and most of them readers for life. The specific aims are, through their individual stories, to find out what made and helped them become readers of literature for enjoyment and pleasure. How do they look upon themselves as readers, how do they find their reading and finally which role does it play in their everyday lives. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted in a qualitative way and been put through a thematic-narrative analysis.The avid readers of this study all read throughout their lives and almost right from the beginning read a lot.

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