

311 Uppsatser om Relatives needs - Sida 2 av 21

Anhöriga i sorg. Sjuksköterskans stödjande roll till anhöriga i sorg.

Death is the only experience we know we will come across in our lives. Yet it is so difficult to speak about death and the sorrow before and after death occurs. The aim of this literature study was to find out how as a general nurse one can help relatives to handle their situation in mourning. The question was: How does the nurse feel when confronted with mourning relatives? What measures and caring should the nurse take to alleviate the handling of the relatives in mourning? After scrutiny and critical analysis of ten scientific papers, some common denominators have remained.

Synligt- och osynligt stöd : Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.

When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff?s support from the relatives? perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support.

Synligt- och osynligt stöd. Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.

When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff?s support from the relatives? perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support.

Den bortglömda gruppen. En studie om stödinsatser för anhöriga till personer som sitter på anstalt.

The forgotten group: A study of support for relatives of incarcerated individuals. The daily lives of relatives of an incarcerated individual are affected and changed by the fact that their kin has become incarcerated. This made us want to research what kind of support these individuals are in need of and what kind of support the society is offering them today. Because of their kins behaviour, these individuals are also often exposed to feelings of shame and stigma. Therefore we have, with Goffmans theory of stigma in mind, looked into how this affects the relatives daily lives.

Närståendes upplevelser av sjuksköterskans stöd i samband med plötsligt dödsfall : En litteraturbaserad studie grundad på analys av kvalitativ forskning

Background: In Sweden about 19000 people fall victims of sudden death every year. This covers around 20% of all deaths. Relatives are those who are closest to the patient, regardless of the type of relationship. When a patient suddenly dies this affects the relatives and they can suffer from high risk of complicated grief reactions or crises. Being the nearest professional contact in these situations, the nurse has an important role in supporting and guiding the relatives.Aim: The aim of this literature review was to nominate the relatives' needs of support from the nurse when a loved person suddenly dies.Method: The literature review was based on seven articles with a quality approach.Results:The analysis resulted in four themes; "to be seen and confirmed", "information", "take farewell" and "follow-up ".To be able to give support both mentally and physically, it is important for the nurse to give proper attention to the relatives.

Närståendes behov av stöd vid palliativ vård

Background: Relatives are those persons who are closest to the patient, regardless of relationship and included into the patient´s life world. When a person is in a palliative stage this affects not only the patient but also the relatives, as it implies such a big change in life for all. The nurse has an important role for both the patient and the relatives. Aim: The aim is to highlight the relative´s needs of support for palliative care. Method: A literature review based on previous research. Ten articles were found, nine with a qualitative approach and one with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The analysis resulted in six themes, these were the result of the study. The six themes were, ?to be seen an confirmed?, ?good communication?, ?continuous information?, ?availability and continuity?, ?to participate? and ?to share responsibility with the staff?. Conclusion: As a nurse we come in contact with relatives of patients in a palliative setting in any form.

Stöd om stöd : Anhörigas och socialarbetaresuppfattning om och inställning till de olika stöd som finns för anhöriga till personer med beroendeproblematik.

The study deals with the beliefs that relatives of alcohol and drug dependent persons, and representatives from social services have to the various forms of support available for the relatives. Those who participate in the study points out that there are many people who have a need for support as a relative of an alcohol or drug addicted individual, but that there are circumstances that make them choose not to seek assistance. The study shows that the relatives can experience a reluctance to seek support from social services because of how the organization looks like. The study is qualitative, where the collection of the empiric material has consisted in six semi-structured interviews. Three of them have been with relatives of alcohol-or drug-dependent persons and three have been with social workers in various professions, whose work consists of helping both the relatives of people with alcohol and drug dependence as well as people who are dependent.

Anhörig eller anställd personal? : Vilken vård efterfrågar äldre när de drabbas av sjukdom

There are more and more elderly people and different diseases will affect them. How will the public care be able to face this need of care for the elderly? There are a lot that shows that there will be an increasing demand on the achievements of the relatives. How can this development be answered to? Shall the achievements be concentrated on giving support to the relatives, or will there be a concentration on nursing staff? The purpose of the study was to enlighten who elderly people will be nursed by if a disease affects them.

"De är förbannat många, väldigt, väldigt många. Väldigt, väldigt förtvivlade och väldigt, väldigt arga" (Sagt av en socialsekreterare då hon beskrev de anhörigas situation): En studie kring anhöriga till alkoholmissbrukare

In Sweden between 800.000 and 900.000 people have some kind of alcohol related addiction. Each and everyone are expected to have three relatives who in some way are involved in the abuser´s way of life. The consequences of living close to someone with an abuse of alcohol is described as a chaotic life with extreme emotional stress, fear and anger.The aim with our essay has been to look into how social workers are describing their work, from the relatives´ point of view. We also wanted to understand how the relatives´ situation can be. We reached our aim through interviews with social workers and by literature studies.The primary conclusion of the essay is that the dominating theory is that addiction is an illness.

Vård vid livets slut : Närståendes upplevelser av omvårdnadssituationen -En litteraturstudie

BACKGROUND: Several people die every year. The numbers of deceased in Sweden were 91449 in 2008. This often brings bereavement for the relatives and in hospital with end-of-life care it can be important for the health professionals to support and also take care of the relatives. AIM: The aim of this study is to illuminate relatives? experiences of the caring situation with end-of life-care when a close relative is dying METHOD: Literature review.

Väntetidsrelaterad frustration på akutmottagningen

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe what nurses experienced in connection with waiting time related frustration among patients and relatives in the emergency department and also what strategies nurses use to manage waiting time related frustration.Background: The numbers of emergency department visits are increasing and lead to waiting times which can cause frustration among patients and relatives, a frustration that nurses encounter in their everyday work and need strategies to deal with.Methods: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Interviews are conducted with five nurses, transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.Findings: The nurses feel inadequate and powerless when they meet patients and relatives frustration. In order to deal with patients and relatives frustration, they use the strategy of participation, which implies to involve and meet patients and Relatives needs for information and to be seen. In order to prevent themselves becoming frustrated they use adaptability, by creating an inner calm, not take it personally and to distance themselves from the frustration.Conclusion: The result highlights the importance of managing the activity to reduce waiting time related frustration, for example through reflection and working for reducing waiting times. Further research is also needed..

Anhörig eller anställd personal? - Vilken vård efterfrågar äldre när de drabbas av sjukdom

There are more and more elderly people and different diseases will affect them. How will the public care be able to face this need of care for the elderly? There are a lot that shows that there will be an increasing demand on the achievements of the relatives. How can this development be answered to? Shall the achievements be concentrated on giving support to the relatives, or will there be a concentration on nursing staff? The purpose of the study was to enlighten who elderly people will be nursed by if a disease affects them.

Alzheimers sjukdom : anhörigas känslor vid en förändrad livssituation

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. The individual who fall ill can be in an age between 40-65 years old. When dementia affects individuals at this age, many relatives take their responsibility for taking care of them at home for a long time.The aim of this study was to illustrate emotions relatives experienced when a close family member's suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The study was intended to show relatives emotions, and therefor four self-biographies were chosen to read. The method used to analyze was a narrative literature review.

Vi hade kunnat släppa taget. : En kvalitativ studie kring anhöriga till spelberoende, deras upplevelse av spelets konsekvenser i deras liv.

Gambling about money is a frequent phenomenon in our modern community?s. The gambling has for some people resulted in a compulsive gambling. These consequences affects not only the gambler but also have impact on his or hers relatives. The purpose of this study is to describe how a small selection off relatives to persons with a compulsive gambling experience the gambling consequences in there life.

Samverkan och stöd för närstående till personer med schizofreni

Background: Relatives to people with schizophrenia often experience a great burden and inmany cases takes a lot of responsibility for the person suffering from schizophrenia. Nationalguidelines emphasize the importance for relatives to be involved in mental health care, butunfortunately that is not always the case. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigateand describe how relatives to people with schizophrenia have experienced collaboration andsupport from mental health services, and what requests they might have for the futureregarding the design of collaboration and support. Method: Qualitative approach. Interviewbased study with qualitative content analysis as a method.

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