

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 40 av 681

Konkurrensstrategier : En studie om konkurrensen på den svenska kontaktlinsmarknaden

Title: Strategies for competition ? a study of the Swedish contact lenses market.Authors: Pernilla AArskog and Annika Lange.Background: As a market gets more mature and the competition increases, it is more important for a company to apply the right strategic perspective. There are four fundamental strategic perspectives for a service-oriented business: a core product-, a price-, an image- and a service perspective. This study is a about service management and take its point from the theories from the Nordic School about strategies for competition, customer value, perceived customer quality and customer loyalty.Purpose: The main purpose with this study is to analyze and evaluate how the actors at the Swedish market of contact lenses should compete to gain further competitive advantages.Method: The study includes four qualitative interviews with two traditional opticians and two Internet based businesses, but also a survey with 106 contact lens users is included.Analysis: In the analyse part of this thesis it was concluded that the traditional opticians conception about their customer not agrees with what the customer evaluate as important. Many of the customers have thought about changing their optician, and besides that do not recommend their optician, and can there for not be categorize as loyal customers.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Att skapa bilden av biblioteket : Åtta bibliotekariers upplevelser av deltagandet i projektet Futurum.kom

In this two years master's thesis a regional project, Futurum.kom, is studied through the experiences of eight librarians from two of the participating libraries. The interviewees have all attended local and regional seminars where questions about core values, target groups and the role of the public library were discussed, among others. The seminars resulted in a number of core values and target groups. During the project, a number of advertising campaigns are to be conducted. The first one of these had recently been implemented at the time of the present study. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the interviewees organizational self-perception in relation to the project.

Ledarskapsprogram för innovation

 Since the 28thof May the project to develop an internal Innovation Leadership Program (ILP)on Accenture has been running and came to an end in November the same year. The taskwas formed into a master thesis and given to two students at the Royal Institute ofTechnology in Sweden.Since the start the content and structure of the ILP has been established based on the resultsof a theoretical study, a gap analysis and an external and internal benchmarking. The theoreticalstudy focused on articles, books and lectures about innovation, creativity and pedagogy. Subjectssuch as leadership, motivation, reflection and coaching were studied as well, but in a smaller scale.The gap analysis consisted of eleven interviews with people from different career levels withinAccenture and the goal was to establish the view of innovation and creativity among the employees.The interviews also asked about the knowledge the participants had about Technology Lab in orderto get insight of how to improve their communication and cooperation with people in client projects.Internally a similar program was studied called Minority Leadership program, whom will not bedescribed further in this report, to get inspiration. The external benchmarking was conducted onStanford and was very successful.

Att skapa grunden tillkassasystemsapplikationer för Android : Undersökande arbete samtimplementation

This paper was made together withTechPay AB, by their request.The dissertation has been divided into two separate parts; one of which is fully theoretical, with the focus on the security requirements of a digital cash register, and how to meet these requirements.The second part covers the implementation of anAndroid-oriented Java-library,created with help from the security requirements found in the first part. The purpose of this library is to make it easier to develop a cash register that uses payment terminals from TechPay.This paper also covers different communication protocols, encryption techniques and recommendations from authorities, banks and Android. This paper also contains a small review of how users are validated in applications on the current market that handles money transactions..

Ordning & Åtgärder : En undersökning av lärares arbete med att skapa ordning i klassrummet

In this essay the author has studied teachers work with order and measure in the classroom. The empirical survey method has been collected through interviews of focus groups from three different schools located in three different municipalities consisting nine participating teachers in total. The aim with the study is to understand the complexity of creating order in the classrooms by the existing means of control and finding an answer to teachers reasoning around the two articles ?We need to inform how the situation are in school when it is at its worst? and ?Stop defaming school?.The analysis is structured by my questions at issue which are;How does the teachers' work with the means of control which exists in the curriculum to maintain the order in the classroom; how does the teachers concure to the concept of order in relation to the media and the political statements that exists regarding the order issues at school; are there any alternative measures and methods to maintain the order in the classroom.The result shows a unanimous view about what order is among the teachers. Order is a necessity for the pupils to have a good studying climate.

Orsaksfaktorer till personalomsättning i fastighetsmäklarbranschen : Med fokus på ledarskapets betydelse

Syfte: Personalomsättning är ett omfattande problem i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Eftersom vi utbildar oss till fastighetsmäklare, är studien av intresse för oss då vi vill få insikt i personalomsättning och vilken betydelse ledarskapet har för medarbetarna. -          Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur ledarskapet kan påverka personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen i Sverige.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen har utförts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har utfört totalt 16 intervjuer, fördelat på 11 medarbetare och 4 ledare. 14 av intervjuerna har utförts face-to-face, och två har skett via telefon.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between emotion regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Trafiklärare : ? ett komplext yrke som kräver en komplex och skräddarsydd utbildning -

Driving instructors education are since 2009 a comprehensive Yrkeshögskoleutbildning for three semesters of full-time study. This paper aims to shed light on what must and what can be included in a good Driving instructor education and proving a proposal for how this might look like. The goal is to create a new didactic approach to education. The result Is a ?ball didactic? approach to education.

Föräldrar och skola - Skola och föräldrar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om föräldrars relation till skolan.

Studien undersöker relationen mellan skolpersonal och föräldrar. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka ifall relationen har ändrats de senaste åren och på vilket sätt. Detta har sedan kopplats mot medborgarnas förändrade roll i välfärdsstaten. .

Lärare vill bli stöttade och sedda : Tjugo lärares tankar om skolledarskap

Lärare vill bli stöttade och seddaTjugo lärares tankar om skolledarskapSharon Elhanati Berlin Studien tar avspark i den komplexa vardagsverklighet skolledare och lärare verkar i och avser att belysa vilka aspekter av skolledarskapet som ges betydelse när lärare beskriver sina förutsättningar för att uppleva meningsfullhet i arbetet.  Det empiriska underlaget utgörs av skriftliga berättelser samt intervjuer. Totalt medverkade 20 lärare. Studien är upplagd som en tematisk analys med en kvalitativ ansats. Analysen av lärarnas berättelser resulterade i ett antal skolledarskapsaspekter med betydelse för lärarna. Dessa aspekter kodades i fem teman som gavs betydelse: (1) att känna stöd, (2) att känna sig sedd, (3) att känna förtroende, (4) betydelsen av struktur samt (5) kompetens hos ledaren.

Utanförskap och Försoning i Elisabeth Rynells Till Mervas

Syftet med min undersökning var att ta reda på lärares syn på lärare-elev-relationen. I min rapport belyser jag vad som karaktäriserar en god lärare-elev-relation, hur en god relation etableras, vilken betydelse en god lärare-elev-relation har, samt vilka hinder och svårigheter som lärarna upplever sig ha för att kunna etablera goda elevrelationer. Jag genomförde en kvalitativ intervjustudie för att kunna belysa fenomenet mer nyanserat och djupgående. I studien ingick fem lärare från en gymnasieskola i Kalmar. Urvalet gjordes strategiskt för att garantera att det skulle finnas en spridning vad det gäller lärares kön, år som verksam lärare samt ämneskombinationer.

Gymnasielärares syn på lärare-elev-relationen

Syftet med min undersökning var att ta reda på lärares syn på lärare-elev-relationen. I min rapport belyser jag vad som karaktäriserar en god lärare-elev-relation, hur en god relation etableras, vilken betydelse en god lärare-elev-relation har, samt vilka hinder och svårigheter som lärarna upplever sig ha för att kunna etablera goda elevrelationer. Jag genomförde en kvalitativ intervjustudie för att kunna belysa fenomenet mer nyanserat och djupgående. I studien ingick fem lärare från en gymnasieskola i Kalmar. Urvalet gjordes strategiskt för att garantera att det skulle finnas en spridning vad det gäller lärares kön, år som verksam lärare samt ämneskombinationer.

Motivation, kunskapssyn och ledarskap - en studie av fem svensklärares syn på motivation

Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka vilken syn fem gymnasielärare i svenska har på motivation och vad de gör för att skapa motivation hos sina elever. Detta ställs sedan i relation till ledarskap och kunskapssyn för att se om det finns ett samband mellan dessa och hur läraren motiverar eleven. Inledningsvis ger arbetet en översikt av tidigare forskning av motivation samt motivation i relation till kunskapssyn och ledarskap. Kvalitativa intervjuer användes för att uppnå syftet. Resultatet presenterar hur respondenterna anser att de motiverar sina elever. Samtliga nämner verklighetsförankring, intresse och relationsskapande. Resultatet tyder även på en relation mellan hur respondenten ser på motivation med dess kunskapssyn och ledarskap..

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.

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