

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 21 av 681

Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö

Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling.

This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools? role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels ? since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg?s stages of moral development (with teachers? evaluations of students? capacity as a reference point of the students? actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan?s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different ?shapes of understanding?).

Outsourcing av digitala tjänster ? de negativa konsekvenserna

Denna uppsats behandlar vilka negativa konsekvenser som kan uppstå vid outsourcing av digitala tjänster i en service-oriented architecture (SOA) miljö. Uppsatsen behandlar endast negativa konsekvenser i relation till kontrollen över den information som existerar i de tjänster och i de affärsprocesser som utgörs av tjänster som outsourcas. Syftet och resultatet av uppsatsen är en punktlista som presenterar dessa konsekvenser. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom användningen av ett teoretiskt ramverk som varit ämnat att ta reda på vad och hur tjänster är och hur dessa kan kopplas mot outsourcing. Den slutgiltiga punktlistan pekar på flera punkter som kan gå fel om organisationer väljer att outsourca sina tjänster..

Ledarskap i musik och idrott : Skillnader och likheter i ledning och utveckling av grupper

Scientific studies show that good leadership is a key factor for group- and individual development. Studies have also shown that the contrary can curb talented individuals and/or cause stagnation, or even cause groups to halt their progression. This essay studies how leaders in musical and athletic environments look on their own leadership. In interviews, the leaders reflect upon experienced issues related to their profession, their views on difficulties in their leading role, as well as individual, and group development. This study also includes two observations, one in each field of profession.

Från verksamhetsmodellering till verksamhetsutveckling? : Leder kompetensutveckling av personer i ledarskapsroller till verksamhetsutveckling?

Learning organizations and organizational development are interesting subjects that does not examine municipal organizations and private organizations an equal amount.  Furthermore, there exists little research on the effects of competence development for individuals in a leadership role within organizations. Because of this, we wanted to examine the impact of competence development in business modeling and how it affected local government activities. Competence development is used by organizations to develop their business and achieve a greater competitive advantage, but does competence development for individuals in a leadership role lead to organizational development? This paper examines competence development in the form of a business modeling course via the Bitstreamproject and the effects that occur within three municipalities as a result of the competence development. By interviewing three participants and four coworkers within different municipalities and studied the data from the Bitstream project, we can not conclude that competence development within business modeling leads to organizational development, only that it exists a tendency for it.

Att vara eller inte vara kommunikativ

Vår studie har som syfte att uppmärksamma på vilket sätt ledarens kommunikation återspeglas i medarbetarna och anställningstillfredställelse vid en omorganisation. Genom att se organisationsförändringen genom medarbetarnas subjektiva upplevelser hoppas vi kunna hitta nya insikter för att bättre kunna hantera framtida organisationsförändringar. Vårt syfte är således att belysa såväl ledarnas uppfattade kommunikation (utifrån medarbetarens perspektiv) samt medarbetarnas egna uppfattade emotioner i relation till en omorganisering..

"... ingen ska få säga att jag inte ska höra!" - en studie om brukares hörselsituation på vård- och omsorgsboenden.

Background: First Line Managers are expected to create a health promoting work environment. Research has shown that the prerequisites for accomplishing a health promoting leadership are not always the best. Aim: The aim was to elucidate the prerequisites for a health promoting leadership as First Line Manager at a University hospital in Sweden based on competence, role, support structures and own durability. Results: First Line Managers at the chosen hospital seems to have rather good conditions for conducting a health promoting leadership. All respondents did have a university degree and most thought that their competence corresponded well with the role.

Ledarens roll inom privat respektive kommunal handikappsomsorg : En kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan ledare inom privat och kommunal assistansverksamhet

AbstractSince the Act Regarding Support and Service to Certain Functionally Handicapped Persons (LSS) were introduced in 1994, social care and service have increased inSweden(SFS 1993:387). The implementation of the act has caused many changes and also progress within the social care system. One main change is the division between public (provided by the municipalities) and private care providers. This division has led to many questions about how leadership is organized within different public and private organizations.The purpose of this study is to investigate differences between leader?s experiences of their role and working conditions within private and public assistance care for disabled.

?Långt borta men nära?- en studie om socialsekreterares förväntningar på chefer och syn på arbete

This masters degree was a study of some social workers in Gothenburg Community and their expectations of leaders in general, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. The city of Gothenburg will within a few years recruit about 500 leaders. Depending on large pensions among leaders. It is important to have knowledge of the social workers expectations of leaders, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. It is also interesting to see if different generations have similarities or if they have different opinions.

Chefen hos Matisse : konst för organisationer och ledarskap

My analysis consists of an in-depth study of the experience of a group of development programme participants who were exposed to the use of art and artistic work in organisation and leadership development, resulting in positive effects. My starting point is creativity as a concept according to paediatrician and psychoanalyst DW Winnicott who stresses how important playing and creativity is for us, even as an adult, for us to utilise our full potential. He believes that we have a psychological space ? a crossover area ? where the outer, objective reality and the inner, subjective reality meet. Playing, creative development and experiences occur in this space.

Chefen hos Matisse : konst för organisationer och ledarskap

My analysis consists of an in-depth study of the experience of a group of development programme participants who were exposed to the use of art and artistic work in organisation and leadership development, resulting in positive effects. My starting point is creativity as a concept according to paediatrician and psychoanalyst DW Winnicott who stresses how important playing and creativity is for us, even as an adult, for us to utilise our full potential. He believes that we have a psychological space ? a crossover area ? where the outer, objective reality and the inner, subjective reality meet. Playing, creative development and experiences occur in this space.

Employer branding i offentlig sektor : En deskriptiv fallstudie av Örebro kommuns arbete med employer branding

Employer branding in public sectorA descriptive case study on Örebro kommuns work with employer brandingProblem: Previous literature on employer branding is normative and highlights what the work with employer branding should contain in order to succeed. Previous literature lack descriptions of how the actual work is carried out in organizations. Previous literature also takes basis in the private sector and there is a lack of studies conducted in the public sector.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization in a public sector works with employer branding and it also aims to increase the understanding of employer branding.Method: The study is a descriptive case study based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews with two employees at Örebro kommun. Throughout the study previous literature on employer branding is used.Results: We have noticed different activities in the organizations work with employees, leadership and communication that contribute to employer branding. The organization has a well-developed approach for the existing employees that contribute to the employee's personal development.

Från varuperspektiv till servicelogik : ett arbete om rollförändring och öppenhet på webben

This study focuses on the transfer between a product-oriented to a service-oriented perspective regarding marketing activities in companies due to the development of information technology. It illustrates how this very transfer has been, and can be, contemplated through the eyes of organizations working with marketing in a digital world on a daily basis. Technology has turned several industries - their price-setting, communication channels and supplying possiblities - upside-down. This turnpoint brings out a new way of observing and working with marketing. Therefore, we find it interesting to gain a better understanding of how actors within industries where the turnpoint is a fact observes marketing, and how this service perspective can be seen in their various organizations and daily.

Delat Ledarskap : Ett sätt att lätta på bördan?

Delat ledarskap är ett arbetssätt som många verkar vara nyfikna på men har svårt att finna information om. I en kvalitativ undersökning har chefer runt om i Sverige som både delar och inte delar ledarskap intervjuats. Kompetens och arbetsuppgifter, värderingar, tillgänglighet och effektivitet, kommunikation och makt och konflikter är områden som påverkar om man kan få ett delat ledarskap att fungera eller inte. Studien visar att en handbok bland annat bör innehålla övergripande information om ämnet, ha en lättförståelig text, tips och råd, begreppsdefinitioner, bilder och scenarier. Med hjälp av studien har vi skapat oss en bild av vad som krävs för att chefer ska få till stånd ett delat ledarskap och vad som bör stå i en handbok för chefer som är intresserade av delat ledarskap..

En utvärdering av de anställdas arbetsmotivation vid Lantmäteriet

Titel: En utvärdering av de anställdas arbetsmotivation vid LantmäterietTitle: An evaluation of the work motivation of the employees at LantmäterietLevel: Final assignment for Batchelor Degree in Business AdministrationDepartment of Business AdministrationUniversity of GävleBOX 6052 GävleSwedenAuthor: Söderberg AnnaDate: 2006-06-08Supervisor: Gaddefors JohanEngvall ErikaPurpose: The main purpose of this study is to create a picture of the leadership,communication and organisation cultures effect on the motivation.Nyckelord: Motivation, ledarskap, kommunikation, organisationskultur, LantmäterietKeywords: Motivation, leadership, communication, organisation culture, Lantmäteriet.

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