

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 17 av 681

Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie av framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank

Successful diversity management has become an increasingly pressing concern for companies and organisations, as the workforce has grown more diverse over the past few decades. Research on whether increased work group diversity has a generally positive or negative impact on results remains inconclusive. It has, however, been established that good diversity management is pivotal in creating conditions for the successful performance of diverse work groups. Although much attention has been directed towards explaining the translation of work group diversity into positive results, less attention has been given to the processes that underlie this translation and the way it is expressed in everyday leadership behaviour. This thesis revolves around a case study, at the Swedish bank Swedbank, which combines qualitative and quantitative elements to explore the successful leadership in nine diverse work groups at the local branch level.

En studie av rörelsen mot en processorienterad sjukvårdsorganisation - eller hur man får upp strutsar ur sanden

Health care costs in relation to GDP are escalating all over Europe and the Swedish health care industry is not an exception. Between 30 and 50 percent of resources used in health care are considered waste, in the sense that they don't contribute to increased health. This illustrates the big need for hospitals to become more efficient which is why many hospitals today are trying to move towards a process-oriented organization. This paper therefore aims to identify the elements necessary for this type of organizational change, the barriers encountered when moving from a functional to process oriented hospital as well as how to overcome them. The case study was conducted at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and shows the importance of not just transmitting a sense of urgency but also communicating that the upcoming change is long term.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

Måluppfyllelse i skolan - Synen på mål hos Politiker och Verksamhetsansvariga i en av Malmös stadsdelar

This essay aims to higlight the perception of achievement among politicians and directors in one of Malmö´s district. The questions higlight the success factors for goal attainment and how to legitimize goals. The success factors that are important are clarity regarding both the organisation, leadership and communication. To achieve that a pioneering leader who can motivate and establish their employees is needed. It is also important to create realistic goals to achieve legitimated goals..

Klassrumsmiljön : En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån tre lärares syn på klassrumsmiljön samt deras syn på vad klassrumsmiljön har för relation till ledarstilen

This essay is about classroom environment, what kind of impact it has on pupils? learning, how to create a good classroom environment and how the style of leadership relates to the classroom environment. This is a qualitative study conducted by four informants.This essay is based on Lev Vygotiskijs perspective of the "sociocultural perspective", which is based on the theory that humans act upon their knowledge and experience, depending on the opportunities that the environment provides.The purpose of this study is to examine how three teachers, who teach younger ages, organize the environment in their classrooms. The goal of this study is to find out what the interviewed teachers perceive as good classroom environment. Also how the environment affects pupils? learning and what the teachers keep in mind when they furnish their classrooms.

Socionomen som chef inom va?rden : En kvalitativ studie av mo?tet mellan medicinsk och social kompetens

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how social workers, working in a management position in the health care system, perceive the encounter of the medical and social perspective. With seven qualitative interviews, the study tries to conclude whether or not social workers are accepted at managerial positions within the health care sector. The social worker is, as a manager in health care, a leader but at the same time in a professional alienation from the medical caregivers. Organizations in the health care sector are often multi professional and have their own long standing tradition, history and culture. The results show that the conditions for social workers, working in a management position in health care appear to be agreeable.

Coaching för förändring : spelare och ledare i Brynäs IF reflekterar

Coaching har blivit mycket av ett slagord inom företagsvärlden och olika konsultfirmor. Men vad innebär det konkret för individer och organisationer? Denna studie kommer att behandla coaching utförd av en ledare. Därav kommer både ett öppet och modernt ledarskap som coaching kräver behandlas, samt huvudämnet coaching.Bakgrunden till studien är främst att allt för många ledare idag fortfarande rekryteras med auktoritär ledarskapsstil som inte prioriterar utveckling av de anställda, samt att coaching som definition ibland misstolkas. Så syftet är att behandla dessa frågor och diskutera kring frågeställningarna: Vad är coaching? Vilken betydelse har coaching? Metoden som tillämpas i denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie med fyra representanter från Brynäs IF hockey A-lag, tränaren Niklas Czarnecki, assisterande tränare Tommy Jonsson, spelarna Ove Molin och Emil Sandin presenterar deras verklighet omkring ledarskap och coaching..

Ledarskap i framtidens idrottsförening : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsförändringars betydelse för föreningsledare och deras förening

Change is a recurring element in society and for sports clubs. When there is a change in society, this change may have an impact and change the condition for sports clubs and its leaders. Changes can be degraded into trends. This study has been delimited to study four social trends that research shows may have an impact on sports club, which are; Increased commercialization, changing demographics, changing communication patterns and increased individualization. To help sports clubs in their development it is of value to find out how these changes are perceived.

Ledarskapsskillnader mellan ofentligt och privat anställda ledare : När sektorstillhörighet inte längre är relevant

The Public vs. private movement has over the past decades identified numerous significant differences between public and private organizations. The observed differences covers almost every field in administrative economics ranging from organizational structure, management accounting, goal-setting and in the past few years even leadership. Strangely, in the majority of these studies little or no regards are given to organizational characteristics or fundamental differences between compared organizations and if these organizations really are comparable when studying the effect of sector.The aim of this study is to compare leadership in relatively similar organizations from both the public and private sector and so clarify if earlier identified differences in leadership styles still surface when leaders working with approximately the same thing in a similar work context are studied.A sample of 348 Swedish principals was drawn from both municipal and private elementary schools. The respondents answered a web-based survey based on the CPE-model resulting in leadership styles mapped according to three orientations: change, production and employee.

Reklambyråers strategier och attityder kring ansvarstaganden i miljöfrågor och hållbar utveckling : En djupintervjuundersökning

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Chefskontrakt : ger det en tydligare anställningsform för chefer i Landstinget Västmanland?

The purpose of this work is to find out how present manager contracts are set up in Landstinget Västmanland (the county council of Västmanland), explore managers? perception of these contracts and why managers have chosen leadership. The work has also reviewed the question if managers need to have a relationship or expertise to the activities they lead and which qualifications are needed in such case. The survey was conducted in two divisions in which nine interviews were held with managers at all levels. In addition to this a questionnaire including the 87 managers in the divisions were held.

Matematik och flerspråkighet : När invandrarelever lyckas

The aim of this paper is to investigate and analyze practices in multilingual classrooms of mathematics in a compulsory school in Sweden where immigrant students have been known to succeed. The school is situated in a suburban and segregated area outside a major city where pupils come from mainly limited socio-economic backgrounds. The rate of second language learners are 70% of all pupils in this school.By using ethnographic methods, mainly interviews and participant observation, data was collected in four mathematics classrooms which corresponded to consecutive ages of education. The data include field notes and observation of artifacts in the environment as well as interviews and informal conversations with teachers and school leadership. Information from the school website, the authority in charge of quality in Swedish schools (Skolverket) and the municipality were also used.The analysis is based on a socio-political viewpoint that power is relational and reflected within schools.

Ett högre uppdrag : om ledarskap för studie- och yrkesorienteringen i grundskolan

Denna studie har haft som syfte att belysa ledarskapet i grundskolan avseende den studie- och yrkesorienterande verksamheten samt förhållandet mellan ledarskap, personalens engagemang och verksamhetens resultat. Avsikten har bland annat varit att synliggöra om skolorna har ett reellt ledarskap avseende verksamheten eller inte. Bedömningsgrunderna för ett reellt ledarskap har inspirerats av den transformativa ledarskapsteorin. Studien baseras på enkätsvar från 107 yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare i Stockholms, Skånes och Västerbottens län. Resultatet visar att den stora majoriteten skolor saknar ett reellt ledarskap avseende verksamhetsområdet samtidigt som flera studie- och yrkesvägledare säger sig vilja inta en ledande funktion för detta.

Skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt? : Ett genusperspektiv på ledaregenskaper

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any variance between masculine and feminine physical education teachers leadership.Are men more authoritarian than woman in their education? Do the influence of pupils have something to do with the gender of the teacher?s? Do the pupils respect masculine physical education teachers any different compound to feminine teachers?MethodWe have studied relevant literature that consider masculine and feminine leadership. The choice was to work with senior compulsory school. We choose the community of Botkyrka, through comfort choice. The criterion for the teachers were that they would have a swedish physical education and have been working at least for 4 years.

Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.

The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.

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