

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 38 av 88

Att infiltrera, dissekera och korrigera betvingade sinnen : En argumentationsstudie av skriftliga publikationer från Jehovas vittnen

The purpose of this Master?s Degree is to identify and understand different techniques of argumentation in written texts originating from the religious movement Jehovah's Witnesses. The purpose is also to contribute with a theoretical and methodological framework for other scholars. The focal point of the thesis is sexuality and how the authors of the texts try to convince the members to follow the movements' doctrines in this regard. I use a modified version of the well-established grounded theory method.

Näringsbelastning på en anlagd våtmark från åker, skog och enskilda avlopp :

This work is a part of the project ?Våtmarker i odlingslandskapet ? uppföljning av miljömålen? (Wetlands in arable land ? following-up of the environmental goals). The main objective with this project is to study nitrogen and phosphorus retention in a constructed wetland by using mass balance calculations. Continuous measurements of nutrients and water flow through the inlet and the outlet of the wetland are made. However, substantial amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus were assumed to reach the wetland with a drain-pipe transporting wastewater from nearby houses (10 persons).

Solenergi : en lönsam investering för ett lantbruk?

A possible way to reduce pollution and slow down the process of global warming is to increase the usage of renewable energy sources. One of these renewable energy sources is solar power. With the aid of solar panels and solar cells the energy from the sun can be transformed into both heating and electricity. The requirement to use the sun in this fashion is a suitable surface, for example a big roof, an angle between 40-60 degrees and that the surface should be exposed to the south. Almost every farm meets these requirements.

Antibiotic resistance associated with bacteria in irrigation water : a case study of irrigation ponds in Southern Sweden

The focus of this project was to characterize the occurrence of ESBL-­?producing bacteria in two irrigation water ponds in Southern Sweden. Samples were taken from two ponds nearby each other, from which analyses were made based on levels of community and individual isolates. Community samples were used for attempts for characterization of resistance patterns in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade. in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade..

Odlingens och lagringens inverkan på utsädes grobarhet :

At seed-growing the aim is to produce a commodity with high germination capacity, good soundness and purity, and also slight admixture of seeds from other species. The capacity of germination and the vigour of the seeds may become impaired in consequence of mechanical damage, infection of diseases, growth of mould, attacks of vermin, high drying temperature, secret germination, sprouting in the ears etc. The germ belongs to the outer and most unprotected parts of the seed, and consequently this is much exposed. Even quite sound seeds can instantaneously have low capability of germination. It can be due to the fact that the seeds are in rest of germination, i.e.

Gynnar eller motverkar kommunerna kostnadseffektiv miljöstyrning : en studie av kommunala taxor och avgifter

Local charges may induce people to change their pattern of consumption by influencing investments and acts in certain directions. Some charges could for example give people incentives to use less natural resources. This study investigates four different local charges and whether they benefit an economical management with natural resources or not. This is carried out by investigating whether there is a polarity between local charges that may influence environmental actions or goods, and effective pollution control set to achieve certain nationally determined environmental goals. The study includes two economic perspectives and investigates on the one hand whether local charges counteract governmental subsidies and on the other hand whether the charges vary between the different municipalities since large differences may lead to cost inefficiency.

Bakteriereduktion i diskmaskiner : Studie av olika metoder för att reducera bakterier

Bacteria are a problem that occurs naturally in dishwashers when the dish stands there dirty for an extended period of time. To get rid of the unpleasant smell that the bacteria is causing, the most common solution is to run a regular washingcycle which can cause problems for the environmentally-conscious consumers since this causes unnecessary energy waste and emissions of chemicals in the washwater. To solve the problem in a more environmentally-friendly way by directly attacking the bacteria with an appropriate bacterialreductionmethod can therefore be an attractive feature in a dishwasher. There are many different ways to treat surfaces that have been exposed to the bacteria. Some high-profile methods are UV-radiation, microwaves and oxidant (ozone) that all three have had success in reducing bacteria in different contexts.

Textil fotokatalytisk vattenreningsreaktor: Optimering av beredningsparametrar för titandioxidbeläggning på polyestersubstrat ämnad för vattenrening

I denna kandidatuppsats avlägsnas organiska föroreningar från vatten genom användning av textilier, vars yta belagts med nanopartiklar utav ämnet titandioxid. När titandioxid belyses med UV-strålning sker en fotokatalytisk reaktion, vilket i sin tur bryter ned bland annat bakterier och organiska färgämnen. I hopp om att finna ultimat vidhäftning mot textil passande titandioxid har olika typer av beläggningar studerats; akrylbaserade, sol-gel och slutligen en hybrid. Dessutom har fem olika konstruktioner av textila bindningar jämförts i syfte att undersöka dess påverkan på den fotokatalytiska effekten. Förorenade vatten är ett stort problem, både i utvecklingsländer och i industriella sammanhang.

Hur byggnadsdetaljer ändrar fasadens uttryck

An energy study has been performed on two blocks in an area called Gävle Strand. The buildings are owned by a tenant-owner?s association called brf Carolina and were built by the company Skanska 2008. The builder as well as brf Carolina are pussled by the fact that electricity use is higher than expected while heating is less. Skanska is also very interested in finding out how much heat recovery from stale exhaust air through a geo-thermal heat pump is contributing to the general heating requirement and energy balance in four out of the ten buildings located on the properties.To find possible answers to the higher electricity use a literature survey on user behaviour was conducted.

Djup icke vändande bearbetning i sockerbetsodling :

A field experiment was carried out in 2006 to investigate the effects of deep rotary cultivation on sugarbeet growth. The background to the experiment was a 2005 study showing potentially higher yield, higher cleanness and higher sugar content when primary tillage was carried out to 35 cm depth with a rotary cultivator. On four field sites in Skåne (L:a Isie, Ädelholm, Stävie and Vragerup), five different treatments were compared: mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm; mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm + rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the autumn to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; and mouldboard ploughing in the spring to 20 cm. The rotary cultivator used in the treatments is manufactured by a Dutch company, Imants. The implement cultivates the soil with spade tines fitted on arms that are mounted on a horizontal rotating PTO-driven axle. Beet plants were inspected and yield determined in the experiment, and three soil parameters were examined: penetration resistance, water infiltration and infiltration of blue dye. Root shape was also examined. The site at Stävie was not harvested due to poor beet establishment. At the other sites, the highest yield was found when the soil was rotary-cultivated in the autumn.

Falu gruva och hållbar utveckling

AbstractFalu Copper Mine and Sustainable DevelopmentKarl-Markus AnsnaesFalu copper mine was Sweden?s oldest mine industry which lasted for almost a thousand years. Throughout the history its area has been vastly contaminated by sulfur oxide. The contaminations has created the mining area to an environmental risk zone which has the ability to spread out into the Falu River. The river has its connections to the Dal River which is discharging towards its mouth in the Baltic Sea.

Värdering av kvävet i organiska gödselmedel :

Within agriculture it is important to optimize the use of nitrogen, not only from an economic point of view but also to minimize damage to the environment. This can sometimes be difficult, especially within organic farming. Organic farmers are using increasing amounts of waste products from the food industry to cover their nitrogen needs. These different organic fertilizers release nitrogen at different rates and under specific soil conditions. Because of this, it would be beneficial to have a standardized method to measure the amount and rate of nitrogen mineralization from organic fertilizers. This project contributes to this knowledge by investigating whether relatively simple and repeatable laboratory methods can be used to estimate the nitrogen fertilizer value of organic fertilizers.

Förenkling och säkring av materialstyrning : En studie på produktverkstad B, ITT Water & Wastewater

När det gäller fakturering av ett företags tjänster har det visat sig att den manuella hanteringen ofta är tidskrävande och att det lätt blir fel. Därför har det tagits fram många faktureringssystem för olika datorsystem. Detta examensarbete går ut på att ta fram en prototyp av ett automatiskt rapportsystem baserat på utvald användarinformation i Active Directory, informationen ska sedan användas som faktureringsunderlag. Informationen sammanställs i en databas där användaren på ett lätt sätt ska kunna ta fram en sammanställning av kundernas användning av diverse tjänster för en specifik domän..

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk

During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken?s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased.

Störs laxens lekvandring i en kraftverkspåverkad älvsträcka? :

The upstream spawning migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the confluence area between the power-station outlet and the bypass-channel in river Umeälven (flow 430 m3s-1) was compared in 2004 and 2005, two years with different experimental flow-regimes. In 2004 the water flow in the bypass-channel was altered during the day with increased flows during the nights while the water flow in 2005 mainly was altered between the weekdays and weekends. Salmon showed altered migratory behaviour in this confluence area, assessed with telemetry (n=116) and echo-sounding, with up- or downstream responses depending on flow-changes in both the bypass and the power station outlet. Increased turbine flow through the power-station generally attracted salmon into the tunnel outlet area while increased spill-flows facilitated salmon to enter the bypass. Echo-sounding in the confluence area showed an increased swimming activity up- and downstream due to time in the day and flow-rates through the tunnel outlet. No changes in activity could be detected due to increasing or decreasing flow through the hydro-power facility.

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