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AbstractDegree thesis Solid content in Lime Mud By Andre Flodin Process operator program ? Umeå University 17/6 ? 2014 Pages: 21A thesis was made on Billerudkorsnäs production unit in Karlsborg where lime kiln in the causticising department of chemical recovery plant does not meet the required production. Causticising department is the final step in the chemical recycling unit. There, the filtered green liquor is mixed with lime to recover the cooking chemicals used in the pulp factory. The cooking liquid is called white liquor.

Freshwater pearl mussel as indicators of Swedish streams - a comparison between freshwater pearl mussel and biological quality elements

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is a large freshwater mussel. Because of its sensitivity to human impact, such as eutrophication, acidification and alterations of hydromorphology, the species is considered as a robust indicator of stream water quality and biodiversity. Moreover, due to the species complex life cycle, including a larval stage on the gills of salmon and trout, and sensitivity of early life stages, regeneration is often used as an indicator. The freshwater pearl mussel is also used in the expert judgement of status classification of benthic invertebrates according to the European Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the freshwater pearl mussel as an indicator for Swedish streams. It was made with two types of association analyses.

Flavour improvement of water solutions comprising bitter amino acids

The aim of this project was to improve taste of a liquid food product, comprising extremelybitter and unpalatable amino acids and one unrevealed ingredient. The amino acids were Lleucine,L-isoleucine, L-valine, L-threonine and L-lysine monohydrochloride. Experimentaldesign was set up as a screening of water solutions comprising these ingredients (called BCAAsolutions) and added ingredients with potential to improve flavour. BCAA solution withingredients that were potential bitterness suppressors were evaluated in flavour, bitternessand/or palatability. Solutions of separate amino acids were also studied.

Rekonditionering av IBC

This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.

Solel och solvärme ur LCC-perspektiv för ett passiv-flerbostadshus

This master?s degree project concerns the combination of a multi dwelling passive house with solar energy for the generation of electricity and domestic hot water (DHW). Different alternatives with either solar thermal systems or photovoltaic (PV) systems are compared with two reference alternatives producing DHW from electricity or district heating. The economical comparison uses a life cycle cost (LCC) perspective based on the present value of expenditures for investment, energy and annual operating and maintenance.The energy yields from the solar energy systems were calculated by hand and with simulation software. Calculation and dimensioning of PV systems were carried out with a software called PVSYST.

Ett alternativt lågtrycksbränslesystem

This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.

Plan för multifunktionella buffertzoner längs Vramsån påMalörten AB : s jordbruksfastigheter

To create multifunctional buffer strips along a watercourse in an economically sustainable way requires consideration of many different factors. In this plan we have selected pollutant reduction as the main purpose of the buffer strip. We have also strived to achieve minimal income loss due to reduced production, increased biological diversity, good game preservation that leads to higher income from hunting, aesthetical satisfaction and possibility to profit from available subsidies. This is done mainly to make landowners/farmers more interested in creating buffer strips along water courses.As sand is the dominant type of soil in the area, the water course is less affected by surface runoff compared to if the soil would be clay or some other finer texture. Game preservation and subsidies have therefore been the main factors when establishing the width of the strip, because these require wider buffer strips in some cases.

Standardisering av dragarinstallation

This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.

Stärkelsers funktion som konsistensgivare vid olika temperaturer i pulversoppa : en experimentell kvantitativ studie

More often consumers demand instant dry soup that can be prepared with a water temperature below 100o C, which is currently not possible, because the dry soup becomes too thin when using water with a lower temperature. In this study, various kinds of starch studies were made to optimize the starch used in the existing product to make it more viscous at both high and low temperatures. The result was that one of the two starches present in the existing product was retained by change in quantity as it contributed to important flavor parameters. The second was removed and replaced with a starch that made the product more viscous at lower temperatures. To find out if the new product differed from the existing product a viscosity measurement and a sensory paired preference test were made.

Handlingsplan för rening av dagvatten från hårt trafikerade gator i Örebro

The main purpose with the project has been to approximate the magnitude of the pollution transport from the actual road surfaces and to get an approximation of the possibility to collect the pollutants to reduce the load to the water and improve the water quality.The quantity of pollution transport from the most trafficated roads areas in Örebro city has been calculated. Roads whith a traffic exceeding 10 000 vehicle/day. The study has been done with the calculation tool StormTac. Through analysis of traffic loads and road surface, which together with a different kinds of parameters gives an approximation of the pollutant transport.The calculation has included some metals and other substances in the stormwater and has also included the present of suspended solids. Included the overall study, some smaller areas has also been calculated for the possibility to remove pollutants.The work also includes calculation for three different areas for stormwater treatment.

Fl?ckreducering ? Bl? Vinranka En j?mf?rande studie av tv? efterbehandlingsmetoder vid reng?ring av glaserad keramik

This study explores the effects of two different post-treatment methods on stain reduction in glazed creamware from the late 20th century. The objects stains have been characterized by type one and type two stains which is the result of prolonged contact with food residues, were subjected to the same initial stain reduction. The two post-treatment methods examined are soaking the objects in deionized water and surface rinsing with deionized water. The comparative analysis included photographs under normal and UV-light exposure to assess stain visibility, weight measurements before and after treatments to monitor the absorption and evaporation of liquids, and observations throughout the experiment. The results revealed that while type two stains showed significant alterations after treatments, specifically after soaking, type one stains remained unaffected by both methods.

Faktorer som påverkar mobilbanksanvändningen

Many companies today are investing in various computer-based tools to support their planning, decision making or communication processes. However, end users are often reluctant to accept the available information systems, which mean that these investments are extremely risky. Understanding why users choose to accept or reject an information system has proved to be one of the most challenging problems in this research area. Previous studies have focused on users' beliefs and attitudes regarding use intentions, but the results have, however, been both mixed and incomplete. In this study, I have used the Swedish youth? s use intention of mobile banking and a quantitative study was performed based on five different hypotheses derived from previous studies.

NGO:s för hivpositiva i Tanzania och Uganda- Politiska aktörer?

Uganda and Tanzania are two countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS. Hence, there are a numbers of associations for PLHA there. In "Global transformations. Politics, economics and culture", Held, Mc Greew, Goldblatt and Perrton focuses None Governmental Organizations as important actors in the globalized world of today, with increased opportunities to influence and affect the politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opportunities for associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda to affect in the national level of politics.

Konstruktion av instrument för dragprov på nervceller

This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.

Plan för multifunktionella buffertzoner längs Vramsån på Malörten AB: s jordbruksfastigheter

To create multifunctional buffer strips along a watercourse in an economically sustainable way requires consideration of many different factors. In this plan we have selected pollutant reduction as the main purpose of the buffer strip. We have also strived to achieve minimal income loss due to reduced production, increased biological diversity, good game preservation that leads to higher income from hunting, aesthetical satisfaction and possibility to profit from available subsidies. This is done mainly to make landowners/farmers more interested in creating buffer strips along water courses. As sand is the dominant type of soil in the area, the water course is less affected by surface runoff compared to if the soil would be clay or some other finer texture. Game preservation and subsidies have therefore been the main factors when establishing the width of the strip, because these require wider buffer strips in some cases.

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