

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 17 av 88

Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning för en utökning av befintlig djurhållning :

In the last few years the environment becomes more watchful, even for us farmers. All agricultural enterprises that exceed 200 animal units must be tested according to regulation of environment. A farm business with 200 animal units and more is classed ?environmentally hazardous activities? and has to make an environmental impact assessment for the business you have today, and the activity after expansion. Before you can construct a building and expand the numbers of animals is a lot of applications to make. I have in this project restricted me to establish a environmental impact assessment and a consultation foundation. To make a environmental impact assessment is the big part of the application. The environmental impact assessment take a lot of time and you need skills for all the rules in the environmental code to be abele to make an environmental impact assessment approved. The environment codes purposes (1 kap 1 § Miljöbalken) is to rule the laws. The purpose of the environment code is to promote sustainable development which will assure a healthy and sound environment for present and future generations. Definitions of a ?environmentally hazardous activities? 9 kap 1§ Miljöbalken) shall mean the discharges of wastewater, solid matter or gas from land, buildings or structures onto land or into water areas or ground water.

Energieffektiv torkning av kläder : en studie av torktumlare med varm- respektive kallvattenanslutning

Tumble dryers and drying cabinets have to a large extent replaced the traditional way of drying clothes outdoors. They are faster, more convenient, require less space and can be operated regardless of weather conditions. This replacement has significantly increased residential energy consumption, due to the fact that tumbles dryers consume large amounts of electrical energy. In the USA 9 % of the households electric energy is consumed when drying clothes. Over 4 million tumble dryers are sold in Europe each year and 20 % of the residential electricity consumption in Sweden is used drying and washing clothes.

Utformning av förfrågningsunderlag vid totalentreprenader

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Ligger bäckarna rätt i kartan?

?Are the headwaters streams at the right position in the map? is a study that has been performed on behalf of Holmen Forest, region Örnsköldsvik. This study will be the basis for deciding if the Hydrology Layer Property map or Holmen Forest map will be used for planning nitrogen fertilization in forestry. The background to this study is that nitrogen fertilization near water will increase the risk of nitrogen leaching out into the water systems, which has a negative impact on the environment. The headstreams positions have been recorded in the field with a GPS and the data analyzed in the geographic information system ArcMap.

Brandsläckning och textil restvärdesräddning Hur saneras textil efter en pulversläckning?

This bachelor thesis discusses firefighting and the use of portable fireextinguishers in the salvageof historic artefacts focusing on textiles. It also looks into the use of multi-purpose dry chemicalextinguishers in a textile context and the impact the actual dry-agent has on textiles afterfirefighting.Literature studies, interviews and tests on different textiles were carried out to write this thesis.During the tests textiles were exposed to the dry agent and also to dry agent plus water toinvestigate the difference in residue. After vacuumcleaning it was clear that when the textile wasexposed to dry agent and water it was almost impossible to remove the chemical without rinsingin water.By examining the residue left on the textile using SEM it was possible to see if a textile was aswell decontaminated after vacuum-cleaning as it looks to the eye. We know that the dry agentoften consists of ammonium phosphate which acts corrosively on many materials and one canassume it damages textiles as well after longer exposure.Buildings housing cultural collections are vulnerable as we cannot easily replace ruined materialwith new.

Ämnestransport med grundvatten i hydrogeologiska typmiljöer

Certain types of waste, e.g. bottom ash originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI bottom ash) can be used as road construction materials. A potential problem is the possibility of substances leaching out of the road and spreading in the surrounding groundwater.The aim of this master?s thesis is to conclude whether hydrogeological type settings can be employed to, based on local conditions, provide an estimate of the probable spreading of these substances in the surrounding groundwater, and whether certain types of soils can be identified as being less suitable for the localization of a MSWI bottom ash road. A hydrogeological type setting is defined as a mappable unit with similar hydrogeological properties.

Fysikalisk modell av människans spinalkanal för demonstration av skademekaniken vid whiplash-skada, del 2

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Vilka aspekter av förändring bör belysas i Gram Vikas arbete för hållbar utveckling?: En kvalitativ studie av en organisation i framkant

The non-governmental organization Gram Vikas primary concern is to establish clean water in remote areas inhabited by often aggrieved tribals and low caste communities. Gram Vikas? slogan is Water for dignity. It refers to that everybody, regardless whereupon the social ladder you are, are entitled to the most fundamental elements for a dignified life. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the factors that are important for a shift to a more equal and sustainable living.

Storlommens (Gavia arctica) häckningsframgång relaterad till vattenkvalitet

This work investigates the breeding success of the Black-throated Diver, Gavia arctica, related to the water quality in three lakes located in the Vallentuna area, north of Stockholm, Sweden.For more than 30 years, I have studied the bird life around these three and other nearby lakes, and noticed that the Black-throated Diver breeds in some lakes, but not in others.The results confirm that the deep and clear lakes Tärnan and Stora Harsjön have good water quality regarding pH, alkalinity, aluminium and Secchi disk values. As expected, the Black-throated Diver shows breeding success in those two lakes, but does not breed in the shallow and eutrophic lake Mysslingen. .

Identifiering av deponerat material i en deponi samt metodikförslag för upprättande av vattenbalans.

Högbytorp is Ragn-Sells? largest waste facility and it is located north of Stockholm. There is an old landfill still in use, but at the end of this year it will be closed. The waste deposited on the landfill can, through decomposition, give rise to a large amount of methane gas, which is an energy rich gas that can be used for heat and electricity production. To receive a relatively large amount of gas, the decomposition requires a high moisture content in the waste.

Resurseffektiv kvävereduktion genom nitritation

Resurseffektiv kvävereduktion genom nitritationProblematiken med övergödning i våra akvatiska system har lett till hårdare krav på kväverening vid våra reningsverk. En rejektvattenbehandling har visat sig vara ett bra alternativ för att utöka kvävereningen. Vid Nykvarnsverket i Linköping renas avloppsvatten och sedan 2009 finns en SHARON-anläggning i drift. SHARON står för ?Stable High rate Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite? och är en kvävereningsprocess för rejektvatten utvecklad av Grontmij i samarbete med Tekniska universitetet i Delft.I denna studie har SHARON-processen i Linköping undersökts.

Topografins inverkan på markvattenhalten i ett jordbruksdominerat avrinningsområde

Topography is an important parameter for catchment hydrology, since it is a driver for water flow. Moreover, topography serves as a basis for hydrological models, e.g. ?Top-model?, which is based on a topographical wetness index (TWI). Few studies of TWI have been conducted on agricultural catchment scale. Four fields were studied in a Swedish drained agricultural catchment in order to evaluate the influence of topography on soil wetness.

Varmt Sköljvatten

In cooperate with Asko Cylinda we have developed a new heat system too short the processtime and reduce the energy consume in a dishwasher and still have it too be a class AAA.The environment and quality is important for the company too still be the number one onthe market, If they want too keep that position the product developed of new innovations willbe very important. The systems we have developed are more effective and reduce energy uptoo 25 %. The process time is reduced too less than two hours, from the today two andhalf-hour. The solutions are too heat up the rinse water and the dishwater at the same time,with a new heating system and it make are solutions unique and effective. Its good for thedish and the environment.

Skiftarbetets potential i byggbranschen

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Varför blev det inte som planerat? En studie över platschefers prognosarbete i anläggningsprojekt

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

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