8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 30 av 568
Effektivare workflow i en myndighet. En fallstudie om hanteringen av medborgarnas ärenden
The goal with this essay is to investigate problems in processes of a government agency andthereby determine whether a Business Process Reengineering can create a more effectiveworkflow. The foundation of this essay lies in how customers perceive its business processesas reported from Internet forums. By adopting a qualitative approach, this is supplemented bythe statements and reports from the public business. The qualitative method that has been usedin this study is a content analysis of the threads from two major Internet forums that highlightthe problems associated with the examination of firearms licensing and the routine that exists.The method also gave us the opportunity to study the public business own view of theirprocesses. This was done by exploring their statements in media and their own reports aboutthis area.This essay is the result of a case-based study and during the course of the study we haveidentified five themes related to; time, management, communication, competence, andregulations.
VÄG, VAL OCH VILLKOR : Individer som tidigare begått kriminella handlingar berättar
This thesis, titled ?Change, choice and conditions?, is written by Lina Skantze and Bianca Zandén. The study explores the process in which individuals? attempt to end their criminal career, focusing on the interplay between path of life, choices, and conditions. The method is qualitative, and the empirical material consists of interviews with four young adults that all have experience of criminality.
Testning och parprogrammering : Går det att effektivisera testning med hjälp av parprogrammering?
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of streamlining the test process by utilizing pair programming. During the process, pair programming has been practiced as is defined by the Extreme programming (XP) software development methodology, with the other aspects of XP discarded. The focus of the testing itself has been toward unit testing. The methods applied has been with an experimental approach where 93 cases were attempted to be solved by either single programmers or pair programmers. What has been investigated in these experiments was the time needed to complete a case, how many test attempts were needed to solve the case, and how high a percentage of the cases were solved.
Pragmatisk mjukvarutestning : Hur kan agila metoder implementeras i ett pågående utvecklingsprojekt?
There are several ways of conducting software testing where some may include users and others may include personnel whose work task is to execute test on systems. Although most developers and project managers understand the point of testing the system, it is not always being done and the most common reason is that there is no time for it. However, this is a false assumption as it may instead cause some bugs in the system that would not have been there in the first place if tests had been there to prevent bugs in the code.My purpose for this thesis was to find suggestions for changes in the development process in an ongoing project used by Acino and Svenska Försäkringsfabriken in order to increase the quality of the system used. In this thesis, I have approached the purpose by pursuing a case study of the two companies through observation and interviews. By doing this I acquired the relevant information to make suggestions for change.
Termografisk undersökning med samtidig analys av rektaltemperatur, hjärtfrekvens, psykiska reaktioner och specifika blodparametrar av häst som behandlats med vibrationsboxen Vitafloor :
A number of studies in human medicine has documented positive effects of whole
body vibration treatment in humans. The Vitafloor system, witch is based on
treatment of horses with vibration, has the purpose to be used in training of
healthy horses and as rehabilitation for horses with injuries in their musculosceletal
The purpose of this study was to analyse what happens with a clinically healthy
horse during treatment with Vitafloor. The methods used is mainly thermography
before and after treatment, but also blood samples, measurement of rectal
temperature, heart rate, clinical examination and observation of psychic reactions
has been done.
Statistic significant changes in skin temperature in hoofs and fetlocks of front legs
has been observed after treatment with Vitafloor. Analyzing of the blood samples
showed a tendency for decrease in Kalium, and two of the horses had changes in
CK. No negative effect has been observed with the treatment of horses with
Vitafloor, and the horses seems to like the treatment.
Rengöringsmaskin av produktionslina : Rengöring av band i produktion
The project was carried out with SwedSafe AB, engaged in hearing and manufacture of earplugs. Since the company is a world leader in the sale of these products, it is important that they keep a higher level of quality of these products.Production of earplugs is currently a automated manufacturing process that is divided into four conveyor belts and one of the conveyor belts is what will be affected in the project. The belt affected during this process is exposed to various elements such as filling, closing, fermentation and extraction of products. Because the belt gets dirty, degraded products and the work environment is affected. To increase the quality of products and improve the working environment requires an automatic cleaning process, which collects dirt from the belt.The aim of the project is to design a machine that prevents the belt from becoming dirty, preserve molds clean and improve the working environment without disrupting production.
Shuttling Between Cultures: Expatriation in the Context of Sweden
Being a successful global business player depends on firm?s ability to mobilize its resources worldwide. For this reason getting the right people with the right skills, at the right time, at the right place is crucial and makes expatriation one of the most important issues of today?s business world agenda. In terms of expatriation; national culture provides the context for the whole process.
Vindkraftverkens nedmonteringsprocess i Sverige
The first commercially produced wind turbines in Sweden are starting to reach theend of their lifetime after approximately 25 years of producing energy. The cost fordismantling the turbines, according to Ardefors et al. (2009), is calculated to be 1-2 %of the total investment of the wind turbines. The purpose of this master thesis is tomap the dismantling process of wind turbines in Sweden and try to find a sustainablesolution for the future.To make sure that a correct dismantling process takes place, and that the financialaspect is covered, a proposal for a financial guarantee is worked upon. A nationalunanimity will be created through a financial guarantee and the risk will be minimalof a third party getting afflicted.Studies of literature and interviews have been carried out.
Automatisering av spraytorkningsprocess
ABB Surge Arrestors in Ludvika have for a long time had a problem to keep the moisture at a steady state in the production of their ZnO-powder, that is used to produce varistors.Some black-box models of the spray drying process have been designed and evaluated to find a solution for the problem. After evaluating the collected data it has been found that variations in the supply voltage causes control difficulties for the operator. A cascade control system was designed, consisting of three PI control loops designed with lambda tuning. The disturbance in the supply voltagewas used as a feed forward in the control system.At the end of the project the control system was installed, and tests were made to verify the functionality of the regulator. It was shown that most of the variations in the moisture of the powder could be eliminated using small resources, through purchase of a process controller and four power meters.
Dr Jekell & Mr Hyde : En forskningsöversikt om barns upplevelser av våld i hemmet utifrån ett anknytningsteoretiskt perspektiv
Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och ett Foucault-inspirerat diskursanalytiskt ramverk visa på några av de sätt att tala om och förstå den bildterapeutiska processen som finns tillgängliga för och används av bildterapeuter. Syftet var även att beskriva hur dessa sätt att tala kan påverka bildterapeuter i det bildterapeutiska arbete de bedriver. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer med bildterapeuter. I resultatet lyftes tre distinkta sätt att tala om processen fram, som gav den tre olika innebörder. Dessa tre diskursiva konstruktioner framställde den bildterapeutiska processen som en blottläggande process, som en experimenterande process och som en reflekterande process.
Målstyrning inom den offentliga sektorn : en studie inom två sydskånska kommuner
The purpose of this investigation is to show how politicians state primary goals and how they break them down into secondary objectives within the sector of Child-and education area. This is supposed to create a general image on how the targeting process is handled within the public activity. Finally, this will lead us to what is necessary for the targeting process to work successfully within the public activity. We have implemented a qualitative study within the two chosen municipalities. This case study is based on personal interviews that are conducted through semi structured questions.
Kalkbrottstvisten i Bunge Ducker : En ACF-analys av två kolliderande riksintressen
Abstract This thesis is based on a case study of the drawn out legal process on the question of establish a limestone quarry in Bunge Ducker in north Gotland (Sweden). The current fields are located next to areas that are protected by virtue of being EU-certified Natura 2000-areas. Despite this, the Swedish governments and courts have not agreed in witch national interest that should be prevail when decisions are made on this issue. This phenomenon are reflected in the judicial process and different court have evaluate information differently in the case. A change among governmental actors where priority is given to the importance of national interest have occur in the later part in the process.
Participatory public art projects in run down residential areas - a discussion on how to run the process
Participation, public art and participatory public
art as phenomenons and subjects have been
studied and discussed. With interviews and observations
as a base, we have studied projects
and discussed participation, effect and quality
in relation to these.
Furthermore we have looked at how the participatory
art processes work in Sweden and
England. This essay seeks to discuss the process
of participatory public art and to emphasize
the elements contributing to the quality of this
It is up to us as planners to recognize the possibilities
for a qualitative place. To mediate between
different interests, for example between
politicians and stakeholders, between economics
and quality, between the place and its users,
between individuals and the community, and in
our case between artists, users and the municipality.
Public art has gone from being about the product,
an art piece, to becoming more of a process,
from non interactive to interactive. Participation
ranges from receiving information to play
an active part in the process.
Four cases have been studied, taken both from
Sweden and England, showing the diversity of
processes connected to Participatory Public Art.
From interviews conducted in Sweden and
England information and thoughts have been
received and they show a higher degree of use
of participatory public art in England, and also a
higher consciousness.
BI M i förvaltningsskedet med avseende på konstruktion.
Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.
Gaming och informationsanvändning : En informationsvetenskaplig studie av tv-spel och gamers
The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine video games, gamers and gaming from an information science perspective. The purpose of the study is partly to study video games as a type of information system and partly to study gamers information use, information seeking and also the experience of gaming. A selection of five games have been analysed using a topology for video game analysis created by Espen Aarseth. A quantitative investigation has also been made, in the form of a web survey distributed through four Swedish online forums, the result of which was analysed using Carol Collier Kuhlthaus model of the information seeking process.