1907 Uppsatser om Regulation and corporate governance - Sida 11 av 128
Sagan om Rescuerunner hur corporate storytelling kan förbättra marknadskommunikationen på Rescuerunners hemsida
Titel: Sagan om Rescuerunner ? hur corporate storytelling kan förbättra markandskommunikationen på Rescuerunners hemsidaFörfattare: Elin DahllövUppdragsgivare: Safe at SeaKurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Göteborg universitetTermin: Vårterminen 2013Handldare: Orla VigsøSidantal: 56Antal ord: 16 075Syfte: Att ta reda på hur corporate storytelling kan stärka varumärketMetod: Kvalitativ bild- och textanalysMaterial: Texter och bilder från www.rescuerunner.comHuvudresultat: Att Rescuerunner, en produkt som framställs som ganska tekniskt avancerad och med en rad finesser som inte är uppenbara vid första anblicken, kan tjäna på att använda sig av corporate storytelling. Främsta anledningen till detta är att produkten blirmer lättillgänglig och lättare kan förklaras. Istället för att nämna en massa teknisk information och data, kan man berätta en historia om hur det fungerar och vad det innebär i verkligheten..
K2 - en studie om användarnas syn på regelverket
Aim: The aim of this thesis is to do a research about the users? conceptions to the K-project. The K-project is a simplifying work of today?s accounting regulations performed by the Swedish Accounting Standards Board. The K-project is divided into four categories and the companies are divided into each category depending on its size.
Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states.
Studiemotivation en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory : en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory
Studien handlar om svenska gymnasieelevers motivation för att studera matematikämnet. Den teoretiska grunden hämtas ifrån Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om sin motivationsnivå kan prediceras genom de fyra ingående motivationsorienteringarna i Self-Determination Theory: (1) external regulation; (2) introjected regulation; (3) identified regulation; och (4) intrinsic motivation. Deltagarna (n = 132), 44 pojkar, 84 flickor och fyra som valde att inte specificera kön, studerar vid två gymnasieskolor i Falu kommun. Deltagarna fick via en webbsida besvara en enkät som mätte variablerna: upplevd motivationsnivå, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation och intrinsic motivation.
Extern kommunikation av Corporate Entrepreneurship
Entreprenörskap och innovationskraft har genom begreppet Corporate Entrepreneurship erkänts som en framgångsfaktor för företag. Med utgångspunkt i att Corporate Entrepreneurship är av ökande betydelse utreds här i vilken mån detta återspeglas i företags externa kommunikation. Genom innehållsanalys av VD-brev från 21 svenska teknikföretag över en tioårsperiod har signaler om entreprenöriell orientering fångats. Resultaten har visat att extern kommunikation av Corporate Entrepreneurship, i motsats till vad som förväntats, minskat i omfattning över tidsperioden. Vidare har visats att företagen inom sektorn kommunicerat kring Corporate Entrepreneurship i lika omfattning men att skillnad funnits mellan de företag som satsat mest respektive ingenting på forskning och utveckling.
Reflektioner från en marknadsledare : En studie i implementeringen av miljökoncept hos en av Sveriges giganter
Integration av hållbar utveckling i företags strategier har lett till att bolagens styrning idag ställs inför nya typer av problem och möjligheter. Den ökade miljömedvetenheten bland kund och konsument skapar nya möjligheter för företag att omprofilera sig eller att förstärka ett redan existerande hållbara arbetssätt. Viktiga begrepp inom ett företags hållbara utveckling är Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), uppförandekoder och grön marknadsföring.Studien behandlar hur ett marknadsledande företag, inom sitt segment, agerar i den hållbara utvecklingen mot sina huvudintressenter. I kartläggningen av hur ett marknadsledande företag miljöprofilerar sig har en analysmodell tagits fram med hjälp av befintlig accepterad teori. Modellens syfte är att skapa konsekvens och struktur då ett det marknadsledande företaget huvudsakliga miljöprojekt undersöks.För att lösa det givna problemet har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod används.
Välkommen till familjen! : En studie om effekten av en stark företagskulturs påverkan på medarbetarnas identitet
The purpose of this study is to examine in what way a strong corporate culture can have an effect on the ways that individuals perceive their own identity based on different social aspects, thereby meaning the influence of personalities in relation to the environment. In this essay I have used the theory of employer branding in an analysis of the corporate culture at Ikea Barkarby, with the purpose to answer the following questions: How does the relation between the employee and the corporate culture appear from an identity perspective, i.e can an individual?s identity be affected by the influence of a strong corporate culture? If the corporate culture has an influence on the individual?s identity, what rhetorical tools are part of this? How can the surrounding corporate cultures possibly influence the employee?s process of becoming a part of the corporate culture? The method of research that was used in this study is a framing analysis and a semistructured interview method. In the discussion of the influence of social environment on identity I have used the rhetorical term doxa. The material that was examined was an advertisement for employment from the Ikea Barkarby website as well as the response from my interviews of some of the employees.The result of the analysis shows that it is possible for an individual to negotiate with himself about his identity in relation to the actual situation and environment, meaning a possible transformation of the individual?s behavior in different social contexts, in this example the corporate culture at work.
Gemensam struktur för den kommunala ekonomistyrningen
Municipalities must establish budget annually but they are free to decide how the governance should be designed, this can lead to lack of consistency and measurability within and between municipalities. The purpose of this thesis was to present a proposal for a unified and more measurable financial structure of a municipality where this was lacking. In our theory we describe the issues of traditional management control and we introduce an alternative control with non-financial ratios included, called the Balanced Scorecard. In the empirical data it is investigated how the governance of a municipality could be designed, according to the respondents. In the analysis the information gathered to reach the answers to what are considered to be useful governance in municipality, are examined. In the conclusion, we design Balanced Scorecards with both financial and non-financial ratios to the councils of the municipality..
Rådets förordning 1/2003 : ett hot mot rättssäkerheten för företag inom den europeiska gemenskapen?
Council Regulation 1/2003 regulates the application of the competition rules set out in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC-treaty and establishes a reform of the European Competition Law. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complex of problems that the regulation leads to concerning the legal certainty for companies within the European Community..
"Öppna jämförelser"- morot eller piska? : En fallstudie av hur förändrad styrning av sjukvården påverkar läkare i deras yrkesutövning
The governance and control of healthcare organizations has traditionally been run byprofessions inside the organization (Fölster et al., 2003). During the last decades Swedishhealthcare has undergone an institutional transformation where the governance has changedfrom professional governance to a more market like one (Sahlin-Andersson, 2006). Governingof healthcare can however be problematic as professional work is characterized by a highlevel of autonomy and tacit knowledge (cf. Tsoukas, 1997, Freidson, 2001). An expression ofthe new kind of governance is the annually published report ?Öppna jämförelser av hälso- ochsjukvårdens kvalitet och effektivitet?.
Att styra och ställa En styrningsstudie med ResursCentrum för kvinnor som fall
In 1994 it was decided that a new network based organizational model was to be initiated to face the problems of some of the gender inequalities in Sweden. The organisation structure was named Resource Centre for Women (ResursCentrum för kvinnor).This essay constitutes a qualitative case study of governing, with this organisation structure as my field of inquiry. My ambition has been to outline and explain what kind of governing has been used and how it works. I have also tried to identify potential changes of the ways of governing over time. To help me out with that task, I have applied a theoretical framework, characterized of a governance perspective, and have used terms as: governing with networks, partnership, projects and visionary government to interpret my empiric material.My result shows that there have been various changes in the ways of governing, from a more hierarchal government form of governing to a more governance based one..
"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects
The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.
Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners.The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords.The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses.
Värderingsstyrning : En studie om att vara som alla andra men a?nda? unik
It is said that concepts of organizational management can pave the way to success. This is not accurate and it is something that will be shown in the following study. Its most prominent conclusion is that the valuation governance to some extent has an impact on the formal structures, but that it had no further effects on the employee?s way of work. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the valuation governance is applied in Medley AB and the meaning of it.
Emotionella upplevelser och emotionsreglering i samband med en nedskärningsprocess
The aim of this study was to investigate emotions and emotion regulation of a downsizing in an industrial company. The sample consisted of persons who had experienced a downsizing but have kept the employment, within a same position or being transferred to another one. Data consisted of two focus group interviews, analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The results have indicated that emotional reactions changed over time as well the emotional regulation did during the different phases. The groups differed in emotional reaction related to the time of decision regarding the retention of employment.