

871 Uppsatser om Regular classes - Sida 9 av 59

En för alla och alla för en : En jämförande studie mellan traditionellt grupparbete och kooperativt lärande

This is a comparative study between traditional group work and cooperative learning among 9 graders at a Swedish high school. The classes did an assignment that involved translating and then both students and teachers answered a questionnaire. An example of how profitable cooperative learning is is the fact that the speech activity was more equal in the cooperative groups. All the students in the cooperative groups had to contribute to the assignment in order to fulfill the assignment. The reason for higher speech activity is the structure of cooperative learning, which involves roles suited for the assignment.

?Bollen susade in i bortre gaveln? - En studie i rörelsekonstruktioner och produktivitet

This paper investigates the grammatical construction intransitive motionconstruction with GOAL as it is used in Swedish (Swe. intransitivrörelsekonstruktion med MÅL).I examine in which ways the construction is productive, i.e. thepossibility to use the construction with new verbs as well as withordinary motion verbs with new functions. The notion of productivity isbased on the construction?s type frequency and semantic openness(Goldberg 1995, 2006; Barðdal 2008; Bybee 2010).

Motionsvanor bland gymnasieflickor - En enkätstudie om motionsvanor samt faktorer som bidrar till regelbunden motion

Individuals of today are living in a community that encourages an inactive life. For many individuals exercise is an important part in their life and can be a health factor and contribute to the joy of living. Some environments in the individuals? everyday life are of supportive character. These supportive environments can make it easier for the individual to make healthier choices.

"Jag sätter på mig genusbrillorna" : en kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers uppfattningar om och arbete kring genus och jämställdhet i förskoleklass

The purpose of this paper is to examine preschool educators conceptions on gender pedagogy. Based on preschool teachers own words, we want to get an insight into the use of gender in the curriculum in preschool classes. We also examine the conditions and setbacks of conducting a gender-sensitive educational way of working the curriculum.In order to examine our research question, we choose the method of qualitative interview, and previous research in the theory of gender pedagogy from a sociocultural perspective, in which social interaction is very important. We have interviewed five educators in preschool classes, all with similar educational backgrounds.In the results and analyses section the educators' definition of gender pedagogy is presented and how they take part in gender educational theories strategies. The result of the survey show that the importance of the educator?s own approach to and further education in, the subject matter, makes it possible to really understand the gender norms.

Gymnasieskolans dyrbara poäng : elevers strategier vid individuella val

The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.

Nivågruppering i grundskolans tidigare år : Hur och varför används den i matematikundervisningen

The aim of this essay is to examine why and how three teachers who work in elementary classes choose to use ability grouping during math lessons and what they think of ability grouping as a method to individualize the activities according to the pupil?s needs.I chose one main question for this study that is the following:What is the teacher?s point of view and experience of ability grouping in teaching mathematics?And three sub-questions:What are the motives behind the choice of ability grouping?What are the advantages of ability grouping?What are the disadvantages of ability grouping?In order to be able to answer my questions, I used the qualitative method. I interviewed three teachers who work in the elementary classes (First to fifth grade) to find out what they think about ability grouping and how it is experienced in mathematic teaching.The result shows that the common thing between these three teachers is that they don?t use ability grouping as the only teaching method. They all agree that the whole class teaching has many benefits for the pupils.

Det är viktigt att förmedla normer och värden till elever i förberedelseklasser : En kvalitativ studie om vad lärare i förberedelseklasser gör till "svensk" kultur

Swedish municipals schools have been given an assignment to convey basic values to pupils. The assignment is to bring up the pupils through transmitting and developing a heritage such as values, traditions, language and knowledge. Together along with the lasting knowledge which constitutes the community frame of reference everybody needs. There by is the purpose of this study through a qualitative method to investigate how the schools assignment to create a community national identity of the pupils is interpreted by the teachers in introduction classes. Even how the teachers in this study response to ?Swedish? culture by presenting and educate the pupils in this.

Olika vägar mot samma mål : En studie av elevers fonologiska medvetenhet i tva? klasser

AbstractThe overall aim of this study is to show how phonological awareness develops during the first school year and how this can be affected by different teaching materials and working methods. Two classes are compared in the study. One of the classes has digital teaching material and the other class has traditional teaching material. The study seeks to show to what extent there are differences between the groups? phonological awareness.

Miljöarbete i förskoleklass : Jämförande studie om hur pedagoger integrerar miljöarbete i verksamheten och barnens kännedom om återvinning

The purpose of this study is to investigate what knowledge children in preschool have about recycling, and to examine how teachers work with environmental efforts to increase children's understanding of environment and sustainable development. And if there is differs between the two preschool classes, one of which has a environmental profile. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interview methods of teachers and children, and observation of the children during a sorting exercise with a number of garbage objects. The result shows that teachers in the environment profiled preschool spend more time per week on work related to environmental and natural issues and worked more thematic. Similarity between this preschool classes is that the use of outdoor education to get into environmental awareness.

Genus som en del av Samhällskunskapsundervisningen : Lärares och elevers föreställningar om genus i undervisningen

Gender is one of several factors that affect our society. According to the National Agency of Education and the values of Lpf 94, the school should communicate and counteract gender stereotypes. However, there is no demand for gender knowledge in the syllabus for Civics in upper secondary school.The purpose of this study is to investigate how two teachers work with gender in Civics education, with main focus on working practices. In addition, I wanted to investigate which conceptions students in upper secondary school have about gender in education. The method used is interviews.

Dans i gymnasiesärskolan : -Fem lärares tankar kring ämnet dans

AbstractThis study examines the use of dance in the special education classes in high school. The purpose is to study the teachers? thoughts about dance within this school form. I want to see if they see any gains from having dance as a subject, and what might these be? Earlier research states that dance has a positive influence on mentally handicapped children and young people, and that it strengthens their general development.

Miljöundervisning i årskurs 5 och 6 : En studie om elevers miljötänkande

The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.

Flottledsåterställning i norra Sverige: : effekter på habitatkvalitet och populationstätheter av juvenil öringar (Salmo trutta L.)

In an effort to evaluate the effects of restorations of float ways on population density of stream dwelling fish in relation to the changes in habitat, I studied the physical habitat restored and channalized sites and their population density of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in three streams in the municipality of Sorsele. The differences between the channalized and the restored sites where most noticeable regarding substrate which where generally coarser in the restored sites. The analyses showed that the proportion of habitat that where suitable to the age class 0+ where significantly lower in the restored sites compared to the channalized sites. Regarding age class ?2+, no statistical differences in habitat quality were found.

En skola efter behov : Trollhättans första tekniska gymnasium

The purpose of this study is to explain the development of the first higher technical education in Trollhättan, with the added perspective of Trollhättans strong industrial profile as a city. The interesting thing being that the city did not try to first and foremost get a regular higher education, but a technical higher education instead. The study describes the political twists and turns the question took from its most early stage in the year 1940 and how the city's industrial profile did indeed have an impact on the development of the first higher technical education. Especially because there was a need for educated engineers in the city, as well as the country of Sweden in large during this time. The study also tries to explain the problems related to such a development, primarily by describing the lack of sufficient housing for schools during the 1950's, this meant that the higher regular school and the higher technical school had to cooperate in finding said housing.

En sund livsstil med sociala medier : En studie om sociala mediers roll i individers motivation till att anamma och uppra?ttha?lla en sund livsstil

Motivation is a key factor in sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle, and technology has afforded us new methods for attaining information concerning exercise and health. This paper aims to examine how social media can motivate individuals to obtain and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as identify which particular social media channels are preferred for this purpose. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as data collection in this research. The results of this report show that images and text shared on social media, as well as the communication therein, can function as motivation for individuals to commence and maintain a regular physical activity and health regimen. Additionally, an individual?s sharing of their own training and health routine is enough to motivate the person in question to sustain their training and health procedure.

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