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Automatisk Cykelväxel : Förstudie och datainsamling

A fauna passage is a way for animals to cross roads separated from the traffic. In Sweden, there are an unknown number of passages with different functions and appearances. These passages would, with the question ?Which fauna passages can be found in Sweden, and how well do they work?? as a base, be compiled in a comparable way. This would be done with a number of questions asked to the different regions of Vägverket.

Hur påverkas elevens utveckling genom dans?

The purpose of my work is to find out if and in which way dance in school teaching can contribute to a positive development of the pupil and also if the dance can give the pupil a better self-confidence. It?s important and useful to know, how dance will influence the pupil from a physical, psychological and social point of view.The study of litterature describes opinions and theories based on the issue and emanate from the three classifications applicable to the pupil development through dance: physically, psychologically and socially. With help of theories from different experts investigates, if a continuous dance teaching in the subject Athletics and Health can contribute to a positive development of the pupil these different aspects.As the empiric study I chose to interview pupils both from the ordinary comprehensive school classes and the aesthetical gymnasium line, in order to find out what they really think about dance and what they wish should be included of dance in the subject Athletics and Health.The interest of dance can be strongly connected to different music stiles, in this connection one can for sure get more pupils and especially boys to dare to try dance and through this improve their self-confidence.In my discussion and conclusion I bring up how important it is, that the pupil in dance get to learn how to work with it´s body as means of expression and the importance that the school gives priority to other than intellectual qualities and gives the pupil a chance to be able to develop and learn how to use it?s body language by dance.I also touch thoughts of future research..

Olikhet, gemenskap, kommunikation : En studie om hur lärare i skolår 1-6 främjar tolerans hos elever.

For most pupils homework is a natural part of school and their education and there are several providers of homework assistance: the pupil's parents, sibblings, friends, Internet forums, hired private tutoring, non-profit organisations and at times even the pupil's school. This study has investigated the use of the school-based homework assistance programme at the Upper Secondary School of Psychology in Stockholm and why the programme is not more frequently used by its pupils. The school offers homework assistance two hours each Thursday afternoon, with at least two teachers being present to tender for the school's 127 pupils. The cost of the programme has been estimated to approximately 12 500 Swedish kronor per week. Through the main use of a questionnaire given to both the school's students and teachers, as well as an interview with the school's headmaster, this study will show that despite receiving the opportunity few pupils take part of the programme on a regular basis.

Högläsningens betydelse för barnens språkutveckling

The main thing we wanted to find out with this thesis was, can reading aloud help the natural language development. We also wanted to know how libraries in Sweden work with reading aloud and if children with reading and writing problems are being helped by being read to. We also wanted to find out what authoritarians on literature think a good reading-aloud novel should contain. To find this out we decided to do a literature study, we have taken part of a number of authoritarian opinions on this matter and we also studied some theories on this subject. We also decided to do a couple of interviews to exemplify how regular libraries work with reading aloud.

Musikens innebörd och påverkan i elevers skolgång : En studie om hur musiken betraktas och används av elever och lärare i årskurs 8 och 9.

I have been using qualitative interviews to explore music's influence in school from a learning perspective, community perspective and identity-building perspective. I have visited two classes at two different schools to do these interviews with ten informants, both students and teachers. My interview questions were almost the same for both students and teachers, but differed in wording. My research is based on the informants? answers and relevant sources such as literary books, curricula and the Internet.After fieldwork was completed, I transcribed the interviews to further analyze them according to relevant theories, such as Bergman (2009) and Antal Lundström (1996).

Tvåinstansjäv : om domstolars tillämpning av rättsregeln

The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children?s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant?s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children?s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction.

Biologiska behandlingsmetoder för rening av rejektvatten från biogasproduktion

In this literature review the characteristics of two free-floating macrophytes, water hyacinth   (Eichhornia crassipes) and duckweed (Lemna sp.), and two microalgae, Chlorella and Scenedesmus, have been examined regarding their suitability as efficient nutrient removers in the treatment of wastewater with high levels of nutrients and suspended solids from a biogas plant in Loudden. The needs required for the plants to be able to grow in wastewater and the amounts of biomass they can produce have also been studied. The results show that Chlorella is capable of a very high uptake of nutrients in photobioreactors with high nutrient loadings. With an ammonia uptake maximum value at 10900mg/m2/d Chlorella outshines the other organisms in this study. The test organism that performed the closest to Chlorella in terms of nitrogen uptake was water hyacinth with an uptake about 1602mg/m2/d.

Inkludering som mål för skolans specialpedagogiska arbete : Ett dilemma mellan styrdokumentets direktiv och verkligheten i klassrummet

The society?s view of pupils with needs of special support in nine-year school has changed over time in Sweden. The teachers? views of the pupils have had an influence of how the special education process is designed. The aim with my paper is to make a comparative study of how special education teachers in rural schools and schools in Stockholm have designed their work with pupils with needs of special support.

Diskussioner inommatematikämnet : Kreativa och Imitativa diskussioneroch när de används i undervisningen

The purpose of this essay is to examine when teachers choose to discuss mathematics withstudents rather then just talk about mathematics. A definition where used to distinguish betweenan interaction that is not a discussion and an interaction that is a discussion. This definition hasbeen created by drawing ideas from other works into making a quite simple definition whichtherefore is easy to observe. The discussions are also separated into two different kinds ofdiscussions. The first and most common category of discussion are one where only imitativereasoning is used.

Äldre och psykofarmaka : Några sjuksköterskors uppfattning

Nearly nine percent of the population in Sweden are 75 years or older. Still they consume more than a quarter of all medicines. This increased use, is specially noticeable in nursing home residents, where the elderly is using a average of 8-10 preparations per day. According to the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden, the number of drugs and specially psychotropic drugs, has proved to be a risk factor for drug-related problems among the elderly, such as drug interaction and side effects. Routines for regular and systematic follow-up of drug prescription and utilisation reviews were not extensively implemented.

Analys av bortfall i en uppföljningsundersökning av hälsa

The LSH-study started in 2003 at the department of Health and Society at the University of Linköping. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between life condition, stress and health. A total of 1007 people from ten different health centres in Östergötlands län participated. At the follow up, a couple of years later, 795 of the 1007 participated. 127 of the 212 in the attrition turned down the follow up, twelve people were not invited (for example in case of death) and the rest did not respond at all.

TYSK KOVÄNDNING : Efter åratal av stiltje i den tyska familjepolitiken harplötsligt reformvindar blåst upp.

Since the mid 60?s, Germany has seen dropping fertility rates and yet next to nothinghas been done to combat this trend until the current regime led by Angela Merkel andher minister of family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen initiated a number ofcomprehensive reforms of Germany?s family policies.Family policy in Germany is being reformed in three ways. First of all parents arenow eligible to receive substantial financial support in order to compensate the loss ofincome associated with a pregnancy and or parental leave. Second, the all but nonexistentpublic child care services are being vastly expanded with the goal of beingable to offer child care service for every child age 0-3. Thirdly the tradition of schoolsending classes midday is being reformed with the aim of letting kids stay in schoolmuch longer thus enabling parents to work full-time as opposed to part-time in orderto be able to take care of kids returning from school.The hopes for these ambitious reforms are tremendous.

Prestationspåverkan av flerträdshantering i klena gallringar

The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple tree handling harvesters perform compared to earlier developed standards. The study shows that multiple tree handling harvesters are more efficient in thinnings stands with mean stock volumes less than 0,12 m3fub per stock. The increased efficiency is different for different mean stem classes. In stands with a mean stem volume of 0,04 m3fub per stock, the increase can be as high as 40 percent while it is about 10 percent in stands with a mean stem volume of 0,12 m3fub. Comparisons have been done between stands that are felled with partly limbed stands and stands without partly limbed assortments. The difference in performance is clear and shows that the partly limbed assortments strengthen the multiple tree handling harvesters positive effects in low dimension thinnings.

Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? : ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.

AbstractTitle: See each other on the Internet or on a café? A survey about social consequences of Internet usage. (Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.)Number of pages: 34 (including enclosures).Author: Carolin Johansson.Tutor: Else Nygren.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2007.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about the social consequences that may come up when young people at the age of 16-20 are using the Internet.Material/Method: The material consists of a questionnaire that I made with questions about Internet usage that 84 young people from five classes (from three different upper secondary schools) answered.Main results: To have access to a computer and Internet and the fact that broadband is more inexpensive now than before leads to an increased usage of the Internet. I found out that chatting, music/movies, searching for information and using the Internet for entertainment is what most of the participants spent the most time on while using the Internet.

Gestaltningsförslag av gravplatser ur ett miljöperspektiv

Environmental issues and ecology is something that is discussed by the Climate board of the UN and by our Swedish politicians. The first part of the thesis deals with the effects of emissions of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. There is a discussion about what counts as greenhouse gas. Interviews have been made with two growers of annual plants and one interview with a person who has worked hard to increase the use of perennials in his work place, Mjösund?s cemetery.

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