

871 Uppsatser om Regular classes - Sida 13 av 59

Kapitalbindning och lönsamhet på 1980- och 2000-talet

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Korren är död. Länge leve korren. : Vad har hänt med utrikesjournalistiken på 20 år?

Foreign correspondence is essential for our understanding of the world and therefore it is paramount that we be aware of how it is affected by modern technology and altered economic conditions.In this study we set out to investigate the state of foreign correspondence today, in comparison to twenty years ago. More specifically we compared foreign news articles from a week in 1993 and the same week in 2013, in the Swedish newspapers Expressen and Dagens Nyheter. We chose these newspapers as we felt they each represented a different area of Swedish journalism, DN being a regular morning newspaper and Expressen being a tabloid newspaper.We looked mainly at three things in the articles: who was the writer, i.e. was the article by a correspondent, a news agency or someone else, what source was used and what part of the world was it about. We then made comparisons between both the different years and the different newspapers, as well as current and twenty years old lists of correspondents.According to the material we looked at there were some clear differences between foreign correspondence 1993 and 2013.

Nyanländas integrering i skolan : En studie om nyanländas integration i förberedelseklassen

The intention of this paper was to study the integration between the students from the introductory class, and the students from a regular class. The school we studied called Arlanda Gymnasium. Where we did a study on what the municipality and the school makes for students at the school to be integrated with each other. And what the school does to achieve the educational goals set. We will also see if the school and the municipality meet and comply with criteria such as school work places.

Silverlight på Incordia AB

The purpose of this report is to outline the development of a dynamic Microsoft Silverlight application, which will be able to present products and be administered in a simple manner. The project has been carried out at Incordia AB, a company that specializes in e-commerce, situated in Helsingborg, Sweden. Although the Silverlight application is customized for a particular site, forMicro AB (an ongoing project at Incordia), the template and the classes that are used to manage information, are developed so that they can be used in future projects for Incordia AB..

Tegel tegel på väggen där : ett kulturhus i förändring

The culture center studied has gone from being organized by enthusiasts and ideals, to being institutionalized with a educational association responsible for the management. The questions discussed are ? how this change affects the active people in the house and what consequences these changes make for the institution of the house and for the regular management..

Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB

This master's thesis examines the possibilities of correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe.Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself.SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC.This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..

Fysiskt aktiva skolungdomar : En studie som belyser högstadielärares motivationsarbete

SummaryAim and research questionsThe purpose of the study is to examine how physical education (PE) teachers can work to increase young people?s interest in physical education but also physical activity in general.- How can PE teachers work to increase student?s interest in physical activity?- Does PE teachers believe that the student?s interest for sports is achieved according to the educations curriculum and in that case, how?- What problems can PE teachers encounter in their efforts to get young people motivated for physical activities during PE classes?MethodPrior to implementation of the study i reviewed on a lot of past research and got interested about the problem with unmotivated students. After this I looked for different theories that I could use for my study and settled with the KASAM theory by Aaron Antonovsky. The method applied in this study was a qualitative interview method. The aim was to find out how teachers work to motivate their students to be physically active and wanting to participate in PE classes.

Specialpedagogik förr och nu : Tre stockholmsskolors specialpedagogiska arbetssätt

AbstractThis paper is about the organisation of the special needs education in three nine-year compulsory schools in Stockholm and the pedagogical thoughts and theories that underlie these organisations. The main purpose of the paper was to investigate whether the special needs education of these schools should be interpreted in accordance with a segregating or an including view on integration as these perspectives are presented by the Norwegian professor Peder Haug. In addition to this I also wanted to investigate if there were any historical arguments in favour of one or another of these perspectives that were still being put forward in today?s debate.The methods that I used were a study of literature regarding special needs education and interviews of a qualitative character with three special educationalists and a special teacher that were working on three different nine-year compulsory schools in Stockholm.The result of the study shows that a big part of the special needs education of the schools that I visited can be interpreted in accordance with the segregating view on integration.The organisation of the special needs education of the three schools differed slightly from school to school but the common trait was that the largest part of this work took place outside of the student?s regular classroom and sometimes outside of the scheduled school day.Two of the schools had special groups where students that were believed to have a need of special education got some, or their entire schooling. That the schools chose to build a big part of their special needs education upon solutions that should be regarded as segregating was motivated on the basis of an effect oriented view on education.

För mig är mobbning rädsla, ensamhet men framför allt osäkerhet : flickor och pojkars syn på mobbning

AimThe aim of this study was to examine the views on bullying in the context of physical education among pupils studying at intermediate level through a gender perspective.The following questions where used in the examination.In what ways does the views on bullying differ between girls and boys?How is bullying manifested during classes in physical education?How do girls and boys experience cross-gender and same-gender bullying?MethodThe study is based upon a survey with questions of both quantitative and qualitative disposition. A total of 210 pupils from areas in and around Stockholm participated in the study, all studying at intermediate level. The participants consisted of 92 girls and 116 boys (two declined). The selection of participating schools where made out of convenience.

Dömd eller bedömd? : en studie om bedömning av de nationella proven ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the national tests seen from the teacher?s perspective. The national tests are performed in the Swedish school, classes 3, 5, 9, and the upper secondary school (gymnasiet). There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and grading for a long time and it is of high interest now more than ever. The last control assessment done in 2009 by the department of school inspections on the order of the Swedish government, showed big differences between the assessments done by the teachers, and the assessments completed by the department of school inspections.

Elevers värderingar av föräldramedverkan i grundskolan. : En enkätundersökning

AbstractParental participation is something that is included in school either we like it or not. Several studies have been done about this phenomena but not many of them have examined the pupils estimation about parental participation. Therefore did we get interested about the pupils situation because why haven?t almost anyone asked the pupils about this phenomena when it?s constructed fore them? To learn more about the pupils estimation did we a questionnaire in twelve different classes with children in the ages between 10-16 years. The results we got from the questionnaire concerning the pupils estimation about parental participation were both expected and unexpected.Keywords: Parental participationQuestionnairePupil estimation.

Aktiesammanställare med teknisk analys och simulation

Websites today only offer simpler form of technical analysis and are not fun to use, therefore student decided to build a website that makes technical analysis a bit more fun by giving user possibility to experiment with settings for technical indicators and also see clear visible results from analysis. Student decided to build website in ASP.NET. Technical indicators for this project only consist of those who give buy and sell-signals via cross-over, no divergence or pattern finding.This project has three questions that define this project. It?s important that there is good functionality so that performing an analysis is perceived as simple, one question is therefore; what functionality for website is needed in order for analysis to be perceived as more simple?Technical analysis is a pretty complex subject and demands an interface that is perceived as easy to understand and easy to use, it?s therefore important that the interface is well designed, second question is therefore; how should the interface be designed to be user-friendly?When systems grow large they often become hard to develop and later on unmaintainable because of the accumulated complexity and dependency between classes, the code is a mess, the last question is therefore; how can the systems complexity be eased with object-oriented design principles?Jakob Nielsens ten heuristics for User Interface Design were used as inspiration for designing the interface for the website.

Risken för spridning av röta vid förröjning i granskog i södra Sverige :

Root rot causes large economical losses for Swedish forestry. The spread of root rot can partly be prevented by treating the spruce stumps in thinnings. Late pre-commercial thinning (PCT) is one of the forestry measures where stump treatment is not used. Late PCT can be defined as: The act of cleaning the stand with the aim of improving accessibility and sight within the stand, and so to increase the mean stem´s volume during the first conventional thinning. The aim of this study was to examine how late PCT is performed, its spatial extent and if it aids the spreading of root rot. The study was limited to encompass late PCT before first conventional thinnings in spruce stands in southern Sweden. Samples of spruce stumps were taken from four stands where late PTC had been carried out.

MoPho -enkla lösningar för SMS och MMS

Our project is divided into two parts, one production and written report. The main focus was the production part, were we used PHP to create simple solution for handling SMS and MMS with direct communication with the mobile operator server. We communicate with sockets and can handle CIMD2 and MM7 protocol. To get our components easy to use we have created two classes to handle SMS and MMS. To demonstrate our technical platform we created a website were you can create an account.

Omvårdnadsrutiner för katt med astma

Feline asthma is a condition very similar to the respiratory disease affecting humans. It is causing, among other things, a constriction of the bronchial airways, an increase of mucus production and damage to, or erosion of, the epithelial membrane. The symptoms occur intermittently and do, in most cases, evolve during a long period of time. The aim of this essay was to investigate whether there are any nursing routines for feline patients with asthma in animal clinics and animal hospitals in Sweden, and if so, to compare similarities and differences. A literary study of research material also led to a suggestion of how to form a nursing routine for this type of patient.

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