

2538 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 38 av 170

Sambandet mellan projektering, skötsel och skötselnivåer : en studie kring tre allmännyttiga bostadsbolag i Göteborg

Rental rates and land prices have gone through substantial changes the last two decades. The prices have both gone up and down since 1990 but from 1995 to 2008 land prices increased with 272 percent and rental rates with 61 percent. What factors that have the largest impact on rental rates and land prices are hard to determine but factors that may affect the price are the desire to live in the countryside and the expected profitability in agriculture. Prices of products and inputs are factors that affect the profitability in agriculture, but the profitability is also affected by agricultural policies. The economic for Swedish agriculture have changed several times over the last 20 years as a result of changing agricultural policies.The agricultural policies largely affect farmers behavior and decisions.

En SWOT-analys av en kommunal strategi för minskat växtnäringsläckage från jordbrukssektorn

Föreliggande uppsats är en analys av Norrköpings kommuns, och till viss del regionen Östergötlands, strategier och åtgärder för minskat växtnäringsläckage från jordbruksektorn. Jag använder mig av en modifierad SWOT-analys (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), för att ur ett kommunalt sammanhang ta fram styrkor och svagheter inom den kommunala organisationen och möjligheter och hot för densamma i en regional kontext. Analysen har belysts ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv i syfte att öka förståelsen för arbetet kring det nationella miljömålet"Ingen Övergödning"och de problem, implicit såväl som explicit, som kan dyka upp när naturvetenskap och samhällsvetenskap skall samordnas. Då en icke tvärvetenskaplig analys kan ha svårigheter att hantera de faktorer som inte kan eller innebär svårigheter att kvantifieras har denna tvärvetenskapliga analys stora möjligheter att hantera en sådan situation. Resultatet indikerar på att ett långsiktigt perspektiv måste antas och att detta kräver att den kommunala samordningen mellan rollerna som myndighet, verksamhetsutövare och organisation ökar.

Bevissäkring och proportionalitetsprincipen : - 45 kap. 7 § SFL

Sverige har alltid uttalat ett starkt stöd till Förenta Nationerna, FN. I den allmänna debatten har det på senare tid dock handlat om att Sveriges och i-ländernas allt mindre deltagande i FN-ledda missioner gör att FN:s insatser tappar i trovärdighet och legitimitet. För att se om det finns fog för kritik om minskat deltagande i FN-ledda insatser i Sveriges internationella freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete, så undersöks i denna uppsats om Polisens utlandsstyrkas deltagande i internationella insatser har förändrats över tiden 2001-2011. I uppsatsen undersöks även hur Sveriges uttalade policy om stöd för FN samspelar med vad som sedan implementeras i praktiken genom regeringens uppdrag till den svenska polisen. De som förvaltar och genomför regeringens beslut på området är Polisens Utlandssektion och dess utlandsstyrka.

Kinas säkerhet : en studie av hur Kina hanterar regionala utmaningar

Kinas säkerhet - En studie av hur Kina hanterar regionala utmaningarDen regionala stabiliteten i Sydostasien präglas av Kinas tydliga dominans. Kinas strävan att bibehålla regional stabilitet kännetecknar den kinesiska utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken. För Kina är ett stabilt närområde en viktig grundpelare i sin strävan mot att fortsätta sin ekonomiska tillväxt och öka sitt regionala och på sikt även globala inflytande. Ett stabilt närområde är dessutom en förutsättning för att Kina ska kunna öka sitt engagemang i områden bortom sitt närområde.Denna uppsats analyserar Kinas syn på sin säkerhet i sitt närområde, och hur denna uppnås och bibehålls. Genom en jämförande studie där Burma och Nordkorea tjänar som tämligen olika referensstater används ett realistiskt teoretiskt perspektiv för att förklara Kinas ageranden och val av strategi.Resultatet visar ett Kina som tydligt strävar efter att påverka sin omgivning på ett sätt som säkerställer säkerhet och ekonomisk tillväxt.

Ett salt i kulturdebatten : Mångbottnade berättelser om Stockholms stadsteater

Stockholms stadsteater (Stockholm?s city theatre) is a public theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. During the last ten years, the theatre has increased its audience by 40 percent, has been called a ?success story? by culture politicians in Stockholm as well as others in the cultural field, and is today the largest theatre in the Nordic countries. At the same time, there is a recurring debate, primarily in the national morning papers? culture sections, concerning Stockholms stadsteater.

Humana svenskar och främlingsfientliga danskar? - en studie i svensk medierepresentation av dansk migrationspolitik

The aim of this thesis is to study how Denmark and the Danish people has been represented in the Swedish press and which images of them that appears. For this purpose I make use of discourse analysis and discourse theory. By analysing three cases were the debate about the Danish migration policy has been scrutinized in Swedish newspapers I seek to discover different ways of looking at the world. The study concentrates on the descriptions made by journalists and others who contribute to the debate in the media. The results show an image of the Danes as a people reluctant to foreigners and restrictive in their politics.

Hänsyn till mark och vatten vid slutavverkning : en fältstudie på känsliga marker

The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is enough consideration taken to sensitive forest areas close to water or wetlands during clear cutting assignments, and to estimate the extent of damage made by forestry machines used at that time. A field and literature study is used to show how to improve and prevent the damage made in the wake of the machines. This study is made for Sydved, and shall culminate in a policy to prevent ground damage during their clear cutting assignments. The areas which were part of the field studies were clearcuttings on fine grained soil close to water and wetlands. The purpose was to find out if the water had been affected, what had been done to prevent ground damages and what more could have been done. The results of the field studies show that more work needs to be done to reach up to expectations. More information about the assignment area, better planning of sensitive regions, and strengthening of the main haul roads with brush are some of the improvements that can be done. There is also a need for more exact guidelines, follow-ups and education for everyone involved to have the same goals and understanding to prevent ground damage..

SwiftSense Wardrobe

Addressing increasing global environmental problems requires greater resource efficiency, and one way of working towards this is through industrial symbiosis. Industrial symbiosis means that companies collaborate through sharing of resources for collective benefits. The documented benefits of working with industrial symbiosis indicate that there is potential for companies to operate commercially with facilitation of industrial symbiosis. An interesting company to study within this context is Econova. Econova operates within the recycling and gardening industry and has been identified as a possible catalyst for industrial symbiosis.

90-talskrisens effekter p? syssels?ttningsstrukturen f?r Lund och Malm?

The employment structure consists of different sectors, whose share of the total employment rate is all part of an economic structural conversion according to this thesis applied theoretical approach. A structural conversion, which consist of recurring crises, such as the financial crises in the early 1990s. This crisis and its effect on the Swedish economy is well-documented, while the shortage regarding the effect on a smaller scale, in a local and regional context, provides this thesis purpose. More specifically, a comparison between the two neighbouring towns of Malm? and Lund, will constitute the local contexts in this research.

Socialbidrag : Att vara fattig i Sverige

This essay analyses the national standard for maintenance aid and if it´s compatible with the standards set in the government mould.As new-liberal ideas get more scope in the Swedish policy the analyses focus consisted in seeing about the social contribution been changed, and if the standards in the government mould have lost their worth.The national standard is not edified on the basis of subsistence levels, but becomes paradoxical when numbers of welfare recipients is the measure used in order to measure poverty, concurrent as the government mould aims to protecting every citizen?s welfare.The study analyses a type of society that has emerged during a period of time. In a normative analysis concepts are set in relation to each other where, the analysis presents standards that are vague. If the standards in the government mould are presented as something valuable and get their worth back in the policy, perhaps also the citizen´s in Sweden change attitude to poverty and welfare contribution.   Social- liberalism justifies social contribution and the welfare State, while new-liberalism has other opinions about what redistribution should contain.

Ingen rök utan eld - Handelseffekter av EU: s tobakspolitik

This thesis examines the impact that the Euoropean Agricultural Policy has had on the tobacco regime during the years from the start of the Common Market Organization for Tobacco in 1970 til the days of today. The Truman method has been employed to estimate the degree of change of trade creation or trade diversion on the domestic market and also on the worldmarket. From these facts an analysis has been made to investigate how and if a new reform of the CMOT will affect the European tobacco market. Through the CMOT, the European Commission has tried to rise the quality level and the prices of raw tobacco growing in Europe. The european market value for tobacco has been rising and a marginal grade of of trade creation within the union and a grade of trade diversion to third countries has been shown since the implementation of the tobacco regime.

Gränslös regional utveckling : En aktörsstudie om målsättningar och styrning på regional planeringsnivå

SammanfattningI dagens samhälle har kunskap blivit alltmer användbart och viktigt för organisationer. Kunskap anses idag vara en värdefull ekonomisk resurs för att organisationen ska kunna utvecklas och konkurrera med andra. Företag idag möter många utmaningar och därmed ökar behovet av kompetenta och motiverade medarbetare. Allt fler uppgifter utförs av grupper istället för individer och samarbete blir ett viktigt inslag. Kunskapsöverföring är avgörande för kunskapsuppbyggnad, organisationens lärande och resultat.

På vilka sätt kan stakeholders påverka EU? : En jämförelse av stakeholders påverkan på EU:s GMO policy och på ramdirektivet för vatten

How stakeholders can influence EU in global environmental politics and what consequences and risks this brings are heavily debated. Some scholars argue that civil society are being disenfranchised from the global political arena while others seem to find them having influence in areas where they normally shouldn´t have any influence. In this this paper I will compare the Europan Union policy on GMOs with the process in producing the Water Framework Directive using an analytical framework to study the level of stakeholder influence. Following the framework I will use two types of data namely NGO participation and Goal attainment. The data once summarized will be analyzed by using the methods of process-tracing and counterfactual analysis.My conclusions regarding both cases are that stakeholders, most notably, were able to influence policymaking in EU by using the internal revisions and by networking in smaller partnerships.

Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries

The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.

Romers rätt till politisk delaktighet och inflytande i Sverige : en diskursorienterad policyanalys av artikel 15 i Ramkonventionen

The aim of this essay is to study the decision making process and implementation of the principle of political participation and influence for Roma minority in Sweden. The results regarding the decision making process is structured through a discourse influenced policy analyses. Problem picture and recommended measures in the political documents representing the decision making process are analysed through theories of minority rights and equality. The implementation is seen through, by the author given minority discourse and the work in the roma council and analysed by the same theories already mentioned.The results show that regarding the decision process the aim of art.15 in the framework convention is based on the idea of equality while the Swedish documents relates more to an idea of the right to speak for the group. Regarding recommended measures, the framework convention gives several recommendations on specific measures for political participation while the Swedish documents focuses on the general politics of the state.

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