

2527 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 2 av 169

Regionen - Räddningen för utflyttningskommuner? En analys av regiondiskursen i två kommuner i Västernorrland

The analysis of regional development and the formation of Regional policy have experienced an increasing importance in Europe and in Sweden during the last decades. There is a widespread assumption that the increasing significance of regions is due to the diminishing role of the nationstate in the era of globalization. This essay suggests that there is a hegemonic discourse, heavily relying on the assumptions of New Regionalism, when addressing regional building. Sometimes described as an ideology, New Regionalism, which is derived from research of successful regions, is based on the assumption that regional competitiveness and autonomy creates economic growth. The Committee on Public Sector Responsibilities (Ansvarskommittén) suggests that Sweden requires new regional structure, due to the increasing expenditures facing the welfare state.

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förändringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförändringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Myten om partnerskapet: Om institutioner, rationaliserade myter och regionala tillväxtprogram

The overarching goal of this paper is to explain the intensive occurrence of partnerships ? regarded as a specific organizational structure ? in the formulation and implementation of Regional Growth Programs.By using theoretical concepts from new institutionalism, the paper tries to examine the explanatory capacity of this theory in the specific case of partnerships. The basis is a skeptical stance towards the conventional interpretation that views partnerships as rational organizational tools. Hence, the purpose of the paper is also to compare our own institutional explanation with the conventional.The paper finds that the occurrence of partnerships can be understood as the effect of an intensive institutional pressure. The government has, in what we regard as the institution for regional development, prescribed the partnership as a rational solution ? a rationalized myth - to the regional growth problem.

67,44 miljoner skäl till demokrati : En studie av processerna i EU-finansierade projekt

In a global context the traditional democratic process is facing new challenges. Scholars are talking about a transition from government to governance, where local and regional networks as well as international collaboration are an important part in how Regional policy is produced and implemented. In this paper the processes in regional projects funded by the European Union are considered, and related to the traditional democratic process. The study has been fulfilled through informant interviews with representatives from four EU-projects. The interviews are supplemented by a qualitative text analysis of current statutes.

Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen

The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.

Pedagogers undervisning om regional identitet

Examensarbetet undersöker hur och varför geografilärare på gymnasiet tar upp frågor om region och regional identitet i allmänhet, och i synnerhet med koppling till Öresundsregionen. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fem pedagoger. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att begreppet region används i stor utsträckning i undervisningen. Regional identitet används däremot inte i lika stor utsträckning som begrepp men finns med som innebörd. Undersökningen visar även att pedagogerna är väl medvetna om elevers vardag och hur de använder sig av den.

Var går gränsen? : En argumentationsanalys om den regionala identitetens betydelse i den nya regionindelningen

The aim of the study is to examine different statements for and against regional identity in the research of the new organisation of the Swedish society. The aim is also to observe in what extend the Swedish committee of responsibility has had an awareness of the identity politics in its effort to improve the presumptions for the new, successful regional division.The questions are:1. In which ways do the opinions of the participant of the work of the committee of responsibility, coincide and differ when it comes to the importance of the regional identity in the case of a new regional division?2. How has the committee of responsibility worked on development of consciousness and mobilisation for the creation of the regional identity in its final report?A method called the argumentation analysis was used in this study.

Stigberoende och spelmatriser : Varför har landstinget i Värmland valt att ansöka om att få gå ihop med Region Västra Götaland?

The aim of this study is to try to explain the process using both an actor driven perspective as well as a structural perspective examining the reasons why the County Council of Värmland wants to merge with Region Västra Götaland. The answers to the following research questions are sought to shed light on the problem: What constrained the discretion of  the political actors in the choice of region to merge with? Which role did  different political actors play? Does the study provide Game Theory, from Rational Choice theory,  and Path Dependency, from Historic Institutionalism, a new perspective and strength especially  when bringing them together? The study is limited to two policy areas, health care and regional development policy. The structural background is drawn upon the Annual Report 2008 of the County Council Värmland, the Regional Development Program and Regional Transport Infrastructure Plan 2010-2021 by Region Värmland. The chronological order of decisions and events is drawn upon protocols from various regional political organs all linked to the municipal of Värmland and the correspondence between the officials of Värmland?s municipal and the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of the State.

Har muren fallit? En studie av policynätverk inom infrastrukturprocessen i Skåne

The creation of Region Skåne, and the transfer of the development responsibility from the national administrative country board (Länsstyrelsen) has given the state new challenges. New structures have grown between Region and State, and also between different municipalities. These can be characterized as Policy-networks, and the goal of this study is to analyze the planning process of the regional infrastructure with these theories.This is a qualitative study of the infrastructure process in Skåne, and the actors that acts within this process. It has been studied with the eyes of the theories of Governance and Policy-networks. The main method to collect material has been through interviews with different actors within the process, and very little written material has been used.

Hoten mot länsstyrelsen - En analys av dess agerande i en föränderlig omgivning

The purpose with this master thesis is to analyze how the Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) acts in an environment that changes fast with more regional actors than ever before. There are also proposals regarding new public authorities and eventually a reduction of the Swedish County Administrative Board.By studying a report issued by the Board in December 2005 the aim is to find their intentions and actions for the future. By using three diverse theoretical concepts - the public organisation, the instrumental perspective and two separate perspectives from new institutionalism - the expectation is that I will have the possibility to analyze the intentions of the organisation in many different ways.In this case study I also want to take into consideration the central discourses in the regional debate, shall we decentralize or shall we keep on having a strong state even in the future? What kind of Regional policy does the Swedish County Administrative Board prefer?The result shows that the Swedish County Administrative Board struggles for a strong state even in the future, but it does not propose any huge changes. In many ways it seems like they act as they are supposed to - as an instrument for the government - but despite that it is obvious that the Swedish County Administrative Board tries to show that it has the traditions and knowledge.

Svenska partiernas invandrarpolitiska åtgärder ? assimilering eller integrering? : En undersökning om de fem äldsta partiernas idéer om invandrarpolitik från 1960- till 2010-talet

The aim of this study was to describe, analyze and compare the Left Party?s, the Social Democratic Party?s, the Liberal People?s Party?s and the Moderate Party?s ideas on immigration policy from 1960-2010. In this study the immigration policy program or party program was analyzed through idea analysis to find out what immigration policy interventions they have come with, and if they want to assimilate or integrate immigrants. Materials used for the study are the immigration policy programs and party programs. Even scientific journals and articles have been used, in both national and international level.

EU:s utvidgning mot öst - Regional integration och FDI

Syftet med denna uppsats är att granska effekterna av regional integration på FDI hos de länder som blev medlemmar i EU 2004 samt 2007. Utifrån teori gällande sambandet mellan regional integration och FDI, analyseras empirisk data över stock och flöden av FDI till de nya medlemsländerna i syfte att utreda förekomsten av investeringsalstring och/eller investeringsomfördelning inom denna integration av typen öst-väst där det råder stora skillnader i inkomstnivå mellan medlemsländerna. Analysen visar att FDI till de nya medlemsländerna, både från andra medlemsländer och tredje land, har ökat till följd av ländernas medlemskap i EU. Mätt i absolutvärde kan det konstateras att FDI från andra medlemsländer är avsevärt mycket större än FDI från tredje land. Vidare har de nya medlemsländerna upplevt investeringsalstring och investeringsomfördelning från andra medlemsländer samt investeringsomfördelning där FDI från EU15 flyttar från tredje land till de nya medlemsländerna.

Nödvändigt men inte tillräckligt : En studie om sambanden mellan infrastruktur och regional utveckling

Nilsson, Johan (2007) Nödvändigt men inte tillräckligt ? En studie om sambanden mellan infrastruktur och regional utveckling. [Necessary but not sufficient ? a study about the connections between infrastructure and regional development]D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografiHandledare: Bo MalmbergSpråk: SvenskaKORTFATTAD SAMMANFATTNINGUppsatsens syfte är att återge diskussionerna kring de påstådda sambanden mellan infrastruktur och regional utveckling samt att undersöka om sådana samband finns. Teorierna grundar sig på konvergens och divergens samt hypoteser kring nätverk.

Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar

This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-national actors now function on a complex arena where the nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.

Hur långt bär cykeln? : Gång och cykling i Västerbottens län - en studie av pågående arbete med regional gång- och cykelplanering

The craft of planners are planning for a better future. Knowledge about climate change, environment, health and availability effects the trend towards less car dependent societies in favour of public transport and active transport like walking and biking. This study takes place in Västerbotten, one of Sweden?s most north provinces with a population of 260 000 inhabitants. It is a sparsely populated area with two dominant cities, the other municipalities are largely unpopulated.

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