

1431 Uppsatser om Region Gotland - Sida 46 av 96

Övergången från natur till kultur

Göbekli Tepe is an 11000 year old religious center where Totem has been exercised. It was raised by megalithic hunters and collectors that still during the construction lived in small-scaled mobile groups in order to find food and therefore should not have had time to raised costly stone monuments. The religious center consists of four enclosures with two T-pillars decorated with pictures of different animals and birds. Any dwellings have not been found. The place has been constructed by a well-organized elitist organization that has been capable of raising constructions in order to exercise their religion in a way we did not thought was possible such a long time ago. Analysis and findings from the near east existing from this time shows however that social changes happen in the communities around the region. Can archeological finding from the excavations on the religious center give any answer or clue regarding how man came to develop from hunter and collector to farmer? Do the findings reveal that the religion has changed Mans way to think and organize so that she was prepared to introduce the agriculture that occurs? The aim of thesis is to clarify whether Göbekli Tepe has played any role in the complex origin of agriculture..

Etablering av köpcentra i Värmland : - med exemplet Töcksfors Shopping center

AbstractDuring the year 2005, a more and newer models of trade as shopping malls has been established in Värmland. Trough media (Wermlands the newspaper, Tvärsnytt) we have been able to follow the development of trade establishments as happened in the county, for example the establishment of Olav Thons Shopping center in Töcksfors. The aim and issues as then arisen in this study is part's why economic activities as shopping center increases precisely in Värmland, part's factors that governs the premise ice ring of a shopping center, were Töcksfors shopping center is functioned as an example, part's if shopping centers is a part of Värmland's new tourist activity? Through depth interviews with the region manager Urban Svanberg on Swedish business communities, the centre manager Helene Rödseth on Töcksfors shopping centre and the county tourist manager Monica Karlsson on Värmland's tourist council, some cultural geographic premise ice teories has been showed. For example this study has shown that trade in Värmland has been given birth to new trades in the county..

Belastningsskador vid montering : Påverkan på svensk tillverkningsindustri och hur effektivt förebyggande kan bedrivas

AbstractAccording to research made by Statistics Sweden on the members of the labor union IF Metall the number of reported musculoskeletal disorders for employees working under the collective bargaining agreement for the automotive industry has almost doubled since 2003. During 2004- 2006 and 2008 male assembly workers were the occupational group with the highest amount of reported work related disorders in Sweden. To prevent musculoskeletal disorders is according to Rose and Orrenius important both for the individual, the society and the industry by reducing economic and personal costs. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze how the manufacturing industry is affected by musculoskeletal disorders that occur when working with line assembly and how companies can prevent them. The report aims to provide the reader with an understanding of what musculoskeletal disorders are, to which extent they occur in assembly, how companies are directed by laws and regulations and how they affect the Swedish manufacturing industry and their employees.

Kan gullstånds hålla stånd?- återinventering av Senecio paludosus i Kristianstad Vattenrike 2012

Botanist Kjell-Arne Olsson inventoried the plant fen ragwort Senecio paludosus 1983 in Scania andfound a big number of locations within Biosphere Reserve Kristianstad Vattenrike. In 2012, a reinventoryof the 1983 survey was carried out to study whether there has been any change in the fenragwort population in Kristianstad Vattenrike since the last inventory. The results show that therehas been no overall change in the number of fen ragwort in Kristianstad Vattenrike, on certainpremises they have increased in number while in others they have fallen. However, the inventoryshows that almost half of the locations with fen ragwort have disappeared during the same period.The main reason for this is that fen ragwort did not manage to competitive with other vegetation,taking in consideration this has been smaller premises with young plants. In addition to competitionother factors such as prolonged high water, grazing and caterpillars from Tyria jacobaeaecontributed to the decrease.

Arkitektur i Mayariket : en jämförelse mellan Palenque och Tikal

The classical age cities of Palenque and Tikal where ones great Mayan bastions with extraordinary architecture.  This architecture still fascinates modern archaeologies and historians alike. Still much of the architecture in the Mayan cities had the same style and function, but could diverse from town to town. This is the case of Palenque and Tikal. They share much of their buildings like temples, palaces and ball courts.

Gemensamt arbete inom IT mellan kommuner ? fördelar och nackdelar. En fallstudie på Göteborgsregionens kommuner

We are currently in the midst of the current information revolution and it is increasinglyimportant to allocate and utilize the resources spent on IT. To accomplish this, one solutioncould be to work together with IT. For municipalities, this can be a complicated process whenyou are dependent on the resources that are given and subject to laws regarding procurement,this places great demands on the Swedish municipalities.One solution could be to work collaboratively with IT across municipal borders, this studyexamines the advantages and disadvantages of this. The study was conducted using interviewand survey of various municipalities in the Gothenburg region. The study shows that there isjoint work across municipal boundaries but that communication sometimes fails, this provesamong other things that some communities feel they have a partnership with a municipality,while the other sees that they have no partnership.With the results from the study are discussed and problematized the current conditions thatexist between the municipalities today, and how they could change.

En studie av fyra kommuners måldokument gällande den offentliga kulturverksamheten med fokus på biblioteksverksamheten

The aim of this study has been to explore local cultural policy documents in some municipalities in the geographical region of Västra Götaland. Do the municipalities have these kinds of documents for their local cultural activities, and how are they designed? These are questions which the study has focused on. The study has been concentrated on the library activity in the local cultural policy documents. The research has been a comparative one.

Planering och Målstyrning : En nulägesanalys av ett markdistrikt inom Skanska

This report is a result of a diplomawork in construction engineering.The goal of this thesis is to highlighthow the work with planning andperformance management is done in theprojects at the Swedish buildingcontractor Skanska Väg & anläggning,region Stockholm/Mälardalen, districtMark Stockholm North, compared toSkanska?s policies.The comparison was made with focus onfive tools for productivity. The toolsare as follow: broken-down schedule,work sets, visual control, performancemanagement/progress monitoring and bestpractice.The study showed that the usage of thedifferent tools varied both within andbetween the different projects.Practically none of the projects whereusing the tools progress monitoring andbest practice, mostly due to fewoperations being applicable. The worksets are now mostly documented, but theyare rarely followed up. Performancemanagement is somewhat inconsequentialfor the moment, but during 2011 targetsheets will be introduced, withtemplates for setting up targets.Scheduling is one of the most importantworks regarding planning.

Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

Kartläggning och analys av tjänsteprocessen i IKEA-varuhus ur kundens perspektiv

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

Effekter av intranasalt Fentanyl i prehospital akutsjukvård

Akut smärta är det vanligast förekommande symtom som den prehospitala akutsjukvården ställs inför. Behandlingsriktlinjerna presenterar intranasalt Fentanyl som ett alternativ för akut smärtlindring. Då det finns ett begränsat utbud av studier utförda på vuxna och inom prehospital akutsjukvård var syftet med studien att beskriva effekter av intranasal administrering av Fentanyl i prehospital akutsjukvård. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod och med en retrospektiv, deskriptiv design. Studien baserades på en granskning av 15 patientjournaler från Ambulanssjukvården i Region Halland och deras journalsystem Paratus.

Lina myr - från våtmark till myrodlingslandskap : En studie om utveckling och ideologier om myrmarken med fokus på tidsperioden mellan 1920 och 1960

Denna studie belyser maktspelet mellan konkurrerande intressen om landskapet, där olika idéer och ideologier men framförallt diskursiva maktförhållanden har en framträdande roll. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för moderniseringen i det svenska landskapet, genom att beskriva och analysera förändringarna i markanvändning avseende våt- och myrmarker, med ett tidsfokus mellan ca. 1920-talet till 1960- talet. En fallstudie specifikt av Lina myr på Gotland avses genomföras, inklusive en diskursanalys av debatten mellan jordbruket och naturskyddet, med stöd i gotländska dagstidningar.[1]I studien ses det rationella jordbruket med ekonomiska drivkrafter tydligt dominera naturvårds-intressen, men visar också på en perspektivförskjutning mot naturskyddet över tid. Studien visar att och hur människors olika idéer och värderingar av landskapet haft stor betydelse för moderniseringens fortskridande samt att och hur det sociala landskapet kunnat ha en avgörande inverkan på det lokala utfallet i landskapet - med den diskursiva maktordningen ständigt närvarande.

Vindkraftens påverkan på lokalsamhället : en fallstudie

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a local community, and those who dwell within its borders, are affected when a large scale windmill park is planned in its immediate vicinity. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted semi structured interviews to gather empirical data. The study took place in a small Swedish village named Svartnäs, situated in the region Dalarna.I have used the concept of community as a symbolic construction (Cohen 1984), that together with the theory of structuration (Giddens 1984) and the notion of expert system (Giddens 1996) served as my main theoretical perspectives.Even though the windmill park is not built yet, its impact on the people and the local community of Svartnäs has been considerable. In the traces of the new windmill park new options and constraints, that will play an important role in the lives of the people who dwell in Svartnäs, are arising. The windmill project is enlarging old conflicts and is creating a divided village.

Äldreomsorgen i framtiden : om generationers erfarenheter och föreställningar

Author: Nancy Haglund & Liselotte IvarssonTitle: Care of older people in the future, about generations experiences and conceptions          [Translated title].Assessor: Jan Petersson This study examine generations in three different age?attitudes towards elderly care in the future. Today there is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning the care of older people. The main focus in the debate is that there is cut down on personnel and resources in the care of the elderly. We have focused on the Kalmar region, since our intention is not to compare with other regions.

Konkurrenssituationen fo?r den svenska morotsbranschen :

The Swedish carrot market is dominated by a few big companies and three of them stands for 50 % of the market. During the last twenty years the number of growers has decreased, the area and the harvest have increased. The big producers have invested in advanced and expensive postharvest equipment that fulfils the high standards of the food industry. Few carrot producers are members of an organisation and they keep contacts with there buyers one by one. The buyers are mostly wholesalers and these have during a long period of time decreased the number of suppliers.

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