

1431 Uppsatser om Region Gotland - Sida 3 av 96

Den gotländska Stridsyxekulturen : migration, interaktion eller regionalitet?

This one-year master's thesis investigates the late part of the Middle Neolithic on the island of Gotland. This thesis has been written without the influence of a singular theoretical pespective, and has therefore seen input from the processual, and postprocessual theories. By using several perspectives, an attempt is made to view the material remains used in the most objective manner possible. The specific aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the Mid-Neolithic inhabitants of Gotland were a part of the Corded Ware culture (or as it is called in Sweden, the Battleaxe culture or the Boataxe culture). Most recent literature has concluded that Gotland was never a part of the Battlexe culture, though this thesis has discovered many parallels with the mainland culture, including the production of similar objects and ritual practices.

Havsnivåhöjningens påverkan på Gotlands kust och strandängar år 2100

Den globala havsnivåhöjningen är en direkt följd av den globala uppvärmningen ochkommer i framtiden påverka stora områden i kustregionen. Syftet med detta arbete äratt öka förståelsen samt se hur Gotlands strandängar samt kustområden kan påverkas avhavsnivåhöjningen år 2100 och se vilka eventuella följder detta kan leda till. Metodernasom har använts är GIS-analys och litteraturstudier. Höjdmodeller med olika upplösningjämfördes även för att undersöka vilka som lämpar sig till en liknande analys införframtida studier. Resultatet visar att vid en havsnivåhöjning på 1 m kommer 97 % avstrandängarna försvinna och vid en havsnivåhöjning på 2 m försvinner 99 % av degotländska strandängarna.

Attitudes towards the Region of Öresund among transnational work commuters

This study is concerned with the region of Öresund and the aspects of work commuting in particular. The purpose is to investigate attitudes and opinions towards the region among work commuters and then apply them to various theories relevant for the questioning, such as globalization, regionalization, ethnicity, nationalism, culture and identity. To investigate the attitudes towards the region we have done a number of interviews with commuters, using qualitative and semi-structured questions. The analysis is divided into three different parts; In Body and in Mind, Us and Them, the Future; and consists of a discussion of our informants? answers related to the theoretical aspects of the earlier mentioned theories.

De stenbundna skeppen i tra?dens skugga : En studie kring skeppsformade monument fra?n yngre bronsa?lder pa? O?land

Ship formed monuments from the Late Bronze Age on the island of O?land, southeast Sweden, have never been thoroughly dealt with in previous research, despite the fact that the region is suggested to have had a key-role in maritime trade networks. This thesis aims to address the ship formed monuments on O?land in relationship to the monuments in northern Sma?land and the island of Gotland. My goal is to discuss how the ship symbolism was practised during the Late Bronze Age in Scandinavia from a new perspective.

Den monetära utvecklingen under 1000-talet på Gotland

This paper deals with monetary development on Gotland during 11th century. The expectation is that by examining five different silver-hoards from various parts of the century it will be able to determine if there are any signs of monetary developments. By examining the silver-hoards weight and comparing the weight difference between the Coined silver, the fragmented coins and other silver objects, this paper determine which of these dominate the silver-hoards in 11thcentury. Apart from the weight comparison an accurate study of the degree of fragmentation on coins in the silver-hoards will give a detailed account on how the people of Gotland treated their coins, if they cut the coins into smaller pieces or if they handled them whole.Apart from the study of the silver-hoards there is a chapter on earlier research where the reader will acquire the knowledge to comprehend the other parts of the paper. Which include a theory chapter where the author discusses what factors need be in place for monetary development to commence and what monetary development imply.

Ekonomiska innovationer i den gotländska vindkraftsindustrin

Currently there is a controversial debate about that we must reduce our impact on the global warming; therefore both the Government and the local authorities have invested heavily in developing renewable energy in Sweden. The major development on the wind power market can be seen as a result of both the technological development and also on the decision that the Government took in 1996, which opened up the wind power market for private parties.This paper has aimed to examine the types of financial innovations that have arisen from the investments and financing of wind power on Gotland, and what these innovations can contribute to the future development of wind power.The problems that this thesis is based on is; what kind of financial innovations have occurred within investment and financing of wind power? How can these innovations contribute to the continued development of wind power on Gotland? The conclusion of this study shows that respondents and participants have defined a number of financial innovations that have emerged. Where some of the innovations only can be seen as incremental since they are based on continuous improvements, while others can be seen as radical as they are completely new for the context in which they operate. The study has also shown that Gotland has a great potential to produce more renewable electricity, but the development is dependent on the new power lines being built, in order to export electricity to the mainland..

Nio individer från Västra farleden : en osteologisk analys av nio individer från medeltida Västergarn, Gotland

Osteological examinations were executed on nine mediaeval individuals from Västergarn, Gotland, with the main aim to increase the knowledge about the people who lived there during the Middle Ages. A further aim was to compare the results from this study with other populations from the same time period, which in this case was the "Bonegathering" from Västergarn as well as previous osteological results from Sigtuna and Västerhus. Archaeological excavations have been occurring in Västergarn since 1971 and are still occurring in an educational purpose, for students of Gotland University. The age distribution of the individuals showed ages from 2 years old up to 44 years, with five adults and four children. The gender distribution show approximately five women and one man.

Vikingatida eller medeltida kammar i Västergarn? : en fallstudie av enkelkammarna funna vid Högskolan på Gotlands seminariegrävningar i Västergarn mellan åren 2006-2011

The University of Gotland has between the years 2006-2011 conducted seminar excavations in Västergarn parish, Gotland. During this time 167 comb fragments have been registered. Out of these are 51 of importance for this study, since they are defined as either a single-sided composite comb or a comb case. The purpose of this thesis is to enlighten the earliest period in the history of Västergarn by focusing on the earliest forms of combs and their cases. And as the title expresses do the combs date to the Viking Age or the Middle Ages? The combs from the excavations will be compared to different type schemes, both Viking Age and Middle Age and different places in Scandinavia such as Lund, Oslo, Lödöse and Gotland.

Kritpipor, tobak och Västergarn : historik och arkeologisk funktion

This essay represents a chronological and contextual analysis of clay pipes that have been found in the urban settlement of Västergarn during seminary excavations between 2006 ? 2012, conducted by Gotland University. Clay pipes can be dated closely and are useful means for dating and interpreting archaeological contexts from the early modern period, such as house foundations. There have been excavated four house foundations in Västergarn with different sorts of clay pipes dating to the post-medieval period. Can they tell which people used them or which country they were produced? By discussing the meaning of clay pipes in early modern society on Gotland this essay tries to answer these questions..

Kulturell, administrativ eller funktionell region?   : En analys av Region Skåne och Västra Götalandsregionen

The Swedish regions are new phenomena, from the start from the new regionalism which started in the 1980´s. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze Region Skåne and Västra Götalandsregionen to come to a conclusion which model of region they are and want to be by using theories of regional identity and identity of politics and see similarities and differences. My research question is: Which of cultural, administrative and functional region are Region Skåne and Västra Götaland striving to construct?   The methods I have used are qualitative text- and content analysis to analyze the regions, by using theories about regional identity and identity of politics. Furthermore, I am using some statistic from SOM-institutet to analyze the regional identity in the regions.   The result show that Region Skåne is constructing a cultural region, because of their strong regional identity and that the politicians are using identity of politics to combine the citizens.

Regionalisering i Sydöstra Sverige : En studie om: identitet, legitimitet och demokratisk förankring

The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of building a new region in the Southeast part of Sweden. The idea of a big south Swedish region is brand new; no former studies in this area have been done before. The main analytical focus of this study is legitimacy, identity and democratic credentials. The study has been carried out by interviews with several leaders in organizations working with the collaborations of the smaller regions in to the big region. The method of this study has been a single-case study and dialogue interviews.

Är kämpagravarna på Gotland ett tecken på tidig statsbildning? : ett försök till tolkning av gravfynd, stengrundshus, stensträngar och fornborgar

Jag har gjort en jämförande studie mellan utvecklingen i Danmark och utvecklingen på Gotland under romersk järnålder. Som underlag har jag framförallt använt Lotte Hedeagers avhandling Danmarks jernalder ? Mellem stamme og stat (Hedeager 1992) och Kerstin Cassels redovisning av det arkeologiska källmaterialet från Gotland i hennes avhandling Från grav till gård ? romersk järnålder på Gotland (Cassel 1998). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om Hedeagers slutsats att det etablerades en centralmakt med territoriell kontroll, en tidig stat, i Danmark redan i övergången mellan äldre och yngre romersk järnålder, även skulle gå att dra vad gäller Gotland baserat på det gotländska källmaterialet, och i så fall om detta kunde förklara uppkomsten av stengrundsbebyggelse och fornborgar. Jag har jämfört det arkeologiska källmaterialet från Danmark och Gotland avseende gravfynd och offerfynd, bebyggelseutveckling och landskapsutnyttjande samt vapenoffer och försvarsanläggningar.

"Inne" är att vara ute? : Användandet av utomhuspedagogik i tio mellansvenska skolor

Gotland is famous around the world for its unique nature. The agriculture here has always been an important source of income and part of the identity of the island. But today the profession has low status and hard to survive. How can the interest for farming be increased?Gotlandsgården is an investigation about how the agriculture could develop.

Hållbart Gotland : en kvalitativ studie om turismplanering och hållbar utveckling

Avsikten med denna uppsats var att undersöka och ta reda på vad hållbar turismutveckling innebär för Gotland och hur turism mer specifikt påverkar Gotlands arbete med att ernå en långsiktig och hållbar utveckling. Mina frågeställningar blev därför:1. Finns det en gemensam definition för hållbar turismutveckling på Gotland, och hur ser den då ut?2. Hur ser arbetet med att skapa en hållbar turismutveckling på destination ut mer specifikt?3. Är/utgör turismen och Stockholmsveckan ett potentiellt hot mot hållbar utveckling för destinationen i allmänhet?4. Om så, är detta något som destinationens aktörer och intressenter har tagit i beaktning och vilka åtgärder finns/görs för att motverka detta?För att besvara dessa frågor har jag genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie innehållande intervjuer och granskning av diverse litteratur inom ämnet. Informationen har sedan analyserats utifrån mina valda teoretiska utgångspunkter vilka bland annat behandlar hållbar turismutveckling med utgångspunkt ur ekonomisk, ekologisk och sociokulturell hållbarhet, såväl allmänt som specifikt för Gotland. Jag har bland annat kommit fram till att Gotland idag har en relativt god syn på vad det innebär att arbeta mot en hållbar turismutveckling, vilken även kan ses i deras utvecklingsprogram, arbeten och satsningar inom regionen.

A First Effort to Visualize Knowledge of a Region? A visualization of Öresund & Shenzhen in the perspective of Knowledge Innovation Zone

We have through our theoretical framework been able to create a simplified measuring tool for a KIZ; the S-TKL. We have found that the S-TKL is possible to implement on the Öresund Region but with some flaws. Even though the Öresund Region has implemented the mindset of a KIZ, accurate statistics are in some areas hard to find. We can also through our empirical findings say that it is difficult to use the S-TKL on Shenzhen. The data we have found gives a good indication of both of the regions.

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